
Touhou Upick 3 Game Over

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Touhou Upick 3

A new incident has turned some of the humans and youkai against the others, they are working together and is the job of the rest to find them and get them sealed until something can be done.
When inning to this game PM me a list of 3 Touhou Characters in order of preference. Only Characters from PC98 and Windows games are accepted (Do note that some characters from print works also appear on the windows series, for example, Kasen, these are valid as well).
WotC is in effect: If several of you think a player will be problematic let me know by PM and the player will be force removed from signups.
Note: Max playerlist may be increased if there's enough interest, it's an upick after all.

Mod: Sakura

Zexion GuyInFreezer
Hika -[Jess]-
- Magic Bomb -
beeboy123 *
metal sonic1
notscience **
pieguyn *

1) Tanzklaue

Sample Town Role PM
You are Rinnosuke aligned with the Unaffected Girls

Item Vendor: You gather items from outside the border and sell them to people in here, visit a player during the night and they will know that they received and item.

You win when all the Rebelling Girls have been sealed

Frostings Reimu Hakurei Unaffected Girl
metal sonic1 Suwako (Non consecutive Watcher) from Unaffected Girls was sealed Night 1
Birdy Lily White (Modified Loud Roleblocker) from Rebelling Girls has commited suicide Night 1
Hika Young Alice (1-Shot Commuter) from the Unaffected Girls was sealed by majority on Day 2
- Magic Bomb - Reisen (Redirector) from the Unaffected Girls was sealed Night 2
beeboy 123 Remilia (Hated 1-Shot Strongman 1-Shot Self-Rolestopper) from the Rebelling Girls has commited suicide Night 2
Hopefully no one
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General Rules:
- Do not Edit or Delete any of your posts.
- Do not quote anything from the PMs given to you by the mod.
- Do not communicate outside of this thread unless your role PM allows you to.
- Do not use any form of provable randomness, saying that you flipped a coin and acted on that is fine, proving that you flipped said coin is not.
- I am human, and I may make mistakes, if I make a mistake send me a PM or state it in bold.
- Play to win

- Day times consist of 7 days, and it may be extended only on extreme circumstances. Any votes or unvotes after deadline wont count, if the day reaches deadline before a majority is reached, the day will end with a No Lynch.
- Night times consist of 24 hours. Until then you may submit or change your action as many times as necessary, you may also decide to take no action by stating it in your PM, any actions taken after deadline wont count and if you didnt send in an action it will count as No action.

Voting and Lynching:
- You may vote a player by stating in bold Vote: Player Name, an Unvote is not required to change your vote but it helps. When a player has reached 50% + 1 of the votes in play, a lynch will happen and the day will end. If I can interpret the intent to vote, it will count.
- Votes/Unvotes inside quotes, spoilers or boxes won't count.
- Acronyms and Shortened names are fine as long as I can clearly understand who is being voted.
- Alternatively you may vote to end the day without a lynch by voting for it Vote: No Lynch
- When a Lynch has ocurred before the end of the day, the game enters twilight phase, during this time all players including the lynchee may continue to post until I post the lynch scene and end the day, from then on the Lynchee is considered dead and cannot post.
- Dead players cannot post.

- A player that hasn't posted for over 48 hours will be automatically prodded.
- If a player hasn't posted for over 24 hours players may request them to be prodded, this won't count towards their prod limit but it can still get them replaced if they dont post within 24 hours of the prod.
- Prods must be responded to in the game thread.
- If a player is going to be absent for 24 hours or more they may state that they'll be on V/LA for said time, no more than 5 days V/LA will be accepted and you should consider replacing out if you're going to be gone that long.
- Failing to pick up your prod within 24 hours will end in you getting replaced, you still have time to pick up your prod until a replacement is found.
- If no replacement can be found the slot will be modkilled instead.
- If a player has to be prodded twice in the same day they will be force replaced.
- If a player has to be prodded 3 times in the course of the whole game, any future prods carry the risk of being replaced.

If any rule is broken you will be modkilled and become a Neutral Survivor, hence automatically lose.
Modkills may or may not end the day early.
Pretending to break a rule will count as breaking the rule.
Questions > Modkills, if you have doubts whether you're about to break the rules feel free to PM me to make sure.
If you have any questions towards me State it in bold
I'll try to have a vote count at least once every 2 pages, unless i'm sleeping or something.
I reserve the right to change these rules at any given time, any rule changes will be announced in thread.
Last but not least, have fun <3

In the case i've missed anything, refer to these lovely rules by Lybydose: p/1062608
Will send the choice later ^_^
hehehehehe confirming

will send a choice later, message me in like 12h if I haven't done it by then

Thinking about choices.
metal sonic1
replace, pm for fill.
oh fuck it.

disclaimer, I might be very low activity for a while.
I've never been here before but I guess I'll give it a go.
So only one more, assuming pieguy is in?

Hell yes.
oh hey it's THE pieguy
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One more, also i still need -[Jess]-'s picks
Someone hammer :CCC
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Well Hika said she'd fill if we need to, i'll give it 24 hours to get a hammer before PMing her, in case she wants to stay as replacement.
/in as replacement, I want to sort out things in my life so what happened in the previous game doesn't happen again.

Hey guys.
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Roles will be going out after lunch #hype.

A note on abilities, all abilities/spellcards are Night use unless otherwise stated.

[Passive] Ability is always active.
[Day] Ability is used during the day instead.
[Anytime] Ability may be used either during the day or night.
[X-Shot] Ability may be used X times in the entire game.
hashtag hypeboys.
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All role PMs are out, confirm in thread.
Game will begin when 9/12 have confirmed.
If you have any questions about your role please ask me via PM.
confirm? :3
actually what is this role
Confirm I guess
metal sonic1
c onf

Sakura wrote:

All role PMs are out, confirm in thread.
Game will begin when 9/12 have confirmed.
If you have any questions about your role please ask me via PM.
Y no game start :C
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That's 10 so we begin.

At the Hakurei Shrine...
Marisa: "Oi, where do you think you're going?"
Reimu: "Well obviously i need to figure out which of these girls are rebelling"
Marisa: "Another incident?"
Reimu: "Yes"
Marisa: "Well guess i'll fo-"
Reimu: "No, you stay here, you are only looking forward to stealing some magic for yourself anyway"
Marisa: "If that's how it's gonna be then i'll just investigate on my own"
Reimu: "Be that way"

Frostings Reimu Hakurei is Mod confirmed aligned with the Unaffected Girls

Day 1 Starts
Deadline: Monday, February 22nd 2016
Anyone that hasn't confirmed yet has 24 hours from this post to confirm.

Vote Count 1.0

Not Voting (12) - Navizel, GuyInFreezer, -[Jess]-, Birdy, - Magic Bomb -, beeboy123, metal sonic1, notscience, pieguyn, B1rd, Frostings, NoHitter.

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to lynch.
Vote: Birdy

We only need 1 bird in this game.
Took the words out of my mouth.

Vote: B1rd

Sakura wrote:

Frostings Reimu Hakurei is Mod confirmed aligned with the Unaffected Girls
literally always town, never lucky

Vote: B1
Two birds, one... cake?
metal sonic1
vote: b1rd
12 makes... 3 scum right?

@Sakura: choices affect alignment at all? or just roles?
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Frostings wrote:

12 makes... 3 scum right?

@Sakura: choices affect alignment at all? or just roles?
First question: Yes
Second question: just roles, but roles were given after alignment roll.
Wanna see a bird disappear?

Navizel wrote:

Wanna see a bird disappear?
via NK? :^)
Filthy scum :)

Frostings wrote:

Navizel wrote:

Wanna see a bird disappear?
via NK? :^)
Filthy scum :)
Vote: Navizel
yeah we should lynch that navizel guy

Navizel wrote:

Wanna see a bird disappear?
Depends on the bird.

Birdy wrote:

Took the words out of my mouth.

Vote: B1rd
You merely adopted the bird; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the namechange until I was already a man, by then I didn't want it.

The Bird betrays you, BECAUSE IT BELONGS TO ME.

Vote: metal sonic1
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