
Genre Review [Denied]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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AdRon Zh3Ro
I've been doing some research and concluded that anime/video-game, are not proper genres, and as so, need to be deleted from genres.

As i stated in a previous post, the correct genres for most of those video/audio related, are J-pop, hip hop, techno, etc.

My proposal is that anime/video-game need to be removed from genres and more especific/accurate genre types be added. There is a lot of songs that due lack of genre types, are labeled with anime/video-game.

An especific example:
Dreams of an Absolution - Lee Brotherton (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)
This is best labeled with Dance genre.

With this, genre selection/search, become easier, a lot faster and more consistent.
You know, I think the current genre tags are fine for what they're being used for even if they aren't genres in the typical sense. You have to wonder how useful it will be to be specific about this sort of thing when the current system already works fine.

LuigiHann wrote:

Those genres are modeled after the genres used in the Taiko games. They separate "Anime" songs from "J-Pop" songs to help people find songs that they will enjoy, and I sought to recreate that here. I am well aware they they are not all technically musical genres, but I consider them to be genres of beatmap.
It's the same case with Video Games.
Sure they are not real genres but I think it's much easier to find what you want this old way
Firo Prochainezo
inb4 touhou genre
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AdRon Zh3Ro
This is a music game, if musics are labeled wrong, how it will be easier to find a music?

I tryed to search specific songs due to it's genre, but due lack of genre types, when i put techno, musics that have nothing to do with it, apeear.

If it's easier to some, it can be hell of a nuisence for others.

To anime/video-game, instead of genre, should be created a diferent search tool, so it not create conflict with genre.
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AdRon Zh3Ro

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

inb4 touhou genre
Touhou is a video-game genre.
yea lets use genres and split techno/electronic into "Dance, Techno, Trance, Jumpstyle, Hardstyle, Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, Speed Core, J-Core, Euphoria, Hard Dance, Hard Trance, Dark Trance," want me to go on ? xD

the point im trying to get over is if we was to put every type of music perfectly correct there would be WAY too many genre's,

if you delve into music properly even within the genre of pop there is soo many sub genre's and genre's what branch off.

having overall genre's like we do is the best way, techno pop videogames anime. they are all easy to seach for, and remember this aint itunes, its a Game,
Firo Prochainezo

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

inb4 touhou genre
Touhou is a video-game genre.
Touhou is one of those things that needs it's own genre.

although i have to say techno should really be Electronica, since that's the main genre for that style of music xD
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AdRon Zh3Ro
Why do you always have to be extremist?

By adding genres, i am talking about some KEY/POPULAR genres, the most used: Dance, Blues, Easy listening, Ska, something that can make a diference from this to this.

And instead of techno, Eletronic.
Dance is NOT the main genre, Dance is included inside electronica
adam2046 ... 0&g=0&la=0
Do we even have any blues songs? And what exactly counts as easy listening?
The current genres work, and I personally use the videogame category all the time.
Firo Prochainezo
Being serious now.

In music, there is a genre and in that genre there are sub-genres. Why add those sub-genres? Because it's more classy? Oh please! Adding more sub-genres will basically make the list more messier.

Just enjoy this little and simple list.

And video-game, novelty and anime is fine too. Don't touch that.
also the 2 songs you posted is ambient/Dance

and is Happy Hardcore

the way your doing it these would still be in the same list lolz
If it makes you feel better, imagine that where it says "Genre:" it actually says "Theme:" instead. That's how it's being used because that's what makes the most sense for this game. It would be absolutely worthless to filter to "Ska" or "Blues" and bring up 3 or 4 maps, people should be putting those "niche" (by osu! standards) genres in their tags. If a genre does become increasingly popular it can be added to the list, as Hip-hop was.

In any case, Xgor pointed out correctly that this is a duplicate request, and as such is denied.
Sure, having lots of genres with only a handful songs in it would make searching hard, but it's just as hard the way it is now.
If I wanted to search for, lets say, Trance, I'd have to go into the "Techno" genre and dig through heaps of Hardcore and other stuff.
The funny thing is, on the other hand, I will also find Trance music in "Video Game" and "Anime". So in the end it'd probably take me roughly as long as going through the whole unfiltered list.
In general, Anime and Video Game don't really make sense. If you're looking for music from a specific anime or game there's Soure and if not... well...
apparently these two are different genres, while these two are the same, how does that help searching :roll:
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