
What is pp farming?

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Hello, Im new to osu! and recently someone called me a "dirty pp farmer"
Im not sure what that means, would some senior member of the community care to explain please?
-Makishima S-
This "someone" is an idiot.

Pls enjoy game.

LegendaryItami wrote:

Hello, Im new to osu! and recently someone called me a "dirty pp farmer"
Im not sure what that means, would some senior member of the community care to explain please?
It's just something that you play lots of maps and gain lots of SS, S , etc. etc. and you gain pp
so that's literally pp farm (i suck at explaining)
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Faustas156 wrote:

LegendaryItami wrote:

Hello, Im new to osu! and recently someone called me a "dirty pp farmer"
Im not sure what that means, would some senior member of the community care to explain please?
It's just something that you play lots of maps and gain lots of SS, S , etc. etc. and you gain pp
so that's literally pp farm (i suck at explaining)

[Taiga] wrote:

This "someone" is an idiot.

Pls enjoy game.

Agrrox wrote:
Thank you all for explaining <3
"Dirty pp farmer" it means you play beatmap endlessly until you get its performance points. Doesnt matter if the song or beatmap is anoying. Basically even thou you hate or dont like the song you retry it bilion times just to get its pp. Aka. not play for fun but to grind and improve.
basically playing lower difficulty maps than your skill level with HR/DT/HD/FL mods

they usually give around just as much pp as a nomod 1 star higher difficulty map


farming is nice sometimes, but you should move onto fcing at least insanes before having all your top plays pp farm maps
Just ignore that someone, you'll be better off.

[Taiga] wrote:

This "someone" is an idiot.

Pls enjoy game.

>>Dirty farmer

Khelly wrote:


>>Dirty farmer
...How bad do you have to be to call someone with less than 300pp a farmer.

Agree with everyone saying this "someone" is an idiot.

Rosten wrote:

Khelly wrote:


>>Dirty farmer
...How bad do you have to be to call someone with less than 300pp a farmer.

Agree with everyone saying this "someone" is an idiot.
OP is a pp farmer
Topic Starter

Khelly wrote:


>>Dirty farmer
...How bad do you have to be to call someone with less than 300pp a farmer.

Agree with everyone saying this "someone" is an idiot.[/quote]

OP is a pp farmer[/quote]
Sorry for playing songs i like to listen to ig
Topic Starter

Agrrox wrote:

"Dirty pp farmer" it means you play beatmap endlessly until you get its performance points. Doesnt matter if the song or beatmap is anoying. Basically even thou you hate or dont like the song you retry it bilion times just to get its pp. Aka. not play for fun but to grind and improve.
If that's what it means then I guess I do that, but I dont do it for pp I just do it because I like having a good rank.

Khelly wrote:


>>Dirty farmer
good post
the truth

LegendaryItami wrote:

Agrrox wrote:

"Dirty pp farmer" it means you play beatmap endlessly until you get its performance points. Doesnt matter if the song or beatmap is anoying. Basically even thou you hate or dont like the song you retry it bilion times just to get its pp. Aka. not play for fun but to grind and improve.
If that's what it means then I guess I do that, but I dont do it for pp I just do it because I like having a good rank.
Higher PP = Higher Rank

Also pls don't do this at your level. Any PP you get is going to be peanuts compared to what you'll get if you just play to get better. Actually this is pretty much true of any point in time. PP farming is kind of pointless unless you've already plateaued.

Rosten wrote:

PP farming is kind of pointless unless you've already plateaued.
I can't get pp if I plateau because 90% of maps I get pp from/can fc are already hard and on the edge of my skill level.

There would be little point in getting more 260pp scores for like +20pp at most from like 30 more.

Khelly wrote:

Rosten wrote:

PP farming is always pointless. pls enjoy game.
I can't get pp if I plateau because 90% of maps I get pp from/can fc are already hard and on the edge of my skill level.

There would be little point in getting more 260pp scores for like +20pp at most from like 30 more.
What if you enjoy playing hard maps for fun and pp? 8-)

Khelly wrote:

What if you enjoy playing hard maps for fun and pp? 8-)
-Makishima S-
Then play hard maps for improvement and pp.
I splited Paranoid Lost for test diffs - entry stream too hard, need to practice for this 200pp score 8-)
playing lots of songs that are subjectively easy compared to the pp they give. you need to get better and move on to more pp giving songs eventually or you will be just farming scores, not getting pp
dat feel when you get decent acc on a difficult marathon and get +52pp

I'm a dirty PP farmer and proud of it! 8-)

Edit: I'm also exactly 1k ranks away from #31337 :lol:

LegendaryItami wrote:

Hello, Im new to osu! and recently someone called me a "dirty pp farmer"
Im not sure what that means, would some senior member of the community care to explain please?
Ignore that salty fella and enjoy the game.
He Ang CTB
I personally do not recommend pp farming, because it leaves you feeling empty inside when you SS'ed the hardest map you have ever played but only get 2pp because of 50 other not-so-impressive records clogging up your top-performance spots. It's thrilling for the instant gratification of getting 300 weighted pp out of nothing, but in the long run your performance will plateau and you will lose interest in the game if gaining performance is your primary source of enjoyment. However pp oriented players do, in quite many cases, get better very fast for grinding maps with ridiculous difficulty to earn ridiculous amounts of pp. Not all farmers are bad players, most farmers can outplay the ordinary, it's not something you should be ashamed of even if you associate game skills with your personal pride. Play as you wish and as you enjoy, listening to advice and criticisms is often helpful, but please don't allow the frivilous bickerings and mockery of strangers to anchor you to a place you do not wish to be. Truthful fun > Political correctness. Enjoy your lifelong addiction to Osu! \o/ You have a long way to go! And no way to go out :3
Topic Starter

He Ang Erika wrote:

I personally do not recommend pp farming, because it leaves you feeling empty inside when you SS'ed the hardest map you have ever played but only get 2pp because of 50 other not-so-impressive records clogging up your top-performance spots. It's thrilling for the instant gratification of getting 300 weighted pp out of nothing, but in the long run your performance will plateau and you will lose interest in the game if gaining performance is your primary source of enjoyment. However pp oriented players do, in quite many cases, get better very fast for grinding maps with ridiculous difficulty to earn ridiculous amounts of pp. Not all farmers are bad players, most farmers can outplay the ordinary, it's not something you should be ashamed of even if you associate game skills with your personal pride. Play as you wish and as you enjoy, listening to advice and criticisms is often helpful, but please don't allow the frivilous bickerings and mockery of strangers to anchor you to a place you do not wish to be. Truthful fun > Political correctness. Enjoy your lifelong addiction to Osu! \o/ You have a long way to go! And no way to go out :3
I see :o Already, an easy map is in my top ranked above the two hardest maps i've done :(
Last time I checked, pp farming was being focused on making plays at maps that are overweighted by system giving way more performance points than they should compared to other things in the same range of difficulty, this has nothing to do with specific mods or retrying for a full combo if the map isn't worth jack.

Reyvateil wrote:

Last time I checked, pp farming was being focused on making plays at maps that are overweighted by system giving way more performance points than they should compared to other things in the same range of difficulty, this has nothing to do with specific mods or retrying for a full combo if the map isn't worth jack.
This. Don't care about pp, set it as a side-objective or forget it. You'll get those plays that are way worse when comparing to your "top 20 plays" according to the system but remember that you don't need a system to judge you. You play those maps for yourself and no one else.
Alternatively play for pp because it can be a fun challenge as you need to fc harder and harder maps for yourself to get more pp.
This "someone" is a dick...

Royce551 wrote:

This "someone" is a dick...
I would rather say that this "someone" is too noob to even correctly interpret what pp farming is.

OT: As many above pointed out, pp farming means grinding pp by getting nice scores on overrated maps.
The problem is that you'll be worse in terms of foundation/basics than you think, and you're likely to be beaten bad by some lower ranked guys that don't farm pp.
So I'll suggest you to explore the game, and always remember to keep up with the basics.

Genstars31 wrote:

The problem is that you'll be worse in terms of foundation/basics than you think, and you're likely to be beaten bad by some lower ranked guys that don't farm pp.
story of my lyf.. i'm so bad at this game

Genstars31 wrote:

Royce551 wrote:

This "someone" is a dick...
I would rather say that this "someone" is too noob to even correctly interpret what pp farming is.

OT: As many above pointed out, pp farming means grinding pp by getting nice scores on overrated maps.
The problem is that you'll be worse in terms of foundation/basics than you think, and you're likely to be beaten bad by some lower ranked guys that don't farm pp.
So I'll suggest you to explore the game, and always remember to keep up with the basics.
but still, it's fine to play overrated maps if you like them. Just play whatever you want. It's you that's playing so play in the way that allow you to enjoy the game in the most enjoyable way possible

Off topic : I don't have any pp farming map on my top plays and I still got beaten bad by some lower ranked guys that don't farm PP FeelsBadMan
Tbh I don't think that getting a nice score on an overrated map makes you worse at all.
Nice scores are nice.
And imo it takes quite the effort to just retry those maps infinitely, but you'll get rewarded.
Seems like I wasn't stressing on the word grinding, my apologies to those replying to me.
So yeah, it doesn't hurt to get a good score or two on some free pp maps, but if you grind, then you should stop before all those negative effects come to you shortly after.
I was once a pp farmer and there are still traces in my top plays sadly :( . View my profile to see what I mean.

[Taiga] wrote:

Then play hard maps for improvement and pp.
^^^ But then I played the game this way and fortunately, I was able to improve a little bit despite being new to this game. Anyways, I'm sure it will be the same for you if your main focus is to improve then mind the pp later.
[quote="Agrrox"]"Dirty pp farmer" it means you play beatmap endlessly until you get its performance points. Doesnt matter if the song or beatmap is anoying. Basically even thou you hate or dont like the song you retry it bilion times just to get its pp. Aka. not play for fun but to grind and improve.

do i have to finish the beatmap and restart?

billion times?
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