
DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 12. August 2011 at 19:34:10

Artist: DJ Melodie
Title: Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)
Tags: tenshi-nyan tenshi deadbeat OnosakiHito Onosaki Diana Fox
BPM: 168,75
Filesize: 6030kb
Play Time: 02:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. deadbeat's Easy (1,27 stars, 119 notes)
  2. Hard (4,29 stars, 215 notes)
  3. Insane (4,97 stars, 334 notes)
  4. Ono's Taiko Oni (4,94 stars, 608 notes)
  5. Tenshi's Normal (3,99 stars, 219 notes)
Download: DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Redownload if you downloaded before 12.08.2011

Thanks to...
deadbeat ---> Easy Diff
Tenshi-Nyan ---> Normal Diff
OnosakiHito ---> Taiko Diff

Hard,Insane and Storyboard is made by myself.
gogo muhkuh :3
Oh my, you have Reverie form Planetarian on your bg. I remember reading it :)
Mostly suggestions here.

The mp3 you use has 256Kbps. The allowed range is 128-192.

[deadbeat's Easy]
Following the lyrics might be kinda hard or an easy diff.
00:30:977 (2) - maybe add 2 sliders here to match the 'heaven' word instead of a break like this ?
00:37:555 (1) - make this 1 tick shorter and add another repeat? if yes, then maybe leave whistle only at 00:38:622 ?
01:00:847 (1) - move this to 01:00:669, move 01:01:381 (2) to 01:01:025 and end it at 01:01:381, move 01:02:092 (3) to 01:01:736 and end it at 01:02:447. This should make it easier. You can also add a circle at 01:03:158 later.
01:05:470 - add circle here?
01:17:560 (1) - move this to 01:17:382 and end it at 01:18:094 then move 01:18:983 (2) to 01:18:805 ?
02:19:968 (1) - finish this at 02:20:679 and add circles at 02:21:034 and 02:21:390 ? If yes, then new combo at 02:21:923 (1).

Since it's Hard now, you can make circles smaller and increase the hp drain rate.
02:42:192 (1) - silence this spinner the moment it ends so it won't suddenly become quiet when you still get your 1000s. or add some more timing sections to reduce the volume gradually.

Change your default sample set to Soft, then add another timing section at 00:34:533 and change it to Normal there.
Also, make it -1 less loud? You can do the same in the Hard too.
02:42:015 (1) - same thing with the spinner sound as in Hard.

Nice map. Good luck ;)
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senaya wrote:

[deadbeat's Easy]
deadbeat has to mod this

Since it's Hard now, you can male circles smaller and increase the hp drain rate.-increased hp drain rate but left the circle size the same
02:42:192 (1) - silence this slider the moment it ends so it won't suddenly become quiet when you still get your 1000s. or add some more timing sections to reduce the volume gradually. -yea i wanted to fix that before i upload but fixed now ^^

Change your default sample set to Soft, then add another timing section at 00:34:533 and change it to Normal there.
Also, make it -1 less loud? You can do the same in the Hard too. -k
02:42:015 (1) - same thing with the slider sound as in Hard. -see hard :D
ty :3

senaya wrote:

[deadbeat's Easy]
Following the lyrics might be kinda hard or an easy diff. its worked for me in the past
move 01:18:983 (2) to 01:18:805 ? i changed that slider around a bit
Download: DJ Melodie - Take Me Up To Heaven (Nightcore Mix) (KillerRind) [deadbeat's Easy].osu
00 29 377 up 1 grid
decrease sound volume by 2-3 as well as insane diff

and i think that break time was too long in insane diff.

just suggestion.
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artpiggo wrote:

00 29 377 up 1 grid kk
decrease sound volume by 2-3 as well as insane diff kk

and i think that break time was too long in insane diff. nah

just suggestion.
Hi there Rind :3

So I had some freetime and thought I'd take a look at one of your pending maps.
So I didn't really find anything special, but some thing that disturbed me more or less when playing those maps so I'll post here what disturbed me while playing.

The things I point out are merely suggestions and how I would like them more or would probably change them!!!! (so if you don't like them just ignore :P)

Deadbeat's Easy

Seems kind of weird to me for the beat placement, but that's probably just because I don't really play Easy anymore....
So didn't find anything special here.... xD


00:36:666 (1) – Didn’t like this part at all ;_;
I would probably change it like that…..
I marked first of all everything after that slider to the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) moved it two ticks too the right on the red tick and added a note on 00:36:666 (or change 00:36:400 (3) – into a slider too this point).
The slider would now be on 00:36:844 (1).
The new pattern would look like this.
Then I changed the length of the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) from 00:39:511-00:40:934 to 00:39:689-00:40:934
Rince and repeat the new pattern for :

00:36:844 (1)
00:38:267 (1)
00:41:111 (1)
00:42:356 (1)
00:43:778 (1)
02:19:256 (1)
02:20:501 (1)
02:21:923 (1)

Other than that the map was pretty good.


Man I took a liking to this map <3
Pretty easy to play :3 but still.....

02:27:613 (1) – Bleh….. you use the same pattern over and over again and then you use this slider which completely disturbs the flow in my opinion ;_;
I would change it so it doesn’t disturb the flow anymore but you need to know for yourself….

So that's about it :3
Keep up the good work and catch this star~
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Yomeiro wrote:


00:36:666 (1) – Didn’t like this part at all ;_;
I would probably change it like that…..
I marked first of all everything after that slider to the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) moved it two ticks too the right on the red tick and added a note on 00:36:666 (or change 00:36:400 (3) – into a slider too this point).
The slider would now be on 00:36:844 (1).
The new pattern would look like this.
Then I changed the length of the spinner at 00:39:511 (1) from 00:39:511-00:40:934 to 00:39:689-00:40:934
Rince and repeat the new pattern for :

00:36:844 (1)
00:38:267 (1)
00:41:111 (1)
00:42:356 (1)
00:43:778 (1)
02:19:256 (1)
02:20:501 (1)
02:21:923 (1)

i like how it is ^^

Other than that the map was pretty good.


Man I took a liking to this map <3
Pretty easy to play :3 but still.....

02:27:613 (1) – Bleh….. you use the same pattern over and over again and then you use this slider which completely disturbs the flow in my opinion ;_;
I would change it so it doesn’t disturb the flow anymore but you need to know for yourself…. kk changed it a bit

Nightcore ftw~
Darf ich eine Taiko Map für dich machen? :3

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OnosakiHito wrote:

Nightcore ftw~
Darf ich eine Taiko Map für dich machen? :3

klar ^^
Hmm brauchstn Normal eh?
Kann dir gerne eins machen :<
Da Wochenende is würds net lange dauern.
So... habs fertig :O <--- hier drin O_o

4,03 stars, 1,3 mio max score... nun, es ist ein Normal.

vergiss net mich in den tags zu erwähnen~
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danke dir, hab die tags und das storyboard noch gemacht und geaddet :3
ehm hab hier man kleinen Update... n Paar Sachen gefixt etc.

Irgendwas stimmt noch net ganz mit dem SB inner break net, check das nochmal...
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habs ugedated
seh nix was mim sb nich stimmen soll
Design mod is gogo

ok first off you need to encode your mp3 down to 192, if you dont know how to do this lemmie know and i will do it for you

rofl your offset on all the diffs is totally messed up ;D you have a red tick where the white tick should be, move your offset to 1,284 to fix stanza, this MUST be done ;)

deadbeat's Easy
big irc mod

Tenshi's Normal
fix timing as stated above

check if you have unsnapped notes, it shows some for me

00:40:578 (6,7) - this timing dont play good, and it dont really follow the song, simplify it and put (6) at 00:40:399 and it plays hugely better

design wise rest seems ok

fix timing as stated above

00:27:954 (5) - timing here feels really odd to the song, a timing like this would suit better, i kno that it means you would have to remake that slider, but just try it and you will notice what i mean

00:58:714 (3) - due to the way the map is before this note, it makes the player want to do this note as a 1/2 thus it really felt bad to play as a stack, i do advise to unstack this note
01:08:670 (1) - again the timing here dont feel right, the note seems to start way too early, try starting it at 01:08:847 - to flow to the vocals you are following, atm it really breaks the flow :/
(suggestion) 01:24:850 (5) - its not as bad here, but again it would really be better to make this follow the vocals more
(suggestion) 02:07:166 (1,2,3) - rather ugly, maybe like this? xD


fix timing as stated above

01:56:498 (1,2) - spacing is too close compared to the next note, either make this wider, or the next note closer
02:02:188 (1,2) - same again
02:05:032 (1,2) - and again xD
i kno its done as a pattern, but it really dont work :/

02:27:613 (1) - having this longer slider smack bang in the middle of a very trippy rhythm really really played bad, i really advise you to give that part the same pattern and timing as the times before and after it
02:30:102 (5) - felt too early it needs to be moved to the next blue tick and then made one tick shorter, plays much better then ;p

well the maps are fun and nice going :) just quite a few design probs to fix, i cant really star yet untill i see what is fixed within that bundle of stuff, i do really think most need to get fixed, and please remember to fix the offset

best of luck o/
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