
How to play a song like a pro with extra mods

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Pretty cliche, but whatever.
osu! Standard: Get better accuracy, increase resolution as circles tend to be very small, increase your reflex by practicing
Taiko: Since slider speeds is faster, a better reflex skill as well as accuracy should be improved. Practice.
CatchTheBeat: As the size of the fruits get smaller, you need a little extra movements; as well as dashing even more. In other words, more accuracy is needed. Practice.

Don't miss

osu! Standard: DoubleTime increases the song's speed, so basically you need to move your cursor more and hit faster. Practice more
Taiko: Hit faster. From what I see, DT-ing a map in Taiko isn't really effective if you want to get a high score with a map that has lots of drumrolls though. Only works with songs that has very few drumrolls.
CatchTheBeat: Move even more. Practice

osu! Standard: Learn to judge timing properly. Playing osu! in Hidden isn't very hard actually tbh. Get a good rhythmical sense to judge when to hit the notes.
Taiko: IMO playing HD in Taiko is pretty hard. Rhythmical sense of knowing when the notes will reach really helps. Try looking at the right side instead .
CatchTheBeat: As stated above.

osu! Standard: FL requires more memorization instead. Instead of raging holding sliders close the entire screen, rather memorize it. Practice, practice and practice.
Taiko: Personally I love FL more than HD for Taiko. Memorization really helps a lot. Try not to get panic if the visible area gets smaller, relax and just play. Practice helps too.
CatchTheBeat: ^

Taiko-only: HalfTime
You can hit more shit in drumrolls. These days I see some people using them in some maps and get higher ranks than those who SS'd it. Works on songs that has a lot of long drumrolls and few hitcircles.

Help me improve this, if you can.
I think what you need most at HR/DT are reflexes, for example sometimes playing with HR I just can't react fast enough and end up missing.
Why, thanks for the tips!
get a tablet/touchscreen etc

dNextGen wrote:

get a tablet/touchscreen etc
Lybydose would like to kindly disagree with you :o
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Wishy22 wrote:

I think what you need most at HR/DT are reflexes, for example sometimes playing with HR I just can't react fast enough and end up missing.
Seems logical. Fixed.

dNextGen wrote:

get a tablet/touchscreen etc
Doomsday owns a mouse, and he does it well though.
    Why is everything spoilerboxed?
  2. There's no reason to restate what each mod does if that's all you're going to say about the mod.
  3. I think anyone who has the skill to step to the pro level would already know these 'tips' already. Maybe not the HT one, though.
Doubletime: Play songs that exceed your limit ALWAYS! Eventually you will "grow" into the speed.
Just to mention, if you are master doubletimer, full comboing songs on osu! standard becomes a cake walk.

SilentWings wrote:

Doubletime: Play songs that exceed your limit ALWAYS! Eventually you will "grow" into the speed.
Just to mention, if you are master doubletimer, full comboing songs on osu! standard becomes a cake walk.

The above is true.
Common Sense: The Thread


Derekku wrote:

Common Sense: The Thread

Don't suck.

mekadon wrote:

Wishy22 wrote:

I think what you need most at HR/DT are reflexes, for example sometimes playing with HR I just can't react fast enough and end up missing.
Seems logical. Fixed.

dNextGen wrote:

get a tablet/touchscreen etc
Doomsday owns a mouse, and he does it well though.
well he is been here for 2 years eh

if you got a tablet you will become a pro in 3 weeks or one months


i think only tablet that able to do these songs with hardrock
Have you ever played with a tablet? It may help, in fact I feel more comfortable playing with tablet (haven't played with mouse for 21 month or so), but if you can do something with a tablet, you can do it with mouse. Using that kind of stuff as an argument (I mean your links) feels somewhat wrong, since I'm pretty sure many mouse players can play them with Hard Rock, they will have a hard time to FC them, like those players with tablet obviously had too. I don't really think they got an FC on that maps on their first or second try.

Of course, I'm a noob, I've been playing for a month and some weeks with a tablet and I still suck, guess having a tablet doesn't guarantee anything, or maybe it does and I'm retarded at this game.
Here's a method I sometimes use to become good at difficult maps...

1) Play the difficult beatmap with Doubletime & Relax mod three times, and try to keep up with what's going on the screen. This will help improve with the cursor movement aspect of learning the map, since when the game is slowed down to normal speed after playing it on Doubletime & Relax for three games, you will find it much easier to keep up.
2) Play the same beatmap three times at normal speed.
3) Finish the session with two games on the beatmap using the half time mod. This step is important because it will replace the errors you made on previous attempts in steps 1 & 2, with a much more accurate and error free imprint, which will then get written into long term memory when you go to sleep.

Hijiri Tezuka
Fun fact about DoubleTime on CtB:
You move faster, thus if you're just DT'ing play the song like you normally would except with more miniscule movements since you speed around.

dNextGen wrote:

get a tablet/touchscreen etc
I lol'd badly. :lol: When people finally get that only difference is that you hold your device in fingers not in whole hand. :?
For example. I have tablet for a while I practice with it sometimes, and I stll barely can fc Normal difficulties. :|
i've known to do these things all along why am i not pro yet
'hit faster > move faster'

So helpful!
To SS maps, be more accurate.

ShaggoN wrote:

dNextGen wrote:

get a tablet/touchscreen etc
I lol'd badly. :lol: When people finally get that only difference is that you hold your device in fingers not in whole hand. :?
For example. I have tablet for a while I practice with it sometimes, and I stll barely can fc Normal difficulties. :|

About DT you should use custom off set +10/+15

For Hardrock you should DELETE the BG of the map, so you can see better the follow points. and best way to play hardrock is with hidden

so, Hidden is hard .. for example on first play i can understand a map without problems, is not that hard, the disappearance of the beat is like a approach circle, you can understand the rhythm looking at it

For flashlightyou don't have to be afraid, i mean you should be safe on movements, if you will hesitate, you'll break the combo

Lunah wrote:

Rare exceptions like this don't disprove my statements at all.
Hidden in osu! really isn't that hard, but in Taiko, it's certainly a lot harder, since the length of disappearance is actually a huge space. Memorizing the Taiko map, or specific patterns, can help you play in Hidden much easier, as the notes will only serve as prompts and your fingers and your mind will be doing all the work.

Lunah wrote:

About DT you should use custom off set +10/+15

GladiOol wrote:

Lunah wrote:

About DT you should use custom off set +10/+15
Yeah it will be "lighter" because offset is slightly delayed, this help you a lot

GladiOol wrote:

Lunah wrote:

About DT you should use custom off set +10/+15
LoweH is just slow, so he needs to make the map late.
i'm just sly
Taiko: IMO playing HD in Taiko is pretty hard. Rhythmical sense of knowing when the notes will reach really helps. Try looking at the right side instead .
- You need also to know, how the combos are playable - how to push them.

- Well... the really important thing is to take attention to the lines when the game is running:
With those lines you can better follow the BMP.

- And about the 'looking at the right side' is one thing. Better is to concentrat at the end of the visible hit circles.

- After you played hidden often, it's like youplay without hidden.

This is how hidden works on me in Taiko modus. I dunno, maybe other people act on another way.
Card N'FoRcE

Lunah wrote:

For Hardrock you should DELETE the BG of the map

I never do that, actually.

Lunah wrote:

so you can see better the follow points.
Yes, use the best followpoints you can find, they are the most useful thing when playing with HardRock. Animated ones are even batter since you can easily see them everywhere.

Lunah wrote:

and best way to play hardrock is with hidden
Not always, but quite a lot of times a higher approach rate makes Hidden "easier" for experienced players.

Other than this, i confirm: HardRock is all about reflexes and accuracy (since HP Drain sometimes boosts up to impossible values for Hard maps)
? I don't use follow points with HR. I can 1/1 corner jump with OD10 without follow points.
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