Hello , All Chinese CTB players , and Korean players
sorry for using this thread , but we'd like to hold a match between the Chinese CTB players and the Korean CTB players. We deeply hope Korean CTB pros can accept it and participate in the match.
The time is Dec.11th GMT +8 19:30 12月11日 土 七時30分
strike]Eatch Team change their team list = 12/06[/strike]
Eatch Team change Their song list = 12/08
Chinese Candidates List:hy1hy1hy,KanaRin,Darksoul,Silver Flash,MiKuNa,joynama [if darksoul is can't jojn , husukar will join]
Chinese Judge : Mikhe
Korean Team: Shana,Kuzino,GGplay[N],redarrow62,tmddlenkt,Mitsuki- [ Kuzino Back up is Berncastell ]
Korean Judge : Shino
Both Chinese Team and Korean Team should send 3 players for the match. For considering the web factor, each team can list at most 6 players, each combination for 3 out of the listed 6 players will be ok to start the round. That means if the listed players are A,B,C,D,E,F, then your team can take the first round by players A,B,C while the second round by players D,E,F. Each team also have to provide a judge. If there is no internet issue, its better not to change the judge.
1.The game mode is CTB, team mode is "Head to Head", win condition is score, each team has 3 players and 1 judge. The responsibilities of judges are listed below.
2.Each team has the right to choose 5 songs with specific mods(hd, dt, hr or any combination of these three). The song information(including song name, diff, mod and dl link) should be provided at least one day before the match. One team cannot choose one song twice, but if both team choose one song, the song will be proceeded twice.
3.The final result displayed by osu will be the exactly result, that means lag, quit, will not be considered at all.
Win Conditions
1.We will get a result after each match. The result shows Rank1 to Rank6 of the song. Rank1 will get 6 points, rank2 will get 5 points, and so on...The team get a higher summing up points wins the match of the song.(its impossible to be draw for one song, don't let me tell why)
2.No matter what the result is. We will finish the 10 rounds. If 5:5 appears, we will see the total summing up points, the team with higher total summing up points will win. If the total summing up points also the same, the match result will be draw.
Resonpibilities of Judges.
1.The judge should be with good internet conditions. This means the judge has few possiblities to lost connection.
2.The judge is not allowed playing during the match. If the judge plays, his rank won't be count at all.
3.The judge should take a snapshot(F12) after each song match. Calculate the sum up points and report the results. If the reports of the two judges are different, we should find out who is wrong.
I think it will be both exciting and excellent. And of course the friendship and participation will be the first, and second is enjoying the match. The result will be recorded, but it just stand for each player's excellent performance, not any more.
Please let me know if theres any problem, we are waiting for your response. Finally. good luck for the match, let's make it the best match ever.
흠냐.. 대충 해석하면
3명이서 head to head 방식으로 경기하는듯..
지난번 1회 매치때 멀티에 문제가생겨서 그런듯 D:
PS : 팀정해야하니... 조만간 팀뽑아야겟네요 orz
PS2 : 조이가 점수에관한 언급을 한것같은데 , 잘 모르겟네요
sorry for using this thread , but we'd like to hold a match between the Chinese CTB players and the Korean CTB players. We deeply hope Korean CTB pros can accept it and participate in the match.
The time is Dec.11th GMT +8 19:30 12月11日 土 七時30分
strike]Eatch Team change their team list = 12/06[/strike]
Eatch Team change Their song list = 12/08
Chinese Candidates List:hy1hy1hy,KanaRin,Darksoul,Silver Flash,MiKuNa,joynama [if darksoul is can't jojn , husukar will join]
Chinese Judge : Mikhe
Korean Team: Shana,Kuzino,GGplay[N],redarrow62,tmddlenkt,Mitsuki- [ Kuzino Back up is Berncastell ]
Korean Judge : Shino
Both Chinese Team and Korean Team should send 3 players for the match. For considering the web factor, each team can list at most 6 players, each combination for 3 out of the listed 6 players will be ok to start the round. That means if the listed players are A,B,C,D,E,F, then your team can take the first round by players A,B,C while the second round by players D,E,F. Each team also have to provide a judge. If there is no internet issue, its better not to change the judge.
1.The game mode is CTB, team mode is "Head to Head", win condition is score, each team has 3 players and 1 judge. The responsibilities of judges are listed below.
2.Each team has the right to choose 5 songs with specific mods(hd, dt, hr or any combination of these three). The song information(including song name, diff, mod and dl link) should be provided at least one day before the match. One team cannot choose one song twice, but if both team choose one song, the song will be proceeded twice.
3.The final result displayed by osu will be the exactly result, that means lag, quit, will not be considered at all.
Win Conditions
1.We will get a result after each match. The result shows Rank1 to Rank6 of the song. Rank1 will get 6 points, rank2 will get 5 points, and so on...The team get a higher summing up points wins the match of the song.(its impossible to be draw for one song, don't let me tell why)
2.No matter what the result is. We will finish the 10 rounds. If 5:5 appears, we will see the total summing up points, the team with higher total summing up points will win. If the total summing up points also the same, the match result will be draw.
Resonpibilities of Judges.
1.The judge should be with good internet conditions. This means the judge has few possiblities to lost connection.
2.The judge is not allowed playing during the match. If the judge plays, his rank won't be count at all.
3.The judge should take a snapshot(F12) after each song match. Calculate the sum up points and report the results. If the reports of the two judges are different, we should find out who is wrong.
I think it will be both exciting and excellent. And of course the friendship and participation will be the first, and second is enjoying the match. The result will be recorded, but it just stand for each player's excellent performance, not any more.
Please let me know if theres any problem, we are waiting for your response. Finally. good luck for the match, let's make it the best match ever.
Chinse songs list
Chinese Songs list
1. Beatmap: Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother
Diff: Kirby Mix
Mod: HD+HR
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/42244
2. Beatmap: Sakakibara Yui - Koi no Honoo
Diff: ignore's Slider Madness
Mod: HD
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/41886
3. Beatmap: Koyote - Spark
Diff: insane
Mod: HD
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/34507
4. Beatmap: Nightcore - Pinball
Diff: Madness O_O
Mod: HD+HR
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/37433
5. Beatmap: Galdeira - Almagest(for ctb)
Diff: ctb
Mod: No mod
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/79638
1. Beatmap: Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother
Diff: Kirby Mix
Mod: HD+HR
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/42244
2. Beatmap: Sakakibara Yui - Koi no Honoo
Diff: ignore's Slider Madness
Mod: HD
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/41886
3. Beatmap: Koyote - Spark
Diff: insane
Mod: HD
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/34507
4. Beatmap: Nightcore - Pinball
Diff: Madness O_O
Mod: HD+HR
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/37433
5. Beatmap: Galdeira - Almagest(for ctb)
Diff: ctb
Mod: No mod
Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/79638
korean songs list
Korean songs list
1. Bermei.Inazawa & Urbatronic Chopsticks - Melody Bmin Style HR HID
2. Rex - Heart of Witch [MXStyle] Hidden
3. Lia - My Soul, Your Beats! http://osu.ppy.sh/s/16272 [Hard] Hidden
4. NicoNico Chorus, Megurine Luka - Just Be Friends [Hard] Hidden
5. Mizuki Nana - Secret Ambition (TV Size) [Fate] Hidden
1. Bermei.Inazawa & Urbatronic Chopsticks - Melody Bmin Style HR HID
2. Rex - Heart of Witch [MXStyle] Hidden
3. Lia - My Soul, Your Beats! http://osu.ppy.sh/s/16272 [Hard] Hidden
4. NicoNico Chorus, Megurine Luka - Just Be Friends [Hard] Hidden
5. Mizuki Nana - Secret Ambition (TV Size) [Fate] Hidden
흠냐.. 대충 해석하면
3명이서 head to head 방식으로 경기하는듯..
지난번 1회 매치때 멀티에 문제가생겨서 그런듯 D:
PS : 팀정해야하니... 조만간 팀뽑아야겟네요 orz
PS2 : 조이가 점수에관한 언급을 한것같은데 , 잘 모르겟네요
경기 규칙 번역본 by Shino
날짜 : 12월 11일 or 12일
시간 : 한국 시간으로 저녁 8시 30분
팀구성 :
3:3 매치이되, 각 팀에서는 최대 6인의 선수를 선발할 수 있습니다. (선수 조합 설명은 생략하지.)
또한 심판도 팀당 한 명씩 필요합니다.팀 전체 구성은 선수 6명. 다만 출전할때는 그 중 3명이 출전.
방식 :
1. 모드는 캐치, Head to Head. 승리조건은 점수. 각 팀은 선수 3인과 심판 1인으로 구성됩니다.
2. 각 팀은 5곡을 고르되, 각 곡에 히든/더타/하드 의 3모드를 적용할 수 있습니다(모드 조합도 가능).
곡의 정보(이름, 난이도, 모드, 다운링크)는 늦어도 매치 1일전에 얘기가 되야 합니다.
한 곡을 한 팀에서 두번 고를 수는 없지만, 두 팀이 같은 곡을 골랐을 경우 이는 2번의 경기로 처리됩니다.
3. 플레이 종료 후 결과창에 뜨는 점수가 최종 점수가 됩니다. 렉이나 종료등의 사유는 무시됩니다.
승리조건 :
1. 플레이후 결과창에 점수가 뜨면, 1위=6점 / 2위=5점 / ... / 6위=1점 으로 점수를 매깁니다.
이후 각 팀의 점수를 합산해서 점수가 더 높은 쪽이 그 라운드의 승리인 걸로 판정합니다. (이러면 무승부는 거의 안 나오겠군. GJ.)
2. 총 10라운드를 마친뒤 만일 5:5로 승패가 비겼다면 총 합산점수가 높은 팀이 최종승리한 걸로 판정합니다.
총 합산점수마저 같다면 무승부로 끝.
심판 :
1. 연결상태가 좋아야 합니다. (즉, 튕이 거의 없어야 함)
2. 라운드중 플레이 금지입니다.
3. 각 라운드가 끝나면 반드시 스크린샷을 찍어야 합니다. (점수 측정용)
점수 :
#1--> 6 points
#2--> 5 points
#3--> 4 points
#4--> 3 points
#5--> 2 points
#6--> 1 point
Fail or Quit--> 0 points
시간 : 한국 시간으로 저녁 8시 30분
팀구성 :
3:3 매치이되, 각 팀에서는 최대 6인의 선수를 선발할 수 있습니다. (선수 조합 설명은 생략하지.)
또한 심판도 팀당 한 명씩 필요합니다.팀 전체 구성은 선수 6명. 다만 출전할때는 그 중 3명이 출전.
방식 :
1. 모드는 캐치, Head to Head. 승리조건은 점수. 각 팀은 선수 3인과 심판 1인으로 구성됩니다.
2. 각 팀은 5곡을 고르되, 각 곡에 히든/더타/하드 의 3모드를 적용할 수 있습니다(모드 조합도 가능).
곡의 정보(이름, 난이도, 모드, 다운링크)는 늦어도 매치 1일전에 얘기가 되야 합니다.
한 곡을 한 팀에서 두번 고를 수는 없지만, 두 팀이 같은 곡을 골랐을 경우 이는 2번의 경기로 처리됩니다.
3. 플레이 종료 후 결과창에 뜨는 점수가 최종 점수가 됩니다. 렉이나 종료등의 사유는 무시됩니다.
승리조건 :
1. 플레이후 결과창에 점수가 뜨면, 1위=6점 / 2위=5점 / ... / 6위=1점 으로 점수를 매깁니다.
이후 각 팀의 점수를 합산해서 점수가 더 높은 쪽이 그 라운드의 승리인 걸로 판정합니다. (이러면 무승부는 거의 안 나오겠군. GJ.)
2. 총 10라운드를 마친뒤 만일 5:5로 승패가 비겼다면 총 합산점수가 높은 팀이 최종승리한 걸로 판정합니다.
총 합산점수마저 같다면 무승부로 끝.
심판 :
1. 연결상태가 좋아야 합니다. (즉, 튕이 거의 없어야 함)
2. 라운드중 플레이 금지입니다.
3. 각 라운드가 끝나면 반드시 스크린샷을 찍어야 합니다. (점수 측정용)
점수 :
#1--> 6 points
#2--> 5 points
#3--> 4 points
#4--> 3 points
#5--> 2 points
#6--> 1 point
Fail or Quit--> 0 points