
Taiko live/freestyle mapping utility

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Please download RC4 asap if you are using previous versions of this utility - several major bugs have been fixed

RC4 download here:

This little utility enables players to create 'live' maps for both taiko and standard mode. 'Live' maps are created roughly by hand then improved upon at a later date, enabling mappers to quickly create intuitive mapsets as they play to map, instead of mapping to play.

Default keys are set to SDGJK - S and K are the 'rim' keys (blue) whilst D and J are the drum keys (red). Holding G down will create a spinner for the duration that you keep it down. Sliders are drawn if you hold any of the other keys together - holding both sets of keys down for either colour will create 'big' drum rolls and tapping both sets of keys will create big (finish) hitcircles too.

You can also set your own keys now.

Live maps are now saved to the song folder from which the presiding .osu is in - no more copying and pasting!

Known issues:
- Slider drawing is buggy and will require players to correct most sliders that this utility makes.
- Resnapping all notes and recalculating slider lengths is required due to snapping code not working properly yet
- Sliders will occasionally overlap with hitcircles during fast paced songs.
- Hitcircles will occasionally be drawn at the end of sliders
- No sounds in the mapper as of yet due to rendering issues with sliders - you'll just have to go off your keyboard tapping for the time being

This is still very much a work in progress. More to come.

  1. Made code .NET 2.0 compatible (removed 4.0 dependencies)
  2. Fixed unhandled exception upon .osu dialog cancel
  3. Fixed resume/pause button not working properly
  4. Forced selections of .osu files in order to import proper timing data for slider rendering
  5. Removed redundant resources to trim filesize
  1. Added experimental slider rendering (quite inaccurate, you MUST recalculate and resnap every song now)
  2. Added spinner rendering
  3. Finish hitsounds are added upon double keypress of a respective color type

Old version:

This little utility will allow you to 'live' map songs in taiko mode - simply load the song you wish to map into it using the 'Load audio' menu function, then hit the button containing the song name and begin mapping!

S and K are the rim (blue) keys
D and J are the drum (red) keys

To save your map draft, simply pause (DO NOT CLICK THE STOP BUTTON UNLESS YOU WANT TO START FROM SCRATCH) then click the save button. A text file containing the .osu HitObjects data is saved in the directory where the program is situated - all you have to do is copy this from the text file and replace the appropriate section of your .osu file with it.

This utility does NOT snap to timing. You will need to do this yourself in the editor. Only simple clap/normal hitsounds are covered at the moment - double notes and sliders will be added later. In the meantime you will need to add these yourself. This utility is only intended to be used as a way of creating frameworks for taiko maps quickly, not to spit out maps in five minutes.

I will continue adding features if this utility actually becomes useful for people. It's pretty cool to play with though!

(The taiko faces don't do anything at the moment. I wasn't really ready to release this but I wanted to get people playing with it to decide if it's worth investing more effort into features)
I've never mapped Taiko before, but this certainly gives me motivation to actually give it a try
Nice stuff, Ephemeral!
I hope this would be more useful to taiko mappers :)
Sexyyyy. I'm inspired to map taiko now. 8-)
nice done.
i'm not skillful as before... though.


(though the common keys are actually df and jk not sd and jk)

Hopefully you'll prioritize custom key bindings feature

Does this already support big notes?
Topic Starter
No, not yet.

I'm completely rewriting the triggering code so that it supports multiple keypresses and 'roll' detection which should allow sliders/spinners to be made as well.

I may have to integrate collection of timing data from .osu files to get sliders to work, at which point I'd implement snapping in the program itself.

I also intend to add live map 'playback' so you can listen to your live map as it would sound ingame.
What'll be your initial criteria for how it detects a series of inputs as a drumroll/denden though? If we're talking about Taiko-exclusive maps, a drumroll/denden of as short as 1/2 long is actually a legal move, and seeing as how it's actually difficult to live map a drumroll/denden that short (unless mashing happens, I guess), it might be a bit problematic.

You'll probably want to restrict the drumroll/dendens to be at least 1/1 short... anything shorter than that should probably be made in the osu!editor manually (unless of course you could think of a better way)
YES. FINALLY. Best update ever :D Makes things a whole lot easier than clicking the mouse, scrolling a bit, then clicking again.
For drum rolls (sliders) and spinners, you could have separate keys which the mapper holds to create the drum roll or spinner.

strager wrote:

For drum rolls (sliders) and spinners, you could have separate keys which the mapper holds to create the drum roll or spinner.
iirc drum rolls come from sliders, how would the program handle the sliders position and stuff on the grid, considering they have to be there as hitobjects to begin with so that they appear on taiko mode?

Sakura Hana wrote:

strager wrote:

For drum rolls (sliders) and spinners, you could have separate keys which the mapper holds to create the drum roll or spinner.
iirc drum rolls come from sliders, how would the program handle the sliders position and stuff on the grid, considering they have to be there as hitobjects to begin with so that they appear on taiko mode?

All that matters is slider length, which is easily calculated (assuming the slider velocity is known, but there's a standard for taiko so that won't be a problem).
luved this <3
the only problem is = bpm
EDIT2: Broken ;-;

strager wrote:

For drum rolls (sliders) and spinners, you could have separate keys which the mapper holds to create the drum roll or spinner.
That seems to be a better way.
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Next version will be coming in a fair while. I have to switch the entire backbone of the program to DirectInput (which I have never used before) and then figure out how slider velocity is calculated in Taiko mode, among other things.
Holy o.o
Maybe best thing ever, i only hope for customizable hotkeys =o (Playing with AZ for dons and OP for kats)

Ephemeral wrote:

and then figure out how slider velocity is calculated in Taiko mode, among other things.
Same as in osu! standard? It's determined by length. The only problem is that auto re-snapping in the osu! editor doesn't snap slider ends (iirc), so they'll have to be resnapped manually. If this program supports it, though, snapping could be done automatically.
Ephemeral. how brilliant.
Eph, do you think you could make it so the red and blue notes appear as red and blue in the editor and not all red? Makes it easier to differentiate them.

aquabluu wrote:

Eph, do you think you could make it so the red and blue notes appear as red and blue in the editor and not all red? Makes it easier to differentiate them.
Not really exactly red and blue; probably all he can do is initiate a new combo for each time that a series of notes has been changed to another.

Actually, please do so Eph; many Taiko mappers I know use New Combos to indicate whether its a Don or Katsu. Like, for example:

d kkk ddk d k d k ddddd k

New combos are put on the first, second, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and seventeenth note.
i only wanna map taiko to make a diff named [Drumsday]
might give it a try
GOD YES! Thank you so much~! T_T

Edit: Hell yeaaaah~ I didn't come over the 999 hitsound mark! xD
I love this programm. xD
I absolutely love this thing. <3
Well I run the .exe and I get this:
Go install that version of .NET Framework? :roll:
If you can, drop the requirements to .NET 2.0, F.
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quick update: finally got around to adding somewhat buggy slider support, it isn't perfect but it will render sliders good enough for you to fix with snapping/by eye in the editor

will be releasing this soon - just gotta add support for custom keybindings and maybe figure out how slider hitsounds are going to work
slider hitsounds
In Taiko-only maps, the hitsound of the slider only matters for Finish notes; non-whistle/clap and whistle/clap pretty much have no effect on the drumroll.
Finish hitsound in slider body or not. Only that matters.
There actually used to be a bug before (don't know if it's still there) that enlarges the endpoint of the drumroll but keeps the drumroll's 'slider' small, which I think is the effect of putting a finish on only the endpoint
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Updated main post with RC3 download links and info
Yeah~ Here it comes, key binding and spinner key added right? Good job! :D
I used it but osu!.exe crushed when I loaded that diff I made.
The bug report has been sent automatically.
...could you also provide a download link for .NET Framework 4.0 please lol (just kidding, I know where to get, but still kinda frustrated that I actually need it :/)
The fact that I just found this makes me cry.

Change your

if (this._fileName == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("No .osu selected");

to a
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._fileName))

Your ._fileName looks like it's null at that point, baka.
Topic Starter
at least be bothered to reflect the code properly - you'd see _filename is automatically set to string.empty upon a null result from the filebrowserdialog anyway..

more to the point, why are you doing this exactly?
Because there's an unhandled exception when you close the dialog without selecting a file? And I have too much free time?

Didn't realise the filebrowserdialog path was empty by default, thought it'd be null, my bad.
Topic Starter
there bloody well shouldn't be, that's precisely why i included that bit of code

sure as hell doesn't do it on my end

edit: that would be because i fixed it after distributing RC3. woops
Hmm since i've to load the .osu, it didn't work

I've an unexcepted error when i load the .osu : "entry chain format incorrect"

Does my computer have to be on a specific language to run the TLM ?

(He work'd well when i just have to put the .mp3, but not the .osu o.o )

I've try this with empty files, Taiko maps, but i have the same error again
This only reads MP3 files and saves them into .osu files. You can't modify .osu files using this.
Yup, but when i put a mp3, and i save the map (ven after doing one or thousands taps), that's create me an 11Mo .osu file unreadable (even with my notepad ?)
Hm, maybe you can at least upload an example .osu here so that people can look at it

Oddly enough it works fine for me at the moment...
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you really need to load it with .osu files since it requires timing data in order to render sliders

it shouldnt even let you load mp3 files anymore

edit: okay i'm going to release rc3 in a moment which has a slew of cosmetic and other bugfixes in it, stay frosty

edit2: and i'm porting the code back to .net 2.0 so you can run it right off the bat without having to download 4.0

edit3: updated and posted. enjoy!
I'm getting errors, when opening .osu with it.

************** Poikkeuksen teksti **************
System.FormatException: Syötemerkkijonon muoto ei ollut kelvollinen.
kohteessa System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
kohteessa System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
kohteessa System.Double.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
kohteessa System.Convert.ToDouble(String value)
kohteessa taikoLiveMapper.Form1.loadBeatmapData(String filename)
kohteessa taikoLiveMapper.Form1.loadAudioToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
kohteessa System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

After this, I can start music like 8 seconds and then it's making new errors for me. I tried to save before that error came, but then I got this on osu!

@eph you need to always use US formats for converstion in both directions (parse and tostring).
I have absolutely no clue how to make this thing work.

I just tried this out today and

and tapping both sets of keys will create big (finish) hitcircles too.
This didn't happen for me; two hitcircles just overlapped with 2ms difference... OTL

Even using the default config won't give finish hitcircles.
RC4 doesn't even work for me, but older version does work. For big hitcircles I'll just press non-big and then change it into finish in editor.
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