Would be really cool if mappers could select a certain duration for their song preview, rather than the default of 10000 ms. Some slower maps may require more than 10000 ms in order to hear 8 measures of the song, and it results in the preview point cutting off at a weird time. Other maps that are really high bpm may not want such a long preview because it might carry on to a 9th or 10th measure that is unnecessary to appreciating the song.
I think a window between 7500-15000ms would be nice, it'll give almost all bpm's between 125-250 bpm 8 measures worth of preview time. (Though lower bpm maps might want to use 4 measures instead anyways).
I think a window between 7500-15000ms would be nice, it'll give almost all bpm's between 125-250 bpm 8 measures worth of preview time. (Though lower bpm maps might want to use 4 measures instead anyways).