
ChinoRGB Skin 4.0

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Topic Starter
Deprecated:: This project is no longer being maintained.
This Skin is my edit of RGB by Chippy
(The Link to original skin will be inserted here when Chippy uploads skin to forums)

Osu! Standard Elements Done!
Mania WIP
(WIP available for download now)
Heres quick survey so I know how I'm doing
Message me on forums if wanting to suggest changes that is not in the "To Do List"
Poll Here!
Revision 2
Added 2x Elements
Changed countdown elements
Fixed pixelated menu elements

Revision 3
Osu! Standard Complete
Changed Number font
Changed Score font
Changed Score Screen elements
Changed Reverse Arrow

Revision 4
Osu! Mania Start!
Added Mania Mod Select
Added Mania Notes (Subject to change)
Recolored Default Keys
Added Mania scores from O2Jam U Ultimate (Subject to change)
To Do List
Still a number of things to-do.

Edit Mania Scores (300/200 etc.)
Create original mania keys

Mania -> Taiko -> CTB
Changes to Chippy vers.
Here are the changes vs Chippy's vers./Original vers.

Changes to countdown
Changes to mod selection panel
Changes to sound effects
Changes to Cursor
Changes to spinner elements
Changes to Follow lines
Changes to Pause Menu
Changes to Section Pass/Fail
Changes to Play warning arrow
Changes to Input overlay
Changes to countdown elements
Changes to Number font
Changes to Score font
Changes to Score Screen elements
Changes to Reverse Arrow
Color coded 100/50/miss (Green, Blue, Red)
Edits to the menu background
More angular font (on elements)
Easier to see text in song selection
Added Mania Support
Mania Screenshots will be released once finalized.
On Imgur
Revision 1
Revision 2
Revision 3 (D/L no longer working)
Revision 4
If you guys have any recommendation/suggestions, leave them below/pm me :D
Noice Skin!
Topic Starter
Still have a bunch of things to add to the skin after i finish all my tests and assignments (1-2 weeks)
Cool font
Topic Starter
Thanks! :P

Chino-Desu wrote:

Still have a bunch of things to add to the skin after i finish all my tests and assignments (1-2 weeks)
Thats Sad... Its Still a Great Skin no matter WHAT!
Oh , And Can you make a Taiko Mode and a CTB Mode skinned?
Removed Taiko Icon, moved to Circle
Your skin looks really good!
waiting to see this skin in all modes like standard CTB Taiko Mania
Topic Starter

iIiMARSiIi wrote:

Chino-Desu wrote:

Still have a bunch of things to add to the skin after i finish all my tests and assignments (1-2 weeks)
Thats Sad... Its Still a Great Skin no matter WHAT!

Underforest wrote:

Removed Taiko Icon, moved to Circle
Your skin looks really good!
Thanks!!! I really appreciate the support!
Finished with most assignments so i can finally update the skin elements again!
Expect an Update within 2-3 days!

iIiMARSiIi wrote:

Oh , And Can you make a Taiko Mode and a CTB Mode skinned?

nat2011 wrote:

waiting to see this skin in all modes like standard CTB Taiko Mania
Yup! Will work on!
Next update will be mainly addressing osu!Standard and menu elements, however I'll try getting at least 1 other mode done by the end of the month (ofc if I have time I will do as many as I can)
Topic Starter

iIiMARSiIi wrote:

Oh , And Can you make a Taiko Mode and a CTB Mode skinned?

nat2011 wrote:

waiting to see this skin in all modes like standard CTB Taiko Mania

Osu! Standard elements done!
Will start working on Mania now!

Current workflow
Mania -> Taiko -> CTB
Topic Starter
Mania Up!
Please keep in mind it is very "testing" stage and suggestions will be appreciated!
(I do not have much experience with mania)
CTB Skin please!
Refrain from bumping 2 year old threads

EDIT1: Nice bait, almost thought OP mixed Chippy's skin
The download links do not work. Can you fix it, or is there a different way to download it?

EDIT: I fixed the issue! I simply right clicked the link and selected the option to open in into a new tab.
I dunno of this is only me but the puush link on all revsions dont automatically download even with the new tab method
nice skin

TheIdentifiable wrote:

I dunno of this is only me but the puush link on all revsions dont automatically download even with the new tab method
right click the link and use save linked content as, that worked for me

TheIdentifiable wrote:

I dunno of this is only me but the puush link on all revsions dont automatically download even with the new tab method
if you're using opera gx you can copy link and put it in another browser and it'll work (it worked for me)v
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