The usage of timing points may sound odd at first,but let me explain.
Suppose you have a map that is incredibly fast in the middle,but is slow and calming at the beginning.We're going to be using Image Material as an example.
In Image Material,it may seem a bit strange to have it at AR 10 in the beginning,but almost necessary in the difficult sections.If we could set an Initial Approach Rate (IAR) to be at 9 for the beginning,and set an AR 10 timing point for the difficult parts in the middle.That way,it doesn't feel awkward when the beginning,which is supposed to be slow and easy,is fast and difficult to hit.
The addition of an IAR in the metadata and an AR timing point seems like a very useful tool when it comes to mapping fast maps like Image Material.If this is added,it could bring a whole new tool for map makers to use in their mapsets.
Suppose you have a map that is incredibly fast in the middle,but is slow and calming at the beginning.We're going to be using Image Material as an example.
In Image Material,it may seem a bit strange to have it at AR 10 in the beginning,but almost necessary in the difficult sections.If we could set an Initial Approach Rate (IAR) to be at 9 for the beginning,and set an AR 10 timing point for the difficult parts in the middle.That way,it doesn't feel awkward when the beginning,which is supposed to be slow and easy,is fast and difficult to hit.
The addition of an IAR in the metadata and an AR timing point seems like a very useful tool when it comes to mapping fast maps like Image Material.If this is added,it could bring a whole new tool for map makers to use in their mapsets.