
Judges needed for upcoming Aspire contest (osu!standard)

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It's finally time.

The second Aspire contest organization is almost complete, and one of the last things left to do is to find a cast of capable judges to round off the whole contest.

There are however, a few things that need to be said for anyone who is interested:

  1. Aspire contests are free from ranking criteria restrictions. Completely.
  2. The only rules that entries need to follow are that they are osu!standard beatmaps and can be completed by automod without nofail needed to pass the map.
  3. Only a single map can be submitted to the contest - you are judging an individual map entirely on its own.
  4. Creative merit and technical implementation are the two categories that Aspire maps should be judged to. This is different from standard beatmap contest judging where you assess a map as a set - an Aspire judge looks for the most technically and creatively impressive map, often overlooking small individual issues with the maps themselves. Big picture versus small.
The last Aspire was the most popular beatmapping contest we've ever held with 116 individual entries submitted. While these are single difficulties, the manner in which an Aspire map must be judged means that this typically takes as much work as judging a full set. Essentially, it is a lot of work, and unlike last time, it is a lot of work that will have a very large deadline looming over it.

If you're still somehow interested interested in judging for this contest, please list yourselves in the thread below. Just remember that it is a lot of work, and I'll be hounding anyone slow on it constantly for a good month or so.

Judges who are chosen will be reimbursed with osu!supporter or merchandise for their efforts upon completing judging, and will be mentioned in the osu!news announcement. There also might be a profile badge for it - but we'll see.
I'm interested in judging, I have alot of free time
I'm interested too.Count me in!
Loving this contest since last time
Count me in! I am interested in this
Cherry Blossom
Im interested in judging this one too.
It would be really nice to play and judge creative things !
/me shows interest
I'd love to help if I was a BN again. :(

Besides, already excited about the song choice and entries \o/

Ephemeral wrote:

Judges who are chosen will be reimbursed with osu!supporter or merchandise for their efforts upon completing judging, and will be mentioned in the osu!news announcement. There also might be a profile badge for it - but we'll see.
Judges receive prizes? Are you on crack?

Not gonna happen. Supporters? Maybe. Not nothing beyond that.
supporter makes sense, in fact any judges for any contest should recieve this imo since judging takes alot of effort.
merchandise might be stretching it a bit
Never thought this would be handled so fast. o:

Count me in if possible, would love to help out on this great contest.

Interested is repeated on the penultimate paragraph x.x
Let's be real here.

If people are able to receive prize/badge as a judge in a mapping contest, I am astonished by the fact that previous QATs are not awarded anything. You know, the amount of maps being examined back in the days by a single QAT was much larger than that being judged in a single contest.
Different kind of judging lol.

IamKwaN wrote:

Let's be real here.

If people are able to receive prize/badge as a judge in a mapping contest, I am astonished by the fact that previous QATs are not awarded anything. You know, the amount of maps being examined back in the days by a single QAT was much larger than that being judged in a single contest.
Its not like I was a judge for the prize, aside from the fact there was no prize. I was interested in doing that, that is all. I think, I'm not alone with this. And even if the current ones will get prizes, well, be it. /o/

IamKwaN wrote:

Let's be real here.

If people are able to receive prize/badge as a judge in a mapping contest, I am astonished by the fact that previous QATs are not awarded anything. You know, the amount of maps being examined back in the days by a single QAT was much larger than that being judged in a single contest.
Oh, so the infinite supporter tag that already fed you hundreds of dollars was "nothing"? Not saying that it compensates it enough, but saying that this is "nothing" is quite ungrateful.
Topic Starter
Don't hold your tits for reimbursement, but if I'm particularly pleased with how judging goes I might feel inclined to shell out some of my own money for stickers or something. MAYBE. It wouldn't be an "official" prize at the very least.
Cherry Blossom
To be honest, when I want to participate as judge or map selector, I don't really expect to get rewarded first. It's like last OWC when i was part of map selectors, i didn't really expect anything back, but I received cool badges anyway and i'm happy for that.
But I think this would be really nice if you had not told us that judges could be rewarded. And instead, just tell us that you need judges, and when everything is done, so mapping contest winner announced, tell us about a possible reward for judges.
Just my opinion about that.
this guy wants to know if non-bn people can apply as judges (i assume this is in the Beatmap management forum for a reason)
I'm glad to see this kind of contest back, count me in if you're still looking for judges.
Topic Starter
Alright. We hit a few hiccups with song selection, but we'll be going forward with a new Aspire very, very shortly.

Can I just get anyone interested reconfirming their commitment with a quick post after this one?
here o/
Since I could not participate as the Beatmapping Contest (my ID got screwed), I would love to participate if possible!
Count me in :3/
Cherry Blossom
count me in too.

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Count me in if possible, would love to help out on this great contest.
Please budget your time wisely, judges!

Gero wrote:

I'm glad to see this kind of contest back, count me in if you're still looking for judges.

Sonnyc wrote:

/me shows interest
Hope it isnt late..?
Cherry Blossom
Finally, I will participate as mapper to this contest.
I don't want to be part of judges for this contest.
Topic Starter
Good luck!

I'll be contacting the chosen judges within a fortnight or so to iron things out. There's a few things that I need to go through with people so that judging works properly and isn't a hellish slog for everyone involved.

Thanks to all who volunteered!
Topic Starter
Still looking for a few more people (relatively small pool thus far), if you're interested, drop a line in here so I know!
i'm interested
Include me :)
i'm in!
I would imagine judging for this would be a bit more relaxed, so if there is anyone on the edge of there seat because you think it will be too time consuming you shouldn't worry. Eph what would you say is the avg time for judging based on about 40 entires? I would think 5-10 mins per map it is a single set again right?
There are 66 entries already, though. That's quite a lot.
well modding isn't really the focus here it is what plays best and what is fun so that could speed up the process
66 is few compared to the last Aspire contest where we had over 100 if I remember correctly, judging them shouldn't be as time consuming as judging a full set as well.
epehemeral will u be judging again like last time?
I would assume so :P

ztrot wrote:

well modding isn't really the focus here it is what plays best and what is fun so that could speed up the process
Isn't it about creativitiy or am I getting something wrong? o.o Maybe that stuff doesn't play well but suits the contest topic really good.
Topic Starter
Judging has commenced! Thanks to everyone who put themselves forward - I've jotted all your names down for future contest judging and will notify any of you of any upcoming contests that have judging calls put out for them.

To unsubscribe from judging calls, please text NOJUDGE to Ephemeral
Topic Starter
While optimistic, we're looking to release the results for this contest by Sunday, for anyone who cares.

Ephemeral wrote:

While optimistic, we're looking to release the results for this contest by Sunday, for anyone who cares.
wait.. contest results? O_O or announcing the judges
I think he's talking about the results. Invitations were sent privately.

Kibbleru wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

While optimistic, we're looking to release the results for this contest by Sunday, for anyone who cares.
wait.. contest results? O_O or announcing the judges
contest results
that was faster than i thought
Results are out.
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