
Bravely Second: End Layer

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It's out in Japan and Europe and soon to be released in the NA region. Do you have the game? Are you hyped for it? Do you want to share something with others or exchange FCs? Everything goes here.

--Yew's Diary--

All the content of Yew's Diary shall be placed here to create one big info compendium of the game. I'll also add additional info to make it easier to find the useful bits. The "x/y species" is my current progress in the development of the bestiary, as in the number of species I've discovered so far. It's also the maximum number of enemies you can currently expect me to describe.

EDIT: I'm currently working on moving this section to another page: I will remove the Bestiary section from this post once all its content is placed in the wordpress one to save space.

Humanoids- Complete!- 71/71 types

Humans or enemies of any humanoid resemblance. Weak to no weapon class (aside from a specific sword that deals additional damage to humanoids). Usually either no elemental weakness or weak to electricity (imperial soldiers).

001- Goblin
Flat-faced little imps with green skin and rows of sharp fangs.
They are known for ambushing travelers and stealing valuables. I would be more worried about them if they had proper equipment, but fortunately, they only carry crude knives.
Best not to get over-confident, though- their Charge attack can hurt a lot. The key is to remember basic strategy. Default to reduce damage and store up BP, then Brave to finish them off in one go.
I think it was Nikolai who told me this, but goblins make up for their weakness by breeding quickly. That's how it used to be for humans, too, I suppose- people would have large families just to survive. Of course, nowadays most folk concentrate on making themselves stronger. I wonder what goblins think of us and our ways...

These imps dwell in mountains, forests, and other hidden, less-traveled places.
Goblins like to lay in ambush to surprise small groups of travelers. Local villagers sometimes try to organize culls to drive them away, but they always come back again. Goblins are not fearsome foes, but they do breed like rabbits. Their Charge attacks can trouble unwary adventurers.


Location: All over the Eternia region before Chapter V; around Gathelatio
Skills to speak of: Charge
A basic, common, weak enemy fought in random encounters in the overworld. Deals low physical damage.

002- Goblin Slasher
Goblins armed with swords and shields. I don't know where they get the equipment.
The last group of goblin slashers I encountered had shields emblazoned with the crest of the Crystalguard. I don't understand why.
More goblin slashers, and this time they had shields with the Eternian seal- and some were even carrying Crystalguard swords.
Out in the Eternian wildlands, I saw a group of goblin slashers looting arms from dead Eternian soldiers. I chased them off and then buried the poor soldiers. It seems those goblins will steal from anyone, Crystalguard or Empire alike. I dare say they don't know the difference, or care.

A goblin type found around Eternia, they carry arms looted from fallen soldiers.
They are outlaw bandits, without any affiliation to duchy, church, or even empire. They live only to steal, and I suppose they know nothing about the great struggles between our nations, much less care.


Basically an improved Goblin. Can increase defense using Guard. Mostly found around Eternia (snowy areas are sure to make one appear).

003- Goblin Archer
Goblins who carry bows. Usually found in the company of goblin slashers.
They let the slashers fight on the front lines while they attack from the rear with Sharpshoot. Preety cheeky, if you ask me.
The goblin slashers can use Guard. Maybe it's better to take out the archers first.
Goblins loot corpses to arm themselves. But you hardly ever see them carrying imperial weapons- just Crystalguard and Eternian equipment... Wait a second!
You don't suppose the empire and goblins are in league with each other, do you?

Goblins who are skilled with the bow and arrow.
They prowl the wilds and battlefields, stripping arms from the bodies of soldiers and unlucky adventurers. They leave the job of defending the front line to goblin slashers and the like, and prefer to attack from the back with Sharpshoot.


Location: Around Eternia. Always appears along other monsters, mostly Goblin Slashers. You're sure to fight one while dwelling around snowy realms of Eternia. Weak, basic enemy with low defenses, but relatively high attack. Uses a bow. Can be found before Chapter V.

004- Kobold
Wicked little humanoids who live in the Caldisla region. Very annoying.
Oh, gosh. I know exactly what you mean.
I know, right? That triumphant stare of theirs drives me bonkers!
Triumphant stare?
You know! When they cast Withering Silence and you end up silenced and you can't do anything and they just stare at you like they won an argument or something. Very annoying.
Ah, yes. I know what you mean.
Even worse! How about that look they get when they use Brave Robber and take away all the BP you'd been saving and they just... gloat. Egads, that's infuriating!
I know, right?
You really shouldn't take it personally. Isn't the real issue that you're embarassed to get caught out by mere kobolds?
No, it is not!

These troublesome little humanoids infest the Caldisla region.
They carry clubs and other primitive bludgeoning weapons and set upon travelers who wander off the beaten path. They are vexing foes who can inflict silence with Withering silence and steal BP with Brave Robber.


A shadow-ridden kind of Goblin that feeds on nothing but steroids; can take all your BP and add its value to its own; inflicts silence. Met only around Caldisla and its surrounding little islands. Met only after the beginning of Chapter V.

005- Kobold Slasher
Kobolds who fancy themselves knights. Found throughout Caldisla.
Seems to me that kobolds are on the increase.
You didn't encounter them on your previous journey?
We'd occasionally run into them out in the wildlands. But not often.
They like to act highfalutin and strike bold poses, but it's just a front. They're cowards at heart.
Perhaps. But they're armed with swords and shields and defend their comrades with Protect Ally. Plus they can paralyze you with Shield Bash. They're a bit more than just pretend knights.
The're still frauds. Being a knight is about protecting the weak and innocent. They only protect others when it suits them.
Maybe they have their own version of the code of chivalry. At the end of the day, they are still kobolds.

Found in Caldisla, these pretentious kobolds play at being knights with looted arms.
Slashers defend comrades with Protect Ally and inflict paralysis with attacks such as Shield Bash, but they do not work together like trained soldiers would. Are they still learning knightly ways, or is this the limit of their abilities?


An improved Kobold. Has higher offense and defense, comparing to the standard kobold. Can inflict paralysis and protect other enemies using Shield Bash and Protect Ally respectively. Actually, both of these skills are part of the Knight asterisk arsenal.
024- Imperial Desert Stave
An imperial battle mage deployed to the desert. They're always sweating and rubbing sand out of their eyes. It doesn't look like they're enjoying their assignment much.
Their preferred strategy is to cast mystic boon to boost their magic attack power, then bury us in sand with quake.
Now that you mention it, they really do always look irritated at something.
Maybe that's one of the prerequisites for becoming an imperial stave?
Look! I found a page from the diary of one of the imperial desert staves!
"New recruits these days! They're always going on about blizzard this, blizzard that! Don't you know blizzard? Can't you cast blizzard on me? Look, the higher-ups never gave us the scroll, and that's that! You think I'm not as hot as the rest of you punks? Gah! And whoever designed these stupid black helmets!? Don't they know that black absorbs heat..."
I guess they really aren't enjoying their assignment.
I wonder if morale is this low across the entire imperial army...
I have to say, there's something cute about a man of letters with such a foul mouth.

A soldier of the Glanz Army Stave Regiment posted to the Harena region.
These mage soldiers wear special sandy yellow equipment that is adapted for the desert climate, and attack with earth-based spells such as quake. Like other units posted to the desert, they tend to be wilder and rougher than the standard units.


Location: Harena region; preferably deserts.
An imperial soldier that wields earth magic as well as support spells. Relatively high magical offense and defense, but low physical defense. Can be easily eliminated using brute force. Usually found alongside Desert Axe soldiers.
028- Imperial Desert Axe
An imperial axe dispatched to the desert lands. It would seem the harsh climate has made them even rougher and more boorish than their peers.
Mrgrgr! I bet they're the types who resort to violence whenever something doesn't go their way!
Now who does that remind me of...?
It's true though. "Scale Strip"-just the name sounds violent, let alone the way it rips your defenses against magic right off you.
Do you reckon that all the axe-wielders in the imperial ranks are such big brutes?

Here! I found a page from the diary of an imperial axe who deserted the ranks.
"...owing to my large build and distinctively terrifying face, I was handed an axe and dispatched to the Harena region.
I thought I would make the best of it, but after three months, the sight of blood and sound of screams is more than I can bear.
Oh woe, woe is me! If only I had listened to my mother and followed in daddy dearest's footsteps...!"
Wow, I guess some of these guys are more sensitive than they look. I wonder what his father does for a living?
Maybe he's a fisherman? Or...a chef?
That would explain the scale stripping part...

A soldier of the Glanz Army Axe Regiment posted to the Harena region.
Within the imperial army, units posted to the desert are known for their savagery, rough manner, and wild, dissolute behavior. You would think some of the officers and better-disciplined soldiers would do something about it...


Location: Harena region. Preferably deserts.
A brute soldier that wields an axe. Can decrease your defense using Scale Strip. Relatively high physical offense and defense. Weak against magical attacks.
032- Imperial Desert Shield
For such hulking brutes, these guys have some tricks up their sleeves.
Like their Got Your Tongue attack that makes you forget how to form words with your mouth. How do they do that?
On the Moon, some people say that ginger makes you forgetful. Maybe they dip their maces in ginger sauce?
But we've been eating plenty of ginger, and I haven't forgotten, at least as far as I can remember.
Yeah, tell me about it! That glazed duck with lemon ginger sauce we had in town was just the best!
I'll say! Savory and sweet and...wait, what were we talking about again?
Duck with ginger sauce... I think?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Magnolia is on to something here...
Close, my young friends, but no cigar!
The true answer lies in a certain flower called the hushleaf that blooms in the oases of the desert.
Grinding up these flowers and spreading them on the mace tip, together with the force of impact, combines to produce a temporary loss of muscle memory in the target's tongue.
The moral of the story is: don't forget your echo herbs!

A soldier of the Glanz Army Shield Regiment posted to the Harena region.
These soldiers use their large shields to protect allies. They smear a compound on their maces made from hushleaf, a plant that grows in Harena and is known to cause silence. Their Got Your Tongue attack, aided by the compound, inflicts silence on the victim.


Location: Harena region; preferably deserts.
An imperial soldier wielding a shield and a mace. A tank unit- high defense, low mobility, medium offense. Can inflict silence. Tends to use an ability to take hits instead of his allies. Weak to magic attacks.

Beasts- Complete!- 27/27 species

Aerial- Complete!- 13/13 species

Aquatic (24/25 species)

Everything slimy, slippery. Animals that live in the water or those whose life is connected to it (for example- laying eggs). Weak to katana strikes, and usually, electricity.

007- Venomous Snake
A giant, poisonous snake that lives in the desert. Pity the one who gets bitten!
There are lots of poisonous monsters in the desert. We should always bring a good supply of antidote when travelling in Ancheim.
I can never decide whether to cure a bout of poison during the fight, or wait until afterwards.
The safe choice is to cure yourself right away- but the safe option isn't always the best.
The damage inflicted by poison occurs at the end of each battle turn. In other words, if you defeat all the foes in that turn, the battle will end without you taking any more damage. At the same time, if you expect the contest to be a drawn-out affair, then you should take an antidote quickly. It is up to you to read the situation and act accordingly.

A giant, venomous snake that inhabits dry desert lands.
The venomous snake hunts the small animals and insects that share its arid home, as well as unwary human travellers. Its poisonous Venomous Fangs makes it the bane of all desert dwellers.


Location: Harena deserts.
Your basic cobra. Usually appears along mummies before chapter V. Can inflict poison.

Insects- Complete!- 24/24 species

Everything that has a carapace and more than 4 legs. Weak to rods and spears, and usually, to fire as well.

002- Sandhopper
A giant desert grasshopper. Moves by leaping with its massive hind legs.
It's a funny sort of grasshopper, living in a desert where not a blade of grass grows.
Maybe it likes warm weather?
Or maybe it doesn't like cold weather.
(And the difference is...?)
It probably evolved from grass-grazing hoppers, becoming a meat eater when it moved into the desert. The real mystery is how it got to the desert in the first place.
It is said that when grasshoppers first hatch from their eggs, they become extremely aggressive and ferocious if the local population density is high. Their wings and hind legs grow exceedingly fast, giving them the ability to travel large distances. Swarms of such creatures will attack and eat anything- firests, farms, livestock, and yes, people, too. Once it has stripped an area of all life, the swarm moves on again... Once, in ancient times, a king tried to use the insects as a weapon of war. He released a swarming horde on his neighbor, and when the nation succumbed into famine, his army attacked. The king's victory was overwhelming, but the triumph was short-lived. The next year the swarm returned, and this time it consumed the king's own realm, just as it had consumed his enemy's.
A breed of giant grasshopper that makes its home in the desert sands.
Originally plant-eaters who lived in the grasslands, their habitat gradually shifted as droughts caused a shortage of food. This eventually led to a change in diet, and they became the carnivorous desert-dwellers they are today.


Location: Harena deserts.
A desert grasshopper. Deals physical damage. Can use Jump to skip a turn to deal damage on the next one. Low HP. Usually fought in packs.
004- Sandworm
A giant worm that lives in the sands of the Harena Ruins.
Sandworms are mentioned in the literature about the Wellspring Gem. Scholars believe they are dark guardian deities, tasked with protecting the Gem.
Isn't that odd? I mean, they are vulnerable to water, right?
Very perceptive- the stories about them protecting the Gem are in fact untrue. Sandworms are instinctively drawn to any source of blue light. They prowl the ruins because of the light of the Gem, not out of any desire to protect it.
Really? My idea was that they must get thirsty, eating nothing but sand all day. I mean, they're so full of sand that they spit it out as a sandstorm in battles.
Hahaha! Thirsty sandworms! Can you imagine? "Egads, I'm parched! Is there nowhere to get a blasted drink in this desert?"

A giant worm drawn to the Harena Ruins by the glow of the Wellspring Gem.
The creature normally moves underground by gulping sand. When it encounters an enemy, it can blow out the sand that has accumulated in its stomach as a blinding Sandstorm.


Location: Harena Ruins, a location in the north of the Harena region. Unlocked in the thief vs red mage side-quest.
A sand-eating worm. Weak to water. Can use earth-based Sandstorm, which also has a chance of inflicting blindness.
008- Scorpion
A giant bug that lives in the desert. It can crush rocks in its enormous jaws.
I thought they would use their tail stingers to attack, but I was wrong. The jaws are what you have to look out for!
They spend most of their time buriend in the sand. It gives me a heart attack every time one of them bursts out of the ground.
I don't mind the surprise. I just wish they wouldn't throw sand in my eyes. They must detect approaching prey by vibrations in the ground.
Scorpions are insects that inhabit arid regions. Their Venomous Bite can inflict poison. In isolation, they pose little threat, but if you encounter a group of them, the poison becomes a serious concern. Stock up on antidote before venturing into the desert!

A deadly bug with a hard exoskeleton and powerful jaws.
Under the heat of the sun, the scorpion buries itself in the desert, emerging in a burst of sand to pounce on unsuspecting prey. Beware the Venomous Bite delivered by those massive jaws, for it inflicts physical harm and poison.


Location: Harena deserts.
A standard scorpion. Usually appears in packs, or along other enemies. Can inflict poison.

Plants- Complete!- 17/17 species

Undead- Complete!- 21/21 species

Demonkind- Complete!- 16/16 species

Dragonkind- Full- 27/27 species

Inorganic- Complete!- 32/32 types

Bosses- Full- 54

Finished the Demo in five hours (they totally said ten hours of gameplay...). Very, very happy with what I've seen. A few takeaways:

-Omg, that Exorcist is just there to be annoying, not ACTUALLY be difficult, I swear.
-Jamieson Price as one of the three cavalier characters! I miss hearing him. Also, my sister's all time favourite dub actor's in this Cam Clarke!... he's not in a ton of stuff anymore, which makes me sad.
-Looks like they're be new classes and old ones. I forgot how many... be interesting if they removed any or tweaked current ones.
-Very curious how the story pans out.
-Really enjoying the music so far. Wasn't sure how it'd stack up with Bravely Default, but I'm happy with it so far.
-Curious how the construction pans out too. I had very few villagers for the first third of the Bravely Default so getting anything to construct was incredibly slow. I ended up repeatedly street passing my brother (not planned).
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I've been through like a half of the game and I can assure you, the story is great and it's a mindblower thanks to its new combat feature, Bravely Second. It's even more satisfying if you play the demo (not mentioning the goodies you get at the start).
About the reconstruction of the Moon, you can invite 5 people via the internet every day, so streetpassing won't be a problem if there's nobody in your area with the game.
I was able to pre-order a collector's edition (somehow) so now I'm just counting off the days until it gets here to NA...

I was also interested in the music to see if it could compare to Bravely Default's, and to my surprise, it sounds pretty awesome from what I've heard.

I'm also loving the new classes/jobs :)

Transformau5 wrote:

I've been through like a half of the game and I can assure you, the story is great and it's a mindblower thanks to its new combat feature, Bravely Second. It's even more satisfying if you play the demo (not mentioning the goodies you get at the start).
About the reconstruction of the Moon, you can invite 5 people via the internet every day, so streetpassing won't be a problem if there's nobody in your area with the game.
That's really good to hear. Bravely Default's pacing was beyond annoying when you had to repeat that last part. That's really the only problem with it that I had.

Yup, finished the demo.

You get more people but is it harder to reconstruct? If you can get 5 per day, won't that make it too easy and you could very easily have some strong weapons or other items, too early?

Getting the game next month, since I'm in Canada, but I have pre-ordered it!
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Well, some roads on the Moon require 90h to be repaired, and max upgrades for some facilities take 99h, not mentioning the Ba'al Buster ship with its 100+ levels.
You can't get weapons from the Moon. Its facilities provide parts for special attacks (triggers, status effects, healing effect length and efficiency, attack power bonus, BP bonus, buffs (allies), debuffs (enemies) and the attacks themselves, each weapon has like 3-4 special attacks), and also healing items, catmancer cat treats (the job that lets you teach cats enemy moves, you need cat food to succeed), patissier cake ingredients (self-explanatory, different cakes require different ingredients to be made) and you can also get a bunch of offensive/utility items from the munitions factory as well. Although it is in theory possible to max them out in 3 weeks' span (with over 70 inhabitants, it takes approx. 1h to max upgrade every facility), you won't benefit that much from it. You'll still need to get good equipment yourself to make your special attacks actually useful, and munitions factory/pharm lab merchandise won't carry you all the way to the fight with the kaiser.

(But it is still possible to one-shot bosses when you break the damage limits or have an end-game friend, yesterday I dealt 89k damage to Anne with Tiz, I can upload that into my friend card if you want lol)
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This game sometimes, I swear to God

Okay, to fulfill my self-aware game's will, here's my FC: 3368-1628-0200. Remember to drop yours as well, this way you'll be able to summon my Tiz to battle. He's using Aimee's gun with the Trigger Happy special attack, which should deal approx. 54k damage, enough to finish most of your boss battles in a single turn.
Okay, that's helpful!

Tiz? I thought you use the three cavaliers and Magnolia in this game.
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Uh, even the trailer points out that you only control one of the Cavaliers, Yew.
You control the three only for a short time in the beginning. After that, Nikolai and Janne turn out to be traitors.
Yew has to fight alone, but then he's helped by Edea. who found him thanks to prof. Norzen They travel on and find Magnolia; then they travel to Eternia and get Tiz back (which is also seen in the trailer).

Opening movie (shows Tiz's awakening):
Also, Tiz's awakening features the only in-game 360 movie, in which your camera serves as Tiz's eyes.

I'd rather not write more about the plot simply because I'd have to put entire posts in spoiler boxes, and I'd rather you found everything out yourself; I'd like to settle on friend summons and boss strategies in terms of helping others, duh.
Ha, that explains it. My brother was pretty insistent that you use four brand new characters in the game. I did see the trailer with Edea and Tiz, so that threw me off.

Nooooo I like Nikolai. =(

Right. And that's from the extra in Bravely Default right? I saw that I think... xD

Can't wait!
...except the game comes out days before my final exams start. Guhhhh.
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The trailer for Bravely Second is in Bravely Default indeed, but both of the videos I've posted above are also available in the actual game, and can be rewatched at any time.

EDIT: It seems I've maxed out everything on the Moon, rip
You've made me more excited for this game... I hate you so much because I'm stuck waiting half a month for it. lol.
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US release date is today, hype
I might be absent on PC or an amount of time I cannot describe, may be 'till the end of the month, maybe longer
Anyway, when you buy the game, press X once you run it and if it doesn't show me on your list in X-> Tactics-> Friends, then go to the Traveller (the person in brown clothes in every city and dungeon) and pick "add friends", and the game should scan for people from your friend list who have the game. Then you can do Tactics -> Abilink, which allows you to link one of your friends with one of your characters; after that, the character will have access to all the skills and abilities the player has acquired; and thanks to me having the game since March, you'll be able to have any job you want at lv 10 (you'll have to get the jobs yourself, though). This also leads me to one thing- you still haven't given me your FC, have you?

Transformau5 wrote:

US release date is today, hype
I might be absent on PC or an amount of time I cannot describe, may be 'till the end of the month, maybe longer
Anyway, when you buy the game, press X once you run it and if it doesn't show me on your list in X-> Tactics-> Friends, then go to the Traveller (the person in brown clothes in every city and dungeon) and pick "add friends", and the game should scan for people from your friend list who have the game. Then you can do Tactics -> Abilink, which allows you to link one of your friends with one of your characters; after that, the character will have access to all the skills and abilities the player has acquired; and thanks to me having the game since March, you'll be able to have any job you want at lv 10 (you'll have to get the jobs yourself, though). This also leads me to one thing- you still haven't given me your FC, have you?
Just so we're clear here, I'm not American. =P

Well it all works the same as Bravely Default, right?
Oh right! Good call. It's: 3136-3831-3722. I will be on very sparingly in the next week though because I have exams until Thursday.
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Ah, I thought Canada shares US's release dates.
Duh, it says this code is incorrect.

Transformau5 wrote:

Ah, I thought Canada shares US's release dates.
Duh, it says this code is incorrect.
It does but I'm still not from the US. =P

Ha. I'm dumb.
The fifth number was wrong. Whoops.
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Added ayy
Enjoy your lv 10's, I've got 2 jobs left but I'll max them out real quick
NA release hype!

I haven't been able to play through a lot of my game today since I have to study for exams, but I'm going to add people who've posted their FC in this post already.

Here's mine: 2294 - 4721 - 4005

Giralda wrote:

NA release hype!

I haven't been able to play through a lot of my game today since I have to study for exams, but I'm going to add people who've posted their FC in this post already.

Here's mine: 2294 - 4721 - 4005
Oh, the deadly exams. Why must games come out now. D=
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1 job left, it's at lv 8 right now iirc
Finished the Prologue, mostly for the purposes of being able to collect workers on the moon now.
And now the game goes away until I'm done exams... :(
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Wait 'till you unlock the buster ships (or have you?)

Transformau5 wrote:

Wait 'till you unlock the buster ships (or have you?)
Doesn't sound familiar. I've literally just finished the Prologue and unlocked pretty much nothing on the moon.

Justykanna wrote:

Transformau5 wrote:

Wait 'till you unlock the buster ships (or have you?)
Doesn't sound familiar. I've literally just finished the Prologue and unlocked pretty much nothing on the moon.
Don't want to really spoil but there's storyline quest that you have to go through and it will eventually allow you to fight invaders to the moon. Their power and levels can vary so it's also important to note that as well.
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Ayy then get ready
My buster ship is lv 99 with 300 firepower, or 450 if your invader has a white symbol
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Forgive me if I take time to respond, will have to go back to using only my 3DS for everything, duh
You're doing a really good job at making me wish I wasn't studying and instead, playing this game. D=
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Trying to complete my bestiary, 145 monster species left rip
Also, a bunch of info:
-My 3ds ignores me pressing enter and it inputs plain text
-I've received an unlisted Ba'al (not noted in the bestiary at all)-Firstborn; if you have the proper feature unlocked, you should receive it from me
-I finished the post-game yesterday, twice
-Might be a bit of a spoiler, but the third game of the series is confirmed as hell
-Feel free to ask me anything, be it friend summons, job combos, enemies, strategies or the lore, I've got you guys covered and will try to provide help despite the difficulties a 3ds can provide when it comes to writing

Transformau5 wrote:

Trying to complete my bestiary, 145 monster species left rip
Also, a bunch of info:
-My 3ds ignores me pressing enter and it inputs plain text
-I've received an unlisted Ba'al (not noted in the bestiary at all)-Firstborn; if you have the proper feature unlocked, you should receive it from me
-I finished the post-game yesterday, twice
-Might be a bit of a spoiler, but the third game of the series is confirmed as hell
-Feel free to ask me anything, be it friend summons, job combos, enemies, strategies or the lore, I've got you guys covered and will try to provide help despite the difficulties a 3ds can provide when it comes to writing
I don't know half this stuff!
But to that last one: thanks! Appreciated! Will likely play the game next week. =)
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Note: When moving to a new location (be it the world map or a new dungeon), make sure you do random encounters until you complete the bestiary entries for all the enemies from the environment. It will save you lots of time and won't make you share my struggle of having to replay the entire game to get them all, rip

The replay is necessary, because the enemies change after Chapter 4, so there's no going back
Almost done exams, I've just been updating data for invites to increase the number of workers I have and letting the game run on sleep mode while I do the reconstruction stuff for upgrades.
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Gud boi
A few tips regarding the moon reconstruction and special attack building:
-Upgrade everything BUT the bioplant (it's pointless unless you're gonna use catmancer and patissier jobs, which require special items acquired at this facility
-Upgrade the special attack trigger lab until you unlock the "brave" trigger; at this point you can cease the upgrade until there's nothing left, because brave is the best trigger and you'll benefit the most by setting this on all characters
-Keep unlocking upgrades for the special attacks- the more upgrades you get, the more changes you can do to your special moves, and this way, you'll be able to create moves that will be extremely effective against bosses weak to their elements

--Special move building--

-When you press X and go to the "Special" tab, you'll be able to modify the special moves for each of your characters; you'll also be able to see what moves they can use with their equipped weapons (each weapon should have 4 moves)
-The top-left tab is the "parts" tab; it contains 4 move categories: Offensive, Recovery, Enfeebling and Support; each weapon will have 4 moves, and depending on the weapon, they'll have different types; for example, firearms can use 3 offensive abilities and 1 enfeebling one
Offensive skills
-Offensive skills damage the enemy; their upgrades influence the attack's element (for example, setting "fire" will make the attack deal fire damage), its power (the power boost part increases damage dealt, with Power Boost Lv 5 increasing your overall damage by 50%), vulnerable enemy type (for example, setting "Demon Slayer" will increase damage dealt to Demonkind enemies by 50%), and the optional ailment that can be applied to an enemy if the attack hits (e.g. Blind Touch has a chance to blind the enemy)
Recovery skills
-Recovery skills replenish your HP, MP, BP or remove status ailments; their upgrades change the amount of HP, MP or BP recovered, as well as the ailment that shall be healed upon use
Enfeebling skills
-Enfeebling moves debuff the enemy, weakening their attacks, lowering defense or increasing their vulnerability to elements and ailments; their upgrades influence the duration of the effect (up to 5 additional turns), the enemy attribute lowered (physical and magical attack and defense, accuracy and speed), ailment to which enemy's resistance would be weakened (for example poison res down), and the same effect, but for elements (fire res down)
Support skills
-Support moves affect your allies and do the same thing as the enfeebling ones, but they improve your attributes instead
-Selecting one of these four sections and pressing A will redirect you to the upgrade tab, in which you'll be able to apply any modifications you've unlocked from the Moon facilities
Special move upgrades
-In this menu, on the bottom screen, there will be a list of all unlocked moves for all weapons of this category; for example, if you pick Offensive skills for your gunner ally, on the top screen there will be available modifications, and on the bottom screen- a list of all offensive skills for all weapons; tapping a panel with a move's name will display detailed info on the top screen (each move also has its base effects, which will be applied aside from the modifications you apply)
-The top and bottom-right panels in the special move menu are lists of available special moves for your left-hand and right-hand weapons, each with its separate skills
-The bottom-left section is the "Trigger" section; a trigger is an action that charges the special gauge and allows you to use the special moves; remember when I said that every weapon has 4 special moves? Each of them has a level, and each consecutive move level requires more triggers to be used, with the lv 4 move requiring the full gauge (25 triggers). For example, if you set the trigger to Brave, then this very character will have to perform 25 Brave actions to be able to use their final special move. On top of that, changing a trigger condition will set the counter back to 0. You can check your trigger number on the bottom screen in this menu.
-The panel below allows you to change shout-outs that appear when you use special moves, self-explanatory
-Pressing B in the special move menu and scrolling to the very bottom allows you to change the names of special moves, if you feel like it or stuff

Hope it helps in the future

This is gonna get awkward if you've already known this

Transformau5 wrote:

This is gonna get awkward if you've already known this
In hindsight I probably should have mentioned this.
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Ayy lmao, no problem
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While farming for new specimen, I came up with an idea
Would you like me to turn the first post in the topic into an information megapost? It would contain all content of Yew's diary, plot events, strategies, bestiary entries, Q&A (given there will be any questions), loadouts etc.
I could begin the work this Friday, I guess I'll let you pick a monster group I should describe first.

Transformau5 wrote:

While farming for new specimen, I came up with an idea
Would you like me to turn the first post in the topic into an information megapost? It would contain all content of Yew's diary, plot events, strategies, bestiary entries, Q&A (given there will be any questions), loadouts etc.
I could begin the work this Friday, I guess I'll let you pick a monster group I should describe first.
Lol that seems like a lot of work. I'm not sure how much I'd read it unless there were specific pieces of information I need. And even then, I tend to like to search the game myself.
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That's the main goal of this- to gather all info at one place to make it easier to find stuff. I don't think I'm going to describe the plot in itw entirety- last time, it took me 4 hours rip
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Anyway, I've started making the database in the first post, I've already created its main outline. You're still free to ask for anything regarding the game or the compendium, as it's still WIP (be it specific info you need or how the formatting is done, I suck). Starting my work on the first batch of Humanoid enemies.

By the way, how far into the story are you, guys?

Transformau5 wrote:

Anyway, I've started making the database in the first post, I've already created its main outline. You're still free to ask for anything regarding the game or the compendium, as it's still WIP (be it specific info you need or how the formatting is done, I suck). Starting my work on the first batch of Humanoid enemies.

By the way, how far into the story are you, guys?
Wow, lol. I'm sure I'll be referring to your post when I'm closer to the end. I don't tend to like looking stuff up for games until I'm done or close to it. That's when I go for completion.

Uhm. I haven't played much, sadly. I just got to The Land of Learning and am about to head into the thief's hideout (optional quest).
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Oh, nice. Do you want a rundown of the quest itself, the dungeon or such? If it somehow has missed your attention, it's a Thief-Red Mage quest. Imo it was the second-hardest one when it came to choosing using your world-view rather than just the perks of the job. But if you only look at the job's stats- fight Jackal; Thief job can provide you with more cash, and its level 11 legendary skill allows you to obtain items from bosses, which can't be obtained otherwise. Some of these can increase your stats, which is really helpful in the end-game. As for the red mage, it surely helps you grind enemy encounters thanks to its BP recovery abilities, but other than that, it's easily outclassed by other mage jobs you can acquire shortly after that.
Wait, you can only obtain one or the other? That seems... extremely lame. Is that the case for later ones? I mean... I would have chosen thief anyways because I've always been an item collector in all my JRPGs.
I've reached Chapter 6 for a long while already but I just haven't got the chance to play ever since I started my Hong Kong trip. Got the Templar asterisk though, but that last one isn't spoiler worthy heheheh
Justykanna: Don't be discouraged, New Game+ exists remember?
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"Bravely Second, the courage to try again"

@Giralda, have you tried the post-game yet? That thing takes some work to finish ayy

Transformau5 wrote:

"Bravely Second, the courage to try again"

@Giralda, have you tried the post-game yet? That thing takes some work to finish ayy
I don't have access to post-game yet but I know someone who does. Yeah I know what you're talking about as well.

Also holy crap, new costumes after Ch 6 are super expensive. Some of them don't actually look all that nice either.
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I have my team wear:
-Tiz- Sagittarius garb
-Edea- Sky Knight garb/Chompette suit
-Magnolia- Planeswarden garb
-Yew- United Luxendarc Army garb

They're precious

I see, have a bunch of weaknesses of the bosses:
-Anne Ultimate Form- Bug/Humanoid, weak to fire
-Dat Boi- Demon, weak to wind
-Dem Boyz- Inorganic, weak to darkness

I can send you a finisher summon if you want ayy

@Justy, here's a list of all the side-quests:
  1. Thief vs Red Mage
  2. Summoner vs Swordmaster
  3. White Mage vs Merchant
  4. Black Mage vs Ranger
  5. Knight vs Ninja
  6. Valkyrie vs Monk
  7. Performer vs Pirate
  8. Time Mage vs Dark Knight
  9. Templar
  10. Yokai
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Started adding enemies fought in the Harena region so that Justy has it easier there. Added info about imperial desert units- stave, axe and shield (entries 24, 28 and 32 in the humanoid section) as well as a few insects and aquatic foes.

Transformau5 wrote:

Started adding enemies fought in the Harena region so that Justy has it easier there. Added info about imperial desert units- stave, axe and shield (entries 24, 28 and 32 in the humanoid section) as well as a few insects and aquatic foes.
Omg that list. xD

Wouldn't it be easier to put that kinda info in an external site, like a blog site?
Also, I think that many spoilerboxes are glitching the thread because when I click on any of them, they keep collapsing. xD

Edit: You, sir, have dedication. I admire that! Props. =)
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Ikr, though I don't know any standalone external sites that would accept the entire code of the post. It would surely be easier, but I'm not really keen on rewriting the entire post; it took me some time to decide what bbcodes to use to make it work lol

Uh, also, I've finally found the Amaterasu summon:

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Could you suggest such page, please? It would be really appreciated.
Updating the entry progress info; I have completed all in-game entries besides:
-Aquatic (one monster remaining- Gold Chomper)
-Dragonkind (incomplete info about Ice D'Gon)
-Bosses (incomplete info about all of the numbered Ba'als)
WordPress has served me very well but it takes time to learn. Although if you get it to work, they usually look amazing.

I heard some people like Blogger but I'm not a fan of it at all.
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