- No unfinished sets (that includes unhitsounded).
- If there's already a ranked version of the map = very low priority.
- I almost always ignore pure low diff spreads (only Easy and Normal diffs). Exceptions are only when the maps are unconventional.
- Check my userpage for genres/artists I don't like, if your map falls into that list you're probably wasting your time.
- Drain time of your map should be at least 50 seconds.
Nomination Policy
- Mapset needs at least 5 hypes and a reasonable amount of mods before requesting.
- If I'm interested in pushing your map further, you'll get a forum PM from me.
- After having shown interest, you can call me back through whatever medium you wish.
- After modding feel free to call me for nominations, since modding usually means I'm interested enough in pushing it anyway.
No rules bc im not a bn rn, just getting activity up so at least send finished sets