
DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 12. August 2011 at 19:34:10

Artist: DJ Melodie
Title: Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)
Tags: tenshi-nyan tenshi deadbeat OnosakiHito Onosaki Diana Fox
BPM: 168,75
Filesize: 6030kb
Play Time: 02:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. deadbeat's Easy (1,27 stars, 119 notes)
  2. Hard (4,29 stars, 215 notes)
  3. Insane (4,97 stars, 334 notes)
  4. Ono's Taiko Oni (4,94 stars, 608 notes)
  5. Tenshi's Normal (3,99 stars, 219 notes)
Download: DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Redownload if you downloaded before 12.08.2011

Thanks to...
deadbeat ---> Easy Diff
Tenshi-Nyan ---> Normal Diff
OnosakiHito ---> Taiko Diff

Hard,Insane and Storyboard is made by myself.
gogo muhkuh :3
Oh my, you have Reverie form Planetarian on your bg. I remember reading it :)
Mostly suggestions here.

The mp3 you use has 256Kbps. The allowed range is 128-192.

[deadbeat's Easy]
Following the lyrics might be kinda hard or an easy diff.
00:30:977 (2) - maybe add 2 sliders here to match the 'heaven' word instead of a break like this ?
00:37:555 (1) - make this 1 tick shorter and add another repeat? if yes, then maybe leave whistle only at 00:38:622 ?
01:00:847 (1) - move this to 01:00:669, move 01:01:381 (2) to 01:01:025 and end it at 01:01:381, move 01:02:092 (3) to 01:01:736 and end it at 01:02:447. This should make it easier. You can also add a circle at 01:03:158 later.
01:05:470 - add circle here?
01:17:560 (1) - move this to 01:17:382 and end it at 01:18:094 then move 01:18:983 (2) to 01:18:805 ?
02:19:968 (1) - finish this at 02:20:679 and add circles at 02:21:034 and 02:21:390 ? If yes, then new combo at 02:21:923 (1).

Since it's Hard now, you can make circles smaller and increase the hp drain rate.
02:42:192 (1) - silence this spinner the moment it ends so it won't suddenly become quiet when you still get your 1000s. or add some more timing sections to reduce the volume gradually.

Change your default sample set to Soft, then add another timing section at 00:34:533 and change it to Normal there.
Also, make it -1 less loud? You can do the same in the Hard too.
02:42:015 (1) - same thing with the spinner sound as in Hard.

Nice map. Good luck ;)
Topic Starter

senaya wrote:

[deadbeat's Easy]
deadbeat has to mod this

Since it's Hard now, you can male circles smaller and increase the hp drain rate.-increased hp drain rate but left the circle size the same
02:42:192 (1) - silence this slider the moment it ends so it won't suddenly become quiet when you still get your 1000s. or add some more timing sections to reduce the volume gradually. -yea i wanted to fix that before i upload but fixed now ^^

Change your default sample set to Soft, then add another timing section at 00:34:533 and change it to Normal there.
Also, make it -1 less loud? You can do the same in the Hard too. -k
02:42:015 (1) - same thing with the slider sound as in Hard. -see hard :D
ty :3

senaya wrote:

[deadbeat's Easy]
Following the lyrics might be kinda hard or an easy diff. its worked for me in the past
move 01:18:983 (2) to 01:18:805 ? i changed that slider around a bit
Download: DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix) (KillerRind) [deadbeat's Easy].osu
00 29 377 up 1 grid
decrease sound volume by 2-3 as well as insane diff

and i think that break time was too long in insane diff.

just suggestion.
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artpiggo wrote:

00 29 377 up 1 grid kk
decrease sound volume by 2-3 as well as insane diff kk

and i think that break time was too long in insane diff. nah

just suggestion.
Hi there Rind :3

So I had some freetime and thought I'd take a look at one of your pending maps.
So I didn't really find anything special, but some thing that disturbed me more or less when playing those maps so I'll post here what disturbed me while playing.

The things I point out are merely suggestions and how I would like them more or would probably change them!!!! (so if you don't like them just ignore :P)

Deadbeat's Easy

Seems kind of weird to me for the beat placement, but that's probably just because I don't really play Easy anymore....
So didn't find anything special here.... xD


00:36:666 (1) – Didn’t like this part at all ;_;
I would probably change it like that…..
I marked first of all everything after that slider to the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) moved it two ticks too the right on the red tick and added a note on 00:36:666 (or change 00:36:400 (3) – into a slider too this point).
The slider would now be on 00:36:844 (1).
The new pattern would look like this.
Then I changed the length of the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) from 00:39:511-00:40:934 to 00:39:689-00:40:934
Rince and repeat the new pattern for :

00:36:844 (1)
00:38:267 (1)
00:41:111 (1)
00:42:356 (1)
00:43:778 (1)
02:19:256 (1)
02:20:501 (1)
02:21:923 (1)

Other than that the map was pretty good.


Man I took a liking to this map <3
Pretty easy to play :3 but still.....

02:27:613 (1) – Bleh….. you use the same pattern over and over again and then you use this slider which completely disturbs the flow in my opinion ;_;
I would change it so it doesn’t disturb the flow anymore but you need to know for yourself….

So that's about it :3
Keep up the good work and catch this star~
Topic Starter

Yomeiro wrote:


00:36:666 (1) – Didn’t like this part at all ;_;
I would probably change it like that…..
I marked first of all everything after that slider to the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) moved it two ticks too the right on the red tick and added a note on 00:36:666 (or change 00:36:400 (3) – into a slider too this point).
The slider would now be on 00:36:844 (1).
The new pattern would look like this.
Then I changed the length of the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) from 00:39:511-00:40:934 to 00:39:689-00:40:934
Rince and repeat the new pattern for :

00:36:844 (1)
00:38:267 (1)
00:41:111 (1)
00:42:356 (1)
00:43:778 (1)
02:19:256 (1)
02:20:501 (1)
02:21:923 (1)

i like how it is ^^

Other than that the map was pretty good.


Man I took a liking to this map <3
Pretty easy to play :3 but still.....

02:27:613 (1) – Bleh….. you use the same pattern over and over again and then you use this slider which completely disturbs the flow in my opinion ;_;
I would change it so it doesn’t disturb the flow anymore but you need to know for yourself…. kk changed it a bit

Nightcore ftw~
Darf ich eine Taiko Map für dich machen? :3

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OnosakiHito wrote:

Nightcore ftw~
Darf ich eine Taiko Map für dich machen? :3

klar ^^
Hmm brauchstn Normal eh?
Kann dir gerne eins machen :<
Da Wochenende is würds net lange dauern.
So... habs fertig :O <--- hier drin O_o

4,03 stars, 1,3 mio max score... nun, es ist ein Normal.

vergiss net mich in den tags zu erwähnen~
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danke dir, hab die tags und das storyboard noch gemacht und geaddet :3
ehm hab hier man kleinen Update... n Paar Sachen gefixt etc.

Irgendwas stimmt noch net ganz mit dem SB inner break net, check das nochmal...
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habs ugedated
seh nix was mim sb nich stimmen soll
Design mod is gogo

ok first off you need to encode your mp3 down to 192, if you dont know how to do this lemmie know and i will do it for you

rofl your offset on all the diffs is totally messed up ;D you have a red tick where the white tick should be, move your offset to 1,284 to fix stanza, this MUST be done ;)

deadbeat's Easy
big irc mod

Tenshi's Normal
fix timing as stated above

check if you have unsnapped notes, it shows some for me

00:40:578 (6,7) - this timing dont play good, and it dont really follow the song, simplify it and put (6) at 00:40:399 and it plays hugely better

design wise rest seems ok

fix timing as stated above

00:27:954 (5) - timing here feels really odd to the song, a timing like this would suit better, i kno that it means you would have to remake that slider, but just try it and you will notice what i mean

00:58:714 (3) - due to the way the map is before this note, it makes the player want to do this note as a 1/2 thus it really felt bad to play as a stack, i do advise to unstack this note
01:08:670 (1) - again the timing here dont feel right, the note seems to start way too early, try starting it at 01:08:847 - to flow to the vocals you are following, atm it really breaks the flow :/
(suggestion) 01:24:850 (5) - its not as bad here, but again it would really be better to make this follow the vocals more
(suggestion) 02:07:166 (1,2,3) - rather ugly, maybe like this? xD


fix timing as stated above

01:56:498 (1,2) - spacing is too close compared to the next note, either make this wider, or the next note closer
02:02:188 (1,2) - same again
02:05:032 (1,2) - and again xD
i kno its done as a pattern, but it really dont work :/

02:27:613 (1) - having this longer slider smack bang in the middle of a very trippy rhythm really really played bad, i really advise you to give that part the same pattern and timing as the times before and after it
02:30:102 (5) - felt too early it needs to be moved to the next blue tick and then made one tick shorter, plays much better then ;p

well the maps are fun and nice going :) just quite a few design probs to fix, i cant really star yet untill i see what is fixed within that bundle of stuff, i do really think most need to get fixed, and please remember to fix the offset

best of luck o/
Topic Starter

jericho2442 wrote:

fix timing as stated above i dont know why i have to do this, timing works great, but i changed it

00:27:954 (5) - timing here feels really odd to the song, a timing like this would suit better, i kno that it means you would have to remake that slider, but just try it and you will notice what i mean meh i liket this :<
00:58:714 (3) - due to the way the map is before this note, it makes the player want to do this note as a 1/2 thus it really felt bad to play as a stack, i do advise to unstack this note fixed
01:08:670 (1) - again the timing here dont feel right, the note seems to start way too early, try starting it at 01:08:847 - to flow to the vocals you are following, atm it really breaks the flow :/ fixed
(suggestion) 01:24:850 (5) - its not as bad here, but again it would really be better to make this follow the vocals more i like how it is
(suggestion) 02:07:166 (1,2,3) - rather ugly, maybe like this? xD fixed


fix timing as stated above kkkkkkkk

01:56:498 (1,2) - spacing is too close compared to the next note, either make this wider, or the next note closer fixed (i think)
02:02:188 (1,2) - same again ^^
02:05:032 (1,2) - and again xD ^^
i kno its done as a pattern, but it really dont work :/

02:27:613 (1) - having this longer slider smack bang in the middle of a very trippy rhythm really really played bad, i really advise you to give that part the same pattern and timing as the times before and after it kk
02:30:102 (5) - felt too early it needs to be moved to the next blue tick and then made one tick shorter, plays much better then ;p kk
Huuh, nun habe ich die map endlich fertig gestellt. Noch mals entschuldigung für solch eine Dauer.
Danke fürs annehmen.~

Es wäre nett wenn du die SB in der Taiko diff. löschen würdest.^^

Download: 24865 DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix).rar
Topic Starter
habs hinzugefügt
war aber zu faul das sb raus zu machen =w=
mach ich mim nächsten mod

[Deadbeat's Easy]

Wahh the hitsounds are so loud .__.

00:49:290 (2,3,4) - Random clap? remove pls and add at (3) whistle..
00:51:779 (1) - Such a long slider with whistle? >.<
01:28:049 (1,2) - Make it symmetrical?
02:00:410 (3) - Remove clap?
02:02:899 (2) - Remove clap at the revers
02:07:166 (1) - ^
02:08:588 (2) - ^
02:21:923 (2,3,4) - Ahh finish spam D: remove finish at the end
02:34:192 (1) - Remove NC
02:34:903 (4) - New NC
02:35:614 (1) - Remove NC
02:35:258 (2) - Remove clap?
02:35:614 (3) - Add clap?
02:37:036 (1) - Same as above
02:38:814 (2) - Remove clap

Deadbeat, what happen? You can map better...

[Tenshi's Normal]

Looks fine imo.

[Hard & Insane]

Irc Mod~

Good luck rind~

-Lennox- wrote:

deadbeat, what happen? You can map better...
sorry D:
i seem to be on a bad mapping spree :( ...should try fix this

Remove "tenshi" and "Onosaki" from tags

deadbeat's Easy
too loud sounds, i think you need to change them on soft
When i was listening song feeling is haunted me that the notes don't fall into the rhythm of the song, most likely this is the case

Tenshi's Normal
AR -1
00:33:554 (4) - bad for normal diff, remove

00:11:952 (1) - ugly slider may be you will try this variant?

00:19:598 (3) - do this slider with 0.5 speed?

Topic Starter

Vass_Bass wrote:


Remove "tenshi" and "Onosaki" from tags no :V

00:11:952 (1) - ugly slider may be you will try this variant? i like this slider somehow xD i will change it if someone els thinks its ugly

00:19:598 (3) - do this slider with 0.5 speed? no, this would destroy the "flow"

Star thx
  1. The timing seems to be off a little to me. To me, it sounds perfect using 1308 as offset.
  2. 01:32:341 to 01:56:521 - This break is really really long. Almost 25 seconds, consider mapping something in between just to keep the player alert. Break this long is boring.
  3. 01:56:521 - Add kiai lasting until 02:07:900.
All following time signatures used offset 1308, so they might look a bit off to you until you change it.

[deadbeat's Easy]:
  1. 00:31:178 (1) - Consider ending this slider at 00:32:600, sounds more natural (to me atleast).
  2. 02:35:637 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 02:38:482 (1) - ^
[Tenshi's Normal]:
  1. 02:33:503 (5) - New combo.
  2. 02:33:859 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 02:39:193 (7) - New combo.
  4. 02:39:548 (1) - Remove new combo.
  1. 01:10:116 (1) - Remove new combo.
  2. 01:56:521 to 02:06:478 - These sliders don't fit into a "Hard" difficulty profile. I suggest you remove them and add jumps instead (or just do it like in the insane with small jumps). Something like this, but not exactly like it, this kinda looks crude and unimaginitive. Sorry I can't help you exactly here cause atm I don't have any ideas. :p
  1. 00:18:732 (1) - I am not sure if this looks right. I would remove new combo from this note.
  2. 01:56:521 to 02:06:478 - Just like in hard, this looks a bit too easy to fit an insane profile. You should definitely use jumps here.
That's pretty much it, couldn't really find something big.
Good luck. :3
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Changed offset to 1308

  1. 01:10:116 (1) - Remove new combo. nah
  2. 01:56:521 to 02:06:478 - These sliders don't fit into a "Hard" difficulty profile. I suggest you remove them and add jumps instead (or just do it like in the insane with small jumps). Something like this, but not exactly like it, this kinda looks crude and unimaginitive. Sorry I can't help you exactly here cause atm I don't have any ideas. :p its ok how it is right now imo
  1. 00:18:732 (1) - I am not sure if this looks right. I would remove new combo from this note. no
  2. 01:56:521 to 02:06:478 - Just like in hard, this looks a bit too easy to fit an insane profile. You should definitely use jumps here. its not meant to be hard, it just fits the flow how it is
That's pretty much it, couldn't really find something big.
Good luck. :3 thx
Ich finde die Beatmap ist sehr gut geworden :)
[deadbeat's Easy]:

Technically good.. was better if you played on slider

[Tenshi's Normal]:

use more triplets?


Don't use double whistle like 00:37:578 (3) - , use it only in the start of the short slider.. for example

00:33:133 (x) - copypaste 00:32:422 (6) -, move and rotate
00:33:845 (x) - ^
01:30:029 (x) - copypaste 01:29:318 (6) - , move and rotate
01:30:740 (x) - ^
02:16:968 (x) - copypaste 02:16:257 (6) - , move and rotate
02:17:679 (x) - ^
02:18:390 (x) - ^
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Sry i like how it is
Nothing fixed
I think the map is fine.

but I personally think it goes with the lyric too much. it would be better if you use more notes to make your rhythm more complete.

sometimes I think I should make a hit , but there is nothing I can click, and I can't do anything but want until the next circle appears.
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There is no source :V
Ich wollte mal fragen ob schon die SB in der Taiko diff. entfernt wurde?
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Alles klar! Danke dir.~
hi~sorry for being a bit late

- add KIAI section(s)?

- following vocal too much thus may be a little difficult for newbies since it's changeful
<00:58:203> add finish
<01:08:871, 01:09:227> map these white ticks?
<01:27:362> add a note
<01:56:521> add finish
<01:57:944> remove clap
<02:01:500> add a note
<02:04:344> ^
<02:06:478> remove clap
<02:07:545> ^
<02:07:900> use finish instead
- the whistle-during-slider in last part is a bit noisy for me

- well done
- suggest slider tick rate 0.5

<00:32:600> end spinner here and map the blank space after?
<00:36:689> circle and slider from 00:36:867 sounds better, and you can remove whistle on 00:36:245 and add on 00:36:423 and 00:36:867 if you do change the slider, same to the later combo
<00:58:203> finish and delete whistle on endpoint
<02:07:900> finish instead

<00:18:732> remove new combo
<00:58:203> finish
<01:56:521..> 4 beats blank space during combos are empty..
<02:27:369> (6) move toward top-right? maybe x:328 y:144

Topic Starter

loveFantasy wrote:

hi~sorry for being a bit late

- add KIAI section(s)? - i think the SB has enough flashing things

- following vocal too much thus may be a little difficult for newbies since it's changeful
<00:58:203> add finish - k
<01:08:871, 01:09:227> map these white ticks? - added a slider
<01:27:362> add a note - k
<01:56:521> add finish - this part is fine how it is
<01:57:944> remove clap - ^
<02:01:500> add a note - ^
<02:04:344> ^ - ^
<02:06:478> remove clap - ^
<02:07:545> ^ - ^
<02:07:900> use finish instead - ^
- the whistle-during-slider in last part is a bit noisy for me

<00:32:600> end spinner here and map the blank space after? - nah looks good to me
<00:36:689> circle and slider from 00:36:867 sounds better, and you can remove whistle on 00:36:245 and add on 00:36:423 and 00:36:867 if you do change the slider, same to the later combo - i like it
<00:58:203> finish and delete whistle on endpoint - k
<02:07:900> finish instead -k

<00:18:732> remove new combo - k
<00:58:203> finish - k
<01:56:521..> 4 beats blank space during combos are empty.. - it's ok this part isnt meant to be hard or something, just relaxing
<02:27:369> (6) move toward top-right? maybe x:328 y:144 - k
Star~ :)
Because I can.
Because it's Nightcore.
Because I like it!

loveFantasy wrote:

- add KIAI section(s)?
Kiai isn't needed..don't add it to my diff..i refuse to use it without good reasons

loveFantasy wrote:

- following vocal too much thus may be a little difficult for newbies since it's changeful
I'm sorry D:
i'd remap..but i really can't :(
Nice song, though I prefer those with faster vocals.


Combo colors 1 and 3 seemed too similar. Making it somewhat confusing. Try adding a lighter color in between or changing them to:
Combo1 : 0,0,125
Combo2 : 0,150,220
Combo3 : 25,50,255

SB: Although I'm not very experienced in this it seems better if each line of text was placed a line below and slightly right to the one before it, creating an effect of temporal motion. Perhaps continue until "I hide", which reaches about the middle of the screen, and then start over with the next set of lines.

Example: (Just an idea of how it might look, not fine-tuned at all)

Deadbeat's Easy:
No changes. Also, I think following the vocal is fine; IMO "Easy" doesn't mean newbies have to be able to pass it in one go; a couple of attempts and they should get the hang of it, it's not that confusing.

Tenshi's Normal:
Fine. Although I actually found the beginning following the beat more confusing after playing through Easy.

... No visible problems... Nice sliders.

Yeah, I guess my modding of this song will be limited to making slight visual tweaks. (This seems flawless after examination with halftime).

Very well put-together. Starred!
Topic Starter
Thank you, Fixed the Combos
I like the Text in the SB how it is ^.^
00:26:911 (3,4,5) - Either move the 4 so that it isn't overlayed like that, or move the 5 so the end isn't overlayed like that.
01:14:205 (x) - Add a beat here. Whistle hitsound.
01:19:895 (x) - Add a beat here. Whistle hitsound.

No problems found.
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Nothing fixed
But thank you anyways
Hi~ My mod here. All below are just suggestions.
Red = I strongly think you should fix it.

00:31:533 (3,4,5,6) - I guess you're going for symmetry? Make it like this then. Remember to make the second slider with Ctrl+H & Ctrl+R.
00:35:445 - From this part on many notes are not promptly hidden, I wonder if you have intended to do so? If not, please adjust the positions of the notes to make sure they are promptly hidden:
00:37:401 (3) - hide under 00:36:423 (5)
00:41:134 (1) - hide the start of this slider under the start of 00:40:245 (3)
00:44:246 (2) - hide under 00:42:824 (2)
00:45:224 (1) - hide slider end under 00:44:513 (3)
00:45:935 (3) - hide under 00:44:957 (6)
00:47:357 (2) - under the start of 00:46:113 (4)
00:54:647 (4,5) - under the end of 00:53:758 (1)
00:54:914 (6) - under 00:53:491 (6). There's a 1-grid difference
00:56:603 (1) - hide the slider end under 00:55:892 (3)
Others okay I think
I would have liked this diff more if you added some jumps and not just DS DS DS >.>

I think it's fine, though imo it's more like a [Normal] than [Hard].

[Tenshi's Normal]
Nice~ Just one thing:
01:21:317 (1) - imo It would be better if the red control point is at the center of the ball at 01:21:406, like this:
Same goes with 01:22:739 (4).

[deadbeat's Easy]
Lower volume...
00:13:042 - add beat here plz, it's very confusing now. Make it a slider until 00:13:220, or just add a circle here.
00:16:598 - add circle please
00:16:776 (2) - that normal-hitfinish x.x remove or lower volume
00:20:688 (1) - move to 00:20:688 (1)
00:36:512 (3) - this circle is misplaced. place it at 00:36:512 (3). If you think blue ticks are too hard for beginners just place a slider.
00:41:134 - add circle please
also some occurrences later similiar to those, I'm not going to list them all.
x.x omg the normal whistles screwed my ears


Topic Starter

Cirno wrote:

00:31:533 (3,4,5,6) - I guess you're going for symmetry? Make it like this then. Remember to make the second slider with Ctrl+H & Ctrl+R. - kk
00:35:445 - From this part on many notes are not promptly hidden, I wonder if you have intended to do so? If not, please adjust the positions of the notes to make sure they are promptly hidden: - its suposed to be like that
I would have liked this diff more if you added some jumps and not just DS DS DS >.> - maybe next time :3

I think it's fine, though imo it's more like a [Normal] than [Hard]. - It was intendet to be a normal but i named it hard because tenshi made a normal

[deadbeat's Easy]
Lower volume... - sounds good imo :V
00:13:042 - add beat here plz, it's very confusing now. Make it a slider until 00:13:220, or just add a circle here. - doesnt look confusing to me
00:16:598 - add circle please - nah
00:16:776 (2) - that normal-hitfinish x.x remove or lower volume - removed first finish
00:20:688 (1) - move to 00:20:688 (1) - nah
00:36:512 (3) - this circle is misplaced. place it at 00:36:512 (3). If you think blue ticks are too hard for beginners just place a slider. - looks good imo
00:41:134 - add circle please - k
deadbeat's easy

Adjust the volume for 35% ( your volume are so high >.< ) IMO

00:16:776 (2) - i don't like >.<
00:29:044 (1) - remove the whistles
00:51:802 (1) - ^
02:19:991 (1) - ^ Omg

Tenshi's normal

02:03:278 (3,4) - i don't like :X
02:06:122 (2,3) - ^


00:17:665 (1,2,3) - use your mind. you can make combos better then. ( sorry for bad english >< )
00:26:911 (3,4,5) - it's so confuse ( imo )
01:14:561 (1,2) - use your mind ~
02:29:947 (1) - ugly slider D:

Ono's taiko oni

i don't know how to mod taiko diffs D:


00:23:355 (1,2,3) - ugly combo ><
00:26:199 (1,2,3) - ^
01:20:250 (1,2,3) - ^
01:23:095 (1,2,3) - ^ o my god

Confuse diff ( insane )

done~ + Star
Topic Starter

Slowmotion wrote:

deadbeat's easy

Adjust the volume for 35% ( your volume are so high >.< ) IMO

00:16:776 (2) - i don't like >.< - i like
00:29:044 (1) - remove the whistles - no, fits well
00:51:802 (1) - ^ - k
02:19:991 (1) - ^ Omg - omfg k


00:17:665 (1,2,3) - use your mind. you can make combos better then. ( sorry for bad english >< ) - its ok
00:26:911 (3,4,5) - it's so confuse ( imo ) - then dont play hard :V
01:14:561 (1,2) - use your mind ~ - no im stupid
02:29:947 (1) - ugly slider D: - looks not to bad, its ok


00:23:355 (1,2,3) - ugly combo >< - no
00:26:199 (1,2,3) - ^ -no
01:20:250 (1,2,3) - ^ -no
01:23:095 (1,2,3) - ^ o my god -no

Confuse diff ( insane ) - its supposed to be hard
Hi hi

* Crop the unnecessary transparent space in all your SB elements, or the gameplay will running poorly for low PC

deadbeat's Easy
00:37:578 (1) - Place the repeating slider on white tick? Since the head slider is following the trumpet?
02:21:946 (2,3,4) - Is that necessary to add finish for this?
02:31:370 (1) - End at 02:32:081?

Tenshi's Normal
00:22:643 (3) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay
00:58:559 (1) - A little bit too far from spinner, since this is a normal diff

* Some short slider (e.g. 00:36:156 (2)) have a whistle, but I think it's better if you remove the whistle at tail slider, so it's keep clean to hear

01:09:760 (3) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay

* Enable the epilepsy warning please

I don't have any ticket to heaven :o
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi hi

* Crop the unnecessary transparent space in all your SB elements, or the gameplay will running poorly for low PC -i rly dont want to do everything, and i haven seen someone where it lags so if no other people complain about this i will leave it hop if is sry. also the SB Load is under 3 everytime and 3 isnt much :V

* Some short slider (e.g. 00:36:156 (2)) have a whistle, but I think it's better if you remove the whistle at tail slider, so it's keep clean to hear -sounds good to me

01:09:760 (3) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay -works good IMO

* Enable the epilepsy warning please -k

I don't have any ticket to heaven -buy one 666$ on amazon :3
Updates... inklusive n Paar Spielerein an den Hitsounds.

BTW, das Timing is falsch. Gegen Ende des Songs is irgenwie alles völlig off-beat ._.

Würde ma sagen

00:41:134 - da ne neue inherited line mit 169 BPM
und alles resnappen + doppelt checken
hab noch nix am Timing geändert

GAAAAH hol jemanden der gut im timen is. Das timing so wies jez is auf jeden fall völlig FALSCH

Reduzier die Lautstärke der Hitsounds... nix sollte lauter als 70% sein...

Why did no-one ever notice that the timing is fucked up? ._.
Topic Starter
Da is nix off-beat wtf?

Updated + Hitsounds etwas leiser gemacht
Offset 1,238
BPM 170.000
resnap all notes
BPM: 168.750
Offset: 1312

Artist: Diana Fox
DJ Melodie goes to tags =w=

Nice song ~

btw, there are over 5.00x SB loads in some parts, take care.

Selee wrote:

BPM: 168.750
Offset: 1312

Artist: Diana Fox
DJ Melodie goes to tags =w=

Nice song ~

btw, there are over 5.00x SB loads in some parts, take care.
That timing sounds just right to me. Told ya the timing was off, Rindi.
I checked my diff, and updating the diff with the new timing didn't cause any trouble with badly snapped notes, so go ahead and update it~

And the SB, there are elements with 9.00x SB loads in it~

Topic Starter

Selee wrote:

BPM: 168.750
Offset: 1312
- kk fixed
Artist: Diana Fox
DJ Melodie goes to tags =w= - no it wont, its the nightcored version of the song by DJ Melodie, but i can add Diana Fox to the tags

Nice song ~

btw, there are over 5.00x SB loads in some parts, take care. - not here, but i have to redo the SB anyway because of the timing change
Hey :D

Ich durfte ja die map modden, aber ich denke das ich es nicht verbessern kann ): Finde die Map toll ;D
Also bekommst du nur nen Star~!
und Viel glück :)
Topic Starter
Uploading Now

Redone the SB
With less effects, doenst look so good now but i rly dont want to redo everything.
Also the SB Load never goes over 3,64 now.
Again, Artist: Diana Fox

Do a little more research and read this website plz ._.

also this...Read the left top words of the album cover..

now my timing worth a kds or not? lol
Topic Starter
You dont understand me.
The Original Song is by Diana Fox.
DJ Melodie Made a techno version out of it.
And the versio by DJ Melodie got Nightcored.
So DJ Melodie is the Artist.
star ^^
Star :3
star :33

  • Blue: You must fix this.
    Red: You better fix it!
    Orange: Screenshot ahead.
    Black: Just suggestions though.

    deadbeat's Easy
  1. 01:07:267 (2): Move this to x:248 y:192 then a little bit spacing.
  2. 02:23:534 (4): Move one grid down.

    Tenshi's Normal
  3. Have nothing to say...

  4. 01:09:756 (3): Maybe you could turn off both snaps and stack it straight right under (2).

  5. Have nothing to say...
That's it and here's your star. I'm about to be addicted to Nightcore...

Thank you and good luck.
Topic Starter

kokoroanime wrote:

deadbeat's Easy
[*]01:07:267 (2): Move this to x:248 y:192 then a little bit spacing. - nah, spacing is correct
[*]02:23:534 (4): Move one grid down. - k

[*]01:09:756 (3): Maybe you could turn off both snaps and stack it straight right under (2). - forgot to do that thx
Not a fan of this difficulty or the rhythms presented within. It's very hard to follow, and I don't know how to fix it.

00:33:578 (4,5) - circle, (repeating) slider

00:36:689 (1,1) - sliding over beat 1 is very disorienting. Coupled with the short sliders on 3, it's just tedious to get this right. Something like this would be much better:
That's the only real problem, but it repeats a bunch.

01:58:289 - this is awfully empty. Just fill in some notes.

ziin wrote:

Not a fan of this difficulty or the rhythms presented within. It's very hard to follow, and I don't know how to fix it.
Yeah, seems like I did a bad job of my diff ;__; I'd remap if I could, if this is still pending when I get a new desktop, I'll prob remap this
Topic Starter
Thx for your mod.
Will fix this stuff soon since im remapping the Insane right now~
mod4mod ^^

ich schätze mal, alle mapper die mitgemappt haben sind deutsch ^^

die mp3 hat ne bitrate von 256, aber rankable sind nur mp3 bis 192 k/Bit's :(

gut ^^

01:26:645- vielleicht noten setzen, hört sich so leer an...
02:13:934- ^


find ich auch gut ^^

gute map, macht auch spass, sie zu spielen^^

ok, stern hab ic hschonmal gegeben, also good luck ^^
Clearing my modding queue~

Liegt's an mir oder überlappen sich die Namen beim Storyboard in jeder Guest Diff?

General: This diff is quite complicated for Easy, espeacially the "rythm" where you often place notes on red ticks
00:32:600 - end slider here?
02:24:956 (1) - please make this slider more eye-appealing, use more waypoints to give it a rounder shade
02:31:356 (1) - dont end this slider here, end this slider at 02:32:067 or at 02:32:778

00:55:356 (1,2) - Mach doch die vorherige Pattern so dass der Slider und der Circle genau in der Mitte liegen, sieht doch besser aus wenn danach noch ein Spinner kommt

00:11:978 (1) - Der Slider... no-go T.T
00:36:689 - Circle und...
00:36:867 - Slideranfang, so würde sich das meiner Meinung nach viel beser anhören. Da du aber dadurch manche Teile neu machen müsstest, überlasse ichs dir.

00:22:467 (7) - Mach den Slider bitte rund...
02:16:423 - Spinner hier beenden?
02:42:023 (1) - Den Slider könntest du ja mit der Zeit immer leiser werden lassen, mittels Timingsections.

Nice map, Star :3
Topic Starter

MoonShade wrote:

Clearing my modding queue~

Liegt's an mir oder überlappen sich die Namen beim Storyboard in jeder Guest Diff? -eventuell hast du noch die alte version mit ner .osb jetzt ist das storyboard in den .osu dateien da in der taiko diff kein sb ist

00:11:978 (1) - Der Slider... no-go T.T - fixed :P
00:36:689 - Circle und...
00:36:867 - Slideranfang, so würde sich das meiner Meinung nach viel beser anhören. Da du aber dadurch manche Teile neu machen müsstest, überlasse ichs dir. - ich finds ok wie es ist :V

00:22:467 (7) - Mach den Slider bitte rund... - fixed
02:16:423 - Spinner hier beenden? - passt so
02:42:023 (1) - Den Slider könntest du ja mit der Zeit immer leiser werden lassen, mittels Timingsections. - done

Nice map, Star :3
es tea ey are*
nice 8-)
Found a small error in the lyrics:

"Every word is the beat of my heart." should read "Every word is a beat of my heart."

Kl zu modden :'D Sternchen <3

the Insane, and made ​​some bad, I'm not marking the notes in time, so I tell you, and adjust in the best way =)

Insane :

00:37:578 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 00:37:667 (5)

00:39:000 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 00:39:089 (5)

00:43:267 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 00:43:356 (5)

00:47:534 (2) - Enter a slider until the time 00:47:623 (3)

00:48:956 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 00:49:045 (5)

00:50:467 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 00:50:467 (4)

02:22:823 (4) - Enter a slider until the time 02:22:912 (5)

02:40:778 (2) - time to move 02:40:867 (2)

and change it so it is perfect, Good luck! I hope I was useful to check out.
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