Skin Name: Osu! Next - Skin Like
Creator: Sycranet
Theme: Osu! Next
Version: 2.5
Tags: Osu
Download: Mediafire | Puush[Data]
[list:1337]Size: ~40 MB
Is it fully skinned? Gameplay/Menu/Standard - only


Creator's comment: This is my second attemp at skinning, not really good at it, but i hope people will like this one. A huge thanks to Janko for lettin me use is spinner from is skin for the time being, until i found what i want to do with mine ( atleast i won't wobble now, thanks ziin
If you already have the skin please delete it and redownload it, thanks youUpdates: SPOILER[list:1337]• 04/04/2016
Modified :- Hit Circle Overlay (Better Fit)
- Button_Left & Button_Right (Shape change)
- Fail Screen (Redone, new pattern)
- Ranking panel, Ranking graph (Redone)
- Spinner
- Ranking-Letter (Better fit of the glow)
- Star2 (Smaller)
- Hit-Number (Smaller, repositioning)
- Selection-Over (Redone)
- Mods (Color, redone)
- Menu Back (Redone)
- Section Fail & Section Pass (Backgroung change, redone)
- FollowPoint (Smoother, less visible)
- InputOverlay (Bigger, more visible)
- Sliderscorepoint
Modified :- Skin version (2.5)
- Rank-panel
- InputOverlay
- ModsIcon
- Followpoint
- MenuButtonBackground
Modified :- Failsound.mp3
- Combobreak.wav
- Applause.mp3
- Sectionfail.wav
- Play-warningarrow
- Play-skip
- Menu-back
- Spinner
- Fail_background
- Selection_tab
Modified :- Spinner Glow
- Hit number (50, 100, 300 (Smaller))
- Mods (Added text Under)
- Red and blue combo color (brighter)
- Menuhit.wav
- Menuclick.wav
- Check-on.wav
- Check-off.wav
- Menuback.wav
- Match-confirm.wav
- Match-start.wav
- Click-short.wav
- Click-short-confirm.wav
- Select-expand.wav
Modified :- Button-left,middle,right
- Fail-background
- Count3s,2s,1s,Gos
- Input-overlay-keys
- Menu-background
- Menu-button-background
- Menu-snow
- Pause-overlay
- Play-skip (HD version)
- Selection-mode
- Spinner-background (SD version)
- Spinner-meter
- Spinner-clear
- Welcome-text