
An - artcore JINJA [OsuMania]

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wat, i dont deserve kds

pls reject
Hi im new at modding
let's start

col |1|2|3|4


00:04:487 make LN stops at 00:05:118 to represent the long piano sound
00:09:539 make LN stops at 00:10:171 same reason
00:14:592 make LN stops at 00:15:223 same reason
00:24:697 make LN stops at 00:25:329 same reason
00:29:592 delete
00:29:750 make LN stops at 00:30:381 again to represent the long piano sound
00:33:066 |4 move to 00:33:066 |3
00:34:802 make LN stops at 00:35:434 same reason
00:39:223 LN here stops at 00:39:855
00:39:855 make LN stops at 00:40:487
if you make pattern like that in 00:03:855 do it the same at 01:04:487 onwards (the one that have same sound)
again if you make pattern like that in 01:10:802 do it the same at 01:31:013 onwards (the one that have same sound)


00:00:855 |1 move to 00:00:855 |2 avoid unnecessary jacks (notes in 1 line)
00:03:066 |4 move to 00:03:066 |2
00:04:487 make LN stops at 00:05:118 you know what's the reason
00:05:908 until 00:06:381 make it stairs and again same reason as above avoid unnecessary jacks
00:09:539 Make LN stops at 00:10:171
00:20:434 |1 move to 00:20:434|2
starting from there remove the jacks (when there is a jack of course) (move the note) 00:20:276 until 00:39:223
00:39:223 make double
00:39:855 |3 move to 00:39:855 |2 and add LN stops at 00:40:487
jack again here 01:01:487 avoid jacks
01:03:381 add a note
01:03:539 same ^
01:08:434 add a note
01:08:513 same ^
01:10:171 you know what am i gonna say
01:19:644 you know what am i gonna say

the main topic here that is your beatmap has the same problem so it will be easier to fix that beatmap
overall good map
P.S if that beatmap is a hard diff you can add jacks
Topic Starter

yudhajs wrote:

Hi im new at modding
let's start

col |1|2|3|4


00:04:487 make LN stops at 00:05:118 to represent the long piano sound
00:09:539 make LN stops at 00:10:171 same reason
00:14:592 make LN stops at 00:15:223 same reason
00:24:697 make LN stops at 00:25:329 same reason
00:29:750 make LN stops at 00:30:381 again to represent the long piano sound
00:34:802 make LN stops at 00:35:434 same reason all above rejected, LNs are here to follow the sub piano sounds on 1/2s, not as filler for long piano notes.
00:29:592 delete como estas theres a synth sound there
00:33:066 |4 move to 00:33:066 |3 done, also dont put them | right beside the timing points kinda messes them up a bit
00:39:223 LN here stops at 00:39:855 was following the bubbly synth in the music
00:39:855 make LN stops at 00:40:487 is the above the same as this lol
if you make pattern like that in 00:03:855 do it the same at 01:04:487 onwards (the one that have same sound)
again if you make pattern like that in 01:10:802 do it the same at 01:31:013 onwards (the one that have same sound) missed that section, fixed a couple of things


00:04:487 make LN stops at 00:05:118 you know what's the reason
00:09:539 Make LN stops at 00:10:171
00:39:855 |3 move to 00:39:855 |2 and add LN stops at 00:40:487 all above rejected, LNs are here to follow the sub piano sounds on 1/2s, not as filler for long piano notes.
00:00:855 |1 move to 00:00:855 |2 avoid unnecessary jacks (notes in 1 line)
00:03:066 |4 move to 00:03:066 |2 jacks are intentionallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
00:05:908 until 00:06:381 make it stairs and again same reason as above avoid unnecessary jacks they are intneitoetantionallllll feelsbadman
00:20:434 |1 move to 00:20:434|2 in ten tion alz
starting from there remove the jacks (when there is a jack of course) (move the note) 00:20:276 until 00:39:223 asfadfsadsfasdafsadfsadfsa
00:39:223 make double see what you mean, dont wish to make this an impact because what id like to focus on here is the minimalistic feel of the piano notes here
jack again here 01:01:487 avoid jacks lanoitnentni
01:03:381 add a note
01:03:539 same ^
01:08:434 add a note
01:08:513 same ^
01:10:171 you know what am i gonna say
01:19:644 you know what am i gonna say maybe it didnt seem too clear so ill just make it certain here: i dont want LNs here because itll just clog things up, and given how i already mentioned that i use LNs to follow the 1/2 sub piano notes, i didnt put LNs here. anyway i did edit this section according to what i drew from your mod so yeah

the main topic here that is your beatmap has the same problem so it will be easier to fix that beatmap asdffasdfsf
overall good map thanks i guess
P.S if that beatmap is a hard diff you can add jacks they arent hard to hit you know
thanks for the modzz lucky for you no one wanted to mod this so you get 2 kudos
HI :D mod from my queue :D


00:53:276 (53276|3,53434|1) - delete ?
00:53:118 - add LN end 00:53:592 -
00:55:644 - ^
00:58:171 - ^

01:45:066 (105066|1,105223|3) - delete ?
01:44:908 - add LN ? end 01:45:381 -
01:47:434 - ^ end 01:47:908 -
01:49:960 - add LN end 01:50:434 -
01:52:644 (112644|2,112802|0) - delete ?
01:52:487 - add LN end 01:52:960 -
01:55:013 - ^ end 01:55:487 -
01:57:539 - ^ end 01:58:013 -
02:00:066 - ^ end 02:00:539 -

00:39:223 - add LN ? end 00:40:487 -
01:19:644 - ^
01:39:855 - ^
01:42:381 (102381|3,102539|3,103644|2,103802|0) - why not same ? rearranged
01:46:171 (106171|1,106329|3) - ^ this ?
01:51:223 (111223|1,111381|2) - ^ this ?
01:53:750 (113750|1,113908|3) - ^ this ?
01:56:276 (116276|2,116434|0) - ^
02:07:171 (127171|1,127171|2) - move to 1 and 4

I think this diff Repose_Lv.13 is fine no problem this diff

sorry for my mod im newbie in modding :(
and sorry bad english xD

Good Luck
Topic Starter

rinaldi28 wrote:

HI :D mod from my queue :D hi


00:53:276 (53276|3,53434|1) - delete ? nope
00:53:118 - add LN end 00:53:592 -
00:55:644 - ^
00:58:171 - ^ not meant to be easy as fuck, notes are needed to follow the diff curve properly

01:45:066 (105066|1,105223|3) - delete ?
01:44:908 - add LN ? end 01:45:381 -
01:47:434 - ^ end 01:47:908 -
01:49:960 - add LN end 01:50:434 -
01:52:644 (112644|2,112802|0) - delete ?
01:52:487 - add LN end 01:52:960 -
01:55:013 - ^ end 01:55:487 -
01:57:539 - ^ end 01:58:013 -
02:00:066 - ^ end 02:00:539 - look above for explanation^^ all rejected as of now

00:39:223 - add LN ? end 00:40:487 - wanted just a singular note to signify the piano note
01:19:644 - ^ same as above
01:39:855 - ^ following drums here, everything is secondary
01:42:381 (102381|3,102539|3,103644|2,103802|0) - why not same ? rearranged
01:46:171 (106171|1,106329|3) - ^ this ?
01:51:223 (111223|1,111381|2) - ^ this ?
01:53:750 (113750|1,113908|3) - ^ this ?
01:56:276 (116276|2,116434|0) - ^ in the long run i tend to ignore pitch shifts since adhering to them strictly causes issues in how it flows so
02:07:171 (127171|1,127171|2) - move to 1 and 4 done

I think this diff Repose_Lv.13 is fine no problem this diff idk what to say to that

sorry for my mod im newbie in modding :( no problem at least you did your part
and sorry bad English xD seemed rudimentary enough to get the point across well

Good Luck thanks i guess
thanks for the mod
Hello~ From my queue. Sorry for the long delay.

Suggest OD for Rest be 7.
Suggest OD for Repose be 7.5
Suggest HP for Tranquility be 8.

Rest Lv_9
01:45:539 (105539|2) - I'm kind of iffy on this note. I feel like it's a ghost note, because there's only a sound ending here, not starting, so remove?
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - In Lull, this section was all doubles on the downbeat. In this difficulty, they're doubles on the even downbeat and singles on the odd downbeat. Because this is supposed to be harder, I would make this whole section doubles on the downbeat, and in Lull, change it to doubles on even down beats, and singles on odd downbeats.
Repose Lv_13
00:55:250 (55250|1) - Remove, I'm pretty sure this is a ghost note.
01:00:302 (60302|3) - ^^
01:08:434 (68434|2,68434|0) - Change to single, I think the piano plays a single note in the song, so you don't need to make it a double.
01:08:592 (68592|0,68592|3) - ^^
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - This section has the same structure as Lull, save for a triple at the beginning. I'd suggest something like this Where the 2nd downbeat of each measure has 2 1/4 snaps following it. The same could apply to Tranquility, but keep the triples.
01:44:039 (104039|2) - Remove, ghost note?
01:59:513 - Add note? Ignore if you're following the synth.
02:02:197 (122197|2) - Remove, ghost note.
Tranquility Lv_18
00:32:513 (32513|3) - Remove, ghost note.
00:36:066 - Add note here?
00:37:092 (37092|1) - Remove, ghost note.
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - Same thing as I said in Repose, but keep the triples.
I love this song. Have a star *pew pew*
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

Hello~ From my queue. Sorry for the long delay. no mind

Suggest OD for Rest be 7. sticking with 7.5
Suggest OD for Repose be 7.5 changed to 7.7
Suggest HP for Tranquility be 8. it is 8? lmao

Rest Lv_9
01:45:539 (105539|2) - I'm kind of iffy on this note. I feel like it's a ghost note, because there's only a sound ending here, not starting, so remove? there is this hihat? sound where the note is, well to be more precise there's 3. removing them makes the whole stream here kinda feel weird, since the start of the hihat? sound is pretty loud.
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - In Lull, this section was all doubles on the downbeat. In this difficulty, they're doubles on the even downbeat and singles on the odd downbeat. Because this is supposed to be harder, I would make this whole section doubles on the downbeat, and in Lull, change it to doubles on even down beats, and singles on odd downbeats. blame my incompetency i somehow missed this lmao

Repose Lv_13
00:55:250 (55250|1) - Remove, I'm pretty sure this is a ghost note.
01:00:302 (60302|3) - ^^ it isnt tbh, there is this certain stagger to the pull here that i wanted to follow, and given how its a higher-pitch synth i decided on having streams for this part. see lv.21
01:08:434 (68434|2,68434|0) - Change to single, I think the piano plays a single note in the song, so you don't need to make it a double.
01:08:592 (68592|0,68592|3) - ^^ more of a continuity issue than a impact one. kinda decided that all piano beats here are doubles, to save the deciphering of each note to their own individuality.
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - This section has the same structure as Lull, save for a triple at the beginning. I'd suggest something like this Where the 2nd downbeat of each measure has 2 1/4 snaps following it. The same could apply to Tranquility, but keep the triples. did something to something, now it should be different for each diff
01:44:039 (104039|2) - Remove, ghost note? background synth
01:59:513 - Add note? Ignore if you're following the synth. doubles=clap, singles=drum/synth
02:02:197 (122197|2) - Remove, ghost note. the stagger in the synth should be more obvious here

Tranquility Lv_18
00:32:513 (32513|3) - Remove, ghost note. background synth, isnt obvious but its there
00:36:066 - Add note here? shifted the one from below, its supposed to be up one tick lol
00:37:092 (37092|1) - Remove, ghost note. feex
01:31:013 to 01:41:118 - Same thing as I said in Repose, but keep the triples. should be done
I love this song. Have a star *pew pew* thankz for zee star <3
thanks for the mod ^^
Hello there! Request from queue.
I'm still beginner at modding but i hope you like my mod. :)

4k Column Pattern: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

01:44:592 - add one note.
01:46:487 - add one note.
01:47:118 - add one note.
01:47:197 (107197|1,107276|0,107355|3) - delete this and change to long note from 01:47:118 to 01:47:355.
01:51:539 - add one note.
01:52:171 - add one note
01:52:250 (112250|1,112250|1,112329|0,112408|3) - delete this and change to long note from 01:52:171 to 01:52:408.
01:54:697 - add one note.
01:56:592 - add one note.
01:57:223 - add one note.
01:57:302 (117302|2,117381|3,117460|0) - delete this and change to long note from 01:57:223 to 01:57:460.
02:08:276 - add one note.
02:09:539 - add one note.
02:10:802 - add one note.
02:12:066 - add one note.

01:48:855 (108855|1) - move to column 4
01:53:908 (113908|2) - move to column 2
01:56:276 (116276|3,116434|2,116434|2) - move to column 2.
01:56:750 (116750|2) - move to column 4
01:58:960 (118960|0) - move to column 3

Please update your post threat in my mod queue after you check my mod
Topic Starter

Shiro-neechan wrote:

Hello there! Request from queue.
I'm still beginner at modding but i hope you like my mod. :) lets see shall we

4k Column Pattern: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

01:44:592 - add one note. LN in the way
01:46:487 - add one note. lnenenenene
01:47:118 - add one note. lnnnnnnnnnnn
01:47:197 (107197|1,107276|0,107355|3) - delete this and change to long note from 01:47:118 to 01:47:355. its the chorus, and im not really aiming for a terribly easy diff here, since id have to take into account the diff gap
01:51:539 - add one note. ln
01:52:171 - add one note NL
01:52:250 (112250|1,112250|1,112329|0,112408|3) - delete this and change to long note from 01:52:171 to 01:52:408. see above
01:54:697 - add one note. ln
01:56:592 - add one note. lenen
01:57:223 - add one note. dy/dx= LN
01:57:302 (117302|2,117381|3,117460|0) - delete this and change to long note from 01:57:223 to 01:57:460. cee abave
02:08:276 - add one note.
02:09:539 - add one note.
02:10:802 - add one note.
02:12:066 - add one note. yeah ill stop responding here im running out of things to reply with

you know, id strongly suggest you try and understand why certain things are placed in certain ways in any map, and then work your way up from there. finding out the purpose of the mapper isnt too hard, but it isnt easy either. only when you understand where the mapper comes from only then you can suggest applicable and relevant fixes and add in your own opinions.

for example, all above add notes suggestions are completely cancelled out due to the fact that this is a easy diff, and LN play with doubles in them is not appreciated that much, at least in my opinion. maybe if you could justify your reasoning behind why do you think this should be that, then it would become much easier for me to understand where you are coming from and actually take into account your point of view.

01:48:855 (108855|1) - move to column 4 misinterpretation of 3 note stacks, they are to follow the synth, not the drum beats. due to this all suggestions here are negated, and it isnt fair to you since im pretty sure you have your own justifications for them but what can i do you didnt write them down.
01:53:908 (113908|2) - move to column 2
01:56:276 (116276|3,116434|2,116434|2) - move to column 2.
01:56:750 (116750|2) - move to column 4 you kinda reminded me to fix something else here doe
01:58:960 (118960|0) - move to column 3

yeah same thing as whatever i said above, try not to just give one-liners and leave it at that, make your thinking processes more clear and succinct to the mapper, makes the consideration and also application of the mod infinitely easier.

Please update your post threat in my mod queue after you check my mod
thanks for the modz

hi hi im a modder


00:19:802 - double
00:53:118 - change 1 note to hold until 00:53:592 -
00:53:434 (53434|0) - change to 4
00:53:592 - hold until 00:53:750 -

01:48:697 (108697|3,108855|1) - change both notes to 1

00:41:592 - triple
00:44:118 - triple
00:46:644 - triple
00:49:171 - triple
02:04:487 (124487|2) - hold change to normal note

01:53:197 (113197|2,113276|1,113276|3,113434|1,113434|2,113434|3) - a little uncomfortable for me here, maybe change 01:53:197 (113197|2) - to 2, 01:53:276 (113276|1) - to 3
02:04:487 (124487|3) - hold change to normal note... why Lv21 does not have long note? >_>

00:56:750 (56750|0,56908|0,57066|0,57223|0,57381|0,57539|0) - a bit exhaustive in this column? maybe switch some notes over to other cols
02:12:697 - want a hold here ....?

jeez is this song good (and modded so well i can't mod better XD) , plz ranked T_T good luck :D

Edit: fuck it gonna shoot a star here, this is just too good, also SG power :P
Topic Starter

Raveille wrote:

hi hi im a modder hi


00:19:802 - double done
00:53:118 - change 1 note to hold until 00:53:592 - the notes already cover the synth
00:53:434 (53434|0) - change to 4 back and forth, meant to reflect the synth in the song, more patterns like these can be found for similar sections
00:53:592 - hold until 00:53:750 - didnt want to clog section with 1/4 LNs, after all ive established the fact here that the short and sweet synths represent the notes

01:48:697 (108697|3,108855|1) - change both notes to 1 seems like a lot of people miss out on the fact the the stacks here represent the synths, not the drums. representation of drums are only present in the higher diffs. fixed other stuff you reminded me for doe

00:41:592 - triple
00:44:118 - triple
00:46:644 - triple
00:49:171 - triple all above rejected, transition from the streams with the hands to jumps here supposed to represent the change in flow to follow the synths
02:04:487 (124487|2) - hold change to normal note covers the pretty muffled synth sounds the next jumpstream follows

01:53:197 (113197|2,113276|1,113276|3,113434|1,113434|2,113434|3) - a little uncomfortable for me here, maybe change
01:53:197 (113197|2) - to 2, 01:53:276 (113276|1) - to 3 done
02:04:487 (124487|3) - hold change to normal note... why Lv21 does not have long note? >_> as stated in 16, as for the inclusion of streams for 21 its just cuz 21 is supposed to be the hardest diff so subbing the LNs out for streams kinda exemplifies the difficulty

00:56:750 (56750|0,56908|0,57066|0,57223|0,57381|0,57539|0) - a bit exhaustive in this column? maybe switch some notes over to other cols was intentional, listen to the back and forth of the synths.did edit this part doe should be much easier to see the stackings
02:12:697 - want a hold here ....? noep

jeez is this song good (and modded so well i can't mod better XD) , plz ranked T_T good luck :D thanks for the modz, idk whether rank is even possible for me though

Edit: fuck it gonna shoot a star here, this is just too good, also SG power :P thanks for the star too, and yeah its kinda hard to come across someone from SG on here sometimes
Davin Fortune
Hi o/

Mod request via queue

Note : Never apply when it's unfinished :3

Column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

I use 5% on hitsound, so the real piano sound from mp3 will heard to judge the pattern
00:00:381 - make this into 1 consider the volume is lower than 00:00:539 - (keep the one at col 1 for pitch stuff)(look at 00:01:171 (1171|3,1329|1,1329|0) - as reference for this mod)

00:02:434 (2434|2) - move to 2, since it's the repeative with 00:02:118 (2118|1) -

00:07:487 (7487|1) - ^

00:02:750 (2750|3,2908|0) - delete this, i want to keep them in a note and in that pattern. Left into only a note(col 2 and col 3 one) cause the drum isn't deep as 00:02:592 (2592|0,2592|3,3066|0,3066|3) -

00:07:802 (7802|0,7802|2,7960|1,7960|3) - ^

00:05:434 - delete the notes at here, cause it's ghost and i try to test it and it's good without it

00:15:066 (15066|0) - delete this, the sound you want to notice is a part of the chord 00:14:908 (14908|1,14908|2) - , just give you note that it's different with other note like 00:14:434 (14434|2,15697|3) - after the drum they are covered with piano

00:25:092 (25092|3) - ^

00:21:934 (21934|2,22013|3,22092|0,22171|1,22250|2,22329|3) - why suddenly it become unconsistant pattern like this!?, this pattern will call as fine if you follow other pattern 00:23:276 (23276|2,23434|1,23513|2,23592|3,23750|1,23750|0) -

00:24:460 (24460|0,24539|1,24618|2,24697|3,24776|1,24855|0) - ^

00:26:987 (26987|2,27066|1,27144|0,27223|3,27302|2,27381|1) - ^

00:25:171 (25171|0) - i think just move this to other column, like 4 is nice since it will make it look like a short trill

00:28:960 (28960|2) - ^

00:29:513 (29513|0,29592|2,29987|0) - delete pls, ghost here :3

Continue Later '-'

sorry im done!, i mod this tired af and it's missing
Topic Starter

Davin Fortune wrote:

Hi o/ hi

Mod request via queue

Note : Never apply when it's unfinished :3

Column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

I use 5% on hitsound, so the real piano sound from mp3 will heard to judge the pattern
00:00:381 - make this into 1 consider the volume is lower than 00:00:539 - (keep the one at col 1 for pitch stuff)(look at 00:01:171 (1171|3,1329|1,1329|0) - as reference for this mod) yeah but theres a lower pitched piano following along the higher pitched one at a lower octave at parts like 00:00:066 (66|3,66|2,223|0,223|1,381|2,381|0,539|3,539|1) - and 00:01:329 (1329|0,1329|1) - so thats why theyre doubles

00:02:434 (2434|2) - move to 2, since it's the repeative with 00:02:118 (2118|1) - i choose playability over pitch but meh since its suggested why not

00:07:487 (7487|1) - ^ ee

00:02:750 (2750|3,2908|0) - delete this, i want to keep them in a note and in that pattern. Left into only a note(col 2 and col 3 one) cause the drum isn't deep as 00:02:592 (2592|0,2592|3,3066|0,3066|3) - same rationale as above, but i see whatchu mean. whr them drums doe

00:07:802 (7802|0,7802|2,7960|1,7960|3) - ^ ee

00:05:434 - delete the notes at here, cause it's ghost and i try to test it and it's good without it what mate theres piano there piano theres what

00:15:066 (15066|0) - delete this, the sound you want to notice is a part of the chord 00:14:908 (14908|1,14908|2) - , just give you note that it's different with other note like 00:14:434 (14434|2,15697|3) - after the drum they are covered with piano its the same sound as 00:14:592 (14592|0,14671|1) - ,also ensures continuity with the streams of 1/2 here

00:25:092 (25092|3) - ^ ee

00:21:934 (21934|2,22013|3,22092|0,22171|1,22250|2,22329|3) - why suddenly it become unconsistant pattern like this!?, this pattern will call as fine if you follow other pattern 00:23:276 (23276|2,23434|1,23513|2,23592|3,23750|1,23750|0) -

00:24:460 (24460|0,24539|1,24618|2,24697|3,24776|1,24855|0) - ^

00:26:987 (26987|2,27066|1,27144|0,27223|3,27302|2,27381|1) - ^ woo swole mate but theres a synth sound there

00:25:171 (25171|0) - i think just move this to other column, like 4 is nice since it will make it look like a short trill this wasnt what i wanted to go for

00:28:960 (28960|2) - ^ ee

00:29:513 (29513|0,29592|2,29987|0) - delete pls, ghost here :3 yup synth

Continue Later '-'

Okay FAK THE MOD IS MISSING CAUSE I DID A MISTAKE, >.> erm so what am i supposed to do then
sorry im done!, i mod this tired af and it's missing i guess its fine? never mind from what i gathered it seems as though you didnt like modding this either
thanks for the mod
Davin Fortune

Abraxos wrote:

Okay FAK THE MOD IS MISSING CAUSE I DID A MISTAKE, >.> erm so what am i supposed to do then
sorry im done!, i mod this tired af and it's missing i guess its fine? never mind from what i gathered it seems as though you didnt like modding this either

thanks for the mod
No dont take it to your heart, i just blame myself for this. I am sorry if you feel sad request to me. I dont blame you, just i just point out my problem. but seems many people dont care also :3
Shift AC

Really nice beatmap. I enjoy it a lot. Maybe this can get ranked somedays :D ?

No.2 in my top 5:
Shift AC
oh man, practicing lv. 16 onwards
Topic Starter
huh. thanks for liking it i guess. makes me feel as if i did at least something right.

ranking this? nah mate it seems impossible to find any BN willing to check my shit.
nah Abraaaaaaaa :3
M4M :D

00:19:802 - maybe delete this? considering that you didn't make doubles for other sound that's quite strong.
00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0) - Move these to the right 1 time? because of the way you map at 00:29:118 (29118|2) -
00:55:329 - make this part similar with 02:02:276 (122276|0) - ?
01:06:223 (66223|2) - move to 1? kinda weird with the jack since section similar with this doesn't mapped jacked before.
02:01:329 - add this? you also add at 00:39:223 - 01:19:644 -

00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0,26908|0,27223|0,27381|0,27539|0) - rip my left index hand, move 00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0) - to 2, it's more comfortable to hit, and left hand doesn't get tired easily.
00:30:934 - miss 1/4? because in this section you started to follow 1/4 ...
00:46:171 - add, high pitch melody, similar like 00:43:644 -
00:52:408 (52408|3,52408|2) - TBH, this kind of double notes using is questionable for me, yes it has a sound, but it's almost barely heard.. please considered this.
01:00:223 - i would recommend to add here, melody sound, and at the end of LN.
01:01:487 (61487|0,61644|0) - move this to 3, and then move 01:01:802 (61802|1) - to 1. i know you want to keep consistency with 01:06:539 - , but my left hand ;w;
01:04:171 (64171|0,64171|1) - move to 3-4? the pitch suited for it imo.
01:05:355 - missing 1/4 sound?
01:13:171 - delete one note?
01:41:434 (101434|3,101908|2) - Ctrl+G /my ocd strikes again ;w;
01:42:381 - please need cymbal ;w;
01:49:960 (109960|1,109960|0) - to 3-4? because at the sound like this, you started the doubles at different column than 01:50:118 (110118|1,110118|0) -
01:53:908 (113908|1) - move this to 4? omg ;w;
01:57:855 (117855|1) - i would move this to 3 because of 01:52:802 (112802|3,112802|2) - , and then move 01:58:013 (118013|3) - to 2?

00:59:908 (59908|1) - delete this, lv 21 doesn't have note.
01:19:644 (79644|1) - 1 one is enough for me, because there's already LN, and to differentiate from 01:20:908 -
02:02:118 - This part is jumptrill, while 01:00:223 - = single stream?
02:04:487 (124487|0) - move to 2? just for the neatness.

00:25:644 (25644|1,25802|3) - Ctrl+G this? make a bit different with 00:25:013 (25013|2,25013|1) - ,and more flowy.
00:40:644 (40644|1) - move to 1? this kind of 00:40:487 (40487|1,40487|2,40644|2,40644|1) - is ... yeah..
00:51:223 (51223|0) - move this to 3, and then move 00:51:381 (51381|1) - to 1? mini one hand trill after triple jack is kinda..
01:42:697 (102697|1) - at least move this to 3? having 01:42:381 (102381|0,102381|1,102539|0,102697|1,102697|0) - maybe isn't that great idea.

00:35:434 - personally i would move the jack at column 4, something like ? because there's already 00:34:171 (34171|0,34329|0) -
00:39:223 - why not cover with LN? there's other places where you didn't cover this too, maybe intentional, but cover would filling it better for me.
00:56:434 (56434|0) - move this to 2? the flow would make much more sense.
01:09:066 (69066|2,69223|1,69381|0,69539|3) - Ctrl+H this? similar to how you did 00:06:855 (6855|3,7013|2,7171|1,7329|0) - and 00:08:434 (8434|0,8592|1,8750|2,8908|3) -
02:01:329 - not add? :v

Ok i forgot lv.16, but rip my brain XD..
Sorry my mod is too cancerous you may even feed it to the salmon , how to mod like you abra senpai ;w;
Good luck for your map, you should get it ranked :D..
Topic Starter

DixonBlackwing wrote:

nah Abraaaaaaaa :3 a link to eter's userpage?
M4M :D

00:19:802 - maybe delete this? considering that you didn't make doubles for other sound that's quite strong. yeah and im supposed to have a note with a crash at 00:20:276 (20276|1) - too all done btw
00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0) - Move these to the right 1 time? because of the way you map at 00:29:118 (29118|2) - dk what that links to but i guess i fixed it
00:55:329 - make this part similar with 02:02:276 (122276|0) - ? done
01:06:223 (66223|2) - move to 1? kinda weird with the jack since section similar with this doesn't mapped jacked before. have i never? for consistency's sake i changed it so never mind then
02:01:329 - add this? you also add at 00:39:223 - 01:19:644 - selected two are LNs that follow the piano, while the one you suggested i add follows the synth. bass beats being irrelevant, i placed notes there to give the piano there the impact it needs, whilst the one suggested i decided that i wanted it to follow the synths closer, not the piano. so yeah.

00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0,26908|0,27223|0,27381|0,27539|0) - rip my left index hand, move 00:26:592 (26592|0,26750|0) - to 2, it's more comfortable to hit, and left hand doesn't get tired easily. triple stacks are intentional, follows the drum i did re-arrange the stacks here to alleviate the bias doe
00:30:934 - miss 1/4? because in this section you started to follow 1/4 ... 1/4s in this section follow A) hihat sounds and B) the bubbly synth made more obvious here 00:32:039 (32039|2,32118|1,32197|3,32276|1,32355|0) -
00:46:171 - add, high pitch melody, similar like 00:43:644 - done
00:52:408 (52408|3,52408|2) - TBH, this kind of double notes using is questionable for me, yes it has a sound, but it's almost barely heard.. please considered this. i have to admit, it might be a little dumpy. what i do intend to know is whether or not these patterns are inherently disgusting to play, and from my testplays i dont feel like so. if you can convince me otherwise that this pattern does not accurately reflect the music at the point and is bad to play then ill change it. after all, on 25% there is a visible stagger in the pull of the synth there, so theres that.
01:00:223 - i would recommend to add here, melody sound, and at the end of LN. done
01:01:487 (61487|0,61644|0) - move this to 3, and then move 01:01:802 (61802|1) - to 1. i know you want to keep consistency with 01:06:539 - , but my left hand ;w; should be less biased now
01:04:171 (64171|0,64171|1) - move to 3-4? the pitch suited for it imo. done
01:05:355 - missing 1/4 sound? residual sound from 01:05:276 (65276|0) - , i did follow this sound back then but i decided against it
01:13:171 - delete one note? deon
01:41:434 (101434|3,101908|2) - Ctrl+G /my ocd strikes again ;w; lmao done
01:42:381 - please need cymbal ;w; but theres the finish at 01:42:381 (102381|3) - ?
01:49:960 (109960|1,109960|0) - to 3-4? because at the sound like this, you started the doubles at different column than 01:50:118 (110118|1,110118|0) - true, done
01:53:908 (113908|1) - move this to 4? omg ;w; cleaned up this section
01:57:855 (117855|1) - i would move this to 3 because of 01:52:802 (112802|3,112802|2) - , and then move 01:58:013 (118013|3) - to 2? oo nice done

00:59:908 (59908|1) - delete this, lv 21 doesn't have note. done
01:19:644 (79644|1) - 1 one is enough for me, because there's already LN, and to differentiate from 01:20:908 - done
02:02:118 - This part is jumptrill, while 01:00:223 - = single stream? end of chorus, decided to end it off on a high note
02:04:487 (124487|0) - move to 2? just for the neatness. lol ok

00:25:644 (25644|1,25802|3) - Ctrl+G this? make a bit different with 00:25:013 (25013|2,25013|1) - ,and more flowy. woooo
00:40:644 (40644|1) - move to 1? this kind of 00:40:487 (40487|1,40487|2,40644|2,40644|1) - is ... yeah.. done
00:51:223 (51223|0) - move this to 3, and then move 00:51:381 (51381|1) - to 1? mini one hand trill after triple jack is kinda.. done
01:42:697 (102697|1) - at least move this to 3? having 01:42:381 (102381|0,102381|1,102539|0,102697|1,102697|0) - maybe isn't that great idea. done

00:35:434 - personally i would move the jack at column 4, something like ? because there's already 00:34:171 (34171|0,34329|0) - good point
00:39:223 - why not cover with LN? there's other places where you didn't cover this too, maybe intentional, but cover would filling it better for me. maybe me, but the piano here indicates the instantaneous press of the piano key, so the gap is like how the sounds resonates you know what i mean
00:56:434 (56434|0) - move this to 2? the flow would make much more sense. done
01:09:066 (69066|2,69223|1,69381|0,69539|3) - Ctrl+H this? similar to how you did 00:06:855 (6855|3,7013|2,7171|1,7329|0) - and 00:08:434 (8434|0,8592|1,8750|2,8908|3) - done
02:01:329 - not add? :v deon

Ok i forgot lv.16, but rip my brain XD.. rip 16
Good luck for your map, you should get it ranked :D thanks for the mod, and yeah ill try to see which bn is gracious enough to follow up with my map
this mod is the good shit man goood shit

Sorry my mod is too cancerous you may even feed it to the salmon , how to mod like you abra senpai ;w;
your mod had the most number of green highlights out of the 3rd page, so thats a good thing. or maybe it just shows how retarded narrowminded stubborn i am. anywho its still a great mod, pretty much seemed to helped clean up the remainder of stuff left festering in the charts. thanks again zz
ORZ orz, my wrong thingy and brain messes all the things up dskfjdsjfk it should be

DixonBlackwing wrote:

nah Abraaaaaaaa :3
Sorry my mod is too cancerous you may even feed it to the salmon , how to mod like you abra senpai ;w;

your mod had the most number of green highlights out of the 3rd page, so thats a good thing. or maybe it just shows how retarded narrowminded stubborn i am. anywho its still a great mod, pretty much seemed to helped clean up the remainder of stuff left festering in the charts. thanks again zz
Your mod contains so many details with pattern suggestion with explicit and logical reason available there , i haven't been able to reply just yet, but i looked through some of them, and it actually quite mesmerized me that you got such solid reason and helpful thing that build momentum to my map's foundation ;w;
I wonder how to give pattern suggestion that actually contribute to the map as a whole without actually only point the flaw that i feel when i testplay it T_T ..
Anyhow, this map is genuinely great imo , the pattern follow the music well , the intention between pattern each section is noticeably easy to follow with its own uniqueness despite the differences between our pattern's style.
the only thing that becomes the flaw for me is the hand biased thingy (my left hand noticeably tired when play this) and pattern transition that's quite hard to hit compared to daily thingy ranked map that i played nowadays , but this is just my opinion, please take it with a grain of salt :D
Late mod, yurushite kudasai! ><;;

Please note that these are only suggestion, always feel free to reject them.

Since there's bookmark being used in the editor, ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ = Bookmark

The mods doesn't really have much explanation because it's all mostly pattern and pitch check.

Other than that, let's begin.


Column 4k = 1|2|3|4
Done through IRC
01:09 ByeForNow: Soo I was wondering
01:10 ByeForNow: IRC for awhile?
01:10 Abraxos: yea
01:10 Abraxos: oh ok
01:10 *ByeForNow is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Lull_Lv.7]]
01:10 Abraxos: if thats easier to handle
01:10 ByeForNow: I dunno if some of my mods will still be applicable, we'll see
01:10 ByeForNow: xD
01:11 Abraxos: we'll see then
01:11 ByeForNow: First of all, 00:00:066 - 01:10:802 - I think the whole thing is fine except for some notes for piano sounds.
01:11 ByeForNow: Hence most mods for this part will be for the piano sound and pattern.
01:11 Abraxos: hm ok
01:11 ByeForNow: 00:00:855 (855|1,1013|0,1171|2,1329|3) - Move to 1,2,4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
01:12 Abraxos: hm
01:12 Abraxos: originally 00:00:855 (855|1,1013|0) - was a jack
01:12 Abraxos: 00:01:013 (1013|0,1171|2) -
01:12 Abraxos: and the pitch difference was exemplified by the gap
01:13 Abraxos: i tried to keep that exemplification by keeping the gap there so
01:13 ByeForNow: At first I thought maybe it should be a jack too but then
01:13 Abraxos: i see what you mean doe the simplification of the stairs
01:13 ByeForNow: I kept your request where just to help improving the maps to be smoother
01:13 ByeForNow: Which is
01:13 ByeForNow: spreading of notes
01:13 ByeForNow: so yeah
01:14 Abraxos: hm
01:14 Abraxos: i understand
01:14 Abraxos: i do still want to keep that gap so
01:15 Abraxos:
01:15 Abraxos: should be more direct to play then
01:15 ByeForNow: Ah okay
01:15 Abraxos: i shoulve done the staggering on the second plane
01:15 Abraxos: hm
01:16 Abraxos: yeah should be ok there now
01:18 ByeForNow: 00:03:381 (3381|2,3539|1,3697|0,3855|3) - Move to 2,3,4,2 accordingly?
01:18 ByeForNow: I think it'll still be smooth
01:18 ByeForNow: just a little correcting on pitch.
01:19 Abraxos: done
01:19 Abraxos: i did 2 3 4 1 doe
01:19 Abraxos: it is smoother yea
01:19 Abraxos: than before i mean
01:22 ByeForNow: 00:06:855 - 00:07:487 - Try this?
01:23 Abraxos: done something similar, shifted the LN on top
01:23 Abraxos: to 1
01:24 ByeForNow: 00:08:434 (8434|0,8592|1,8750|2,8908|3) - Move to 1,3,2,4 accordingly? Feels better?
01:24 Abraxos: oo
01:24 Abraxos: done
01:25 ByeForNow: 00:09:539 (9539|0) - Move to 3? Feels better.
01:25 Abraxos: yup
01:25 Abraxos: done
01:26 ByeForNow: 00:11:276 (11276|0,11434|3) - Move to 3,1 accordingly? Feels better.
01:27 Abraxos: hm
01:27 Abraxos: seems fine
01:27 Abraxos: done
01:27 ByeForNow: 00:13:013 (13013|2,13171|0) - Move to 2,3 accordingly? Feels better.
01:28 Abraxos: done
01:29 ByeForNow: 00:13:644 (13644|0,13802|1,13960|3) - Move to 2,4,1? Feels better.
01:29 Abraxos: ^^
01:29 ByeForNow: Oh
01:30 Abraxos: ?
01:30 ByeForNow: What does your ' ^^ ' mean? xD
01:30 Abraxos: same as above LOL
01:30 ByeForNow: lmao LOL
01:30 ByeForNow: Silly me
01:30 Abraxos: mainly id accept these arrangements because i dont really have much to say or defend in lower difficulties
01:31 ByeForNow: 00:15:223 (15223|1,15697|0) - LN at 1 and note at 2? Feels better
01:31 Abraxos: yup done
01:32 ByeForNow: 00:16:013 (16013|3,16171|0,16329|2,16487|3) - Move to 3,2,4,1 accordingly? Feels better.
01:33 Abraxos: done
01:34 ByeForNow: 00:28:329 (28329|0) - Move to 3? Feels better.
01:35 Abraxos: done
01:35 Abraxos: re-arranged the streams above it too
01:35 ByeForNow: From where to where?
01:35 ByeForNow: Oh nvm
01:35 ByeForNow: xDDD
01:36 Abraxos:
01:36 Abraxos: oh lol okden
01:36 ByeForNow: Ah okay that works :3
01:37 ByeForNow: 00:33:381 (33381|0) - Move to 3?
01:37 ByeForNow: All the mods reason is ' Feels better ' so I don't think I'll need to keep repeating it. xDD
01:38 Abraxos: yeah dont worry im accepting everything too
01:38 Abraxos: done
01:38 ByeForNow: 00:34:802 (34802|0) - Move to 3
01:38 Abraxos: ^^
01:39 ByeForNow: 00:38:908 (38908|1,39066|2) - Move to 3,2 accordingly?
01:39 Abraxos: done
01:40 ByeForNow: 00:51:066 (51066|3) - Move to 2?
01:41 Abraxos: done
01:41 ByeForNow: 00:51:539 (51539|0) - Move to 3
01:42 Abraxos: `should be ok
01:43 ByeForNow: 00:57:539 (57539|0,57697|2,57855|1,58013|3) - Move to 3,2,1,3 accordingly?
01:43 Abraxos: yep done
01:44 ByeForNow: 01:00:381 - Missing LN? Refer to 00:55:171 (55171|1,55329|3,55644|2) -
01:44 Abraxos: yeah my mistake lmao
01:45 ByeForNow: 01:01:802 (61802|0,61960|2) - Move to 3,1 accordingly?
01:46 Abraxos: wheee done
01:46 ByeForNow: 01:06:539 (66539|3,66697|2,66855|1,67013|0) - Move to 3,1,4,3 accordingly?
01:47 Abraxos: done
01:47 ByeForNow: 01:08:750 (68750|0) - Move to 3?
01:47 Abraxos: ^^^
01:48 ByeForNow: 01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is fine to me in my opinion
01:48 ByeForNow: Just a question out of curiousity
01:48 Abraxos: ?
01:48 ByeForNow: 01:10:802 - 01:19:329 - Are the notes placed in a pattern?
01:49 Abraxos: a expanded kind of jumpstream i would guess
01:49 Abraxos: i didnt want to have any 3 note stacks mainly
01:50 ByeForNow: Ah okay.
01:50 ByeForNow: I'm not exactly confident about this because of many instruments layering but
01:50 ByeForNow: 01:23:118 - Should add a note?
01:51 ByeForNow: 01:24:855 - Here too
01:51 Abraxos: thats the sub violinist
01:51 Abraxos: wanted to follow the most prominent one to emphasize the singularity of this section
01:51 Abraxos: i.e. the violin pulls
01:54 ByeForNow: 01:28:013 - 01:28:960 - Sounds just like 01:22:960 - 01:23:908 - in my opinion
01:54 ByeForNow: But the first part I listed has 7 notes
01:54 ByeForNow: The second part I listed only has 6 notes.
01:55 ByeForNow: 01:28:013 (88013|2,88171|3,88329|0,88487|1,88644|2,88802|3,88960|0) - , 01:22:960 (82960|2,83276|3,83434|0,83592|1,83750|3,83908|0) -
01:55 Abraxos: id have to disagree there
01:56 ByeForNow: Mmm okay, understood.
01:56 Abraxos: the only thing that i could substantiate is 01:28:013 (88013|2,88171|3,88329|0,88487|1,88644|2,88802|3,88960|0) -
01:56 Abraxos: i mean
01:56 Abraxos: 01:29:449 -
01:57 ByeForNow: Alright
01:57 ByeForNow: 01:26:434 (86434|0) - Move to 2?
01:58 Abraxos: yup
01:58 ByeForNow: 01:27:539 (87539|2,87697|1) - Move to 2,3 accordingly?
01:59 Abraxos: done
01:59 ByeForNow: 01:31:013 - 01:42:381 - Is fine in my opinion.
01:59 Abraxos: hm ok
02:00 ByeForNow: 01:45:381 (105381|2) - Move to 1?
02:00 Abraxos: done
02:01 ByeForNow: 01:47:592 (107592|3,107750|2,107908|0) - Move to 2,1,4 accordingly?
02:01 Abraxos: yea
02:02 ByeForNow: 02:02:592 - 02:06:855 - This part
02:02 ByeForNow: No offence but it feels... kinda plain? DX
02:03 Abraxos: true
02:03 Abraxos: but i cant really afford to do anything else in terms of placing notes
02:04 ByeForNow: There's actually pitch in that part I think?
02:04 Abraxos: maybe i could shift some of them around so they come down less expected
02:04 Abraxos: there is
02:05 Abraxos: i dont really think pitch shifting there is necessary doe since what i was following was the bass after all
02:05 ByeForNow: Ahhh
02:05 ByeForNow: That explains it
02:05 Abraxos: but if you do have suggestions then i wanna see
02:06 ByeForNow: Alright soo
02:06 Abraxos: soooo
02:06 ByeForNow: I'll tell you to shift the notes around until the end of the timing I listed and you can take a look about it?
02:06 Abraxos: yeah why not
02:06 ByeForNow: 02:03:066 (123066|1) - Move to 4
02:06 ByeForNow: 02:03:539 (123539|1,123539|2) - Move one column to the right
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:013 (124013|3,124013|2) - Arrange as 12 jump
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:487 (124487|2) - Move to 4
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:960 (124960|1) - Move to 3
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:05:908 (125908|2) - Move to 2
02:08 ByeForNow: 02:06:855 (126855|1) - Move to 3
02:08 ByeForNow: There.
02:09 Abraxos: should be done
02:09 ByeForNow: Wait change of plans a little at the last part
02:09 ByeForNow: 02:06:381 - as 34 jump
02:09 ByeForNow: 02:06:855 - as 12 jump
02:10 Abraxos: o ok
02:10 ByeForNow: Mhm.
02:10 ByeForNow: Aaaand
02:10 ByeForNow: Done for Lull.
02:10 ByeForNow: =3
02:11 Abraxos: are you going to mod the others? cuz if so id suggest you post on the forums
02:11 ByeForNow: Yeah I'm editing the others
02:11 ByeForNow: tomorrow's a public holiday so
02:11 Abraxos: o ok
02:11 Abraxos: yeah
02:11 Abraxos: true
02:11 ByeForNow: I can finally catch my breath from school and mod -_-
02:12 Abraxos: thats good
00:01:329 (1329|3) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:01:960 (1960|1,2118|3) - Move to 4,2 accordingly? Feels better?
00:02:118 (2118|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:03:066 (3066|3) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:03:697 (3697|0,3855|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:04:487 (4487|2) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:05:118 (5118|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:09:539 (9539|0) - Move to 2? Feels better?


00:10:329 - Add note? Piano sound? 00:00:066 (66|3,223|1,381|0,539|3) - Part sounds similar to this?
00:15:381 - Add note? Piano sound? ^
00:11:276 (11276|0,11434|3) - Move to 3,1 accordingly? Feels better?
00:12:697 - 00:13:171 - Try this? ... a79be1.png
00:14:276 (14276|1) - Move to 1? Feels better?
00:14:592 (14592|3) - Move to 3? ^
00:14:908 (14908|0) - Move to 4? ^
00:15:539 (15539|3,15697|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:17:118 (17118|2,17276|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:20:750 (20750|1,20908|0) - Move to 1,2 accordingly? Feels better?
00:27:855 (27855|3,28013|3) - Move to column 3? Feels better?
If above mod is accepted, 00:28:171 (28171|2) - Move to 2?
00:41:434 (41434|1,41434|0,41592|3,41592|2,41750|0,41750|1,41908|3,41908|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:42:539 (42539|1,42539|0) - Move as 24 or 34 jump? Feels better?
00:44:750 (44750|3,44750|2,45066|0,45066|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:52:329 (52329|1,52644|2,52960|3) - Ctrl+H then move one column to the right? Feels better?
00:56:434 (56434|1) - Move to 1? Feels better?
00:56:908 - 00:58:171 - Try this? ... 93b92c.png
00:58:487 (58487|2) - Move to 4? Feels better?


01:01:802 (61802|1,61960|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?
01:04:171 (64171|3,64329|1,64487|2) - Move to 2,4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 01:05:118 (65118|0) - Move to 2? Feels better?
01:06:539 (66539|1,66697|1,66855|2,67013|3) - Move to 1,1,4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
01:09:066 (69066|1,69223|2,69381|3,69539|0) - Move to 3,2,1,2 accordingly? Feels better?


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - I think it's okay, no suggestion


01:20:908 (80908|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
01:21:697 (81697|3,81855|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?


01:36:381 (96381|2,96381|0,96697|3,96697|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
01:40:802 (100802|1,100802|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?
01:41:908 (101908|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?


01:43:960 (103960|2) - Move to 2 then, 01:44:118 (104118|1,104434|3,104434|2,104592|0,104750|3) - Ctrl+H? then, 01:44:434 (104434|0,104592|3) - move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better.
01:48:855 (108855|1,108855|0) - Switch place with one another, Feels better with LN placed at 1 instead? Not sure actually because I liked
01:58:802 (118802|1,118802|0,118960|2,118960|3,119118|0,119118|1,119276|3,119434|1,119592|2,119592|3,119750|1,119750|0,119908|3) - better as the LNs were placed according to the pitch.
02:01:013 (121013|0,121171|1) - Move to 2,1 accordingly? Feels better.


02:02:592 - 02:06:855 - Feels plain, you can do something like what I suggested for 'Lull' difficulty at this part.
02:07:487 (127487|2,127487|1) - Move as 14 Jump? Feels better than placing it as a jack.


02:08:118 - 02:08:750 - Something's wrong here I think? Refer to your Lull difficulty, I think there's 3 different pitch piano sounds.

00:00:381 (381|2,381|0,539|3,539|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:03:066 (3066|0,3066|3) - Move as 23 jump? Feels better?
00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|0,6381|2,6381|3) - Rearrange as this? ... 96d103.png Feels better?
00:08:434 (8434|2,8592|1,8750|3) - Move to 4,3,2 accordingly? Feels better?
00:09:539 (9539|3) - Move to 3? Feels better?


00:13:329 (13329|1,13408|0,13487|2) - Move to 4,3,1 accordingly? Feels better?
00:15:855 (15855|0,15934|2,16013|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:16:171 (16171|3) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:18:460 (18460|1,18539|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better, following 00:17:118 (17118|0,17197|1,17276|2) -
00:19:487 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... 903662.png Feels better?
00:21:855 - 00:22:644 - Try this? ... a466bd.png Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:22:802 (22802|1) - Move to 1 for spread.
00:23:513 (23513|2,23592|3) - Move to 4,3? Feels better?
00:24:381 - 00:24:855 - Try this? ... 771bfd.png Feels better?
00:27:539 (27539|0) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:29:592 (29592|2,29671|3,29750|0,29829|1,29908|2) - Re-arrange as this? ... f6ecb7.png Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:30:223 (30223|0) - Move to 4 for spread.
00:31:960 - 00:32:750 - Try this? ... 0ea368.png
00:35:039 (35039|3,35118|0,35118|2,35197|1) - Rearrange as 3,12,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:39:776 (39776|1,39855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:40:802 (40802|3) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:41:908 (41908|2) - Move to 4? Feels better, following 00:41:592 (41592|0,41592|3) -
00:42:539 (42539|1,42539|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:43:013 (43013|1,43013|2) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?
00:43:802 (43802|3) - Move to 1? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:43:960 (43960|0,43960|2,44118|0,44118|1) - Move one column to the right and 00:44:276 (44276|3,44276|1,44434|3,44434|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better?
00:50:750 (50750|0) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:52:487 (52487|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:53:434 (53434|0,53434|1,53592|3,53592|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:55:408 (55408|0,55487|1,55566|2,55644|0) - Move to 2,1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:57:855 (57855|2,58013|0) - Move to 2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:58:171 (58171|1) - Move to 1? Feels better?


01:06:539 (66539|3,66539|1,66697|1,66697|3) - Move one column to the left? Feels better, correcting piano pitch?
01:09:066 (69066|1,69066|2,69223|3,69223|2) - Ctrl+H then move one column to the right? Feels better?
01:10:171 (70171|0,70171|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better?


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is okay I think, no suggestion.


01:22:329 (82329|2,82487|3) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better?


01:41:118 (101118|2,101276|1,101434|0) - Ctrl+H then move one clumn to the left? Feels better?


01:43:960 (103960|3,103960|0,104039|2,104118|1,104197|0,104276|3,104355|2,104434|0) - Something feels wrong here, no similar pattern was found later at 01:54:066 -
01:46:171 (106171|1,106329|1) - Move to 3,2 accordingly? For consistency.
01:46:881 (106881|1) - Delete and 01:47:039 - Add note? Is this a wrong snap? Refering to 00:55:013 - 00:55:644 -
01:51:934 (111934|0) - Delete and 01:52:092 - Add note? Same reason as above ^
01:56:987 (116987|3) - Delete and 01:57:144 - Add note? ^


02:01:329 - 02:07:644 - No suggestions, I think it's ok.


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - I think it's ok too so no suggestion.

00:00:539 (539|2) - Move to 2? Feels better, following 00:00:066 (66|1,66|3) -
00:01:329 (1329|1) - Move to 1? Feels better.
00:03:697 (3697|2,3697|1,3855|1,3855|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better.
00:06:381 (6381|2) - Move to 4? Feels better.
00:08:434 (8434|0,8434|1,8592|1,8592|2,8750|2,8750|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better.


00:13:171 (13171|1) - Move to 3? Feels better.
00:19:013 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... f3f068.png Feels better?
00:22:013 (22013|0) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:29:987 (29987|0,30066|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:30:223 (30223|0) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:32:750 (32750|0) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:34:723 (34723|0,34802|3) - Move to 3,2 accordingly? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:34:960 (34960|2,35039|3,35118|2) - Move to 4,3,4 accordingly then 00:35:276 (35276|0) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:37:723 (37723|0,37802|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better, because 00:37:250 (37250|0,37329|1,37487|0,37566|1,37723|0,37802|1) -
00:39:776 (39776|1,39855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:41:908 (41908|2) - Move to 4? Following 00:41:592 (41592|0,41592|3) -
00:46:802 (46802|3) - Move to 3? Following 00:46:487 (46487|1,46487|3,46644|1,46644|0) -
00:52:329 (52329|2) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:55:408 (55408|0,55487|1,55566|2,55644|0) - Move to 2,1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:56:908 (56908|3,56908|2,57066|0,57066|1,57223|2,57223|3,57381|0,57381|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better.
00:57:539 - 00:58:013 - Try this? ... 2e2ebc.png


01:01:802 (61802|0,61802|1,61960|2,61960|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
01:10:013 (70013|0,70171|3,70171|2) - Move to 3,12 accordingly? Feels better?


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is okay so I don't have any suggestion.



01:26:276 (86276|2,86434|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?
01:27:381 (87381|2,87539|1,87697|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
01:29:592 (89592|0) - Move to 3? Feels better?
01:30:223 (90223|1,90539|2,90855|3) - Move to 4,3,2 accordingly then 01:31:013 (91013|1,91013|0,91013|2) - Rearrange as 134 hand? Feels better?


01:32:908 (92908|3,92908|1) - Rearrange as 23 jump? Following 01:33:539 (93539|2,93539|1) - , feels better?
01:36:066 (96066|2) - Move to 1? Feels better?
01:39:539 (99539|1) - Move to 1? Feels better?
01:40:802 (100802|2) - Move to 4? Feels better?
01:41:908 (101908|0) - Move to 3? Feels better?


01:47:276 (107276|0) - Move to 3?
01:47:118 (107118|3,107118|0,107118|2,107197|1,107276|2,107355|3,107434|1,107434|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
01:57:223 (117223|3,117223|2,117223|1,117302|0,117381|1,117460|2,117539|3,117539|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
02:00:539 (120539|0,120539|1) - Rearrange as 24 jump? Feels better?


02:03:539 (123539|2,123539|1,123539|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
02:06:223 (126223|3) - Move to 2? Feels better
02:06:539 (126539|3,126618|0,126697|1,126776|2) - Ctrl+H then first note move to 2? Feels better.
02:06:776 (126776|2,126855|3,127013|2,127092|3,127250|2,127329|3,127487|2,127566|3,127723|2,127802|3) - What
02:07:250 (127250|2,127329|3) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better.
02:07:723 (127723|3) - Move to 1? Feels better
02:07:644 - 02:08:118 - Try this? ... d5c1ca.png
02:08:434 (128434|3,128513|2,128592|1) - Move to 3,2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
02:09:302 (129302|3,129381|2) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better?
02:10:013 (130013|2,130092|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better
If above is accepted, 02:10:644 - 02:11:434 - Try this? ... 946b75.png

Not much mod because it's pretty much reversed version of Serenity so mostly I only checked the added different 1/4 streams. Sorry! ><

00:09:539 (9539|1,9539|3) - Move as 23 jump? Feels better?


00:13:329 (13329|2,13408|3,13487|1) - Move to 4,2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:19:013 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... 927fa3.png Feels better?
00:41:592 (41592|2,41750|1,41750|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?
00:46:171 (46171|2) - Move to 1? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:46:329 (46329|1,46487|2,46487|0,46644|1,46644|2,46644|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better.
00:48:066 (48066|1,48066|2,48223|2,48223|3) - Ctrl+H? then move one column to the right? Feels better.
00:51:855 - 00:52:329 - Try this? ... d22336.png Feels better.
00:52:960 (52960|3) - Move to 1? Feels better.
00:59:908 - Add note? Refer to Serenity difficulty


01:00:697 - 01:31:013 - Not really modding here because it's reversed version of 'Serenity'


01:31:013 - 01:42:381 - I think it's okay so no suggestion.


01:42:381 - 02:01:329 - ^


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - Although a little similar to 'Serenity' I think it's good so no suggestions.

I feel so bad for giving you this crappy quality mod for this difficulty, should've checked this difficulty first before Serenity :/ Sorry! ><
00:00:855 (855|3,855|1,1013|1,1013|3) - Move one column to right left then, 00:01:171 (1171|0,1171|3) - Rearrange as 24 jump? Feels better?
00:07:013 (7013|1,7013|0,7171|2,7171|1) - Ctrl+G then 00:07:329 (7329|3,7329|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better?


00:16:329 (16329|2) - Move to 2 then, 00:16:487 (16487|1,16644|1) - Move one column to the right? Following pattern of 00:15:223 (15223|3,15223|1,15381|3,15381|1) -
00:22:013 (22013|3,22092|0) - Move to 3,4 accordingly? Feels better?
00:24:618 (24618|0,24697|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:27:539 (27539|1,27618|0,27697|1) - Move to 1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better?
00:29:592 (29592|0,29671|2,29750|1,29829|3) - Move to 3,2,3,4? Feels better?
00:34:487 (34487|2,34566|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?
00:37:250 (37250|3) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:42:302 (42302|0,42381|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?
00:57:539 (57539|0,57539|1,57697|1,57697|2,57855|0,57855|3,57855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better?


01:00:697 - 01:20:908 - Wow, I like this part. So not much suggestions


01:17:829 (77829|3,77908|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better.


01:23:750 (83750|0,83908|3,84223|2,84539|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better.
01:29:276 (89276|0) - Move to 3? Feels better.


01:35:513 (95513|2,95592|3) - Ctrl+G? Following 01:34:171 (94171|3,94171|2,94250|0,94329|1) - Pattern.
01:37:960 (97960|3,98118|2) - Ctrl+G? Following 01:36:697 (96697|3,96697|1,96776|2,96855|0) - Pattern.
01:38:276 (98276|2,98276|1,98276|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better.


01:44:513 (104513|0,104592|1,104671|0) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the left then, 01:44:750 (104750|1) - Move to 1? Feels better.
01:46:408 (106408|0,106487|1,106566|0) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the left? Feels better.
01:46:802 (106802|3,106881|2) - Ctrl+G then 01:46:960 (106960|1,106960|0) - 01:46:960 (106960|1) - Move to 3? Feels better.
01:51:302 (111302|2,111381|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?
01:56:513 (116513|0,116592|1,116671|0,116750|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better?


02:01:329 - 02:07:644 - Is okay in my opinion so no suggestions. Nice work.


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - ^
Good luck and I hope it gets ranked soon! _ ( :3
Topic Starter

ByeForNow wrote:

Late mod, yurushite kudasai! ><;;

Please note that these are only suggestion, always feel free to reject them.

Since there's bookmark being used in the editor, ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ = Bookmark

The mods doesn't really have much explanation because it's all mostly pattern and pitch check.

Other than that, let's begin.


Column 4k = 1|2|3|4
Done through IRC
01:09 ByeForNow: Soo I was wondering
01:10 ByeForNow: IRC for awhile?
01:10 Abraxos: yea
01:10 Abraxos: oh ok
01:10 *ByeForNow is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Lull_Lv.7]]
01:10 Abraxos: if thats easier to handle
01:10 ByeForNow: I dunno if some of my mods will still be applicable, we'll see
01:10 ByeForNow: xD
01:11 Abraxos: we'll see then
01:11 ByeForNow: First of all, 00:00:066 - 01:10:802 - I think the whole thing is fine except for some notes for piano sounds.
01:11 ByeForNow: Hence most mods for this part will be for the piano sound and pattern.
01:11 Abraxos: hm ok
01:11 ByeForNow: 00:00:855 (855|1,1013|0,1171|2,1329|3) - Move to 1,2,4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
01:12 Abraxos: hm
01:12 Abraxos: originally 00:00:855 (855|1,1013|0) - was a jack
01:12 Abraxos: 00:01:013 (1013|0,1171|2) -
01:12 Abraxos: and the pitch difference was exemplified by the gap
01:13 Abraxos: i tried to keep that exemplification by keeping the gap there so
01:13 ByeForNow: At first I thought maybe it should be a jack too but then
01:13 Abraxos: i see what you mean doe the simplification of the stairs
01:13 ByeForNow: I kept your request where just to help improving the maps to be smoother
01:13 ByeForNow: Which is
01:13 ByeForNow: spreading of notes
01:13 ByeForNow: so yeah
01:14 Abraxos: hm
01:14 Abraxos: i understand
01:14 Abraxos: i do still want to keep that gap so
01:15 Abraxos:
01:15 Abraxos: should be more direct to play then
01:15 ByeForNow: Ah okay
01:15 Abraxos: i shoulve done the staggering on the second plane
01:15 Abraxos: hm
01:16 Abraxos: yeah should be ok there now
01:18 ByeForNow: 00:03:381 (3381|2,3539|1,3697|0,3855|3) - Move to 2,3,4,2 accordingly?
01:18 ByeForNow: I think it'll still be smooth
01:18 ByeForNow: just a little correcting on pitch.
01:19 Abraxos: done
01:19 Abraxos: i did 2 3 4 1 doe
01:19 Abraxos: it is smoother yea
01:19 Abraxos: than before i mean
01:22 ByeForNow: 00:06:855 - 00:07:487 - Try this?
01:23 Abraxos: done something similar, shifted the LN on top
01:23 Abraxos: to 1
01:24 ByeForNow: 00:08:434 (8434|0,8592|1,8750|2,8908|3) - Move to 1,3,2,4 accordingly? Feels better?
01:24 Abraxos: oo
01:24 Abraxos: done
01:25 ByeForNow: 00:09:539 (9539|0) - Move to 3? Feels better.
01:25 Abraxos: yup
01:25 Abraxos: done
01:26 ByeForNow: 00:11:276 (11276|0,11434|3) - Move to 3,1 accordingly? Feels better.
01:27 Abraxos: hm
01:27 Abraxos: seems fine
01:27 Abraxos: done
01:27 ByeForNow: 00:13:013 (13013|2,13171|0) - Move to 2,3 accordingly? Feels better.
01:28 Abraxos: done
01:29 ByeForNow: 00:13:644 (13644|0,13802|1,13960|3) - Move to 2,4,1? Feels better.
01:29 Abraxos: ^^
01:29 ByeForNow: Oh
01:30 Abraxos: ?
01:30 ByeForNow: What does your ' ^^ ' mean? xD
01:30 Abraxos: same as above LOL
01:30 ByeForNow: lmao LOL
01:30 ByeForNow: Silly me
01:30 Abraxos: mainly id accept these arrangements because i dont really have much to say or defend in lower difficulties
01:31 ByeForNow: 00:15:223 (15223|1,15697|0) - LN at 1 and note at 2? Feels better
01:31 Abraxos: yup done
01:32 ByeForNow: 00:16:013 (16013|3,16171|0,16329|2,16487|3) - Move to 3,2,4,1 accordingly? Feels better.
01:33 Abraxos: done
01:34 ByeForNow: 00:28:329 (28329|0) - Move to 3? Feels better.
01:35 Abraxos: done
01:35 Abraxos: re-arranged the streams above it too
01:35 ByeForNow: From where to where?
01:35 ByeForNow: Oh nvm
01:35 ByeForNow: xDDD
01:36 Abraxos:
01:36 Abraxos: oh lol okden
01:36 ByeForNow: Ah okay that works :3
01:37 ByeForNow: 00:33:381 (33381|0) - Move to 3?
01:37 ByeForNow: All the mods reason is ' Feels better ' so I don't think I'll need to keep repeating it. xDD
01:38 Abraxos: yeah dont worry im accepting everything too
01:38 Abraxos: done
01:38 ByeForNow: 00:34:802 (34802|0) - Move to 3
01:38 Abraxos: ^^
01:39 ByeForNow: 00:38:908 (38908|1,39066|2) - Move to 3,2 accordingly?
01:39 Abraxos: done
01:40 ByeForNow: 00:51:066 (51066|3) - Move to 2?
01:41 Abraxos: done
01:41 ByeForNow: 00:51:539 (51539|0) - Move to 3
01:42 Abraxos: `should be ok
01:43 ByeForNow: 00:57:539 (57539|0,57697|2,57855|1,58013|3) - Move to 3,2,1,3 accordingly?
01:43 Abraxos: yep done
01:44 ByeForNow: 01:00:381 - Missing LN? Refer to 00:55:171 (55171|1,55329|3,55644|2) -
01:44 Abraxos: yeah my mistake lmao
01:45 ByeForNow: 01:01:802 (61802|0,61960|2) - Move to 3,1 accordingly?
01:46 Abraxos: wheee done
01:46 ByeForNow: 01:06:539 (66539|3,66697|2,66855|1,67013|0) - Move to 3,1,4,3 accordingly?
01:47 Abraxos: done
01:47 ByeForNow: 01:08:750 (68750|0) - Move to 3?
01:47 Abraxos: ^^^
01:48 ByeForNow: 01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is fine to me in my opinion
01:48 ByeForNow: Just a question out of curiousity
01:48 Abraxos: ?
01:48 ByeForNow: 01:10:802 - 01:19:329 - Are the notes placed in a pattern?
01:49 Abraxos: a expanded kind of jumpstream i would guess
01:49 Abraxos: i didnt want to have any 3 note stacks mainly
01:50 ByeForNow: Ah okay.
01:50 ByeForNow: I'm not exactly confident about this because of many instruments layering but
01:50 ByeForNow: 01:23:118 - Should add a note?
01:51 ByeForNow: 01:24:855 - Here too
01:51 Abraxos: thats the sub violinist
01:51 Abraxos: wanted to follow the most prominent one to emphasize the singularity of this section
01:51 Abraxos: i.e. the violin pulls
01:54 ByeForNow: 01:28:013 - 01:28:960 - Sounds just like 01:22:960 - 01:23:908 - in my opinion
01:54 ByeForNow: But the first part I listed has 7 notes
01:54 ByeForNow: The second part I listed only has 6 notes.
01:55 ByeForNow: 01:28:013 (88013|2,88171|3,88329|0,88487|1,88644|2,88802|3,88960|0) - , 01:22:960 (82960|2,83276|3,83434|0,83592|1,83750|3,83908|0) -
01:55 Abraxos: id have to disagree there
01:56 ByeForNow: Mmm okay, understood.
01:56 Abraxos: the only thing that i could substantiate is 01:28:013 (88013|2,88171|3,88329|0,88487|1,88644|2,88802|3,88960|0) -
01:56 Abraxos: i mean
01:56 Abraxos: 01:29:449 -
01:57 ByeForNow: Alright
01:57 ByeForNow: 01:26:434 (86434|0) - Move to 2?
01:58 Abraxos: yup
01:58 ByeForNow: 01:27:539 (87539|2,87697|1) - Move to 2,3 accordingly?
01:59 Abraxos: done
01:59 ByeForNow: 01:31:013 - 01:42:381 - Is fine in my opinion.
01:59 Abraxos: hm ok
02:00 ByeForNow: 01:45:381 (105381|2) - Move to 1?
02:00 Abraxos: done
02:01 ByeForNow: 01:47:592 (107592|3,107750|2,107908|0) - Move to 2,1,4 accordingly?
02:01 Abraxos: yea
02:02 ByeForNow: 02:02:592 - 02:06:855 - This part
02:02 ByeForNow: No offence but it feels... kinda plain? DX
02:03 Abraxos: true
02:03 Abraxos: but i cant really afford to do anything else in terms of placing notes
02:04 ByeForNow: There's actually pitch in that part I think?
02:04 Abraxos: maybe i could shift some of them around so they come down less expected
02:04 Abraxos: there is
02:05 Abraxos: i dont really think pitch shifting there is necessary doe since what i was following was the bass after all
02:05 ByeForNow: Ahhh
02:05 ByeForNow: That explains it
02:05 Abraxos: but if you do have suggestions then i wanna see
02:06 ByeForNow: Alright soo
02:06 Abraxos: soooo
02:06 ByeForNow: I'll tell you to shift the notes around until the end of the timing I listed and you can take a look about it?
02:06 Abraxos: yeah why not
02:06 ByeForNow: 02:03:066 (123066|1) - Move to 4
02:06 ByeForNow: 02:03:539 (123539|1,123539|2) - Move one column to the right
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:013 (124013|3,124013|2) - Arrange as 12 jump
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:487 (124487|2) - Move to 4
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:04:960 (124960|1) - Move to 3
02:07 ByeForNow: 02:05:908 (125908|2) - Move to 2
02:08 ByeForNow: 02:06:855 (126855|1) - Move to 3
02:08 ByeForNow: There.
02:09 Abraxos: should be done
02:09 ByeForNow: Wait change of plans a little at the last part
02:09 ByeForNow: 02:06:381 - as 34 jump
02:09 ByeForNow: 02:06:855 - as 12 jump
02:10 Abraxos: o ok
02:10 ByeForNow: Mhm.
02:10 ByeForNow: Aaaand
02:10 ByeForNow: Done for Lull.
02:10 ByeForNow: =3
02:11 Abraxos: are you going to mod the others? cuz if so id suggest you post on the forums
02:11 ByeForNow: Yeah I'm editing the others
02:11 ByeForNow: tomorrow's a public holiday so
02:11 Abraxos: o ok
02:11 Abraxos: yeah
02:11 Abraxos: true
02:11 ByeForNow: I can finally catch my breath from school and mod -_-
02:12 Abraxos: thats good

to make things easier ill just reply with e in colors to signify yes, no (if no theres most likely a reason that was mentioned above) or just pure blue like this one (idk what to call cases like these)

00:01:329 (1329|3) - Move to 2? Feels better? 00:01:329 (1329|3) - roughly same pitch as 00:00:539 (539|3) - so i tried to keep them in the same column. move something else though, should flow better
00:01:960 (1960|1,2118|3) - Move to 4,2 accordingly? Feels better?
00:02:118 (2118|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:03:066 (3066|3) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:03:697 (3697|0,3855|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better?
If above is accepted, 00:04:487 (4487|2) - Move to 2? Feels better?
00:05:118 (5118|1) - Move to 3? Feels better?
00:09:539 (9539|0) - Move to 2? Feels better? all above accepted, also moved some notes here so it flows better, should be good now.


00:10:329 - Add note? Piano sound? 00:00:066 (66|3,223|1,381|0,539|3) - Part sounds similar to this?
00:15:381 - Add note? Piano sound? ^ and above, not really a piano sound there so nope
00:11:276 (11276|0,11434|3) - Move to 3,1 accordingly? Feels better? rearranged
00:12:697 - 00:13:171 - Try this? ... a79be1.png e
00:14:276 (14276|1) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
00:14:592 (14592|3) - Move to 3? ^ doesnt fit right with me, makes stacks
00:14:908 (14908|0) - Move to 4? ^ e
00:15:539 (15539|3,15697|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
00:17:118 (17118|2,17276|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:20:750 (20750|1,20908|0) - Move to 1,2 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:27:855 (27855|3,28013|3) - Move to column 3? Feels better? e
If above mod is accepted, 00:28:171 (28171|2) - Move to 2? e
00:41:434 (41434|1,41434|0,41592|3,41592|2,41750|0,41750|1,41908|3,41908|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? is there a difference lmao
00:42:539 (42539|1,42539|0) - Move as 24 or 34 jump? Feels better? column 1 too empty at this point
00:44:750 (44750|3,44750|2,45066|0,45066|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? i kinda think of pitch way differently from the rest, my ascending and descending order of it varies from section to section, and in this case i had these spaced out jumps go to the left, the thrills to the right (kind of)
00:52:329 (52329|1,52644|2,52960|3) - Ctrl+H then move one column to the right? Feels better? e
00:56:434 (56434|1) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
00:56:908 - 00:58:171 - Try this? ... 93b92c.png recognized the issue here, rearranged so it reads easier.
00:58:487 (58487|2) - Move to 4? Feels better? moved in accordance with above


01:01:802 (61802|1,61960|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? e
01:04:171 (64171|3,64329|1,64487|2) - Move to 2,4,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 01:05:118 (65118|0) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
01:06:539 (66539|1,66697|1,66855|2,67013|3) - Move to 1,1,4,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
01:09:066 (69066|1,69223|2,69381|3,69539|0) - Move to 3,2,1,2 accordingly? Feels better? moved differently


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - I think it's okay, no suggestion yay


01:20:908 (80908|1) - Move to 3? Feels better? e
01:21:697 (81697|3,81855|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e


01:36:381 (96381|2,96381|0,96697|3,96697|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? no diff to me
01:40:802 (100802|1,100802|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? changed in own way, didnt want 3 note stacking
01:41:908 (101908|1) - Move to 3? Feels better? e


01:43:960 (103960|2) - Move to 2 then, 01:44:118 (104118|1,104434|3,104434|2,104592|0,104750|3) - Ctrl+H? then, 01:44:434 (104434|0,104592|3) - move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better. changed own way, tried pitch stuff doe
01:48:855 (108855|1,108855|0) - Switch place with one another, Feels better with LN placed at 1 instead? Not sure actually because I liked
01:58:802 e(118802|1,118802|0,118960|2,118960|3,119118|0,119118|1,119276|3,119434|1,119592|2,119592|3,119750|1,119750|0,119908|3) - better as the LNs were placed according to the pitch.
02:01:013 (121013|0,121171|1) - Move to 2,1 accordingly? Feels better. e


02:02:592 - 02:06:855 - Feels plain, you can do something like what I suggested for 'Lull' difficulty at this part. e
02:07:487 (127487|2,127487|1) - Move as 14 Jump? Feels better than placing it as a jack. e


02:08:118 - 02:08:750 - Something's wrong here I think? Refer to your Lull difficulty, I think there's 3 different pitch piano sounds. should make more sense now

00:00:381 (381|2,381|0,539|3,539|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? i really see no difference tbh
00:03:066 (3066|0,3066|3) - Move as 23 jump? Feels better? e
00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|0,6381|2,6381|3) - Rearrange as this? ... 96d103.png Feels better? something like that in the image
00:08:434 (8434|2,8592|1,8750|3) - Move to 4,3,2 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:09:539 (9539|3) - Move to 3? Feels better? e


00:13:329 (13329|1,13408|0,13487|2) - Move to 4,3,1 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:15:855 (15855|0,15934|2,16013|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:16:171 (16171|3) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
00:18:460 (18460|1,18539|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better, following 00:17:118 (17118|0,17197|1,17276|2) - no harm in staggering this stream imo
00:19:487 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... 903662.png Feels better? e
00:21:855 - 00:22:644 - Try this? ... a466bd.png Feels better? the synths dont really show a certain distinction in pitch that i want to laboriously stick to
If above is accepted, 00:22:802 (22802|1) - Move to 1 for spread. e
00:23:513 (23513|2,23592|3) - Move to 4,3? Feels better? e
00:24:381 - 00:24:855 - Try this? ... 771bfd.png Feels better? e, also another reason: i wouldnt really want these streams to have thrills in them, however small, since i wanted to go for a more flowy kind of thing with them
00:27:539 (27539|0) - Move to 3? Feels better? e
00:29:592 (29592|2,29671|3,29750|0,29829|1,29908|2) - Re-arrange as this? ... f6ecb7.png Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:30:223 (30223|0) - Move to 4 for spread. e
00:31:960 - 00:32:750 - Try this? ... 0ea368.png e
00:35:039 (35039|3,35118|0,35118|2,35197|1) - Rearrange as 3,12,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:39:776 (39776|1,39855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
00:40:802 (40802|3) - Move to 3? Feels better? e
00:41:908 (41908|2) - Move to 4? Feels better, following 00:41:592 (41592|0,41592|3) - and above: i didnt want 3 note stacks, also at this point i didnt adhere to pitch as strictly as before so
00:42:539 (42539|1,42539|0) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:43:013 (43013|1,43013|2) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? and above: didnt want those spaced out thrill kind of pattern, also the jacks are spread out with that config.
00:43:802 (43802|3) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:43:960 (43960|0,43960|2,44118|0,44118|1) - Move one column to the right and 00:44:276 e(44276|3,44276|1,44434|3,44434|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better? e
00:50:750 (50750|0) - Move to 2? Feels better? triple stack follows synth in this section
00:52:487 (52487|1) - Move to 3? Feels better? no jacks with LNs plz
00:53:434 (53434|0,53434|1,53592|3,53592|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
00:55:408 (55408|0,55487|1,55566|2,55644|0) - Move to 2,1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:57:855 (57855|2,58013|0) - Move to 2,3 accordingly? Feels better? no drum following here, all synths
If above is accepted, 00:58:171 (58171|1) - Move to 1? Feels better? e


01:06:539 (66539|3,66539|1,66697|1,66697|3) - Move one column to the left? Feels better, correcting piano pitch? e
01:09:066 (69066|1,69066|2,69223|3,69223|2) - Ctrl+H then move one column to the right? Feels better? e
01:10:171 (70171|0,70171|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better? e


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is okay I think, no suggestion. hi


01:22:329 (82329|2,82487|3) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better? e


01:41:118 (101118|2,101276|1,101434|0) - Ctrl+H then move one clumn to the left? Feels better? e


01:43:960 (103960|3,103960|0,104039|2,104118|1,104197|0,104276|3,104355|2,104434|0) - Something feels wrong here, no similar pattern was found later at 01:54:066 - lmao what am i doing here fixed
01:46:171 (106171|1,106329|1) - Move to 3,2 accordingly? For consistency. triple stacks follow synth so i did still remove this doe since im stupid and carried diffs over wrongly
01:46:881 (106881|1) - Delete and 01:47:039 - Add note? Is this a wrong snap? Refering to 00:55:013 - 00:55:644 - e
01:51:934 (111934|0) - Delete and 01:52:092 - Add note? Same reason as above ^ e
01:56:987 (116987|3) - Delete and 01:57:144 - Add note? ^ and above two: 01:46:802 (106802|0,106881|1,106960|2) - follow hithat, 01:47:118 (107118|2,107118|3,107197|1,107276|0,107355|2,107434|3) - the staggering synth pull sound


02:01:329 - 02:07:644 - No suggestions, I think it's ok. hey


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - I think it's ok too so no suggestion. weee


from this point on my style loses its adherence with pitch and opts for a more flowy/rigid logic that sometimes might clash with yours. you could already see some of it above, so yeah

00:00:539 (539|2) - Move to 2? Feels better, following 00:00:066 (66|1,66|3) - opting for all chords to have jacks
00:01:329 (1329|1) - Move to 1? Feels better. didnt want jacking here doe
00:03:697 (3697|2,3697|1,3855|1,3855|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better. e
00:06:381 (6381|2) - Move to 4? Feels better. e
00:08:434 (8434|0,8434|1,8592|1,8592|2,8750|2,8750|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better. did something similar, changed the 3 note jack doe


00:13:171 (13171|1) - Move to 3? Feels better. too right-hand biased
00:19:013 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... f3f068.png Feels better? yiss
00:22:013 (22013|0) - Move to 3? Feels better? creates anchors
00:29:987 (29987|0,30066|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:30:223 (30223|0) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
00:32:750 (32750|0) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
00:34:723 (34723|0,34802|3) - Move to 3,2 accordingly? Feels better? fyi this is an anchor which is pretty biased on the hand that plays it imo so thats why i didnt want to move these
If above is accepted, 00:34:960 (34960|2,35039|3,35118|2) - Move to 4,3,4 accordingly then 00:35:276 (35276|0) - Move to 3? Feels better? e
00:37:723 (37723|0,37802|1) - Move one column to the right? Feels better, because 00:37:250 (37250|0,37329|1,37487|0,37566|1,37723|0,37802|1) - e
00:39:776 (39776|1,39855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
00:41:908 (41908|2) - Move to 4? Following 00:41:592 (41592|0,41592|3) - e
00:46:802 (46802|3) - Move to 3? Following 00:46:487 (46487|1,46487|3,46644|1,46644|0) - e
00:52:329 (52329|2) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
00:55:408 (55408|0,55487|1,55566|2,55644|0) - Move to 2,1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:56:908 (56908|3,56908|2,57066|0,57066|1,57223|2,57223|3,57381|0,57381|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better. no diff tbh
00:57:539 - 00:58:013 - Try this? ... 2e2ebc.png e


01:01:802 (61802|0,61802|1,61960|2,61960|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
01:10:013 (70013|0,70171|3,70171|2) - Move to 3,12 accordingly? Feels better? e


01:10:802 - 01:20:908 - Is okay so I don't have any suggestion. hello


^ wewewewewew

01:26:276 (86276|2,86434|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? e
01:27:381 (87381|2,87539|1,87697|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
01:29:592 (89592|0) - Move to 3? Feels better? e
01:30:223 (90223|1,90539|2,90855|3) - Move to 4,3,2 accordingly then 01:31:013 (91013|1,91013|0,91013|2) - Rearrange as 134 hand? Feels better? the obsession with pitch is real


01:32:908 (92908|3,92908|1) - Rearrange as 23 jump? Following 01:33:539 (93539|2,93539|1) - , feels better? no difference again for me imo
01:36:066 (96066|2) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
01:39:539 (99539|1) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
01:40:802 (100802|2) - Move to 4? Feels better? e
01:41:908 (101908|0) - Move to 3? Feels better? diff. column from notes below


01:47:276 (107276|0) - Move to 3? e
01:47:118 (107118|3,107118|0,107118|2,107197|1,107276|2,107355|3,107434|1,107434|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
01:57:223 (117223|3,117223|2,117223|1,117302|0,117381|1,117460|2,117539|3,117539|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? diff. in direction of streams gives variety
02:00:539 (120539|0,120539|1) - Rearrange as 24 jump? Feels better? give right hand break plz


02:03:539 (123539|2,123539|1,123539|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e
02:06:223 (126223|3) - Move to 2? Feels better e
02:06:539 (126539|3,126618|0,126697|1,126776|2) - Ctrl+H then first note move to 2? Feels better. e
02:06:776 (126776|2,126855|3,127013|2,127092|3,127250|2,127329|3,127487|2,127566|3,127723|2,127802|3) - What
02:07:250 (127250|2,127329|3) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better.
02:07:723 (127723|3) - Move to 1? Feels better your suggestion had too many anchors so i edited them out myself. didnt want this stream to have too many thrills anyway which suggests the pretty fairly linear kind of streams here
02:07:644 - 02:08:118 - Try this? ... d5c1ca.png e
02:08:434 (128434|3,128513|2,128592|1) - Move to 3,2,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
02:09:302 (129302|3,129381|2) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the right? Feels better? e
02:10:013 (130013|2,130092|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better e
If above is accepted, 02:10:644 - 02:11:434 - Try this? ... 946b75.png above two: same reason as above, i do not want anchors doing things here like throwing people off when they play the streams.

Not much mod because it's pretty much reversed version of Serenity so mostly I only checked the added different 1/4 streams. Sorry! >< its fine

00:09:539 (9539|1,9539|3) - Move as 23 jump? Feels better? e


00:13:329 (13329|2,13408|3,13487|1) - Move to 4,2,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:19:013 - 00:19:802 - Try this? ... 927fa3.png Feels better? no change this time, its a higher diff
00:41:592 (41592|2,41750|1,41750|0) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? no anchors pliz
00:46:171 (46171|2) - Move to 1? Feels better? e
If above is accepted, 00:46:329 (46329|1,46487|2,46487|0,46644|1,46644|2,46644|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better. e
00:48:066 (48066|1,48066|2,48223|2,48223|3) - Ctrl+H? then move one column to the right? Feels better. e
00:51:855 - 00:52:329 - Try this? ... d22336.png Feels better. e
00:52:960 (52960|3) - Move to 1? Feels better. e
00:59:908 - Add note? Refer to Serenity difficulty e


01:00:697 - 01:31:013 - Not really modding here because it's reversed version of 'Serenity'


01:31:013 - 01:42:381 - I think it's okay so no suggestion. and all above: changed a bit here and there, should at least be a bit different from the lv16 one now


01:42:381 - 02:01:329 - ^ e


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - Although a little similar to 'Serenity' I think it's good so no suggestions. thats great

I feel so bad for giving you this crappy quality mod for this difficulty, should've checked this difficulty first before Serenity :/ Sorry! >< dont worry, i did edit the ending streams a bit so it reads better i guess.

00:00:855 (855|3,855|1,1013|1,1013|3) - Move one column to right left then, 00:01:171 (1171|0,1171|3) - Rearrange as 24 jump? Feels better? understand your point, but i didnt make this diff out solely sticking to pitch. i had 3 note stacks for patterns like these cause i kept thinking of how a pianist would play these notes with one hand, so the conclusion i drew from that is that the fingers of whom do three times the work, since it still has to press the notes, difference being pressing the ones on the far end. i know that sounds weird but thats just how i interpret this section.
00:07:013 (7013|1,7013|0,7171|2,7171|1) - Ctrl+G then 00:07:329 (7329|3,7329|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better? e


00:16:329 (16329|2) - Move to 2 then, 00:16:487 (16487|1,16644|1) - Move one column to the right? Following pattern of 00:15:223 (15223|3,15223|1,15381|3,15381|1) - did this to the one after this
00:22:013 (22013|3,22092|0) - Move to 3,4 accordingly? Feels better? anchors again
00:24:618 (24618|0,24697|3) - Move to 4,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:27:539 (27539|1,27618|0,27697|1) - Move to 1,2,3 accordingly? Feels better? e
00:29:592 (29592|0,29671|2,29750|1,29829|3) - Move to 3,2,3,4? Feels better? e
00:34:487 (34487|2,34566|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? only want one triple stack
00:37:250 (37250|3) - Move to 2? Feels better? e
00:42:302 (42302|0,42381|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? section now emphasizes the violins so the triple stacking for drums arent here
00:57:539 (57539|0,57539|1,57697|1,57697|2,57855|0,57855|3,57855|2) - Ctrl+H? Feels better? e


01:00:697 - 01:20:908 - Wow, I like this part. So not much suggestions o thanks


01:17:829 (77829|3,77908|2) - Move one column to the left? Feels better. following hihat, wanted to differentiate from the bubbly synth


01:23:750 (83750|0,83908|3,84223|2,84539|1) - Ctrl+H? Feels better. e
01:29:276 (89276|0) - Move to 3? Feels better. e


01:35:513 (95513|2,95592|3) - Ctrl+G? Following 01:34:171 (94171|3,94171|2,94250|0,94329|1) - Pattern. e
01:37:960 (97960|3,98118|2) - Ctrl+G? Following 01:36:697 (96697|3,96697|1,96776|2,96855|0) - Pattern. e
01:38:276 (98276|2,98276|1,98276|3) - Ctrl+H? Feels better. e


01:44:513 (104513|0,104592|1,104671|0) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the left then, 01:44:750 (104750|1) - Move to 1? Feels better. didnt want to extend the thrill for so long
01:46:408 (106408|0,106487|1,106566|0) - Ctrl+H then move two columns to the left? Feels better. e
01:46:802 (106802|3,106881|2) - Ctrl+G then 01:46:960 (106960|1,106960|0) - 01:46:960 (106960|1) - Move to 3? Feels better. current pattern enters into jumpthrill better
01:51:302 (111302|2,111381|3) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? e
01:56:513 (116513|0,116592|1,116671|0,116750|1) - Ctrl+G? Feels better? no diff tbh


02:01:329 - 02:07:644 - Is okay in my opinion so no suggestions. Nice work. thanks


02:07:644 - 02:12:697 - ^ <3
Good luck and I hope it gets ranked soon! _ ( :3
thanks for the long ass modz. sorry if i seem to reject so many, i just dont really stick to pitch as much as some people would want me to, and it really shows in the higher difficulties. i guess after your mod the charts should be much more polished now, so thanks again.
Sorry I was busy at school and doing random stuffs during last week's holiday...

Anyway, there it is:
>>Last time I remember you taught me about removing whitescreen support for beatmaps with no "crazy" storyboard, and now here I am reminding you that the whitescreen SP is activated and it better off deactivate
>>I like my maps' OD and Stamina equal, and maybe you should too.
>>Between 01:20:908 - and 01:30:855 - , there are some tappy sounds, not sure if you denied the notes of these sounds on purpose, just reminding

Hitboxes in Quiensence
Columns |0|1|2|3|
00:19:013 (19013|1) - move to 3
00:19:250 (19250|2) - to 0
00:19:644 (19644|1) - to 3
00:19:802 (19802|2) - to 1
{Move those points because I heard the drum sounds have a different tone, try apply these on the other diffs with hitboxes similar to this}

01:18:066 (78066|2) - to 1
01:18:223 (78223|1) - to 2
01:18:381 (78381|2) - to 3
01:18:539 (78539|3) - to 1
01:18:697 (78697|1) - to 3
01:18:855 (78855|1) - to 1
01:17:592 (77592|3,77672|3) - move to 1 and 2
01:17:750 (77750|1) - to 2

{Make it less stacky, somewhat}

If you think it's ok to apply speed changes, open this box
Made some new timing points for the harder diffs (recommend for Serenity and higher)


I recommend exporting the whole mapset before copy and pasting the timing points in the .osu file, so if the timing points suck , you don't have to go though the diffs one by one to erase the points.

Well, I'll apply these much for now, if I got more time, I can do even more if you lke.
If the current mods sucks, don't worry, I won't force anything.
Topic Starter

Amethyst507 wrote:

Sorry I was busy at school and doing random stuffs during last week's holiday... hi

Anyway, there it is:
>>Last time I remember you taught me about removing whitescreen support for beatmaps with no "crazy" storyboard, and now here I am reminding you that the whitescreen SP is activated and it better off deactivate o thanks for reminding me
>>I like my maps' OD and Stamina equal, and maybe you should too. follows along the difficulty curve pretty well i say
>>Between 01:20:908 - and 01:30:855 - , there are some tappy sounds, not sure if you denied the notes of these sounds on purpose, just reminding was mapping to the violin, so no tappy stuff there except the LNs

Hitboxes in Quiescence
Columns |0|1|2|3|
00:19:013 (19013|1) - move to 3
00:19:250 (19250|2) - to 0
00:19:644 (19644|1) - to 3
00:19:802 (19802|2) - to 1
{Move those points because I heard the drum sounds have a different tone, try apply these on the other diffs with hitboxes similar to this} i did this for the lower difficulties, for this diff id like to keep this stacking to represent the bass beats linearity? is that what you call it?

01:18:066 (78066|2) - to 1 edited whole section
01:18:223 (78223|1) - to 2
01:18:381 (78381|2) - to 3
01:18:539 (78539|3) - to 1
01:18:697 (78697|1) - to 3
01:18:855 (78855|1) - to 1
01:17:592 (77592|3,77672|3) - move to 1 and 2
01:17:750 (77750|1) - to 2

{Make it less stacky, somewhat}

If you think it's ok to apply speed changes, open this box
Made some new timing points for the harder diffs (recommend for Serenity and higher)


I recommend exporting the whole mapset before copy and pasting the timing points in the .osu file, so if the timing points suck , you don't have to go though the diffs one by one to erase the points. i do appreciate the effort you put in in making these SV changes, but i have a couple reasons as to why i wouldnt want to apply them.

1) this song is already pretty linear in its intensity.
imo, i feel as if there are not many areas where i could have slowjams, i.e. SV lower than 1, since most of this song is just that pretty relaxing synth or that violin or that piano, and i feel as if slowjams do not sufficiently bring out that section's peacefulness

2) some of the elements of the SVs are blocked by the streams at the end
this makes it pretty awkward to handle since theres streams blocking the speeding up of the notes at 02:04:013 (124013|0,124013|3,124013|2) - and i do not intend to make way for the SVs

3) i dont like SVs
this is more of a personal reason than a technical one, so ill just put this at the end.

Well, I'll apply these much for now, if I got more time, I can do even more if you lke. please do
If the current mods sucks, don't worry, I won't force anything. mod was fine, thanks for this ^^
From my 20min mod queue
0 is left, 3 is right.

Overall: I like this map, it's just that it doesn't feel natural to play some parts because of pitch.
make 00:02:118 (2118|0,2118|3) different from 00:02:592 (2592|0,2592|3)
00:03:539 (3539|2,3539|0) - shift both notes to left by 1
00:03:855 (3855|3,3855|1) - shift both notes to right by 1
00:04:487 (4487|0) - move to 1
00:30:223 (30223|0) - move to 1
00:30:381 (30381|1) - move to 3
00:32:750 (32750|0) - move to 1
00:51:066 (51066|1) - move to 2
make 00:52:487 (52487|0,52487|3) - same as 00:52:329 (52329|3,52329|1) for pitch
00:54:381 (54381|1,54381|3) - 00:54:539 (54539|3,54539|2) - make same for pitch
00:54:223 (54223|2) - move to 3
00:55:802 (55802|3,55960|3) - move to 2
01:42:539 (102539|3) - ^
01:46:171 (106171|0) - move to 1 for same pitch as double right after
01:49:013 (109013|1) - move to 0
01:49:171 (109171|0) - move to 1
01:49:329 (109329|1) - move to 0
01:49:960 (109960|3,109960|1,110118|3,110118|0) - make them both 0+1
01:55:013 (115013|3,115013|1,115171|3,115171|0) - ^
01:50:434 (110434|1) - move to 3
01:55:487 (115487|1) - ^
01:55:960 (115960|1) - ^
01:56:118 (116118|3) - move to 1
02:04:960 - I think it plays better if the doubles in the stream goes with the orchestra hit instead of the snare/bass

00:39:381 - 00:40:329 - I don't like how the pattern is like a staircase that is spaced out
02:04:487 (124487|3) - you don't need this slider

I spent my 20 minutes modding the Serenity map, but I hope that helps 8-)
Topic Starter

Staravia wrote:

From my 20min mod queue
0 is left, 3 is right.

Overall: I like this map, it's just that it doesn't feel natural to play some parts because of pitch.

ill just leave this here

from this point on my style loses its adherence with pitch and opts for a more flowy/rigid logic that sometimes might clash with yours. you could already see some of it above, so yeah

make 00:02:118 (2118|0,2118|3) different from 00:02:592 (2592|0,2592|3) breaks the flow of jacking here , i.e. 00:02:434 (2434|1,2434|2,2592|3,2592|0) - these two chords arent supposed to stack over each other.
00:03:539 (3539|2,3539|0) - shift both notes to left by 1 e
00:03:855 (3855|3,3855|1) - shift both notes to right by 1 and above: 00:03:855 (3855|3,3855|1,4487|0,4487|2) - i was comparing these two, not the stacks before. also i dont really stick to the meta of higher pitch right lower pitch left cuz mania isnt a piano game its a rhythm game so yeah
00:04:487 (4487|0) - move to 1 e
00:30:223 (30223|0) - move to 1 edited section
00:30:381 (30381|1) - move to 3 e
00:32:750 (32750|0) - move to 1 no thank you
00:51:066 (51066|1) - move to 2 triple stack on the left hand made it so such that i didnt want any more stackings for this section and similar ones
make 00:52:487 (52487|0,52487|3) - same as 00:52:329 (52329|3,52329|1) for pitch again, it goes against my intention of stackings, and also i feel as if the second chord has a higher intensity than the first one, all similar sections above have the same logic
00:54:381 (54381|1,54381|3) - 00:54:539 (54539|3,54539|2) - make same for pitch see above
00:54:223 (54223|2) - move to 3 e
00:55:802 (55802|3,55960|3) - move to 2 e
01:42:539 (102539|3) - ^ jesus this makes a 4 note stack
01:46:171 (106171|0) - move to 1 for same pitch as double right after e
01:49:013 (109013|1) - move to 0 e
01:49:171 (109171|0) - move to 1 e
01:49:329 (109329|1) - move to 0 e
01:49:960 (109960|3,109960|1,110118|3,110118|0) - make them both 0+1 this isnt a joke is it
01:55:013 (115013|3,115013|1,115171|3,115171|0) - ^ e
01:50:434 (110434|1) - move to 3 e
01:55:487 (115487|1) - ^ e
01:55:960 (115960|1) - ^ e
01:56:118 (116118|3) - move to 1 e
02:04:960 - I think it plays better if the doubles in the stream goes with the orchestra hit instead of the snare/bass doesnt make sense to me, listening to this section on 50% vol without HS just tells me that the bass beats are the overwhelming major here, not the violin pulls.

00:39:381 - 00:40:329 - I don't like how the pattern is like a staircase that is spaced out please elaborate, dont just say "i dont like it" and dont explain yourself. is it awkward? does it not fit the music? is it out of place? does it throw you off while playing? why does it make you dislike it? so many questions you can ask yourself, yet you choose to use the reason i didnt like it. i understand everyone has their own opinions, but at least allow me to understand where youre coming from, so that i can make a proper informed decision on why you dont like it and how i should change it.
02:04:487 (124487|3) - you don't need this slider i do, its to cover for the rising background 1/4s synths

I spent my 20 minutes modding the Serenity map, but I hope that helps 8-) i just feel as if 20 minutes isnt really enough time to make explicit mods that reason well, but to each their own.
thanks for the mod
from this point on my style loses its adherence with pitch and opts for a more flowy/rigid logic that sometimes might clash with yours. you could already see some of it above, so yeah
You do know this is not the hardest mode of the map right? The jackhammer type pattern you are using for this mode doesn't feel comfortable to play for advanced/hd difficulty players. Normally, when you play, after hitting a 0+3 together, it's more natural to play 0+1 or 2+3 when there's a noticeable pitch change. It only makes sense to go 0+3 to 0+2 or 1+3 when the pitch is similar, or there's an orchestral hit. And yes, this is indeed a rhythm game, and you're not actually playing the song, but it doesn't make sense to not map the notes in accordance to the pitch. And when I say "pitch," I mean the relative pitch/note change. It's really annoying to play 1/2 jacks when the notes aren't even matching the change in pitch, and that is like, the main pattern in your map for the entire song.

i do, its to cover for the rising background 1/4s synths
Actually, The synth doesn't start until 02:04:802. I would actually make the stream start there and remove the slider.

please elaborate, dont just say "i dont like it" and dont explain yourself. is it awkward? does it not fit the music? is it out of place? does it throw you off while playing? why does it make you dislike it? so many questions you can ask yourself, yet you choose to use the reason i didnt like it. i understand everyone has their own opinions, but at least allow me to understand where youre coming from, so that i can make a proper informed decision on why you dont like it and how i should change it.
Ok, I understand that you don't like what I said, but please don't post a blatant passive-aggressive comment like that. What I didn't like about it is how broken it felt to play. By that, I mean that when you're playing, your mind tells you to play it like it's a regular staircase and averages out the spaced notes. Like even though you can play it, it feels uncomfortable to play. A better approach to it is to simply reverse 00:39:539 (39539|2,39618|1) since it feels more better to play and breaks that flow.

i just feel as if 20 minutes isnt really enough time to make explicit mods that reason well, but to each their own.
University + Part-time job

01:49:960 (109960|3,109960|1,110118|3,110118|0) - make them both 0+1 this isnt a joke is it
01:55:013 (115013|3,115013|1,115171|3,115171|0) - ^ e
You didn't bother checking more of my notes.

But hey, I'm new at this o!m modding stuff, so you can just disregard what I say as trash :|
Edit: In hindsight, what I said sounded passive-aggressive/insecure, but I'm just standing up for my opinions lol ;)
Topic Starter
boxing this up because i dont want drama taking up so much space
thank you for expanding on your points. i appreciate your effort, no matter how small it might be. the quality of it might be subjective, but its the thought that counts.

The jackhammer type pattern you are using for this mode doesn't feel comfortable to play for advanced/hd difficulty players.
this is subjective, and you know it. playstyles vary from player to player, and the skill levels vary from player to player. i dont see why i must nerf the stacks just because you think that its "uncomfortable to play for advanced/HD players."

Normally, when you play, after hitting a 0+3 together, it's more natural to play 0+1 or 2+3 when there's a noticeable pitch change. It only makes sense to go 0+3 to 0+2 or 1+3 when the pitch is similar, or there's an orchestral hit.
who gave you the title of "VSRG scientist" ? can you cite sources other than anecdotes from your own personal journey on here? who even has the rights to say what is more "natural" and what is not? look, im not proclaiming my map is the paragon of playability, ill never say that. what i do think here is how i feel about certain patterning, and how that certain patterning to me is appropriate. maybe you might say that pitch changes do affect playability, and maybe i might say certain pitch changes in certain context can be partially/completely ignored. in that case, there is a disagreement of the two, and it is ultimately up to me to consider which one is the best to do and apply it to the map. thats what modding is about, giving the mapper new perspectives to consider that is relevant to the map.

And yes, this is indeed a rhythm game, and you're not actually playing the song, but it doesn't make sense to not map the notes in accordance to the pitch. And when I say "pitch," I mean the relative pitch/note change.
you know that this is a game and not an instrument (you said youre not actually playing the song) but yet you tell me on the second line that it doesnt make sense to follow pitch? why is there such a strict obsession with pitch? again, this is very subjective, and you most likely know that.
im not here to make a map that is sticks to-the-tee perfectly to pitch and intonation, im here to make maps that are appropriate to play and that are fun to play. you might say to me that pitch does play a part in dictating the maps playability, and i completely agree with that. what i dont agree with is how i must stick to the pitch like my life depends on it.

It's really annoying to play 1/2 jacks when the notes aren't even matching the change in pitch, and that is like, the main pattern in your map for the entire song.
do not kill mappers spirits
again, how are they not matching the change in pitch? i really have to disagree with you there.

i do, its to cover for the rising background 1/4s synths
Actually, The synth doesn't start until 02:04:802. I would actually make the stream start there and remove the slider.
no, the diff level of both diffs that feature this LN do not justify the fact of the stream starting when its so muffled and silent. only lv.21 has that, because its the highest diff.

please elaborate, dont just say "i dont like it" and dont explain yourself. is it awkward? does it not fit the music? is it out of place? does it throw you off while playing? why does it make you dislike it? so many questions you can ask yourself, yet you choose to use the reason i didnt like it. i understand everyone has their own opinions, but at least allow me to understand where youre coming from, so that i can make a proper informed decision on why you dont like it and how i should change it.
Ok, I understand that you don't like what I said, but please don't post a blatant passive-aggressive comment like that.
it isnt passive-aggressive, dont twist whatever i said to make yourself look like a victim here. my intentions were extremely clear "but at least allow me to understand where youre coming from, so that i can make a proper informed decision on why you dont like it and how i should change it.". you might misinterpret the way i speak as "passive-aggresiveness", and for that i apologize if you were offended. but the intentions behind that comment remain unchanged, i wanted to know where you are coming from.

What I didn't like about it is how broken it felt to play. By that, I mean that when you're playing, your mind tells you to play it like it's a regular staircase and averages out the spaced notes. Like even though you can play it, it feels uncomfortable to play. A better approach to it is to simply reverse 00:39:539 (39539|2,39618|1) since it feels more better to play and breaks that flow.
huh? breaks the flow? is the flow broken to you? yeah, that was my intention behind this section here and all relevant ones. the thing i was going for here isnt a smooth transition from synth to synth, its for a more brokenish kind of feel, since thats how i interpreted the music.

i just feel as if 20 minutes isnt really enough time to make explicit mods that reason well, but to each their own.
University + Part-time job

you cant really blame me for not knowing your context, you didnt really explicitly state that on your queue too.

anyway, thats besides the point. how i feel about modding is how there is always a certain need to take time and understand the mappers intentions behind patterns and stuff. maybe you might argue how you have time constraints and stuff, and i cant blame you. but modding does need time, and 20 minutes doesnt really seem enough to do any substantial modding. which is fine, because as i said before "to each their own"

01:49:960 (109960|3,109960|1,110118|3,110118|0) - make them both 0+1 this isnt a joke is it
01:55:013 (115013|3,115013|1,115171|3,115171|0) - ^ e

You didn't bother checking more of my notes.
i did, and now your touted passive-aggressiveness is showing clearly now, which is quite off-putting. in that image, you can clearly see the 4 note stacking, and that to me doesnt feel appropriate, it wears on one hand too much.

But hey, I'm new at this o!m modding stuff, so you can just disregard what I say as trash :|
nah, i intend to take everything you say into account, and i do consider everyones points and opinions. it might seem as though i dont, but thats just because im really conceited stubborn about my mapping style.

Edit: In hindsight, what I said sounded passive-aggressive/insecure, but I'm just standing up for my opinions lol ;)
well you said it yourself, i aint touching this

again, thanks for replying to my reply to your mod. very much appreciated.

ps. if you are indeed in uni and are working a part time job then i implore you to take a second thought about getting too involved in this game, because this game is addictive as fuck. figured id warn you about this.

btw if you do want to respond to this please do it via forum PM, i absolutely hate things clogging up beatmap threads, theyre hard to navigate through
ban that jinja thing tbh

first HS mod lolol
If you applied any HS changes here don't forget to use the HS copier thing for other diffs

lv 21
00:27:066 (27066|3) - no piano, dunno why there's a whistle or is my hearing bad?
00:37:171 (37171|0) - maybe move to 3 for some upward motion, this is also the first four noter i saw in the whole map, just wanted to point that out
00:57:381 (57381|0) - dunno just like to point stuff out
01:10:802 - mind to tell why you dropped the whistles for the piano since this is similar to 00:20:276

lv 18
01:20:276 (80276|1,80276|0) - dunno why would this be a double

lv 16
00:06:381 - no whistle so yeah, recopy all HS in lv 21 to all diffs / way better than playing hide an seeks w/ the HS
01:31:013 - going to be a total asshat nitpick here (ignore if the notes are placed in terms of musicality or w/e and not solely on patterning)
01:35:434 (95434|2) - move to 2 because five note + 01:33:855 (93855|0,94171|0,94487|0) - 01:34:487 (94487|2,94802|2,95118|2) - AESTHIC
01:36:381 (96381|2,96697|3) - swap for AESTHIC 01:35:750 (95750|3,96066|3,96381|3) - 01:36:066 (96066|0,96381|0,96697|0) -
01:37:644 (97644|2,97960|1) - to 1 same reason
01:38:276 (98276|0,98592|1) - to 3 and 1
01:38:908 (98908|2) - to 1
i guess you get what im trying to do, some triple movement crap, too lazy to do all

lv 13
00:21:539 (21539|0) - move to 2 just because 1 is so consistent and does not see to be repeated afterwards consistently
00:34:329 (34329|3) - to 3 kinda the same reason
02:12:697 - now this has double finishes x_x i actually don't know if you're going for unique HS for every diff or you just don't get to apply all in each diff consistently D:

other diffs look good(?)

If i get BN ill bubble this right off the bat

If youre actually going for consistent HS through all diffs, get an HS or set a current diffs a HS diff. Delete all HS in other diffs and use grumd's HS copier

If you dont have it, you can try to find it or get the link somewhere in my eclair au chocolat thread (look at my recent posts)
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:

ban that jinja thing tbh muh artcore sides

first HS mod lolol HS is cancer
If you applied any HS changes here don't forget to use the HS copier thing for other diffs ill redo it if its utter crap lmao

lv 21
00:27:066 (27066|3) - no piano, dunno why there's a whistle or is my hearing bad? i guess i would pass this as a piano beat, but the violin is so loud im not too sure whether i want it there or not. ill keep it 4 now 4 consistency w/ other sections
00:37:171 (37171|0) - maybe move to 3 for some upward motion, this is also the first four noter i saw in the whole map, just wanted to point that out woops. re-arranged this section
00:57:381 (57381|0) - dunno just like to point stuff out was kinda going for this sorta thing
01:10:802 - mind to tell why you dropped the whistles for the piano since this is similar to 00:20:276 wasnt really intending to follow the piano here, i know that sounds retarr but i felt as if it was kinda fitting to have this intermediate section where there were only claps.

lv 18
01:20:276 (80276|1,80276|0) - dunno why would this be a double sum1 tod me wehn i was yung

lv 16
00:06:381 - no whistle so yeah, recopy all HS in lv 21 to all diffs / way better than playing hide an seeks w/ the HS ill get on it i guess
01:31:013 - going to be a total asshat nitpick here (ignore if the notes are placed in terms of musicality or w/e and not solely on patterning) wr gon bee supastas
01:35:434 (95434|2) - move to 2 because five note + 01:33:855 (93855|0,94171|0,94487|0) - 01:34:487 (94487|2,94802|2,95118|2) - AESTHIC
01:36:381 (96381|2,96697|3) - swap for AESTHIC 01:35:750 (95750|3,96066|3,96381|3) - 01:36:066 (96066|0,96381|0,96697|0) -
01:37:644 (97644|2,97960|1) - to 1 same reason
01:38:276 (98276|0,98592|1) - to 3 and 1
01:38:908 (98908|2) - to 1 all done, i literally re-arranged everythung
i guess you get what im trying to do, some triple movement crap, too lazy to do all

lv 13
00:21:539 (21539|0) - move to 2 just because 1 is so consistent and does not see to be repeated afterwards consistently done
00:34:329 (34329|3) - to 3 kinda the same reason wee
02:12:697 - now this has double finishes x_x i actually don't know if you're going for unique HS for every diff or you just don't get to apply all in each diff consistently D: no i am retar

other diffs look good(?) tfw (?)

If i get BN ill bubble this right off the bat BAT get it BAT hahahaha

If youre actually going for consistent HS through all diffs, get an HS or set a current diffs a HS diff. Delete all HS in other diffs and use grumd's HS copier ill get to it i hope

If you dont have it, you can try to find it or get the link somewhere in my eclair au chocolat thread (look at my recent posts) k thx
thx 4 mods ill mod ur m4m like friday or smth
"Arcwinolivirus' M4M-only contract"

A contract to be fulfilled as exchange of mod.

Song: An - artcore JINJA (Abraxos)
Number of difficulty modded in my map: Modded 4 Difficulties - 4K: Normal, Hard, Insane, Awakened

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I do not bite rawr.
• If I suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, dont forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.

Audio: OK!
BG: OK! Cool BGs btw. I like skies.
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

Take note:
I am not sure about the naming in the difficulties if acceptable. As we have this rule that the hardest difficulty should only be the one to have custom names. Better confirm it to BNs/QATs~

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

00:01:171 (1171|3,1329|0) - move to 3 and 4 accordingly. Feels better with the stair pattern along with the change of the pitch just like 00:03:381 (3381|1,3539|2,3697|3) -

00:16:960 (16960|0) - move to 4 for stair pattern and also to avoid 00:16:487 (16487|0,16960|0,17434|0,17908|0) -

00:21:381 (21381|3) - move to 2? feels more comfortable with the stair.

00:23:276 (23276|3) - move to 3 stair as well.

00:23:750 (23750|0,24066|1) - move to 3 and 1 accordingly, same reasoning just like 00:03:381 (3381|1,3539|2,3697|3,3855|0) -

00:37:329 (37329|3,37487|0,37802|3,37960|0,38276|3,38434|0) - feels awkward imo. Suggesting:

00:41:908 (41908|0,42223|2,42539|1) - move to 3 , 2 and 1 accordingly. Plays along with the pitch imo.

00:58:960 (58960|0,59118|1) - move to 1 column to right. Stair pattern along with the pitch in the music.

01:00:381 (60381|0,60697|3) - Ctrl H, so the Long Note at 00:59:434 (59434|0,60381|0) - won't be repeated with different instrument and to be executed more comfortable.

01:50:276 (110276|3,110434|2) - move to 3 and 2 accordingly for hand balance.

02:12:697 - until 02:22:802 - I wonder why this isn't mapped? This is obviously the finishing section of the music. This is the counter part of the intro itself, so why? I recommend to map for it, not only in this difficulty but to every difficulty in the map.

If not agree with this, you might just want to cut the last part's in the mp3 to reduce file size and empty gap in the editor (Though I do not recommend this one).

00:10:487 (10487|2) - move to 2 for comfortability, seems too focused on right hand because of 00:10:171 (10171|3,10487|2,10644|3,10960|2,11118|3) -

01:00:381 (60381|1,60460|0) - CTRL J feels more comfortable along with 01:00:539 (60539|3,60618|2) -

01:24:855 - add note to this part, it has the violin bow here. Just like this: 01:27:381 (87381|1) -

02:12:697 (132697|3,132697|2) - add note to 2 as well? since its a strong finish sound.

Fun difficulty~

00:08:908 (8908|2) - move to 4, for better execution with 00:09:539 (9539|2,9539|1) - and not awkward with 00:08:592 (8592|2) -

00:35:039 (35039|2,35197|1) - remove? I hear no sounds here. Listened at 25% playback rate.

00:40:092 - add note. there's a sound same as 00:39:618 (39618|2,39697|3,39776|1,39855|2,39934|0,40013|1) -

00:50:750 (50750|0) - move to 3, because stacked with 00:50:592 (50592|0,50750|0,50908|0) -

00:53:276 (53276|1) - ^ to 2

00:55:802 (55802|3) - ^ to 3

00:58:329 (58329|1) - ^ to 1 and yeah the last one for this stacked parts, I think they are not fit to be stacked since they have different pitches and instruments.

01:01:644 (61644|2) - move to 1 stackerinos.

01:06:855 (66855|0) - move to 2 stacko part 2, feels intentional but would be better if it has no stacks like you made here: 01:09:066 (69066|1,69066|2,69223|0,69223|1,69381|0,69381|3) -

01:42:697 (102697|0) - move to 2 same reason of stacks

01:45:223 (105223|3) - ^ to 3

01:47:750 (107750|3) - ^ to 3

01:50:276 (110276|0) - ^ to 3

01:52:802 (112802|0) - ^ to 2

01:55:329 (115329|0) - ^ to 3

01:57:855 (117855|3) - ^ to 2

02:00:381 (120381|0) - ^ to 3

02:02:592 (122592|1) - move to 4 for stairs fit on 02:02:355 (122355|0,122434|1,122513|2) - because 02:02:434 (122434|1,122592|1) - is a bit hard.

00:19:802 (19802|0) - move to 2 so we won't have two 3-note-stacks.

00:35:039 (35039|0,35197|0) - remove no sound here.

00:37:566 (37566|2,37723|2) - ^

00:40:092 (40092|3) - add note to 4, same sound as others.

01:21:381 (81381|1) - move to 3 so we can have a better execution for 01:21:697 (81697|0,81855|1,82013|2) -

01:42:539 (102539|1,102855|2) - move to 1 and 4 accordingly. This is to avoid the awkwardness with 01:42:381 (102381|2,102539|2,102697|2,102855|2) -

01:44:118 (104118|2) - move to 4

Since your mod helped me alot in my map, will mod the next difficulties :D

00:05:908 (5908|1) - move to 1 since 00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|1) -

00:35:039 (35039|0,35197|0) - remove no sound here.

00:37:566 (37566|2,37723|2) - ^

00:35:987 - add note here. Hihat sound here.
00:38:513 - ^

00:40:092 (40092|0) - add note similar to previous

01:01:802 (61802|2) - move to 1 since 01:01:487 (61487|2,61644|2,61802|2) -

01:06:855 (66855|3) - ^ to 3

02:07:329 - This seems better execution for me: without awkwardness.

00:10:723 (10723|2) - why not add note for this hihat? I can hear it clearly in my headset btw. This is the hardest difficulty so I think it should be fine with it. Same to 00:11:987 - , 00:13:250 - , 00:14:513 - , 00:15:776 - , 00:17:039 - , 00:18:302 - , and so on I (I think you know what I am talkin about so ya)

00:45:381 (45381|1,45539|3) - move to 4 and 1 accordingly. To avoid 00:45:066 (45066|1,45223|1,45381|1) - and better executions.

00:52:013 (52013|3) - move to 2 to avoid 4-note-stack

00:57:381 (57381|0) - ^

01:43:802 (103802|3) - ^

01:49:171 (109171|3) - ^ to 1

01:53:908 (113908|0) - ^ to 4

02:00:066 (120066|3,120223|3) - move to 3 and 1 accordingly since 01:59:592 (119592|3,119750|3,119908|3,120066|3,120223|3) -

Really cool map with piano + synthesizers alright!
Good luck and thank you for the contract, until next time working with you :)

Topic Starter

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus' M4M-only contract"

A contract to be fulfilled as exchange of mod.

Song: An - artcore JINJA (Abraxos)
Number of difficulty modded in my map: Modded 4 Difficulties - 4K: Normal, Hard, Insane, Awakened

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I do not bite rawr.
• If I suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, dont forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.

Audio: OK!
BG: OK! Cool BGs btw. I like skies.
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

Take note:
I am not sure about the naming in the difficulties if acceptable. As we have this rule that the hardest difficulty should only be the one to have custom names. Better confirm it to BNs/QATs~ from the ranking criteria:

Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player.
i guess my usage of the words coupled with the diffculty levels should be clear enough to tell the player the level of difficulty.

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

00:01:171 (1171|3,1329|0) - move to 3 and 4 accordingly. Feels better with the stair pattern along with the change of the pitch just like 00:03:381 (3381|1,3539|2,3697|3) - 00:01:171 (1171|3) - is at a significantly higher pitch than the rest so i placed it pretty far from the other notes i did edit this part doe

00:16:960 (16960|0) - move to 4 for stair pattern and also to avoid 00:16:487 (16487|0,16960|0,17434|0,17908|0) - done

00:21:381 (21381|3) - move to 2? feels more comfortable with the stair. pretty empty 4 so i edited this part

00:23:276 (23276|3) - move to 3 stair as well. edited

00:23:750 (23750|0,24066|1) - move to 3 and 1 accordingly, same reasoning just like 00:03:381 (3381|1,3539|2,3697|3,3855|0) - edited

00:37:329 (37329|3,37487|0,37802|3,37960|0,38276|3,38434|0) - feels awkward imo. Suggesting: edited

00:41:908 (41908|0,42223|2,42539|1) - move to 3 , 2 and 1 accordingly. Plays along with the pitch imo. second note is slightly higher-pitched than the first note

00:58:960 (58960|0,59118|1) - move to 1 column to right. Stair pattern along with the pitch in the music. done

01:00:381 (60381|0,60697|3) - Ctrl H, so the Long Note at 00:59:434 (59434|0,60381|0) - won't be repeated with different instrument and to be executed more comfortable. sounds great, done

01:50:276 (110276|3,110434|2) - move to 3 and 2 accordingly for hand balance. doen

02:12:697 - until 02:22:802 - I wonder why this isn't mapped? This is obviously the finishing section of the music. This is the counter part of the intro itself, so why? I recommend to map for it, not only in this difficulty but to every difficulty in the map.

If not agree with this, you might just want to cut the last part's in the mp3 to reduce file size and empty gap in the editor (Though I do not recommend this one) felt as if the ending sequence is fitting for outro, and the length of it isnt significant so i dont really have to cut the mp3 out abruptly .

00:10:487 (10487|2) - move to 2 for comfort, seems too focused on right hand because of 00:10:171 (10171|3,10487|2,10644|3,10960|2,11118|3) - yup, done

01:00:381 (60381|1,60460|0) - CTRL J feels more comfortable along with 01:00:539 (60539|3,60618|2) - done

01:24:855 - add note to this part, it has the violin bow here. Just like this: 01:27:381 (87381|1) - not sure about this, i still insist that the violin there is the bassist in this case, and the notes here are following the main violinist.

02:12:697 (132697|3,132697|2) - add note to 2 as well? since its a strong finish sound. nah diff level seems too low tbh

Fun difficulty~ thx

00:08:908 (8908|2) - move to 4, for better execution with 00:09:539 (9539|2,9539|1) - and not awkward with 00:08:592 (8592|2) - e

00:35:039 (35039|2,35197|1) - remove? I hear no sounds here. Listened at 25% playback rate. e, but 00:35:197 (35197|1) - is kinda there but not there, cuz its covered quite literally by the clap in the music

00:40:092 - add note. there's a sound same as 00:39:618 (39618|2,39697|3,39776|1,39855|2,39934|0,40013|1) - i followed this sound before, but i felt as if it didnt fit to me? like it isnt flowy and stuff

00:50:750 (50750|0) - move to 3, because stacked with 00:50:592 (50592|0,50750|0,50908|0) - its intentional

00:53:276 (53276|1) - ^ to 2 e

00:55:802 (55802|3) - ^ to 3 e

00:58:329 (58329|1) - ^ to 1 and yeah the last one for this stacked parts, I think they are not fit to be stacked since they have different pitches and instruments. see where youre coming from, but id have to disagree here, cuz i was following synths in this case. maybe im stupid for not following the other instruments but yeah

01:01:644 (61644|2) - move to 1 stackerinos. e

01:06:855 (66855|0) - move to 2 stacko part 2, feels intentional but would be better if it has no stacks like you made here: 01:09:066 (69066|1,69066|2,69223|0,69223|1,69381|0,69381|3) - edited, maybe the diff level isnt high enough to warrant these

01:42:697 (102697|0) - move to 2 same reason of stacks explained above

01:45:223 (105223|3) - ^ to 3

01:47:750 (107750|3) - ^ to 3

01:50:276 (110276|0) - ^ to 3

01:52:802 (112802|0) - ^ to 2

01:55:329 (115329|0) - ^ to 3

01:57:855 (117855|3) - ^ to 2

02:00:381 (120381|0) - ^ to 3 all e, cuz of above explanation.

02:02:592 (122592|1) - move to 4 for stairs fit on 02:02:355 (122355|0,122434|1,122513|2) - because 02:02:434 (122434|1,122592|1) - is a bit hard. done

00:19:802 (19802|0) - move to 2 so we won't have two 3-note-stacks. done

00:35:039 (35039|0,35197|0) - remove no sound here. done

00:37:566 (37566|2,37723|2) - ^ more than subtle but still there, keeping this for the flow of the streams here

00:40:092 (40092|3) - add note to 4, same sound as others. explained in one of the above boxes

01:21:381 (81381|1) - move to 3 so we can have a better execution for 01:21:697 (81697|0,81855|1,82013|2) -

01:42:539 (102539|1,102855|2) - move to 1 and 4 accordingly. This is to avoid the awkwardness with 01:42:381 (102381|2,102539|2,102697|2,102855|2) - lol my mistake done

01:44:118 (104118|2) - move to 4 done, also cleaned a little in the chorus

Since your mod helped me alot in my map, will mod the next difficulties :D thats great to hear, that my mod helped you out

00:05:908 (5908|1) - move to 1 since 00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|1) - whole section should feature this stacking, i have weird ways of interpreting stackings. in this diff, i felt as if the pianist had to press more than twice in playing these notes, and somehow i wanted to present this idea over here and viola this came out of it

00:35:039 (35039|0,35197|0) - remove no sound here. e

00:37:566 (37566|2,37723|2) - ^ should be explained in last box

00:35:987 - add note here. Hihat sound here. not really the hihats i wish to follow, but ill consider it
00:38:513 - ^ e

00:40:092 (40092|0) - add note similar to previous explained in last box

01:01:802 (61802|2) - move to 1 since 01:01:487 (61487|2,61644|2,61802|2) - e

01:06:855 (66855|3) - ^ to 3 e

02:07:329 - This seems better execution for me: without awkwardness. agree with you, done

00:10:723 (10723|2) - why not add note for this hihat? I can hear it clearly in my headset btw. This is the hardest difficulty so I think it should be fine with it. Same to 00:11:987 - , 00:13:250 - , 00:14:513 - , 00:15:776 - , 00:17:039 - , 00:18:302 - , and so on I (I think you know what I am talkin about so ya) i get what chu mean, yet im really hesitant in adding them cuz the double streams kinda already fit well within the stacks, and im not too sure whether i want to trouble myself by adding more notes into the diff.

00:45:381 (45381|1,45539|3) - move to 4 and 1 accordingly. To avoid 00:45:066 (45066|1,45223|1,45381|1) - and better executions. done

00:52:013 (52013|3) - move to 2 to avoid 4-note-stack edited section

00:57:381 (57381|0) - ^ was going for this

01:43:802 (103802|3) - ^ edited

01:49:171 (109171|3) - ^ to 1 same as screenie above

01:53:908 (113908|0) - ^ to 4 kind of done

02:00:066 (120066|3,120223|3) - move to 3 and 1 accordingly since 01:59:592 (119592|3,119750|3,119908|3,120066|3,120223|3) - done

Really cool map with piano + synthesizers alright! thx
Good luck and thank you for the contract, until next time working with you :) thanks for the mods <3

edited streams in quiescence, also a lot of things

thanks for the mod again
An - artcore JINJA

M4M Done

  1. MP3, BG : your mp3 is 128kbps, it should be 192kbps if you want this rank, sorry i cant give better mp3, im in laptop not pc now :> how fuck, your bg is awesome
  2. Metadata : seems fine
  3. Ai Mod : please check it, you have a trouble in here


Lv 21.
  1. 00:01:171 (1171|3) - this is different pitch than 00:00:855 (855|3,1013|3) - , so i suggest 00:01:171 (1171|3) - move to 3
  2. 00:05:908 (5908|0,6066|0,6223|0) - same as above ^
  3. 00:22:329 (22329|0,22487|0,22644|0) - this is bad, because i see you do jack in kick kick snare, like this 00:21:539 (21539|0,21697|0,21855|0) - , so i suggest
  4. 00:35:276 (35276|0) - move to 2, avoid this jack 00:34:960 (34960|0,35118|0,35276|0) -
  5. 00:39:539 (39539|3,39618|1,39697|3,39776|0,39855|2,39934|0,40013|1) - try this
  6. 00:50:592 (50592|2,50592|1,50750|2,50750|1,50908|2,50908|1) - try this
  7. 00:56:118 (56118|0) - move to 2, avoid this jack 00:55:960 (55960|0,56118|0,56276|0) -
  8. 00:57:381 (57381|0) - move to 2, avoid 4 jack like this 00:56:908 (56908|0,57066|0,57223|0,57381|0) -
  9. 01:48:697 (108697|3,108855|3,109013|3,109171|3) - wot :VV try this
  10. 01:59:276 (119276|3) - move to 3, avoid this jack 01:58:802 (118802|3,118960|3,119118|3,119276|3) -
  11. 02:12:697 - why you didnt map the last part? :/

Lv 18.
  1. 00:00:855 (855|2,1013|2,1171|2) - like in Lv 21. is different pitch
  2. 00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|1) - ^
  3. 01:01:487 (61487|2,61644|2,61802|2) - ^ is different pitch
  4. 01:19:644 (79644|2) - move it to 1, for better flow
  5. 01:20:276 (80276|0) - so this must be move to 2
  6. 01:42:381 (102381|1,102381|3,102381|0,102539|2,102539|0,102697|1,102697|3,102697|0) - try this
  7. 02:12:697 - whyyyyy :/ please map the last part

other part seems fine, nice map, nice bg, nice song, how fuck, GL /o/
Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

An - artcore JINJA

M4M Done

  1. MP3, BG : your mp3 is 128kbps, it should be 192kbps if you want this rank, sorry i cant give better mp3, im in laptop not pc now :> fixed i guess how fuck, your bg is awesome thx
  2. Metadata : seems fine
  3. Ai Mod : please check it, you have a trouble in here only problem with kiai tbh


Lv 21.
  1. 00:01:171 (1171|3) - this is different pitch than 00:00:855 (855|3,1013|3) - , so i suggest 00:01:171 (1171|3) - move to 3 done
  2. 00:05:908 (5908|0,6066|0,6223|0) - same as above ^ e
  3. 00:22:329 (22329|0,22487|0,22644|0) - this is bad, because i see you do jack in kick kick snare, like this 00:21:539 (21539|0,21697|0,21855|0) - , so i suggest my bad, missed this
  4. 00:35:276 (35276|0) - move to 2, avoid this jack 00:34:960 (34960|0,35118|0,35276|0) - e
  5. 00:39:539 (39539|3,39618|1,39697|3,39776|0,39855|2,39934|0,40013|1) - try this i like this
  6. 00:50:592 (50592|2,50592|1,50750|2,50750|1,50908|2,50908|1) - try this edited whole thing somewhat, the three stacks are mean to follow the synth
  7. 00:56:118 (56118|0) - move to 2, avoid this jack 00:55:960 (55960|0,56118|0,56276|0) - e
  8. 00:57:381 (57381|0) - move to 2, avoid 4 jack like this 00:56:908 (56908|0,57066|0,57223|0,57381|0) - was going for this [url=00:56:908 (56908|0,56908|1,57066|0,57066|3,57223|1,57223|0,57381|0,57381|3) -]pattern[/url]
  9. 01:48:697 (108697|3,108855|3,109013|3,109171|3) - wot :VV try this same logic as [url=01:48:697 (108697|0,108697|3,108855|3,108855|2,109013|0,109013|3,109171|3,109171|2) -]above[/url]
  10. 01:59:276 (119276|3) - move to 3, avoid this jack 01:58:802 (118802|3,118960|3,119118|3,119276|3) - the [24][14][24][14] pattern should be obvious here
  11. 02:12:697 - why you didnt map the last part? :/ quoting from discord:
    i felt
    as if
    it was suitable
    as an ending sequence
    when you are at the score screen
    easy as that nothing too hard

Lv 18.
  1. 00:00:855 (855|2,1013|2,1171|2) - like in Lv 21. is different pitch done
  2. 00:05:908 (5908|1,6066|1,6223|1) - ^ e
  3. 01:01:487 (61487|2,61644|2,61802|2) - ^ is different pitch e
  4. 01:19:644 (79644|2) - move it to 1, for better flow e
  5. 01:20:276 (80276|0) - so this must be move to 2 e
  6. 01:42:381 (102381|1,102381|3,102381|0,102539|2,102539|0,102697|1,102697|3,102697|0) - try this pattern of [12][13][12] should be obv
  7. 02:12:697 - whyyyyy :/ please map the last part refer to box above

other part seems fine, nice map, nice bg, nice song, how fuck, GL quote of the day: how fuck. thx for mod btw doe /o/
thanks for how fuck <3 :^)
why the hell this map is still in pending
Topic Starter

puxtu wrote:

why the hell this map is still in pending
mAgic, lOve and CIrclejerk make it so!

but seriously, i have no BN connections so
spam the shit out of them
Topic Starter

puxtu wrote:

spam the shit out of them
Inb4 ignored and banned and blacklisted for life

And besides, i dont even know who to spam
Hmm try to spam Loctav maybe
Topic Starter

puxtu wrote:

asking for death
sounds like a plan

Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

00:01:329 - 00:03:855 - 00:04:487 - 00:06:381 - 00:08:908 - = ln
00:09:539 (9539|1) - move to 3 but make it ln
00:10:171 - until 00:19:013 - i think its not consistant. for reference you can try this
00:39:223 (39223|1) - change to ln until 00:39:855 -
00:39:855 (39855|2) - move to 2, change to ln until 00:40:487 -
sound 01:31:644 - and 01:31:960 - are different. so 01:32:276 (92276|2,92908|1,93539|3) - etc deleted.
01:42:539 (102539|3,102697|1,102697|2) - ctrl ←
01:45:066 (105066|3,105223|1,105223|2) - ^
01:45:381 (105381|0) - move to 4
01:45:855 (105855|3,106013|2) - ctrl j
01:47:434 (107434|1) - move to 3
01:50:118 (110118|2,110276|1) - ctrl ←
01:50:434 (110434|0) - move to 3
01:52:644 (112644|2) - move to 4
01:55:013 (115013|2) - ^
01:57:697 (117697|2) - ^
02:00:223 (120223|1,120381|0) - ctrl j
suggestion: you should make the 1st kiai's part simpler. this ur maps, i cant rearrange more than this so sorry :? and poor my english:<


Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

to avoid 00:11:592 (11592|3,11908|3,12223|3) - , 00:12:223 (12223|3,12539|2,12855|3,13171|2) - ctrl G
^00:14:276 (14276|3,14750|3,15223|3,15697|3,16171|3) - . i think 00:14:750 (14750|3,14908|2) - ctrl G
00:19:802 (19802|2,19802|1) - make it at 1 and 4. then 00:19:644 (19644|0) - move to 3. it's because 00:19:644 - is same like 00:19:013 (19013|2,19013|1,19250|2,19250|3,19487|0,19487|1) -
00:21:934 (21934|2,22092|0) - delete. it's ghost note (proved with my headset with full music sound and 25% playback rate). this part same like 00:20:592 (20592|3,20592|0,20750|1,20908|0,20987|2,21066|1) -
00:22:566 (22566|3) - delete
00:22:250 (22250|2,22329|3) - ctrl G to avoid 00:21:697 (21697|3,22013|3,22329|3) -
i think 00:26:908 - and 00:29:434 - same like 00:21:934 - . delete this 00:26:987 (26987|2,27144|0,29513|0,29671|3,29987|0) -
00:32:039 (32039|0,32197|3,32671|2) - delete^
00:34:566 (34566|3,34723|1,35197|2) - ^
00:37:092 (37092|3,37250|0,37566|1,37723|2) - ^
00:40:802 - this part sound same like 00:41:592 - . in my opinion, better move 00:40:644 (40644|0) - to 00:40:802 - . because, i think 00:40:644 - no need double here. there's no loud sound here
00:41:197 - add note at 1. reference : 00:38:592 (38592|1,38671|2,38750|3) -
00:41:434 (41434|0,41750|3) - delete. same like 00:40:644 - , no need double here.
00:42:223 (42223|0) - ^
00:42:855 (42855|2,43171|1) - ^
00:43:329 - add note at 3
00:43:723 - ^1
00:43:802 - ^3
00:43:960 (43960|0,44276|3) - delete
00:44:592 - add note
00:44:750 (44750|3,44750|2) - choose one to delete
00:44:908 - and 00:45:223 - add note
00:45:381 (45381|1,45697|0) - delete
00:45:855 - add note
00:46:250 - ^
00:46:487 (46487|1) - delete
00:46:802 (46802|0) - ^
00:47:276 - ^
00:47:118 - add note
from here 00:47:434 - i think you know how do you do.. for sounds like 00:47:434 - ,00:47:592 - and 00:47:750 - use of doubles. and 00:47:908 - use single. it's up to 00:55:329 -
avoid 00:55:644 (55644|3,55802|3,55960|3) - . move 00:55:802 (55802|3) - to 2, 00:55:960 (55960|1,55960|3,56118|0,56118|2,56276|1) - ctrl H
00:58:329 (58329|1) - move to 1
01:01:013 - add double here. there's piano sound
01:42:539 (102539|0) - move to 3
01:43:171 - double here
01:43:644 - until 02:01:329 - is same like from here from here 00:47:434 - ^
02:01:802 (121802|3) - delete. this' because 02:02:118 (122118|1,122197|2,122276|3,122355|0,122434|1,122513|2) - are single

You need to re-arrange some pattern on Serenity_Lv.16. try to compare with Repose_Lv.13 (File>Open Difficulty...>For Reference>Repose_Lv.13) or you can compare with Tranquility_Lv.18. for example, see 00:13:329 - there's missing note at 00:13:329 - and 00:13:408 - .

Thanks for requesting on our queue. Sorry we're late on posting our mod, it's because we're also busy irl. Good luck to your beatmap. Have a nice day!:3
Topic Starter
modding in pairs is always a fun thing

yuleee wrote:

Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

00:01:329 - 00:03:855 - 00:04:487 - 00:06:381 - 00:08:908 - = ln kinda just my style, but i feel as if the resonance of the note is merely from pressing the key of the piano once. so thats why these are singles
00:09:539 (9539|1) - move to 3 but make it ln LN reason above, re-arranged the note doe
00:10:171 - until 00:19:013 - i think its not consistant. for reference you can try this is it weird that i followed the piano and claps only for this section? i like it this way idk
00:39:223 (39223|1) - change to ln until 00:39:855 - see above
00:39:855 (39855|2) - move to 2, change to ln until 00:40:487 - e
sound 01:31:644 - and 01:31:960 - are different. so 01:32:276 (92276|2,92908|1,93539|3) - etc deleted. again im weird with my shit, but i feel as if to emphasize the drum beat and clap together here i had had them placed both as doubles. so yeah
01:42:539 (102539|3,102697|1,102697|2) - ctrl ← stack is intentional? although 01:42:697 (102697|1,102697|2) - might carry the kinda similar synth i thought it would be touche to have it be separate from the stack to signify the clap
01:45:066 (105066|3,105223|1,105223|2) - ^ ee
01:45:381 (105381|0) - move to 4 why doe theres like 01:44:908 (104908|3,105066|3) -
01:45:855 (105855|3,106013|2) - ctrl j edited somewhat similar
01:47:434 (107434|1) - move to 3 stack is intentional
01:50:118 (110118|2,110276|1) - ctrl ← ee
01:50:434 (110434|0) - move to 3 why doe, theres like this 01:49:960 (109960|2,110118|2) - thingy
01:52:644 (112644|2) - move to 4 edited kinda idk
01:55:013 (115013|2) - ^ ee
01:57:697 (117697|2) - ^ ee
02:00:223 (120223|1,120381|0) - ctrl j uhuh
suggestion: you should make the 1st kiai's part simpler. this ur maps, i cant rearrange more than this so sorry :? without the difficulty jump here the gap between 7 and 13 would be too big and poor my english:< it seemed good enough to get the point across tbh

GLHF :) thx for the mod ^^

hikikuman wrote:

Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

to avoid 00:11:592 (11592|3,11908|3,12223|3) - , 00:12:223 (12223|3,12539|2,12855|3,13171|2) - ctrl G hoo boy i can see where this is going
^00:14:276 (14276|3,14750|3,15223|3,15697|3,16171|3) - . i think 00:14:750 (14750|3,14908|2) - ctrl G the spacing between the stacks are almost imperceptible in gameplay, and makes no difference to playability unless you tell me you wish to play this chart on 1.4x
00:19:802 (19802|2,19802|1) - make it at 1 and 4. then 00:19:644 (19644|0) - move to 3. it's because 00:19:644 - is same like 00:19:013 (19013|2,19013|1,19250|2,19250|3,19487|0,19487|1) - wanted to integrate the piano pitches into this drum beat
00:21:934 (21934|2,22092|0) - delete. it's ghost note (proved with my headset with full music sound and 25% playback rate). this part same like 00:20:592 (20592|3,20592|0,20750|1,20908|0,20987|2,21066|1) - theres a sytnh here plz i really cant tell you how and why and who and what made it there but its there i cant say my headphones are better or my ears are better or whatever but its there and its just there i cant do anything about it i wish i could amplify the sound of it but alas i cant feelsbadman
00:22:566 (22566|3) - delete please believe me
00:22:250 (22250|2,22329|3) - ctrl G to avoid 00:21:697 (21697|3,22013|3,22329|3) - and make the stack even closer in spacing why doe
i think 00:26:908 - and 00:29:434 - same like 00:21:934 - you believe me do you hiki delete this 00:26:987 (26987|2,27144|0,29513|0,29671|3,29987|0) - please say you do
00:32:039 (32039|0,32197|3,32671|2) - delete^ i really dk how to prove this to you
00:34:566 (34566|3,34723|1,35197|2) - ^ eee
00:37:092 (37092|3,37250|0,37566|1,37723|2) - ^ eee
00:40:802 - this part sound same like 00:41:592 - . in my opinion, better move 00:40:644 (40644|0) - to 00:40:802 - . because, i think 00:40:644 - no need double here. there's no loud sound here was it not obvious that the doubles were following the violin? im being serious here, i need to know whether or not it is obvious to you.
00:41:197 - add note at 1. reference : 00:38:592 (38592|1,38671|2,38750|3) - im not planning on following hihats here anytime soon tbh
00:41:434 (41434|0,41750|3) - delete. same like 00:40:644 - , no need double here. see above
00:42:223 (42223|0) - ^ e
00:42:855 (42855|2,43171|1) - ^ e
00:43:329 - add note at 3 i
00:43:723 - ^1 am
00:43:802 - ^3 a weird person when it comes to style. i was kinda going for a pure violinist section there, given how before then i already followed the drums religiously, and that meant i would want to ignore the percussion and drum.
00:43:960 (43960|0,44276|3) - delete eee
00:44:592 - add note ee
00:44:750 (44750|3,44750|2) - choose one to delete e
00:44:908 - and 00:45:223 - add note ee
00:45:381 (45381|1,45697|0) - delete ee
00:45:855 - add note
00:46:250 - ^
00:46:487 (46487|1) - delete
00:46:802 (46802|0) - ^
00:47:276 - ^
00:47:118 - add note im guessing all these are the same things
from here 00:47:434 - i think you know how do you do.. for sounds like 00:47:434 - ,00:47:592 - and 00:47:750 - use of doubles. and 00:47:908 - use single. it's up to 00:55:329 - yeah, explained above
avoid 00:55:644 (55644|3,55802|3,55960|3) - . move 00:55:802 (55802|3) - to 2, 00:55:960 (55960|1,55960|3,56118|0,56118|2,56276|1) - ctrl H i am really worried, are the stacks not clear enough to you? they follow the synth, is that not obvious in gameplay? please respond, i need the feedback for this
00:58:329 (58329|1) - move to 1 eee
01:01:013 - add double here. there's piano sound it isnt the main piano? as in, it isnt loud and resonant enough to have doubles there, thats what i mean
01:42:539 (102539|0) - move to 3 yeah im pretty worried that the intentions of the stacks isnt getting through
01:43:171 - double here because of the stacks in this section i just kept claps doubles and all other sound singles for the sake of cleanliness? readability sounds more like what im driving at
01:43:644 - until 02:01:329 - is same like from here from here 00:47:434 - ^ ee
02:01:802 (121802|3) - delete. this' because 02:02:118 (122118|1,122197|2,122276|3,122355|0,122434|1,122513|2) - is single wot m8 that is a stream are you telling me you see this everyday lmao

You need to re-arrange some pattern on Serenity_Lv.16. try to compare with Repose_Lv.13 (File>Open Difficulty...>For Reference>Repose_Lv.13) or you can compare with Tranquility_Lv.18. for example, see 00:13:329 - there's missing note at 00:13:329 - and 00:13:408 - over at 16 i had the first arrivals of triples and by having me follow the hihats there is just ott.

Thanks for requesting on our queue. Sorry we're late on posting our mod, it's because we're also busy irl. no prob, as long as you got to it Good luck for your beatmap. Have a nice day!:3 thx for the mod v v
thanks for the mods lovebirds
[ A v a l o n ]
i have nothing to say for now, solid map . . . take my star x2
good luck for rank, this map have a big chance for it
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

i have nothing to say for now, solid map . . . take my star x2
good luck for rank, this map have a big chance for it
thank you avalon for the 2 stars <3
Hello!! from my queue >w<
Column : 1|2|3|4

BG size is 1366×768 OK!
MP3 is 192kbps. OK!
BPM is 190. MixMeister think it's 95, but doesn't matter OwO

00:50:908 (50908|3,53434|1,55960|3,58487|0) : I think you tried this part more harder than previous part. But I think it's melody line, not drum line.
delete this drum note

00:51:539 (51539|3) : move to 1 for pitch
00:56:592 (56592|2) : ^ to 2
01:43:171 (103171|2) : ^ to 2 or 01:43:329 (103329|1) to 3
01:48:223 (108223|2) : ^ to 2 or 01:48:381 (108381|1) to 3
01:53:276 (113276|1) : ^ to 1 or 01:53:434 (113434|0) to 2
01:58:329 (118329|1) : ^ to 1 or 01:58:487 (118487|0) to 2

01:43:171 (103171|2) : move to 4 for ptich
01:48:223 (108223|1) : ^ to 1
01:53:434 (113434|2) : ^ to 2
01:58:487 (118487|1) : ^ to 1

other diff is perfect :D

sorry for short mod ;o;
This map is wonderful OwO!! Hope to find this at ranked category soon :D:D
Topic Starter

Garalulu wrote:

Hello!! from my queue >w< hii
Column : 1|2|3|4

BG size is 1366×768 OK!
MP3 is 192kbps. OK!
BPM is 190. MixMeister think it's 95, but doesn't matter OwO yeah lol 190/2 = 95

00:50:908 (50908|3,53434|1,55960|3,58487|0) : I think you tried this part more harder than previous part. But I think it's melody line, not drum line.
delete this drum note hm but theres still the synth line there isnt there? i was following that here

00:51:539 (51539|3) : move to 1 for pitch
00:56:592 (56592|2) : ^ to 2
01:43:171 (103171|2) : ^ to 2 or 01:43:329 (103329|1) to 3
01:48:223 (108223|2) : ^ to 2 or 01:48:381 (108381|1) to 3
01:53:276 (113276|1) : ^ to 1 or 01:53:434 (113434|0) to 2
01:58:329 (118329|1) : ^ to 1 or 01:58:487 (118487|0) to 2 debated on whether or not i should have the stacks, decided to have them there

01:43:171 (103171|2) : move to 4 for pitch
01:48:223 (108223|1) : ^ to 1
01:53:434 (113434|2) : ^ to 2
01:58:487 (118487|1) : ^ to 1 same as last box

other diff is perfect :D sounds cool

sorry for short mod ;o; its fine
This map is wonderful OwO!! Hope to find this at ranked category soon :D:D well no one said i cant dream about it
thanks for the mod v
M4M from my queue

18:45 doykyoto: hi
18:45 doykyoto: mm
18:45 Abraxos: hey hey
18:45 doykyoto: lets do irc for m4m
18:45 doykyoto: irc mod
18:45 Abraxos: hmm
18:45 Abraxos: well ok den
18:45 doykyoto: hope u r not busy yet
18:45 doykyoto: kay then
18:45 *doykyoto is listening to [ An - artcore JINJA]
18:45 Abraxos: nom
18:45 doykyoto: lets check this
18:45 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Lull_Lv.7]]
18:46 Abraxos: ye ok
18:48 doykyoto: 00:53:118 (53118|0) - you can add ln following the synth until 00:53:592
18:48 doykyoto: 00:53:592 -
18:48 doykyoto: always forget to add - lol ;v
18:48 Abraxos: lel
18:49 Abraxos: wouldnt it be a bit too much for ez
18:49 doykyoto: oh, i see.. but the icon is N in your beatmap listing.. but i guess it's okay to call it ez since that's easiest difficult
18:50 Abraxos: true
18:51 Abraxos: well ill keep the one i have here since i feel the synths for that are fundamentally different from the ones that have an LN
18:51 doykyoto: okay...
18:51 doykyoto: this diff has polished so good... lets go to the next diff
18:51 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Rest_Lv.9]]
18:51 Abraxos: okei
18:52 doykyoto: oh i see H icon.... kay then.. but easier than lv.13
18:52 Abraxos: they all are H :c
18:52 doykyoto: oh i just realized
18:52 doykyoto: 4 H !!!
18:53 doykyoto: ahaha.. that's not a big problem imo
18:53 doykyoto: maybe stil can be ranked
18:53 Abraxos: the SR rating :C
18:55 doykyoto: have u consulted to BNs for the diffs? mm... this map it's ready for get bub imo...
18:55 Abraxos: i
18:55 Abraxos: dont intend to try?
18:55 Abraxos: they wouldnt care about me tbh
18:55 Abraxos: i can try but theyll probably busy me or excuse themselves or ignore me altogether
18:56 doykyoto: ow, that's so pity.. but look to your effort. it's worth to get bubbled..
18:56 doykyoto: mm...
18:56 doykyoto: have u asked to feerum?
18:56 Abraxos: its sad but its the truth
18:56 Abraxos: ignored by him LMAO
18:57 doykyoto: lol.. me too :')) we are victims from BNs :v
18:57 Abraxos: :V
18:57 doykyoto: then, lets continue modding ;'v
18:57 Abraxos: well it isnt entirely their fault too
18:58 Abraxos: they have plenty to deal with alrd
18:58 Abraxos: idk
18:59 doykyoto: ahh,, just wait for a new BNs :))) im sure they will be kind in the beginning
18:59 Abraxos: i hope so
18:59 Abraxos: even better if i know them
19:01 doykyoto: ahh... i heard MEGAtive and Aste- will try to be a BN's candidate...
19:01 doykyoto: they are always helping me in mapping :))
19:01 Abraxos: wish them luck
19:02 Abraxos: i dont know any of them
19:02 Abraxos: heh
19:02 doykyoto: oh i hope so...
19:02 doykyoto: lel
19:02 doykyoto: btw...
19:02 doykyoto: uh nothing... lets continue to next diff
19:02 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Tranquility_Lv.18]]
19:02 Abraxos: welp ok den
19:03 doykyoto: ahh my eyes :3 ... double everywhere
19:04 Abraxos: hehe
19:04 Abraxos: it is a harder diff so
19:06 doykyoto: well then
19:06 doykyoto: it's good for finger
19:06 doykyoto: let's check more through
19:10 doykyoto:
19:10 doykyoto: ghost note
19:10 Abraxos: o
19:10 Abraxos: link to part?
19:10 doykyoto: hmm... i hear a bit sound there
19:10 Abraxos: 39
19:10 doykyoto: 00:39:539 -
19:11 Abraxos: yeah there are sounds there
19:11 Abraxos: i didnt follow the ones at 00:40:092 - 00:40:250 -
19:11 Abraxos: because of the transition of patterns id say
19:12 doykyoto: 00:51:697 - isnt consistent with 00:45:855 - 00:46:644 - and so on...
19:13 doykyoto: the sounds are same
19:13 doykyoto: but you just give double in 00:51:697
19:13 doykyoto: 00:51:697 -
19:13 Abraxos: in what way
19:13 Abraxos: i give doubles when there is the synth
19:13 Abraxos: triples for clap
19:13 Abraxos: singles well for nothing but yeah
19:14 Abraxos: also doubles for the drum beats but thats few and far in between i guess
19:15 doykyoto: have u heard this 00:51:697 - ?
19:15 Abraxos: transition into the things above is at 00:50:513 - ^
19:15 Abraxos: before so hm
19:15 doykyoto: hmm
19:15 Abraxos: oooo
19:15 Abraxos: ah
19:15 Abraxos: i remember now
19:15 doykyoto: consider to give triple for consistency... ._. ??
19:16 doykyoto: the sounds are same loud
19:16 Abraxos: that section is purely doubles because of the synth
19:16 Abraxos: i want to have a contrast with the synth and the violins before so i did that
19:16 doykyoto: but the drum is more louder than the synth... following the drum is good idea too.
19:16 doykyoto: ahh but well
19:17 doykyoto: just consider it
19:17 Abraxos: yeah but the contrast is lost on the player
19:17 Abraxos: the player would assume that they are playing to the violins not the synth
19:18 Abraxos: i did edit that part i guess
19:19 doykyoto: why you give that a trill??
19:19 doykyoto: no sounds are correct for that
19:19 Abraxos: end of chorus
19:19 doykyoto: but i think that's bad.. bcs the sounds is just a synth
19:19 Abraxos: kinda the same sounds as 01:52:250 (112250|2,112329|0,112408|1) -
19:20 Abraxos: i felt that ending the chorus off with a high note is pretty nice
19:20 Abraxos: because you know crescendo and stuff
19:20 Abraxos: if it worries you that much i can change it but yeah
19:21 doykyoto: oh i see.. then, just recommend it for ya.. since is near fro Insane Icon
19:21 doykyoto: *from
19:21 doykyoto: 5074166
19:21 doykyoto:
19:21 Abraxos: tru
19:21 Abraxos: omg LNs
19:21 Abraxos: i never did use LNs doe
19:21 doykyoto: yeah.. just nazi recommend XD
19:21 Abraxos: not my intended take on this chart or any other for that matter lmao
19:22 Abraxos: oh ok thanks for the input vv
19:23 doykyoto: then 02:02:592 give this a triple since it's same like your next note and sounds
19:23 doykyoto: 02:02:592 -
19:23 doykyoto: lol always forget to add -
19:23 Abraxos: i dont like minijacks at the end of jumpthrills :V
19:24 doykyoto: but that's fun tbh
19:24 doykyoto: btw
19:24 Abraxos: hm
19:24 doykyoto: 02:04:487 (124487|3) - this ln is necessary
19:24 doykyoto: try to just put normal note
19:24 doykyoto: without ln i mean
19:24 Abraxos: covers for the rising synth? you know you can hear smth in the BG that turns into the stream after
19:25 doykyoto: yea ikr.. but i feel weird when imagine and play it tbh... but that's not a big problem
19:25 doykyoto: y not change the ln with stairs?
19:25 Abraxos: it is
19:25 doykyoto: just like you did in next notes
19:26 doykyoto: the sounds are same
19:26 Abraxos: nom
19:26 Abraxos: done
19:26 doykyoto: and btw... i think more hitsounds are good...
19:26 doykyoto: like piano keysound?
19:27 doykyoto: if u know the note and the chord in real piano xD
19:27 Abraxos: i know this sounds stupid but this map is meant to be played on 0% HS
19:27 Abraxos: i cant HS well :c
19:27 doykyoto: ask djpop yet :v kwkwkwkw
19:27 Abraxos: dj pop :VVV
19:27 doykyoto: lets go to next diff
19:27 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Quiescence_Lv.21]]
19:28 doykyoto: i think it will be more weird pattern ;v i hope so
19:28 Abraxos: weird pattern mfw :c
19:28 doykyoto: oh i saw merciless
19:28 Abraxos: js is mean at the end
19:28 Abraxos: chord stack is mean at the chorus
19:29 doykyoto: i think set OD in 8,3 isn't good idea
19:30 Abraxos: why doe
19:31 doykyoto: hmm... i dont think so but OD 8 was too hard to catch tbh..
19:31 doykyoto: but that's not serious problem
19:31 Abraxos: i could do it :V
19:31 doykyoto: just in mu think ...
19:31 doykyoto: u are good in play
19:31 Abraxos: yeah 4.3 is really an underrating for this chart
19:31 Abraxos: chart should be 4.5
19:31 Abraxos: or 4.6 smth
19:31 doykyoto: dont make it harder pls
19:31 doykyoto: it will be overlayered ;cv
19:31 doykyoto: :v
19:32 Abraxos: :V
19:32 Abraxos: i wont its the most dense i can make this song to be
19:32 doykyoto: but.. even you can, many BNs are dont like a overlayered map..
19:33 doykyoto: if you know Kyouran Hey Kids! by Lina
19:33 Abraxos: that was an issue of lack of structure by puxtu
19:33 doykyoto: puxtu's SC was removed by her bcs Usagi's ask
19:33 Abraxos: not so much about the layering of it
19:33 doykyoto: yea
19:33 Abraxos: the layering of the chart is fine
19:33 doykyoto: i think you know
19:33 doykyoto: yea
19:34 Abraxos: my chart has structure :c
19:34 doykyoto: that;s good if just saw it ...
19:34 doykyoto: oh, maybe im so rude to comment your map.. im so sorry
19:34 Abraxos: its fine dont worry
19:36 doykyoto: maybe i should use 0% sampe sound in this map lol
19:36 Abraxos: you can try
19:36 Abraxos: i HS'd it terribly
19:36 doykyoto: you added notes in a bit volume sounds
19:36 doykyoto: hmm...
19:37 Abraxos: to make it seem like i care about HS
19:37 Abraxos: no really im not joking
19:37 doykyoto: aaha... your sample just drum hitsound :v
19:38 doykyoto: i can correct HS tbh... but im lazy for now.. i must do all my quee asap
19:38 Abraxos: is it wrong
19:38 Abraxos: ijefrwbuefgbjfgbjkdfgjkdfghjdfghjdfg'
19:38 Abraxos: i thought its fine
19:38 doykyoto: no... it still can be ranked even just a bit hitsounded :((
19:38 doykyoto: i hope so
19:39 Abraxos: asfsd
19:39 doykyoto: but myosotis aren't hitsounded too much..
19:39 Abraxos: but hes a chinese guy and im not :c
19:39 Abraxos: i dont chinese BN
19:41 doykyoto: 01:24:855 -
19:41 doykyoto: add 1 here
19:41 doykyoto: i heard a bit of sound
19:42 doykyoto: i thought that's good if you add a single note beside of the end of ln
19:42 doykyoto: it will be fun to play ;cv
19:42 Abraxos: whee
19:42 doykyoto: :v
19:43 Abraxos: i wanna keep this section pure LNs because violins
19:43 doykyoto: oh okay then...
19:43 Abraxos: sorry :C
19:43 doykyoto: no prob.. i just give you a something can be improved in this map.. dont mind it too much...
19:43 doykyoto: but
19:44 Abraxos: but?
19:44 doykyoto: your map has polished so good.. so i think i cant give u many mods..
19:44 Abraxos: anything helps tbh
19:44 doykyoto: but you give a many mods in my map :v
19:44 doykyoto: ahh thank you >.<
19:44 doykyoto: my mods always rejected tbh
19:44 doykyoto: by arcwin and -BANGKE- kwwkwk
19:44 Abraxos: i like to help others dont worry about that
19:45 doykyoto: oh sure... :v
19:45 Abraxos: nah its just they kinda have their styles and you have yours
19:45 Abraxos: and they clash sometimes
19:45 doykyoto: hmm...
19:45 doykyoto: i think it's enough for today
19:46 doykyoto: done with modding
19:46 doykyoto: good chart!
19:46 doykyoto: hope can get ranked soon
19:46 Abraxos: thx <3
19:46 Abraxos: i hope too lmao
Topic Starter

doykyoto wrote:

M4M for my queue

18:45 doykyoto: hi
18:45 doykyoto: mm
18:45 Abraxos: hey hey
18:45 doykyoto: lets do irc for m4m
18:45 doykyoto: irc mod
18:45 Abraxos: hmm
18:45 Abraxos: well ok den
18:45 doykyoto: hope u r not busy yet
18:45 doykyoto: kay then
18:45 *doykyoto is listening to [ An - artcore JINJA]
18:45 Abraxos: nom
18:45 doykyoto: lets check this
18:45 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Lull_Lv.7]]
18:46 Abraxos: ye ok
18:48 doykyoto: 00:53:118 (53118|0) - you can add ln following the synth until 00:53:592
18:48 doykyoto: 00:53:592 -
18:48 doykyoto: always forget to add - lol ;v
18:48 Abraxos: lel
18:49 Abraxos: wouldnt it be a bit too much for ez
18:49 doykyoto: oh, i see.. but the icon is N in your beatmap listing.. but i guess it's okay to call it ez since that's easiest difficult
18:50 Abraxos: true
18:51 Abraxos: well ill keep the one i have here since i feel the synths for that are fundamentally different from the ones that have an LN
18:51 doykyoto: okay...
18:51 doykyoto: this diff has polished so good... lets go to the next diff
18:51 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Rest_Lv.9]]
18:51 Abraxos: okei
18:52 doykyoto: oh i see H icon.... kay then.. but easier than lv.13
18:52 Abraxos: they all are H :c
18:52 doykyoto: oh i just realized
18:52 doykyoto: 4 H !!!
18:53 doykyoto: ahaha.. that's not a big problem imo
18:53 doykyoto: maybe stil can be ranked
18:53 Abraxos: the SR rating :C
18:55 doykyoto: have u consulted to BNs for the diffs? mm... this map it's ready for get bub imo...
18:55 Abraxos: i
18:55 Abraxos: dont intend to try?
18:55 Abraxos: they wouldnt care about me tbh
18:55 Abraxos: i can try but theyll probably busy me or excuse themselves or ignore me altogether
18:56 doykyoto: ow, that's so pity.. but look to your effort. it's worth to get bubbled..
18:56 doykyoto: mm...
18:56 doykyoto: have u asked to feerum?
18:56 Abraxos: its sad but its the truth
18:56 Abraxos: ignored by him LMAO
18:57 doykyoto: lol.. me too :')) we are victims from BNs :v
18:57 Abraxos: :V
18:57 doykyoto: then, lets continue modding ;'v
18:57 Abraxos: well it isnt entirely their fault too
18:58 Abraxos: they have plenty to deal with alrd
18:58 Abraxos: idk
18:59 doykyoto: ahh,, just wait for a new BNs :))) im sure they will be kind in the beginning
18:59 Abraxos: i hope so
18:59 Abraxos: even better if i know them
19:01 doykyoto: ahh... i heard MEGAtive and Aste- will try to be a BN's candidate...
19:01 doykyoto: they are always helping me in mapping :))
19:01 Abraxos: wish them luck
19:02 Abraxos: i dont know any of them
19:02 Abraxos: heh
19:02 doykyoto: oh i hope so...
19:02 doykyoto: lel
19:02 doykyoto: btw...
19:02 doykyoto: uh nothing... lets continue to next diff
19:02 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Tranquility_Lv.18]]
19:02 Abraxos: welp ok den
19:03 doykyoto: ahh my eyes :3 ... double everywhere
19:04 Abraxos: hehe
19:04 Abraxos: it is a harder diff so
19:06 doykyoto: well then
19:06 doykyoto: it's good for finger
19:06 doykyoto: let's check more through
19:10 doykyoto:
19:10 doykyoto: ghost note
19:10 Abraxos: o
19:10 Abraxos: link to part?
19:10 doykyoto: hmm... i hear a bit sound there
19:10 Abraxos: 39
19:10 doykyoto: 00:39:539 -
19:11 Abraxos: yeah there are sounds there
19:11 Abraxos: i didnt follow the ones at 00:40:092 - 00:40:250 -
19:11 Abraxos: because of the transition of patterns id say
19:12 doykyoto: 00:51:697 - isnt consistent with 00:45:855 - 00:46:644 - and so on...
19:13 doykyoto: the sounds are same
19:13 doykyoto: but you just give double in 00:51:697
19:13 doykyoto: 00:51:697 -
19:13 Abraxos: in what way
19:13 Abraxos: i give doubles when there is the synth
19:13 Abraxos: triples for clap
19:13 Abraxos: singles well for nothing but yeah
19:14 Abraxos: also doubles for the drum beats but thats few and far in between i guess
19:15 doykyoto: have u heard this 00:51:697 - ?
19:15 Abraxos: transition into the things above is at 00:50:513 - ^
19:15 Abraxos: before so hm
19:15 doykyoto: hmm
19:15 Abraxos: oooo
19:15 Abraxos: ah
19:15 Abraxos: i remember now
19:15 doykyoto: consider to give triple for consistency... ._. ??
19:16 doykyoto: the sounds are same loud
19:16 Abraxos: that section is purely doubles because of the synth
19:16 Abraxos: i want to have a contrast with the synth and the violins before so i did that
19:16 doykyoto: but the drum is more louder than the synth... following the drum is good idea too.
19:16 doykyoto: ahh but well
19:17 doykyoto: just consider it
19:17 Abraxos: yeah but the contrast is lost on the player
19:17 Abraxos: the player would assume that they are playing to the violins not the synth
19:18 Abraxos: i did edit that part i guess
19:19 doykyoto: why you give that a trill??
19:19 doykyoto: no sounds are correct for that
19:19 Abraxos: end of chorus
19:19 doykyoto: but i think that's bad.. bcs the sounds is just a synth
19:19 Abraxos: kinda the same sounds as 01:52:250 (112250|2,112329|0,112408|1) -
19:20 Abraxos: i felt that ending the chorus off with a high note is pretty nice
19:20 Abraxos: because you know crescendo and stuff
19:20 Abraxos: if it worries you that much i can change it but yeah
19:21 doykyoto: oh i see.. then, just recommend it for ya.. since is near fro Insane Icon
19:21 doykyoto: *from
19:21 doykyoto: 5074166
19:21 doykyoto:
19:21 Abraxos: tru
19:21 Abraxos: omg LNs
19:21 Abraxos: i never did use LNs doe
19:21 doykyoto: yeah.. just nazi recommend XD
19:21 Abraxos: not my intended take on this chart or any other for that matter lmao
19:22 Abraxos: oh ok thanks for the input vv
19:23 doykyoto: then 02:02:592 give this a triple since it's same like your next note and sounds
19:23 doykyoto: 02:02:592 -
19:23 doykyoto: lol always forget to add -
19:23 Abraxos: i dont like minijacks at the end of jumpthrills :V
19:24 doykyoto: but that's fun tbh
19:24 doykyoto: btw
19:24 Abraxos: hm
19:24 doykyoto: 02:04:487 (124487|3) - this ln is necessary
19:24 doykyoto: try to just put normal note
19:24 doykyoto: without ln i mean
19:24 Abraxos: covers for the rising synth? you know you can hear smth in the BG that turns into the stream after
19:25 doykyoto: yea ikr.. but i feel weird when imagine and play it tbh... but that's not a big problem
19:25 doykyoto: y not change the ln with stairs?
19:25 Abraxos: it is
19:25 doykyoto: just like you did in next notes
19:26 doykyoto: the sounds are same
19:26 Abraxos: nom
19:26 Abraxos: done
19:26 doykyoto: and btw... i think more hitsounds are good...
19:26 doykyoto: like piano keysound?
19:27 doykyoto: if u know the note and the chord in real piano xD
19:27 Abraxos: i know this sounds stupid but this map is meant to be played on 0% HS
19:27 Abraxos: i cant HS well :c
19:27 doykyoto: ask djpop yet :v kwkwkwkw
19:27 Abraxos: dj pop :VVV
19:27 doykyoto: lets go to next diff
19:27 *doykyoto is editing [ An - artcore JINJA [Quiescence_Lv.21]]
19:28 doykyoto: i think it will be more weird pattern ;v i hope so
19:28 Abraxos: weird pattern mfw :c
19:28 doykyoto: oh i saw merciless
19:28 Abraxos: js is mean at the end
19:28 Abraxos: chord stack is mean at the chorus
19:29 doykyoto: i think set OD in 8,3 isn't good idea
19:30 Abraxos: why doe
19:31 doykyoto: hmm... i dont think so but OD 8 was too hard to catch tbh..
19:31 doykyoto: but that's not serious problem
19:31 Abraxos: i could do it :V
19:31 doykyoto: just in mu think ...
19:31 doykyoto: u are good in play
19:31 Abraxos: yeah 4.3 is really an underrating for this chart
19:31 Abraxos: chart should be 4.5
19:31 Abraxos: or 4.6 smth
19:31 doykyoto: dont make it harder pls
19:31 doykyoto: it will be overlayered ;cv
19:31 doykyoto: :v
19:32 Abraxos: :V
19:32 Abraxos: i wont its the most dense i can make this song to be
19:32 doykyoto: but.. even you can, many BNs are dont like a overlayered map..
19:33 doykyoto: if you know Kyouran Hey Kids! by Lina
19:33 Abraxos: that was an issue of lack of structure by puxtu
19:33 doykyoto: puxtu's SC was removed by her bcs Usagi's ask
19:33 Abraxos: not so much about the layering of it
19:33 doykyoto: yea
19:33 Abraxos: the layering of the chart is fine
19:33 doykyoto: i think you know
19:33 doykyoto: yea
19:34 Abraxos: my chart has structure :c
19:34 doykyoto: that;s good if just saw it ...
19:34 doykyoto: oh, maybe im so rude to comment your map.. im so sorry
19:34 Abraxos: its fine dont worry
19:36 doykyoto: maybe i should use 0% sampe sound in this map lol
19:36 Abraxos: you can try
19:36 Abraxos: i HS'd it terribly
19:36 doykyoto: you added notes in a bit volume sounds
19:36 doykyoto: hmm...
19:37 Abraxos: to make it seem like i care about HS
19:37 Abraxos: no really im not joking
19:37 doykyoto: aaha... your sample just drum hitsound :v
19:38 doykyoto: i can correct HS tbh... but im lazy for now.. i must do all my quee asap
19:38 Abraxos: is it wrong
19:38 Abraxos: ijefrwbuefgbjfgbjkdfgjkdfghjdfghjdfg'
19:38 Abraxos: i thought its fine
19:38 doykyoto: no... it still can be ranked even just a bit hitsounded :((
19:38 doykyoto: i hope so
19:39 Abraxos: asfsd
19:39 doykyoto: but myosotis aren't hitsounded too much..
19:39 Abraxos: but hes a chinese guy and im not :c
19:39 Abraxos: i dont chinese BN
19:41 doykyoto: 01:24:855 -
19:41 doykyoto: add 1 here
19:41 doykyoto: i heard a bit of sound
19:42 doykyoto: i thought that's good if you add a single note beside of the end of ln
19:42 doykyoto: it will be fun to play ;cv
19:42 Abraxos: whee
19:42 doykyoto: :v
19:43 Abraxos: i wanna keep this section pure LNs because violins
19:43 doykyoto: oh okay then...
19:43 Abraxos: sorry :C
19:43 doykyoto: no prob.. i just give you a something can be improved in this map.. dont mind it too much...
19:43 doykyoto: but
19:44 Abraxos: but?
19:44 doykyoto: your map has polished so good.. so i think i cant give u many mods..
19:44 Abraxos: anything helps tbh
19:44 doykyoto: but you give a many mods in my map :v
19:44 doykyoto: ahh thank you >.<
19:44 doykyoto: my mods always rejected tbh
19:44 doykyoto: by arcwin and -BANGKE- kwwkwk
19:44 Abraxos: i like to help others dont worry about that
19:45 doykyoto: oh sure... :v
19:45 Abraxos: nah its just they kinda have their styles and you have yours
19:45 Abraxos: and they clash sometimes
19:45 doykyoto: hmm...
19:45 doykyoto: i think it's enough for today
19:46 doykyoto: done with modding
19:46 doykyoto: good chart!
19:46 doykyoto: hope can get ranked soon
19:46 Abraxos: thx <3
19:46 Abraxos: i hope too lmao
once again i have to thank you for your mod VvV
Hi Abraxos, from my queue~

00:06:855 - seems better, also to make variation with 00:06:223 (6223|0,6381|3) - .
00:54:381 - it's fine to make it become mirror pattern with 00:59:434 (59434|0,59908|1,60223|3,60381|0) - seems better and more consistent for me.
01:02:592 (62592|3,62750|1,62908|3,63066|1) - hmm, may be try to change it like this for better flow.
01:07:013 (67013|2) - move to col 2? for balance.
02:12:697 (132697|1,132697|2) - ctrl+right? seems better to emphasis this part.

00:16:013 (16013|1) - move to col 1 if you really want to make this different col with 00:16:013 (16013|1,16171|2,16171|3) - , seems better because mirror pattern with 00:15:539 (15539|0,15539|1,15697|3) - .
00:18:539 (18539|0) - move to col 2 for better flow and balance.
00:53:276 (53276|2) - move to col 4, the pitch is kinda high (the piano sound), its better to make it as far as you can from 00:53:118 (53118|0) - .
01:42:539 (102539|3) - move to col 1, for balance, its better to jack it there, more comfortable for play, also to make variation col with 01:44:908 (104908|3,105066|3) - .
01:49:013 (109013|2,109329|2) - the pitch is different each other, may be like this seems better .
01:58:960 (118960|2,119276|3) - should be same col like 01:48:855 (108855|0,109171|0) -, then 01:59:118 (119118|1,119434|1) - should be different col because of the pitch, may be try like this mirror pattern with my previous suggestion.

00:19:013 - how about like this somehow feel better when i testplay it, may be because your pattern is too simple.
00:41:434 - may be like this i think zig-zag pattern like that is better to emphasis the music.
00:55:171 (55171|2,55250|3) - swap the col, 3 to 4, 4 to 3, better flow imo.
~cool pattern, can't find much.

I think this map is already good enough for bubble at least, call BNs pls :(
Sorry for only mod 3 diff.
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Dellvangel wrote:

Hi Abraxos, from my queue~ hey

00:06:855 - seems better, also to make variation with 00:06:223 (6223|0,6381|3) - did smth similar, flipped the left and right of it.
00:54:381 - it's fine to make it become mirror pattern with 00:59:434 (59434|0,59908|1,60223|3,60381|0) - seems better and more consistent for me. done
01:02:592 (62592|3,62750|1,62908|3,63066|1) - hmm, may be try to change it like this for better flow. edited section
01:07:013 (67013|2) - move to col 2? for balance. edited section
02:12:697 (132697|1,132697|2) - ctrl+right? seems better to emphasis this part. done

00:16:013 (16013|1) - move to col 1 if you really want to make this different col with 00:16:013 (16013|1,16171|2,16171|3) - , seems better because mirror pattern with 00:15:539 (15539|0,15539|1,15697|3) - . ee
00:18:539 (18539|0) - move to col 2 for better flow and balance. ee
00:53:276 (53276|2) - move to col 4, the pitch is kinda high (the piano sound), its better to make it as far as you can from 00:53:118 (53118|0) - . eee
01:42:539 (102539|3) - move to col 1, for balance, its better to jack it there, more comfortable for play, also to make variation col with 01:44:908 (104908|3,105066|3) - . eee
01:49:013 (109013|2,109329|2) - the pitch is different each other, may be like this seems better . edited smth similar
01:58:960 (118960|2,119276|3) - should be same col like 01:48:855 (108855|0,109171|0) -, then 01:59:118 (119118|1,119434|1) - should be different col because of the pitch, may be try like this mirror pattern with my previous suggestion. ee

raised some legitimate concerns, should all be fixed now


that 3 diff skip doe

00:19:013 - how about like this somehow feel better when i testplay it, may be because your pattern is too simple. agreed, changed
00:41:434 - may be like this i think zig-zag pattern like that is better to emphasis the music. edited, not really that much of a zig zag thing i was going for here but i still edited this section a bit
00:55:171 (55171|2,55250|3) - swap the col, 3 to 4, 4 to 3, better flow imo. done
~cool pattern, can't find much. thanks

I think this map is already good enough for bubble at least, call BNs pls :( no BN likes my map
Sorry for only mod 3 diff. anything helps dont worry
Good luck! :)
thanks for the mod vv
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