
ChEsDeRmAn - Mario World March 3!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 08 July 2008 at 12:57:58

Artist: ChEsDeRmAn
Title: Mario World March 3!
BPM: 152
Filesize: 1108kb
Play Time: 01:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (4.22 stars, 78 notes)
  2. Hard (4.49 stars, 126 notes)
Download: ChEsDeRmAn - Mario World March 3!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I had to update this, because it seems my universal offset was misleading me into thinking that I was on time when I wasn't. Darn you, pesky offset! XD

In any case! This is my first beatmap for my most favourite Mario remix, 'Mario World March v3' by ChEsDeRmAn. It's a pretty rockin' song, and I thought it would make a great first beatmap due to it's steady but quirky rhythm!
This timing sounds a bit better:

You should set this using the Timing Setup panel, then resnap at 1/4, recalc and check all the beats. I hesitate to make any further suggestions until you do this, as it will definitely change some of the timing placement errors I will mention.

I'll make one observation on spacing though:

Hard @ 00:09:08 (4,1) - These should be further apart, as it is bad distance spacing at the moment.

Also try and mix your patterns up a bit -
Hard @ 00:07:89 , 00:11:05, 00:14:21 etc. have the same pattern - if you wish to keep it his way, at least rotate or flip the pattern to give some variety. You can do this by selecting the notes then looking in the edit menu.

I'll leave my advice there while you fix timing and the above errors (also check throughout your maps for similar distance spacing/repetition, as I only mentioned examples and there are at least a few more).

Good job on your first map.

Download: Weird Al Yankovic - Your Horoscope For Today (0_o) [Normal].osu
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