The current rule about collaborations is somehow vague and subjective regarding the wording "contributed most to it". How do we measure mapper contribution using an objective parameter? Drain time, number of objects or overall density? In order to prevent future conflict and confusion, I would like to propose that the drain time of individual mapper could be used to determine mapper contribution of a collab, as this parameter seems to be the most objective as rest moments also matter concerning beatmapping.Ranking Criteria wrote:
No guest mapper should have more difficulties in the mapset than the creator, all modes together. For collaboration mapsets, the uploader should take part in all collab difficulties. The person who should upload the map is the one who contributed most to it. Maps with an ambiguous set of difficulties such as collabs will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the submitting mapper is properly accounted for.
Therefore, the rule may be changed to:
No guest mapper should have more difficulties in the mapset than the creator, all modes together. For collaboration mapsets, the uploader should take part in all collab difficulties. The person who should upload the map is the one who contributed most to it, in terms of drain time. Maps with an ambiguous set of difficulties such as collabs with other map elements (e.g. storyboarding) will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the submitting mapper is properly accounted for.