KRZY wrote:
To them it looks like you took chatting rights away from them because they didn't agree with you. I am inclined to believe from my previous experiences that you do not care, but I would if I were you. Do correct me if I'm wrong, and I will be a happier man.
Here is the full log before I moderated the channel. Google translate may be bad, but I can understand the general flow of conversation, so decided to let things cool off:
SPOILER16:53 < phantasmaria> 근데 지금와서 생각하니 좀 아까움 핵으로 밴 당하면 저는 뭐가됨
16:53 < [Exit]> 리듬 히어로 베낀 게임아님?
16:53 < [Gothic]> ㅇㅇ
16:53 < [Gothic]> 솔직히
16:53 < [Gothic]> 이거 저작권신고하면
16:53 < [Exit]> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
16:53 < [Gothic]> 페피 거지됨 ㅋ
16:53 < [Exit]> 근데 뭐 어쨌든
16:53 -!- mode/#korean [+o m980|osu] by BanchoBot
16:53 < [Gothic]> 페피 좆 망 ㅋ
16:53 < [Exit]> 핵 의혹은 풀고 뭘 하든 해야지
16:53 <+BloodyLove> 마리아님이 나 밴하면 저작권드립한다고 하면 페피 무슨반응할까
16:53 < [Gothic]> ㅇㅇ
16:53 < [Exit]> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
16:53 < Soar> ..
16:53 < [Exit]> 핵쓴놈잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이럴듯
16:53 < [Gothic]> 랄까 우선
16:54 < phantasmaria> 헐 ㅇㅅㅇ
16:54 < [Gothic]> 인증영상부터 ㄱㄱ
16:54 < Soar> 그렇게되면
16:54 < [Exit]> 아니면 네이버 검색
16:54 < Soar> 햇더의심받음
16:54 < [Gothic]> 인증영상이 시급한듯
16:54 < Shana> 영상부터 찍어야할듯
16:54 < [Exit]> 인증하는데 왠 핵
16:54 < Soar> 아니
16:54 < [Exit]> 우리가 철저하게 영상을 찍자고요
16:54 < Soar> 저작권드립
16:54 < [Exit]> 날짜 시간 확실히 해서
16:54 < [Exit]> 1등 먹자마자
16:54 < [Exit]> 1등 먹은 시간을
16:54 < phantasmaria> 으... 어느게 좋을려나 아 씨... 긴곡들은 다 한지 오래되서 기억도 안나는데 미치겠네
16:54 < [Exit]> 영상에 남기면
16:54 < Soar> 저작권드립하면 오히려더의심한다는거..
16:54 < [Gothic]> ㅇㅇ
16:54 < [Gothic]> 페피도 뭐라 못함
16:54 < [Exit]> 장난으로 한 소리임
16:54 <+BloodyLove> 교주님//그냥 스펙 걸어서 찍으면 되지않나요
16:55 < phantasmaria> 지금 일단 쉬운거 영상 한개찍어봄
16:55 < [Exit]> 우리가?
16:55 < [Exit]> 아니
16:55 < phantasmaria> 스펙하실분은 하세요
16:55 < [Exit]> - _-
16:55 < [Gothic]> 블러디//그건 안되
16:55 < Shana> 스펙으론 모르죠
16:55 < [Exit]> 스펙이 문제가 아니라
16:55 < [Exit]> 글면
16:55 < [Exit]> 핵쓴지 안쓴지 모르잖음
16:55 < Shana> ㅇㅇ
16:55 < phantasmaria> 쟤 플레이 영상찍을거임
16:55 < [Exit]> ㅇㅇ
16:55 < phantasmaria> 스펙 하실분은 하시라구요
16:55 < Shana> 영상을 찍어야해요 카메라로
16:55 < [Exit]> 내가 스펙으로 인증해줌
16:55 < Shana> 실제플레이.
16:55 < phantasmaria> 쟤 실제 플레이 카메라로
16:55 < phantasmaria> 찍을거임
16:55 < [Exit]> 내가다 화가나네
16:55 < Shana> 행운을 빕니다.
16:55 < [Exit]> 어이가없어 페피
16:55 < Dark_Layer> 이런적이 한두번이 아니니 ㅡ..
16:55 < phantasmaria> 근데 일단 아이폰으로 동영상찍는법을 알아내야되네 아...
16:55 < phantasmaria> 기계치 돋네 나
16:55 < [Exit]> 그거있잖음
16:55 < Dark_Layer> 그냥 찍으면댐;;
16:55 < Shana> 아이폰이면 영상 찍는거 많지않나
16:55 < [Exit]> 사진기 기능에 있잖음
16:55 <+BloodyLove> 마리아//아이폰 가지고있으면 충전기 껴놓고 할때마다 찍어놓으세요
16:55 < [Exit]> 어플도있겠고
16:55 < Dark_Layer> 그냥 카메라 눌러서
16:56 < Dark_Layer> 오른쪽 아래보면
16:56 < [Exit]> 내가 가서 찍어줄까? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나디카있음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
16:56 < Dark_Layer> 카메라모드랑 사진모드 있음
16:56 < moneto> ㅋㅋㅋ
16:56 < Shana> 오 좋ㄷ겟다
16:56 < phantasmaria> 헐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
16:56 < [Exit]> 디카빌려줄까
16:56 < [Exit]> 동영상모드됨
16:56 < moneto> 집 가까워서 그런것도 가능하군
16:56 < [Gothic]> 아이폰3gs 면
16:56 < [Gothic]> 디카 추천
16:56 < phantasmaria> 일단 아이폰으로 찍어봄 지금 ㅋ
16:56 < Shana> 집가까워서 좋겟다
16:56 < [Exit]> ㅇㅇ
16:56 <+BloodyLove> 마리아님이랑 교주님 집 가까움?
16:56 < [Gothic]> 아이폰4 면
16:56 < [Gothic]> 아이폰4 추천
16:56 < [Exit]> 5분거리임
16:56 < Shana> HD돼니께
16:56 < phantasmaria> 아이폰 4임
16:56 < [Exit]> 굿
16:56 < [Gothic]> 아이폰4면
16:56 < Shana> 그럼 그냥그걸로찍어요
16:56 < [Gothic]> 디카필요없음
16:56 < [Exit]> 일단 시작
16:56 < [Gothic]> 화질 미친듯이 좋아
16:56 < Shana> 아이폰4면 디카없어도돼는디
16:56 < [Exit]> 근데 스펙켰는데 아무런 변화가 없어
16:56 < [Gothic]> ㅇㅇ
16:56 < [Gothic]> 나도 아이폰4
16:56 < [Gothic]> 화질 장난아님
16:56 < phantasmaria> 지금 동영상찍는법 찾는중이라 ㅋ
16:57 < [Exit]> 아니 학생들이 무슨 스마트폰이야
16:57 < [Gothic]> 카메라 들어가셔서
16:57 < Shana> 잘낫얻요ㅠㅠ 난 픽쳐폰임
16:57 < Dark_Layer> 아이폰 갖고프내 젭라
16:57 < yanclo> 어이쿠 잘못고름 ;;;
16:57 < [Gothic]> 우선
16:57 < [Gothic]> 카메라 들어가세요
16:57 < [Exit]> 난 코비
16:57 < [Exit]> 콜ㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹ비
16:57 < Dark_Layer> 난 안드로이드
16:57 < Shana> 난 쓰레기 ㅍ픽쳐폰
16:57 < Dark_Layer> 읭 ㅜ
16:57 < [Gothic]> 카메라 들어가시면
16:57 < phantasmaria> 들갔어요
16:57 < [Gothic]> 오른쪽 하단에
16:57 < [Gothic]> 카메라 모양하고
16:57 <+BloodyLove> 난 우월한 매직홀임 ㅇㅇ
16:57 < [Gothic]> 동영상 모양이 잇는데
16:57 < phantasmaria> 네
16:57 < [Exit]> 매직홀은 양산이잖아
16:57 <@ppy> !moderated on
16:57 < BanchoBot> Moderated mode has been enabled
16:57 <@ppy> seriously guys
16:57 <@ppy> you are taking this in the completely wrong direction
17:05 -!- Beuchi [Beuchi-chan@] has quit [quit]
17:07 -!- tmddlekt [치르노@] has left #korean []
17:07 -!- mode/#korean [+o m980|osu] by BanchoBot
17:09 -!- mode/#korean [+o m980|osu] by BanchoBot
17:15 -!- tmddlekt [치르노@] has joined #korean
17:15 -!- mode/#korean [+v tmddlekt] by BanchoBot
17:20 <@ppy> !moderated off
17:20 < BanchoBot> Moderated mode has been disabled
KRZY wrote:
3. Again, I see no incentive for phantasmaria not to admit that he cheated now, for all options left to him does not include the preservation of his scores.
I think it would be more about losing their name, and the trust of others.
KRZY wrote:
If you mean to suggest that my judgement of him for these past years have been wrong and I should trust you, the game master, more than him, then as you say, perhaps it is time I leave this game.
While this may sound horribly arrogant, you have it totally correct. If you really do not believe in me and cannot accept my judgement, then I believe a logical move is to leave. After all, if you don't trust me, you really shouldn't be running an app I made on your PC...
KRZY wrote:
This is just me getting personal because phantasmaria is a long friend of mine.
Understood. But also understand I do not get personal with my actions.
Mukku wrote:
Well osu! has auto login upon launching it so isn't it possible that someone else cheated while using Phantasmaria's computer or something like that?
No, I can assure you it was on their static IP address, on their account, using
their PC. I confirmed this once when adding them to the cheater list, and again last night just to make sure.