
Your biggest pet peeves

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Hello. Post your biggest Osu pet peeves here!

Mine are-
-Beatmap creators who randomly hide notes behind sliders.
-When windows decides to exit osu for no reason.
- When my fingers don't listen to my brain ( i fully intend to triple on a triple but sometimes my fingers will do a double instead.)
- When all of the sliders move at the same speed for the entire beatmap, except for one.
- Beatmaps with 1.5 difficulty stars that take me 10 tries just to get an A Rank on.
- Having osu! out of sync between both of my computers.
- Getting 300 for everything except the last item, when I get 100.
- Not having the triangles in osu!
- This beatmap specifically: (Don't get me wrong. It's pretty well-made. I just had a REALLY bad time with it while I was trying to get A Rank on it.)
wait why is this here and not in GD
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KanoSet wrote:

wait why is this here and not in GD
These are pet peeves limited to Osu gameplay not pet peeves in general. At least, that was my reasoning for posting it here. Am i wrong?

Mvsk wrote:

Am i wrong?
i'm not even sure anymore tbh
-bad slider art
Spinners ;^;
-fast sliders (or I call them "Sanic sliders")
-hard spinners
-huge jumps
-long streams
-failing near at the end
-mouse turning off sometimes for no reason
-jumps and streams at the same time
The current triangle mapping meta. I can handle everything else.

Mvsk wrote:

KanoSet wrote:

wait why is this here and not in GD
These are pet peeves limited to Osu gameplay not pet peeves in general. At least, that was my reasoning for posting it here. Am i wrong?
No, if it's related to osu!, it belongs in here. You posted in the right place.

-people asking for advice when the answer is "play more"
-my own inability to be good
-my currently very fucking dead index finger meaning I can't play

Mahogany wrote:

No, if it's related to osu!, it belongs in here. You posted in the right place.
i guess it's just me not used to this kind of topics here in GnR.. my bad :|
OT: my incapability of streaming
- Sudden change on slider velocity (like 1 slider on a map has different SV compared to the others)
- Every long stream, high or low bpm
-too high AR


-being a failure as a player and a human being

TheArchist wrote:

The current triangle mapping meta. I can handle everything else.
I can only do triangles.

B1rd wrote:

-being a failure as a player and a human being
I feel you.
I Give Up
Never lucky
People who use the term cancer tonrefer to low ar old maps I love
when people look at technical maps and say it's trash, and say the big black is a master piece
But Big Black is technical as hell. And I don't think there are that many people who'd say that map is a masterpiece, the mainstream thing these days is to not like and of BD's old maps and say they're crap.

Oh yeah, and one thing that also annoys me is in MP when people ignore the rules of the lobby. And then they'll say stuff like 4-6* means 4-6.99*.

N0thingSpecial wrote:

when people look at technical map and say it's trash, just because they cant play it

B1rd wrote:

Oh yeah, and one thing that also annoys me is in MP when people ignore the rules of the lobby. And then they'll say stuff like 4-6* means 4-6.99*.
I told you already. From my experience in multi, most room titles are misleading. Room title is 4-5*, yet all they play is higher than 5*. Every room I visit is just like that.
You probably play with scrubs who will pick big blek even tho they cant even pass a normal, they tend to be like that

DeathAdderz wrote:

B1rd wrote:

Oh yeah, and one thing that also annoys me is in MP when people ignore the rules of the lobby. And then they'll say stuff like 4-6* means 4-6.99*.
I told you already. From my experience in multi, most room titles are misleading. Room title is 4-5*, yet all they play is higher than 5*. Every room I visit is just like that.
4 to 5 star is 4.00 to 5.99

4.00 to 5.00 is 4.00 to 5.00

5.99* is still a 5 star map. Almost 6. Almost. Not quite. Almost

Khelly wrote:

People who use the term cancer tonrefer to low ar old maps I love
What low AR maps do you love? I don't recall you ever liking low maps, except for Emerald Sword.

DeathAdderz wrote:

I told you already. From my experience in multi, most room titles are misleading. Room title is 4-5*, yet all they play is higher than 5*. Every room I visit is just like that.
It's not that the titles are misleading, it's that people are incapable of following simple rules. Because they want to play their 7* ar10 meme maps.

Khelly wrote:

4 to 5 star is 4.00 to 5.99

4.00 to 5.00 is 4.00 to 5.00

5.99* is still a 5 star map. Almost 6. Almost. Not quite. Almost
I will assume it's a 4.00-5.99 if the room title is like "4 stars and 5 stars". But if "4 to 5 stars" I will assume that it's a 4.00-5.00.

Idk. Seems like everybody has different opinions on this.
Why can't they just be like 4.25 to 5.5 or something
Oh yea I get real salty when people skip you in a rotation lobby

Khelly wrote:

Why can't they just be like 4.25 to 5.5 or something
Even with that room title, someone still pick higher than 5.5. Usually that person is high rank people who come to this room to practice using mods

DeathAdderz wrote:

But if "4 to 5 stars" I will assume that it's a 4.00-5.00.

Idk. Seems like everybody has different opinions on this.
You will assume that because its right.

if 4-5* = 4-5.99999999999999999999999999999999* was right
then 4-5* would also mean 3.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001-5*
and that makes 0 sense, just like the first one

N0thingSpecial wrote:

Oh yea I get real salty when people skip you in a rotation lobby
Thats just you

DeathAdderz wrote:

Khelly wrote:

Why can't they just be like 4.25 to 5.5 or something
Even with that room title, someone still pick higher than 5.5. Usually that person is high rank people who come to this room to practice using mods
Real high rank players put on barusa in a 4.25 - 5.5* lobby

HK_ wrote:

DeathAdderz wrote:

But if "4 to 5 stars" I will assume that it's a 4.00-5.00.

Idk. Seems like everybody has different opinions on this.
You will assume that because its right.

if 4-5* = 4-5.99999999999999999999999999999999* was right
then 4-5* would also mean 3.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001-5*
and that makes 0 sense, just like the first one
Why would that also mean 3.00001 to 5*? 4 stars is a map whose first digit starts with 4.

4.00 is where that begins.

Khelly wrote:

4.00 is where that begins.
And 5.00 is where it ends

HK_ wrote:

Khelly wrote:

4.00 is where that begins.
And 5.00 is where it ends
5* isn't 5.00

It's 5.00 to 5.99
4-5 means four UP TO five

And if you want that really accurately it means 4.00000000000000000000000000000000...1-4.99999999999999999999999999999999999...*
4-5 is ambiguous
4.00 to 5.00 is 4.00 up to 5.00
4* to 5* is 4.00 to 5.99
4.00 = 4
5.00 = 5
5 star = all maps that have at least 5 stars and no more than 6

5* = 5 star

5.00 = 5 but people can read just 5 as 5 star

HK_ wrote:

4-5 means four UP TO five

And if you want that really accurately it means 4.00000000000000000000000000000000...1-4.99999999999999999999999999999999999...*
If you want that really accurately there is no number such as 4.00000...1 so that makes no sense. Just use 4.0 if anything.

Saphirshroom wrote:

HK_ wrote:

4-5 means four UP TO five

And if you want that really accurately it means four point infinite zeros followed by one-4.99999999999999999999999999999999999...*
If you want that really accurately there is no number such as 4.00000...1 so that makes no sense. Just use 4.0 if anything.
four point infinite zeros followed by one

Happy now?

HK_ wrote:

four point infinite zeros followed by one

Happy now?
No, the limes of that function is exactly 4.0 which is why your number doesn't exist.
4-5 = 3.5-5.5

When you group maps by difficulty, osu! will tell you that 5* is 4.5-5.5 so I use this as a rule of thumb in multi, unless its specified like 4.00-5.2
+-0.5 difficulty shouldn't really matter anyway

Bence wrote:

4-5 = 3.5-5.5

When you group maps by difficulty, osu! will tell you that 5* is 4.5-5.5 so I use this as a rule of thumb in multi, unless its specified like 4.00-5.2
+-0.5 difficulty shouldn't really matter anyway
Osu just decides to round those numbers, though. I'm really pissed at it when I have to go into the 6 star collection to play some 5.7* maps or whatever.
In that case 4-5 = 4.00-5.00
stop trying to turn my life into a meme
Khelly, 5* is literally 5.00000000000000000000*

No one uses 5* to refer to 5-6*. For example no one says 'I can fc 5* maps', referring to everything below 6*

And those are some good low AR maps.

B1rd wrote:

Khelly, 5* is literally 5.00000000000000000000*

No one uses 5* to refer to 5-6*. For example no one says 'I can fc 5* maps', referring to everything below 6*

And those are some good low AR maps.
If I say I am playing 5* (Read as 5 star) maps, what kinds of maps do you imagine? Do you think I'm referring to 5.00* and maybe +- 0.1? Really? Because when anyone says that I imagine they're playing anything like 5.2 5.4 5.8 whatever.

4-5* means starting at 4.0 and ending at 5.0

5* means exactly 5*. Most people don't mean this. Most people mean around.

Around 5* means 4.5-5.5*

I don't know why I felt I needed to add my worthless opinion to this thread.
When i say im playing 5* i mean up to 5,5 and 6* 5,5++
But that cant be applied here

HK_ wrote:

When i say im playing 5* i mean up to 5,5 and 6* 5,5++
But that cant be applied here
So basically everyone means different things but assumes everyone means exactly what they say.

When I say I'm playing 5* I am playing 5.00 to 5.99

HK_ wrote:

When i say im playing 5* i mean up to 5,5 and 6* 5,5++
Why don't you say you're playing 5-6* maps instead of saying you're playing 5* maps

Mahogany wrote:

HK_ wrote:

When i say im playing 5* i mean up to 5,5 and 6* 5,5++
Why don't you say you're playing 5-6* maps instead of saying you're playing 5* maps
If everyone was as specific as 5.50 to 6.00 we wouldn't have this problem

Mahogany wrote:

HK_ wrote:

When i say im playing 5* i mean up to 5,5 and 6* 5,5++
Why don't you say you're playing 5-6* maps instead of saying you're playing 5* maps
Because i can pass 5.5* map and say i passed a 6* map obviously

Khelly wrote:

]If I say I am playing 5* (Read as 5 star) maps, what kinds of maps do you imagine? Do you think I'm referring to 5.00* and maybe +- 0.1? Really? Because when anyone says that I imagine they're playing anything like 5.2 5.4 5.8 whatever.
I would assume they're playing something around 5*, like 4.8 to 5.4*. You tend to round numbers to a whole, like you do with time. But circumstantial implications doesn't change the definition.

HK_ wrote:

Because i can pass 5.5* map and say i passed a 6* map obviously
Just keep using decimals. Everyone using decimals is your dream anyway right?

Khelly wrote:

HK_ wrote:

Because i can pass 5.5* map and say i passed a 6* map obviously
Of course it does
doesnt actually mean you did that but if you get caught you will have an excuse

HK_ wrote:

Because i can pass 5.5* map and say i passed a 6* map obviously
Then why not say that then?
I like to categorize my star ratings based from the leading integer (or floor operation) of a star rating value.

I also don't want to get cocky either, just because I passed Highscore [Extra] 6.01* and tell everyone that I passed a 7* map.

Mahogany wrote:

HK_ wrote:

Because i can pass 5.5* map and say i passed a 6* map obviously
Then why not say that then?
Because its wrong?
Thread perfectly derailed
OT: when my cursor hits the note but click just late enough to miss

HK_ wrote:

Mahogany wrote:

Then why not say that then?
Because its wrong?
Then don't lie?

Mahogany wrote:

Then don't lie?
Topic Starter
I personally view the difficulty above .5 the next star.
Above 2.5 = 3
Above 3.5 = 4
Above 4.5 = 5.

Regardless of what it actually is i notice a bigger difference in overall difficulty between say 3star and 3.5 star rather than 3.5 to 4.

But that's just me. I know once you reach 4 - 5 maps some seem like they deserve a 6 star rating while some seem like they deserve a 3 star rating.
Uh... I think I hate this.

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New pet peeve.

When you're playing a map that is above your current skill rank ( 4.5 star for me) and you come so close to clearing it but then get fkt from a sudden spike in difficulty, timing and pattern in the end T.T
- when the map doesn't even go to the main beat in the song
- short sliders that go fast
- when rrtyui trolls and misses the last note
oh there's one more thing. High-bpm hold sliders. The ones that go bzzzzzzzzz.

Oatmeal wrote:

- when rrtyui doesnt troll and misses the last note anyway
Shitmisses in general
Needlessly high SV (Looking at you two maps)
TV Size maps that are nothing but large, unfitting jumps
When people randomly blame mappers instead of admitting that they are bad at the game
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