
[Update] Osu! Next - Skin Like

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  • Skin Name: Osu! Next - Skin Like

    Creator: Sycranet

    Theme: Osu! Next

    Version: 2.5

    Tags: Osu

    Download: Mediafire | Puush


    Size: ~40 MB

    Is it fully skinned? Gameplay/Menu/Standard - only


Menu :




  • Creator's comment: This is my second attemp at skinning, not really good at it, but i hope people will like this one. A huge thanks to Janko for lettin me use is spinner from is skin for the time being, until i found what i want to do with mine ( atleast i won't wobble now, thanks ziin ;)

    If you already have the skin please delete it and redownload it, thanks you :)


    [list:1337]• 04/04/2016

    Modified :
      1. Hit Circle Overlay (Better Fit)
      2. Button_Left & Button_Right (Shape change)
      3. Fail Screen (Redone, new pattern)
      4. Ranking panel, Ranking graph (Redone)
      5. Spinner
      6. Ranking-Letter (Better fit of the glow)
      7. Star2 (Smaller)
      8. Hit-Number (Smaller, repositioning)
      9. Selection-Over (Redone)
      10. Mods (Color, redone)
      11. Menu Back (Redone)
      12. Section Fail & Section Pass (Backgroung change, redone)
      13. FollowPoint (Smoother, less visible)
      14. InputOverlay (Bigger, more visible)
      15. Sliderscorepoint
    • 06/04/2016

    Modified :
    1. Skin version (2.5)
    2. Rank-panel
    3. InputOverlay
    4. ModsIcon
    5. Followpoint
    6. MenuButtonBackground
    • 10/04/2016

    Modified :
    1. Failsound.mp3
    2. Combobreak.wav
    3. Applause.mp3
    4. Sectionfail.wav
    5. Play-warningarrow
    6. Play-skip
    7. Menu-back
    8. Spinner
    9. Fail_background
    10. Selection_tab
    • 18/04/2016

    Modified :
    1. Spinner Glow
    2. Hit number (50, 100, 300 (Smaller))
    3. Mods (Added text Under)
    4. Red and blue combo color (brighter)
    5. Menuhit.wav
    6. Menuclick.wav
    7. Check-on.wav
    8. Check-off.wav
    9. Menuback.wav
    10. Match-confirm.wav
    11. Match-start.wav
    12. Click-short.wav
    13. Click-short-confirm.wav
    14. Select-expand.wav
    • 27/04/2016

    Modified :
    1. Button-left,middle,right
    2. Fail-background
    3. Count3s,2s,1s,Gos
    4. Input-overlay-keys
    5. Menu-background
    6. Menu-button-background
    7. Menu-snow
    8. Pause-overlay
    9. Play-skip (HD version)
    10. Selection-mode
    11. Spinner-background (SD version)
    12. Spinner-meter
    13. Spinner-clear
    14. Welcome-text
Nice skin i really like it can not wait to see what other things you add :)
like to have all modes for this skin
Great job right there, better than my skin (cuz mine's SD lmao). Though I suggest looking at the hitcircle's glows and reducing the size of the hitcircle itself or the size of the glow.

Plus some of the glows for the ranking letters are also over the recommended size.

And I'm pretty sure that the HD icon isn't supposed to be there.

That's all. And good luck on improving your skills. :)
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Thanks for the replies guys.

As for a complet skin, i might do it when i'm completly done and satisfied with the osu mode.

Last thing, i still haven't found why my replay and retry boutton don't appear in the rank panel screen.. Someone ?

Update are visible in the Update Tab :)
or instead of wasting your time, you could directly use images from

Sycranet wrote:

Last thing, i still haven't found why my replay and retry boutton don't appear in the rank panel screen.. Someone ?

Update are visible in the Update Tab :)
Looks like it's a bug with the newest update.
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_Fami wrote:

or instead of wasting your time, you could directly use images from

Thanks for the info, but I will probably only use it for the mods icon. I don't consider it wasting my time, I do enjoy making things myself.

Pawsu wrote:

Sycranet wrote:

Last thing, i still haven't found why my replay and retry boutton don't appear in the rank panel screen.. Someone ?

Update are visible in the Update Tab :)
Looks like it's a bug with the newest update.
Oh ok so do you see them if you have the skin ? If it's only on my end it's ok
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Okay, i found was seems to be the problem.

Because i'm stupid, i didn't verifie the version of my skin, and for whatever reason in 1.0 the replay and retry button won't display. But now that i put it on 2.5 everything is alright.

So little update, adjusting the ranking panel etc to match with the version of the skin.

New screenshot, and detail of the update in the update section as always :)

If you already have the skin please delete it and redownload it, thanks you :)
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Hey guys,

So this will probably be the last update before a while because i'm kinda satisfied with the skin right now

A cleaned a little bit the spinner, so we can see the note behind it, modified some sound i tought fit better, the failbackground which was really bad
and the play-skip (kinda proud of it).

There is some other change, as always in the update section.

Like always, if you already had the skin, please delete it and redownload it, and i hope everyone will like it :)

PS : Now that the Osu mode is kinda finish, i think i will start working on the other mod, stay tuned
[Kanzaki Ranko]
Tested Version 2.5 of the skin (which is the most recent as of now), and overall, it looks pretty neat! Congratulations!

Some of the things I would change would be:
  1. I'm not sure if the spinner is really supposed to look different between high and low resolutions. Both of them look good, but they're terrible to read if you're spinning in small circles (especially in low-res mode, it's a bit better in @2x but still bad).
  2. spinner-osu, spinner-bottom, spinner-approachcircle, songselect-bottom, Ranking-title, ranking-maxcombo, ranking-accuracy, hit300-0, hit300g-0, hit300k-0 and scorebar-bg could be 1x1 files, and shouldn't have @2x versions. This makes the skin's filesize smaller and it take up less resources of the computer when using the skin.
  3. hit50, hit50k, hit100 and hit100k look too large to me. I'd make their font size smaller.
  4. hit300, hit300g and hit300k are redundant if there are animated versions of them, and will never be used. I'd remove them from the skin completely or add them in a separate folder for optional elements.
  5. Having an outer glow in hitcircleoverlay might make reading difficult (at least until you get used to it), but if that's a design choice it shouldn't be changed.
  6. Reading notes right after a spinner are still a bit too hard.
The play-skip animation looks great! I like the UI as well, and hit0. Keep it up! You're doing a great job~

hozuki wrote:

  1. hit300, hit300g and hit300k are redundant if there are animated versions of them, and will never be used. I'd remove them from the skin completely or add them in a separate folder for optional elements. They are used for the ranking panel, which uses the static images instead of the animated ones. Also one blank frame is enough in an animation.
  2. Having an overlay in hitcircleoverlay might make reading difficult (at least until you get used to it), but if that's a design choice it shouldn't be changed. What are you saying? As long as the first combo colour isn't the one from glow it should be perfectly fine.
[Kanzaki Ranko]

Haskorion wrote:

What are you saying? As long as the first combo colour isn't the one from glow it should be perfectly fine.
Typo, sorry.
I meant having an outer glow in hitcircleoverlay.
Topic Starter

hozuki wrote:

Tested Version 2.5 of the skin (which is the most recent as of now), and overall, it looks pretty neat! Congratulations!

Some of the things I would change would be:
  1. I'm not sure if the spinner is really supposed to look different between high and low resolutions. Both of them look good, but they're terrible to read if you're spinning in small circles (especially in low-res mode, it's a bit better in @2x but still bad).
  2. spinner-osu, spinner-bottom, spinner-approachcircle, songselect-bottom, Ranking-title, ranking-maxcombo, ranking-accuracy, hit300-0, hit300g-0, hit300k-0 and scorebar-bg could be 1x1 files, and shouldn't have @2x versions. This makes the skin's filesize smaller and it take up less resources of the computer when using the skin.
  3. hit50, hit50k, hit100 and hit100k look too large to me. I'd make their font size smaller.
  4. hit300, hit300g and hit300k are redundant if there are animated versions of them, and will never be used. I'd remove them from the skin completely or add them in a separate folder for optional elements.
  5. Having an outer glow in hitcircleoverlay might make reading difficult (at least until you get used to it), but if that's a design choice it shouldn't be changed.
  6. Reading notes right after a spinner are still a bit too hard.
The play-skip animation looks great! I like the UI as well, and hit0. Keep it up! You're doing a great job~
Thanks you for all the feedback.

  1. Actually the spinner isn't supposed to look different on the sd version, i may have forgotten to remake it when i changed the hd one, but it's solved now. As for the reading, i keep "cleaning" it up (it was even more loaded in the beginning), but at this point i don't know what to remove to make it lighter and keep the style, as it's supposed to look like the short moment we saw it on the preview video of osu next. For now i have reduce some element on the spinner-background, and if it's still too much i will make it transparent probably.
  2. Done, i should have indeed done it before, but for the hits i prefer keepin them.
  3. Here too, this is the second time i reduce there size, and if it go smaller again, i'm afraid it will not look good on the ranking panel, so i don't know, for now i will let them be i guess.
  4. Same as the spinner, it's the fit the theme of the skin, so i guess it's a design choice.
  5. Thanks for the help :)
I know i said it was supposed to be the last update, but i can't help it.
Changed some element (Button, Songselection, pause and fail background, background, etc...)
Added some (Welcometext, welcomesound, etc...)

Since i gained some space by reducing the size of some element, i have also redone the play-skip, to make it look smoother. Tell me guys what you think :)

As always, thanks to everyone who download the skin, and thanks to all of you who take the time to leave a comment :)
Very nice~!
Nice work! :3
I hear persona 3 sounds, i love this skin
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