
Need help with skin tuning

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I customized a skin and my only problems are these: the after effect of finishing and obstacle and the little white dots inside the sliders along with their noises. It really bothers me and I want to my make my first skin my best so I would appreciate the help :)

windoe wrote:

the after effect of finishing

are your referring to hitlighting? you can disable this in Options. If that's not it, please give a screenshot (shift +f12) or more detail.

windoe wrote:

little white dots inside the sliders along with their noises.
You're able to change the hitcirlcepoint by skinning the element out. See here: (Second last).
See the sounds here: ... :_Drum_Set (Hitsounds_ Drum Set and down)
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Pawsu, thank you so much for the help, but could you give me some directions on how to skin over the point markers and sounds? I'm a bit new to the whole skinning thing so I don't quite know how to change it but I definitely understand what it is.
Well,you could replace it with a completely transparent image,that will work!(If you use photoshop,just...erase everything and save it,if you use another one,I honestly don't know),you can do the same with the tick sound by replacing it with something blank (completely removing it will replace it with the default)
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thanks so much Royce, I can do the sound but I just need to find a blank or transparent image for it and then I'll be set. Again, thank you both so much for the help :D
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By the way, what is the name of the sound file and the texture? I understand what to do with them just cant find it
The texture is "sliderscorepoint"
I dont really know what the filename for the slider tick sound is.I dont see many skins with a replacement tick sound.Sorry about that.
Update:I found it,its called normal-slidertick.wav and soft-slidertick.wav
Replace both of them with that blank file
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I was able to get the textures fixed as well as the sounds. One last question would be how to change the colors of the obstacles. (idk what to call them) The skin's main influence is rrtyui's skin and my last step is getting the same color of note, obstacle, whatever you to call it.
Obstacle?You mean sliders?You change something in the skin.ini file...but I really dont know my way around these stupid configuration files...
If you're referring to Hitcircles than you change the colour of them in the skin.ini under the [Colours] category as "Combo#: R,G,B,a". Here's my skin.ini as a reference, just keep in mind that mine is fully skinned so it's... long XD. By "R,G,B,a" I mean "red","green","blue","alpha"... Alpha being how transparent the colour is... 255 is max and 0 is lowest, meaning 255,255,255,255 is pure white, 0,0,0,255 is pure black, and #,#,#,0 is completely transparent so no color is shown :).
Welp thanks for clarifying
Can i bump?Oh wait,i did,shit.
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