
Ryo Shintani - Music Box (Winter) Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 17 de abril de 2016 at 06:44:06 p.m.

Artist: Ryo Shintani
Title: Music Box (Winter) Theme
Source: ねこあつめ
Tags: Neko Atsume Kitty Collector Hit-Point
BPM: 100
Filesize: 1778kb
Play Time: 00:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,16 stars, 34 notes)
  2. Normal (2,02 stars, 63 notes)
Download: Ryo Shintani - Music Box (Winter) Theme
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First map with the cattes I love. Something simple to start this journey.

This mapset will only contain an easy and normal diff, nothing else.

Let's see what can I do with this...
Here from your M4M Q

  1. CS - 2-3
  2. AR - 2-3
  3. OD - 2
  4. HP - 2
  5. 00:06:050 (3,1) - You shouldn't overlap on Easy diffs because it makes it visually harder for beginners.
  6. 00:12:050 (2) - Same as before. You should put this in the middle of 1 and 3
  7. 00:39:950 (1,2,3) - I think these would look better in a triangle pattern
  1. CS - 3-3.5
  2. AR - 5
  3. OD - 4
  4. HP - 3-4
  5. 00:03:950 (1,2) - You shouldn't overlap on Normal diffs because it makes it visually harder for beginners.
  6. 00:14:750 (3,4,1) - Triangle?
  7. 00:25:550 (1,2,3) - 1 and 2 are the same distance apart as 2 and 3, but they aren't the same time apart. Distance Snap 1 and 2 so it works
  8. 00:37:550 (1,2,3) - Don't overlap. Find a way to remove the overlap WHILE not also being overlapped by 00:36:050 (3)
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jamimc2 wrote:

Here from your M4M Q Cheers!

  1. CS - 2-3 Done
  2. AR - 2-3 I'll think about it.
  3. OD - 2 3 is better.
  4. HP - 2 Same as above.
  5. 00:06:050 (3,1) - You shouldn't overlap on Easy diffs because it makes it visually harder for beginners. I'd say that if the slider was overlapping the circle and not the other way around, so that's fine.
  6. 00:12:050 (2) - Same as before. You should put this in the middle of 1 and 3 Same here.
  7. 00:39:950 (1,2,3) - I think these would look better in a triangle pattern
I'll think about it.

  1. CS - 3-3.5
  2. AR - 5
  3. OD - 4
  4. HP - 3-4
  5. 00:03:950 (1,2) - You shouldn't overlap on Normal diffs because it makes it visually harder for beginners.
  6. 00:14:750 (3,4,1) - Triangle?
  7. 00:25:550 (1,2,3) - 1 and 2 are the same distance apart as 2 and 3, but they aren't the same time apart. Distance Snap 1 and 2 so it works
  8. 00:37:550 (1,2,3) - Don't overlap. Find a way to remove the overlap WHILE not also being overlapped by 00:36:050 (3)

    None followed.
Thanks, m8.
Hello, M4M from your queue.

:idea: 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵[]
Source: ねこあつめ
I'm not so good at finding metadata for artist and title, so you might want to have someone look at that

Currently, this map is unrankable due to both difficulties currently containing the same slider velocity

Here is a slightly re-sized version of the current bg to fit the most optimal settings.

Consider adding this hitsound and making all red and green sections S:C1 when you add this hitsound, as the current slider sound is rather disruptive to the calm music

Consider setting AR, CS and OD lower, current settings seem more like a Normal

00:06:050 (3,1) - Two things, this isn't stacked, and you shouldn't stack on easy. I'm not going to mention the problem with the slider lengths, as this should be resolved once you fix the slider velocity problem (by lowering velocity on this game)

00:09:950 (3) - Reverse arrow doesn't fit in this case, you have a downbeat on the beat 00:11:150 - which basically represents the new verse (I don't know technical terms) of the music box rhythm. Basically you don't want to put slider ends on downbeats as it can ignore strong beats or make them feel less emphasized.

00:11:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You need to develop structure, since the last instance with a rhythm similar to this had long sliders (which I don't agree with, since they can be mapped out a bit better, with just 1/1) whereas this has 1/2 rhythms incorporated into it. While the incorporation of 1/2 in an Easy is fine at this bpm, it's executed poorly due to the lack of structure.

00:12:050 (2,3) - Still, the whole stacking thing

00:15:950 (1,2) - Again, there's a very big lack of structure, first instance with a rhythm like this, you had long sliders, next instance 1/2, and now you have a long slider as well as a repeat slider. It's be simpler to map each section with similar rhythm but varied patterns.

00:19:250 - I actually see no reason in silencing this repeat. Not only does it not really give any feedback, but the music has a clear music box note playing on this repeat, to silence the note on it when the music is clearly there doesn't make much sense really.

00:27:950 (1) - I really disagree with this spinner, it can be mapped out, and it's pretty short for a beginner really, so mapping it out would be the best option, and the most sensible one imo.

You may want to consider adjusting slider velocity on this diff as well, since a lot of the time the high slider velocity results in long sliders, which result in long sliders that have lengths that are difficult to make flow smoothly

00:06:050 (1,2,3,4) - Rhythm could be improved.

00:14:750 (3,4,1) - Distance snap, stacking tends to throw things with DS off, so you might have to manually stack this.

Umm, not much else to say, this really just has the same issues as Easy, with things not being well structured in terms of rhythm. You should also pay attention to flow, since most things end up being quite sharp in terms of transitions, for example, 00:07:550 (4,1) - the flow completely cuts off to go to 1. Situations where that would work is if it was relatively low in terms of SV / DS, but this is just uncomfortable with how clunky the transition is. Also something such as 00:23:750 (1,2,3) - is pretty ambiguous, since most of the time beginners would usually expect the next note to be fairly close by, making it easy to mistake something like 1 -> 2 as 1 -> 2's tail. I hope that somewhat clarifies things, and I don't want to be the person to say this, but this needs a re-map.

On a side note: DS = Distance Snap and SV = Slider Velocity, this can be seen under the timing tab

Sorry for being somewhat harsh ><

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It's okay, everything that helps me out is very welcome!

Thank you, fixing shit is fun! Wish could give you 2 kudosu for this, though.
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Battle wrote:

Hello, M4M from your queue.

:idea: 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵[]
Source: ねこあつめ
I'm not so good at finding metadata for artist and title, so you might want to have someone look at that I did my own research and that's the only info I could come up with.

Currently, this map is unrankable due to both difficulties currently containing the same slider velocity Fixed

Here is a slightly re-sized version of the current bg to fit the most optimal settings. Going to use this, thanks!

Consider adding this hitsound and making all red and green sections S:C1 when you add this hitsound, as the current slider sound is rather disruptive to the calm music Added!

Consider setting AR, CS and OD lower, current settings seem more like a Normal Done!

00:06:050 (3,1) - Two things, this isn't stacked, and you shouldn't stack on easy. I'm not going to mention the problem with the slider lengths, as this should be resolved once you fix the slider velocity problem (by lowering velocity on this game) Moved a little bit to the right.

00:09:950 (3) - Reverse arrow doesn't fit in this case, you have a downbeat on the beat 00:11:150 - which basically represents the new verse (I don't know technical terms) of the music box rhythm. Basically you don't want to put slider ends on downbeats as it can ignore strong beats or make them feel less emphasized. Made another pattern.

00:11:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You need to develop structure, since the last instance with a rhythm similar to this had long sliders (which I don't agree with, since they can be mapped out a bit better, with just 1/1) whereas this has 1/2 rhythms incorporated into it. While the incorporation of 1/2 in an Easy is fine at this bpm, it's executed poorly due to the lack of structure. See above.

00:12:050 (2,3) - Still, the whole stacking thing Fixed!

00:15:950 (1,2) - Again, there's a very big lack of structure, first instance with a rhythm like this, you had long sliders, next instance 1/2, and now you have a long slider as well as a repeat slider. It's be simpler to map each section with similar rhythm but varied patterns. I'll look into it if someone else points that out and comes with a better solution. It will stay that way for now.

00:19:250 - I actually see no reason in silencing this repeat. Not only does it not really give any feedback, but the music has a clear music box note playing on this repeat, to silence the note on it when the music is clearly there doesn't make much sense really. There's no reason for a clap to sound there, really liked the slider but I couldn't find the right rhythm to place it, so I silenced the slider, which for me, fixes the problem I was having there.

00:27:950 (1) - I really disagree with this spinner, it can be mapped out, and it's pretty short for a beginner really, so mapping it out would be the best option, and the most sensible one imo.
Will do if someone else points that out.

You may want to consider adjusting slider velocity on this diff as well, since a lot of the time the high slider velocity results in long sliders, which result in long sliders that have lengths that are difficult to make flow smoothly I think the SV here is quite okay.

00:06:050 (1,2,3,4) - Rhythm could be improved. Done partially, I would like someone to suggest something better that the pattern I did there.

00:14:750 (3,4,1) - Distance snap, stacking tends to throw things with DS off, so you might have to manually stack this. Tried but couldn't come with something better.

Umm, not much else to say, this really just has the same issues as Easy, with things not being well structured in terms of rhythm. You should also pay attention to flow, since most things end up being quite sharp in terms of transitions, for example, 00:07:550 (4,1) - the flow completely cuts off to go to 1. Situations where that would work is if it was relatively low in terms of SV / DS, but this is just uncomfortable with how clunky the transition is. Also something such as 00:23:750 (1,2,3) - is pretty ambiguous, since most of the time beginners would usually expect the next note to be fairly close by, making it easy to mistake something like 1 -> 2 as 1 -> 2's tail. I hope that somewhat clarifies things, and I don't want to be the person to say this, but this needs a re-map.

On a side note: DS = Distance Snap and SV = Slider Velocity, this can be seen under the timing tab

Sorry for being somewhat harsh ><

Thank you really much! ♥
Easy (1,16 stars, 34 notes)
  1. You want to almost always (99.9%) of the time using distance snap when you're mapping easy/normal/hard. Check the coordinates on the top right
  2. 00:06:350 (1) - Not that important, but since this map is 44 seconds long, might as well talk about the tiny mistakes you can fix over time. That's an improper slider. Improvised version: (i know that's a bad example). This guide about making sliders helped me out a lot when i was new to mapping: t/208596
  3. 00:09:950 (3) - You don't want anything touching or overlapping (most of the time) in Easy/Normal difficulty map. Move up to X:25 Y:223
  4. 00:11:150 (1,2) - Switch this part around like and hear the difference. Things like this appear on and off in your map. Rhythm is tricky to learn. The most important thing you need to work on is rhythm. A good habit to get into is to lay out the next 5 notes and focus on it fitting to the music, screw the placements until you found the rhythm.

Normal (2,02 stars, 63 notes)
  1. 00:08:750 (1) - most of the time, sliders shouldn't end on the long white tick. Delete this long reverse slider and map is normally, i don't think this slider fits at all. Therefore, place a circle on 00:11:150 (5) so it follows the same pattern on 00:06:050 (4,1,2,3,4)
  2. 00:15:350 (4) - Notice how this is a different tone from 00:14:750 (3) ? It shouldn't be on the same spot. This 00:15:950 (1) how ever this is allowed to be overlapping 00:15:950 (1)
  3. 00:28:250 (1,2) - Mapped this part nicely, it might be a little tricky because there's 2 sounds playing

According to your beatmaps, this is apparently your first submitted, if not your first map. This is actually good for someone new. Map more of these easier songs and incrementally move up to more difficult songs of your choice. In the beginning you will get harsher mods, but bare with it. Also, really like your avatar lel.

Your NM request from p/5040843/ is done
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Boobs wrote:

Easy (1,16 stars, 34 notes)
  1. You want to almost always (99.9%) of the time using distance snap when you're mapping easy/normal/hard. Check the coordinates on the top right I know this and I did, maybe there are some inconsistencies that I'm not aware of, but I like how the map got to be as of now.

  2. 00:06:350 (1) - Not that important, but since this map is 44 seconds long, might as well talk about the tiny mistakes you can fix over time. That's an improper slider. Improvised version: (i know that's a bad example). This guide about making sliders helped me out a lot when i was new to mapping: t/208596 That guide, although effective, is 2 years old by now (if not more), so some of the patters shown there are not possible anymore. Also, the slider I made there was made because of AngelHoney's sliders in Azul, which for me are quite nice to see and play.
  3. 00:09:950 (3) - You don't want anything touching or overlapping (most of the time) in Easy/Normal difficulty map. Move up to X:25 Y:223 I'm pretty sure you're modding the old version of this map. This is how it looks by now.
  4. 00:11:150 (1,2) - Switch this part around like and hear the difference. Things like this appear on and off in your map. Rhythm is tricky to learn. The most important thing you need to work on is rhythm. A good habit to get into is to lay out the next 5 notes and focus on it fitting to the music, screw the placements until you found the rhythm.
    I kinda feel what you want to say here, but I feel better leaving it the way it is right now.

Normal (2,02 stars, 63 notes)
  1. 00:08:750 (1) - most of the time, sliders shouldn't end on the long white tick. Delete this long reverse slider and map is normally, i don't think this slider fits at all. Therefore, place a circle on 00:11:150 (5) so it follows the same pattern on 00:06:050 (4,1,2,3,4) I really don't see how that kickback slider doesn't follow the rhythm.
  2. 00:15:350 (4) - Notice how this is a different tone from 00:14:750 (3) ? It shouldn't be on the same spot. This 00:15:950 (1) how ever this is allowed to be overlapping 00:15:950 (1) I don't even know what you tried to say here.
  3. 00:28:250 (1,2) - Mapped this part nicely, it might be a little tricky because there's 2 sounds playing Thanks! I did my best and that's the best solution I could come up with.

According to your beatmaps, this is apparently your first submitted, if not your first map. This is actually good for someone new. Map more of these easier songs and incrementally move up to more difficult songs of your choice. In the beginning you will get harsher mods, but bare with it. Also, really like your avatar lel.

Your NM request from p/5040843/ is done
Thank you so much for doing this! Done and updated!
from muh queue

00:06:050 (3) - NC
00:06:350 (1) - remove NC
00:06:350 (1) - do this instead
00:18:350 (2) - add sound on reverse

00:07:250 (3) - ctrl+g
00:11:450 (1,3) - improve blanket
00:15:350 (4) - no sound here remove this or make 00:14:750 (3) a slider

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[D i r e]

Term Akatski wrote:

from muh queue

00:06:050 (3) - NC
00:06:350 (1) - remove NC
00:06:350 (1) - do this instead
00:18:350 (2) - add sound on reverse

None followed.

00:07:250 (3) - ctrl+g Tried but it doesn't go as I want it to.
00:11:450 (1,3) - improve blanket Fixed!
00:15:350 (4) - no sound here remove this or make 00:14:750 (3) a slider No reason to do this tbh.

Aqui está mi mod, espero que te sirva de ayuda :3

estos dos sliders: 00:28:250 (1,2) - - deberian estar en estos tiempos: [me perdi en esta parte xD]
mueve el primer slider al segundo 00:28:400 -
el segundo slider al segundo 00:29:000 - y cortalo en el segundo 00:29:150 -
Suerte, está bueno el mapa :)
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Deadmadeon wrote:

Aqui está mi mod, espero que te sirva de ayuda :3

estos dos sliders: 00:28:250 (1,2) - - deberian estar en estos tiempos: [me perdi en esta parte xD]
mueve el primer slider al segundo 00:28:400 -
el segundo slider al segundo 00:29:000 - y cortalo en el segundo 00:29:150 - Gracias, pero esos sliders están bien colocados, especialmente el segundo, no tendría sentido moverlos a destiempo.

Suerte, está bueno el mapa :)
Gracias viejo, abrazo!

Easy :

:arrow: 00:06:050 (3,1) - This is kinda hard for beginner. On easy diffiuclty you should avoid any overlaps and stacks but while the DS this low you can't help it but there something you can do which is you flow that section better like : 00:06:350 (1) - Ctrl+ J and it will be something like this

:arrow: 00:08:750 (2,3) - I didn't like this flow. Since this is the easiest difficulty try to flow every object perfectly if possible.

:arrow: 00:21:650 (2,3) - Spacing problem. Do not break DS on anywhere on easy difficulty.

:arrow: 00:24:350 (4) - Actually try not to map 1/2 if it is only really really necessary do it but keeping the easy diff simple is always better i suggest you to delete those 1/2 sliders and make a one long 2/1 slider

:arrow: 00:25:550 (1,2) - 2 is a bit close than it should be.

:arrow: Open aimod( ctrl+shift+a ) and click to the box check distance snap and fix the objects spacings that mentioned in there.

Normal :

:arrow: 00:19:550 (5) - Put this object a bit downwards because it is like overlapping and so close to the 3.

:arrow: Well this is an easy normal diff i recommend you to don't break DS on this difficulty either.(examples that should be fixed : 00:26:150 (2,3) - 00:22:850 (4,1) - 00:30:950 (2,3) - 00:38:150 (3,4) - But i believe some of you made on purpose so is okay to leave them like how it is cause its normal diff.)

:arrow: While 00:06:350 (1,2) - this flows perfect why the other 00:07:250 (3,4) - isn't. I thought you were emphasizing 4 kinda of but couldn't tell the difference between 2 and 4 on the song.

:arrow: 00:28:250 (1,2) - Well i see what you did here you ignored the excited sound and followed the other instrumental yea it is okay but also i give yea option to follow both of the instrumental here : delete 2 and make 1 like this.

:arrow: 00:41:150 (4) - This sound is pretty powerful so slider on here instead of 5. Select 4 and 5 and ctrl g then move them to their correct places. ( reason is when there something to emphasize you make them with slider it fits better and shows the difference from other circles

:arrow: 00:44:750 (1) - Move this spin to 1 tick right and shorten it by 1 tick and put a circle at 00:44:750 (3) - like this

Pretty long mod for a pretty short map but considering this is your first map it is good all you need to learn some basic stuff and get used to em then you should be able to go ranked easily good luck!
I'm pretty sure maps need a Hard map in order to be ranked.

Cirno-baka9 wrote:

I'm pretty sure maps need a Hard map in order to be ranked.
Nope, there are a lot of ranked maps with just Easy and Normal.

jamimc2 wrote:

Cirno-baka9 wrote:

I'm pretty sure maps need a Hard map in order to be ranked.
Nope, there are a lot of ranked maps with just Easy and Normal.
Oh, I probably read the ranking criteria wrong.
- Frontier -

From my queue

I think HS volume is too loud. I suggested you to change it to 50%. It looks good !!
00:06:350 (1) - Asymmetry slider :D

DS Error !! :cry:

00:05:150 (3) - 357|147 for blanket :D
00:18:350 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - newbie players can't pass that :?
00:38:150 (3) - why you don't make it stack with 00:37:550 (1,2)

Too short song but It makes me sleepy. Haha
Good luck !!
Hayo~ Here we go


00:13:550 (3) - Change the slider culvation into something like this to avoid flow break.


00:27:050 (3) - Place this at the correct DS please. Normal need proper DS.
00:31:850 (3) - Same
00:39:350 (4) - Same

Good luck.
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I'll be reviving this map soon, sorry for this little "hiatus" of mine.
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