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Hello everyone! My name is Gavin but you can call me Firelight or Gavin I don't mind. So I guess I will tell you a bit about myself I am 16 years old I live in Georgia. In my spare time I like to play games with friends Mostly Osu! but on occasion I also enjoy playing CSGO and Borderlands 2 just to name a few. When I am not playing games I like to watch Netflix or Youtube. I hope that I will become more active in the community in the recent weeks/months but I guess we will find out. Anyways I guess that's enough about me Hope I wasn't too boring. :)

Firelight wrote:

I hope that I will become more active in the community
Me too!
Welcome to osu!, and the forums <:
Welcome to the forums.
Welcome to osu and I hope u have fun in some forums XD visit off-topic sometimes theres a lot of funny people there, just saying XD
Welcome ^^!
Please don't bump threads older then 7 days here

As it's already bumped, I'll also say welcome ^_^
Enjoy the forums!
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