
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself (Part III)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, April 29, 2016 at 10:00:08 PM

Artist: $uicideboy$
Title: Kill Yourself (Part III)
Tags: Suicideboys Liver Will Handle What My Heart Can't
BPM: 106
Filesize: 2608kb
Play Time: 01:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cancel's Nard (1.68 stars, 93 notes)
  2. Easy (1.37 stars, 101 notes)
  3. Hard (2.68 stars, 160 notes)
Download: $uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself (Part III)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Warning: This map discusses the creators suicidal thoughts and or actions.

if you suffer from suicidal thoughts or actions please use this website to find help.

Kill Yourself (Part III) - DEAD BATTERIES - South Side $uicide

Your audio file's bitrate is 320kbps.
The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps.

There's an AiMod warning, even though I don't think that's needed. Eitherway have someone more experienced to confirm that.
This map may need an epilepsy warning, as it contains frequently toggled storyboards.

Kiai Mode is used only on the Hard difficulty. Maybe you forgot about adding Kiai Mode on Easy and Normal.

(Easy, Normal)
I don't have to add anything on Easy and Normal difficulties. The mapping looks ok to me.

00:36:803 - Kiai Mode isn't snapped.
01:12:993 (1) - Making that hitcircle the starting point of your spinner makes more sense. There's no need for a seperate hitcircle to be placed there.

Good luck on getting your map ranked :3
makes me feel some sorta of way.
nonetheless very good song to map i'm hooked on this now xD
nm from modreqs

01:17:521 - i know the song fades out here but maybe you could add a little bit more notes?

00:00:859 (2) - move this over a bit to the left (overlapping)
00:03:123 (4) - ^
00:12:179 (5) - ^
00:15:576 (4) - move up (overlapping)
00:18:973 (2) - move left (overlapping)
00:21:237 (5) - move right (overlapping)
01:17:521 - add more notes?

00:34:822 (1) - spinner doesn't really fit here imo
01:17:521 - add more notes?

like the other guy stated above the bitrate is higher than 192 so you might wanna fix that

overall 9.5/10! good luck with the ranking :D
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@Arduck_GR you made some pretty gosh darn solid points, although they are from AIMod, its still good someone checked aimod for me because idgaf about it

@Ethan I mapped the end of the song since it made sense, and on the Normal diff the overlaps are meant to be there since they are allowed

@All I downloaded the MP3 at 192kbps and cut it and exported that MP3 in 320kbps to stop myself from losing audio quality, if this is still a problem when I get a BN / QAT to check the map I will export a 192kbps MP3 for it
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Update: I changed the quality anyway
Because George wanted me to~

I don't believe anything needs to be changed here.

00:01:461 (3,4) - You need some symmetry around here with the notes
00:15:611 (4,5) - ^
00:19:008 (2,3) - ^
00:33:725 (3,4) - ^

00:41:331 (1,2) - These don't feel right, please adjust
00:50:104 (5) - Move this down, otherwise it's hidden by the slider which isn't recommended for hard
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@Jakey I fixed some of the symmetry on normal, 00:19:008 (2,3) was alright though so I guess you have shite eyes my man!!!! I also fixed the circle being hidden under the slider just because I realized how ugly it was, thats alright on hard but it just doesnt work for the map.

thanks dudio

  • At the end should gradually reduce the sound. So it will be better heard.

  • In principle, everything is good, but it seems to me, it is not necessary to start the sliders with red tick. Start them with white, it would be better.

  • Check Ctrl+Shift+A (distance snap)
    I think you need a little boost CS. It's Normal, all the same.
  1. 00:30:895 (6) - x340 y40
  2. 01:12:462 (6) - x328 y100 (for the best zig-zag)
  3. 01:13:028 (1) - If ^ was applied, that x316 y196

  • Check Ctrl+Shift+A
    Why 1/16 and circle are so strange? Put them on a white tick.
  1. 00:20:671 (1,2) - This contact does not look nice. IMO.
Well, this not bad. I think this suitable for rank. Good luck :D
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@Chiyuyu I applied basically everything you said, I had the audio volume change already saved though, I just needed to wait to update it
I really enjoy this song, so may as well try to give some suggestions on how I would make it better. This is my first time, so feel free to disregard anything I say if you see it as wrong.

00:34:857 - Maybe this spinner should be one tick shorter, then add a slider at the start of the vocal line ( 00:36:272 ). Looking like this:

IMO while it sounds decent in the editor as is, the rhythm heard whilst playing the song sounds strange to me.
01:13:028 - This spinner seems a bit out of place to me, I think mapping the vocal line similar to after it be better.
01:29:443 - I don't really think this spinner is needed, since the song has essentially stopped at this point. I found that it was slightly better if you replaced the last note with it.

I also wish that you had mapped the entire song, but that's just a personal thing. I can understand why you wouldn't.
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Minifrij wrote:

I really enjoy this song, so may as well try to give some suggestions on how I would make it better. This is my first time, so feel free to disregard anything I say if you see it as wrong.

00:34:857 - Maybe this spinner should be one tick shorter, then add a slider at the start of the vocal line ( 00:36:272 ). Looking like this:

IMO while it sounds decent in the editor as is, the rhythm heard whilst playing the song sounds strange to me.
01:13:028 - This spinner seems a bit out of place to me, I think mapping the vocal line similar to after it be better.
01:29:443 - I don't really think this spinner is needed, since the song has essentially stopped at this point. I found that it was slightly better if you replaced the last note with it.

I also wish that you had mapped the entire song, but that's just a personal thing. I can understand why you wouldn't.
I did pretty much all of your mod except for removing the final spinner, I used that final spinner to close off the song.

Also pertaining to your comment on mapping the whole song, I probably should of to be honest. This is one of the songs where ruby actually performs well, unlike Antarctica where he whines into the mic his whole verse

rip $toryboard fla$he$

thi$ $ong i$ probably $o boring to map cuz it i$ u$ing the mo$t ba$ic form of empha$i$ (bigger circle = more empha$i$) throughout the entire map
making e$$entially any offbeat $lider$ not work
on every diff

the way you hit$ounded $tuff when there'$ percu$$ion i$ okayi$h
the fini$he$ you u$e in the piano-only part$ are $o much more inten$e than the actual $ong (not including the one$ with fla$he$)
replacing them with whi$tle$ or $ome more fitting $ample >
the incon$i$tency of your intro hit$ounding al$o hurt$

relating to that paragraph thing above, $tuff like 00:02:027 (3) - 00:08:819 (5) - 01:07:934 (6) - are offbeat $lider$ that kinda dont work cuz the $ong i$ u$ing the mo$t ba$ic form of empha$i$ ever
tho$e are ju$t $lider$ ending on actual downbeat$ tho, one$ $tarting on beat 2 are al$o pretty gro$$. $ince mu$ictheorynon$en$e tell$ people
00:26:366 (7,1) - $pacingwhat
00:53:783 (5,1) - antijump i$ not a thing you $hould actually be doing on lowe$t diff lol. map i$ built off of 1/1 $paced object$, $o even a 2/1 $tack would be $ketch. proper $pacing be$t option
01:13:169 (1) - wont be relevant after you fix the timing but tail tho. al$o you may get wrecked about recovery time $ince you mapped thi$ a$ actual 106bpm and not double (where half the recovery time would make $en$e)
andprobably $ame on normal g

ur difficulty settings are so inflated
00:12:215 (5,6) - pl$ i think you know what'$ wrong with thi$. $crub$ follow $liderbodie$ $o $lider$ leading into next object i$ e$$ential
00:37:934 (2,3) - 00:44:726 (5,6) - 00:46:990 (2,3) - con$idering $o much of thi$ u$e$ the $ame rhythm a$ ea$y, mapping out the only 1/2 that actually $tand$ out = $trong$pread

00:00:329 (1,2) - $pacing tho. if you want low movement from 1 to 2, $tacking > introducing $pacing concept that never recurr$
00:33:160 (2,3,4) - if ur not gonna be u$ing $pacing variation to empha$ize anything here, con$i$tent $pacing $uperior
00:34:858 (1) - recoverytimetho 1beat
00:37:935 (3) - told byby in a mod earlier today how to make 1/2 $pam le$$ me$$y maybereadthatok
00:39:066 (1,2,3) -00:43:029 (5,6,1) - al$o $pacing with the$e what i$ the variation $uppo$ed to be indicating cuz it'$ not contemporary empha$i$i$i$ii$i
01:12:463 (4,1) - tbh $ame as the first thing
00:59:161 (2) - $till get triggered by un$upported offbeat $lider$:( 01:10:482 (6) - actually work$ pretty well i think tho

Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

rip $toryboard fla$he$

thi$ $ong i$ probably $o boring to map cuz it i$ u$ing the mo$t ba$ic form of empha$i$ (bigger circle = more empha$i$) throughout the entire map
making e$$entially any offbeat $lider$ not work
on every diff

the way you hit$ounded $tuff when there'$ percu$$ion i$ okayi$h
the fini$he$ you u$e in the piano-only part$ are $o much more inten$e than the actual $ong (not including the one$ with fla$he$)
replacing them with whi$tle$ or $ome more fitting $ample >
the incon$i$tency of your intro hit$ounding al$o hurt$

relating to that paragraph thing above, $tuff like 00:02:027 (3) - 00:08:819 (5) - 01:07:934 (6) - are offbeat $lider$ that kinda dont work cuz the $ong i$ u$ing the mo$t ba$ic form of empha$i$ ever
tho$e are ju$t $lider$ ending on actual downbeat$ tho, one$ $tarting on beat 2 are al$o pretty gro$$. $ince mu$ictheorynon$en$e tell$ people
00:26:366 (7,1) - $pacingwhat
00:53:783 (5,1) - antijump i$ not a thing you $hould actually be doing on lowe$t diff lol. map i$ built off of 1/1 $paced object$, $o even a 2/1 $tack would be $ketch. proper $pacing be$t option
01:13:169 (1) - wont be relevant after you fix the timing but tail tho. al$o you may get wrecked about recovery time $ince you mapped thi$ a$ actual 106bpm and not double (where half the recovery time would make $en$e)
andprobably $ame on normal g

ur difficulty settings are so inflated
00:12:215 (5,6) - pl$ i think you know what'$ wrong with thi$. $crub$ follow $liderbodie$ $o $lider$ leading into next object i$ e$$ential
00:37:934 (2,3) - 00:44:726 (5,6) - 00:46:990 (2,3) - con$idering $o much of thi$ u$e$ the $ame rhythm a$ ea$y, mapping out the only 1/2 that actually $tand$ out = $trong$pread

00:00:329 (1,2) - $pacing tho. if you want low movement from 1 to 2, $tacking > introducing $pacing concept that never recurr$
00:33:160 (2,3,4) - if ur not gonna be u$ing $pacing variation to empha$ize anything here, con$i$tent $pacing $uperior
00:34:858 (1) - recoverytimetho 1beat
00:37:935 (3) - told byby in a mod earlier today how to make 1/2 $pam le$$ me$$y maybereadthatok
00:39:066 (1,2,3) -00:43:029 (5,6,1) - al$o $pacing with the$e what i$ the variation $uppo$ed to be indicating cuz it'$ not contemporary empha$i$i$i$ii$i
01:12:463 (4,1) - tbh $ame as the first thing
00:59:161 (2) - $till get triggered by un$upported offbeat $lider$:( 01:10:482 (6) - actually work$ pretty well i think tho

p good, I'll need to contact you via irc to actually understand certain lines of you mod, such as "con$idering $o much of thi$ u$e$ the $ame rhythm a$ ea$y, mapping out the only 1/2 that actually $tand$ out = $trong$pread"
Looks good to me!
what even
Topic Starter

Cancel wrote:

what even
We fixed a few things via IRC, I believe this map is good to go.
Narrow Minds
the pure white combocolor strobes unpleasantly during kiai :(

Cancel wrote:

WTF? Okay. So, what's happening. I don't know HOW or WHO, but someone got to my account and it was not me. I don't share passwords, unless I was super drugged which is literally imposssible. I never qualified this map.

  1. Check his soundcloud. It seems the song title is supposed to be KILL YOURSELF (Part III) rather than Kill Yourself (Part III)
  2. Audio quality is not sufficient to me. Spectrogram clearly says the cut-off is pretty retarded and I don't believe that's the "original quality" of the song.
  3. Tag "my" is a duplicate, I don't see reason for including it again.
  4. ColorGrain.png and Grain.png files are not used in .osu nor .osb of the map.
  5. White color is absolutely unreadable in some parts, it needs to be darker, probably some light grey would be fine.
  1. 00:36:787 - You cannot have 2 timing points with different volumes on same timestamp. It can lead to an error.
  2. I absolutely disagree with spread on this difficulty. Easy and Normal are relatively calm maps, but the difference to Hard is so huge. From almost regular spacing to all-jump map is just a no-go.
  3. The difficulty is exceedingly overmapped. Sounds like these are in my opinion not a subject to be mapped: 00:01:178 - 00:03:442 - 00:05:706 - 00:09:102 - 00:11:366 - etc.
  4. 00:13:913 (1,2,3,4) - 01:26:598 (1,2,3,4) - Is really overexaggerated pattern. I don't see any logic in jumps on the rhythm. There's almost no sound, so I don't think it should be mapped and especially not as a jump.
  5. 00:29:479 (4) - If you already want to overmap the song, please, at least mute the slider ends and definitely don't make these places clickable, it makes no sense to me to make non-existant sound mapped and moreover mapped as a clickable.
  1. The same overmap problem as Hard
  2. Some patterns are unpolished or misleading, such as 00:03:159 (4,5) - 00:15:612 (4,5) - 00:19:008 (2,3) - 00:21:272 (5,6) - . Especially for normal and low diffs in overall, I would welcome to see more clear patterns and not that many overlaps.
  1. There are way too many issues in this difficulty. First of them is the completely inconsistent spacing: 00:00:895 (2,3) - Seems like cool spacing, which probably can be used for easy, 00:02:027 (3,4,5) - Increases spacing (on easy!) and that doesn't even respond to how the music goes at all.
  2. Then it calms again and goes to normal, but there we have a jump: 00:09:385 (1,2) - For what reason does Easy use jumps and why in this, very calm place? There's no single indication of increased intensity, so I don't see reason for a jump.
  3. This difficulty in my opinion is completely out of Easy standards and many things should be fixed there, above issues repeat throughout the whole difficulty.
This is not aimed against George, I have no clue who is doing this mess. This map needs to be disqualified nonetheless because it was not checked in any way, contains above issues and in my opinion needs much more mods than this.

Don't spread drama please, issue is being consulted with and discussion about it doesn't belong in this thread. Thanks everyone for understanding :)
01:26:598- ~ 01:29:145- The timing seems really off in this section if you listen the music carefully.I think here needs another offset rather than another green line in my opinion.
By the way,why don't you put an warning on beatmap description?The song contains some offensive words
Eeeeee~ ripperino
Ugh, Wafu... You should check this better, try checking with cause if there is really someone hacking accounts on osu, it needs to be found and resolved asap.

Wafu wrote:

  1. Check his soundcloud. It seems the song title is supposed to be KILL YOURSELF (Part III) rather than Kill Yourself (Part III)

Bakari wrote:

  1. Artist is Pierce The Veil (with the T capitalized) Source
No dq post even tho it was moved?
As requested by the last nominating BN, we are taking this out of Qualified for now. Please contact to assist us in investigating this matter. (and keep handling this map as per usual)
Narrow Minds

Wafu wrote:

WTF? Okay. So, what's happening. I don't know HOW or WHO, but someone got to my account and it was not me. I don't share passwords, unless I was super drugged which is literally imposssible. I never qualified this map.
Enough jokes, seems like this is a serious issue. How's that even possible that you got hacked? It had to be probably someone who knows your password or you just didn't log out from a public computer because there isn't any possible way how did you get hacked. I don't want to act like a smartass but you should make your password stronger or how MkGuh mentioned write on a support.

Narrow Minds wrote:

Enough jokes, seems like this is a serious issue. How's that even possible that you got hacked? It had to be probably someone who knows your password or you just didn't log out from a public computer because there isn't any possible way how did you get hacked. I don't want to act like a smartass but you should make your password stronger or how MkGuh mentioned write on a support.
Could we please concentrate on the map progress instead, Wafu's case will be handled by the support, not here.
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Wafu wrote:

his entire mod is meant to be here but I dont want to make a mess in the thread
I didnt agree with your comment on making the title full capital letters, but it did bring attention to a metadata error I had >>legit metadata proof<<
I'll fix the audio quality soon, I just need time to recuperate and I'll get to it
I also removed the tag "my" from the beginning so that the album title still makes sense in the tags
yada yada yada I removed the unused SB elements and changed my white circle

I fixed your comments on the timing points, and also for what you call overmapped I was mapping to the lyrics, so the slider ends on the 1/2 because thats when her voice ends

Fixed the exaggerated patterns too, its a problem I have because I'm a dumbo and do aesthetic over sense

I'm going to remap this diff to try to fix my diff spread gap, voided your mod.

Auto distance spacing is kinda doing the trick, I'm just having problems with AIMod recognizing a constant DS (might have to unsnap from grid)
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ByBy13 wrote:

01:26:598- ~ 01:29:145- The timing seems really off in this section if you listen the music carefully.I think here needs another offset rather than another green line in my opinion.
By the way,why don't you put an warning on beatmap description?The song contains some offensive words
Added the warning and is currently working on the timing, idk why I cant give kd to you at this point but just pretend I gave it to you (unless it isnt needed for this mod)
Want to help out but I heard something not very nice in the lyrics

Regraz wrote:

Want to help out but I heard something not very nice in the lyrics

I don't think the lyrics are sfw enough for this to get ranked, taken that there have already been nukes on maps for too inappropriate lyrics...

And in general, the song speaks about how suicidal thoughts develop in one's mind until they become a reality. I will always be against publicizing any message like that as there are actually people out there fighting with thoughts like these and all they need is a little bit of extra motivation... There are better and happier songs to map out there, I am sure you can find another one.
Completely agreeing with Exa.
I do agree with Exa as well, I don't think this is an appropriate content to be in a game like osu!, at least in the ranked section. Anyways contacting a moderator or a community manager should be a good idea, since they can tell you if this will be allowed or no, personally I think having a depressing song that can lead you to suicide isn't a good idea at all.
As we received the report in this matter and revised the issue in detail, we decided that songs of such kind are not welcomed in this community.

If you have questions or objections regarding this matter, feel free to PM me.
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