I can't get the hang of the osu!mania beatmap creation interface, which is the best version of SM to create simfiles/beatmaps on?
Whenever I try editing on 5.0 it just starts from the very beginning of the simfile no matter where I hit 'Play from Current Beat' at :lRori Vidi Veni wrote:
Any 5.whatever should work(pretty sure the editor hasn't changed since 5.0), so use whichever you have installed if you do or grab the newest stable release(5.0.10) if you don't, Or you could try DDReam Studio.
Thankfully I'm more familiar with upscroll, did they change anything from like 3-4 years ago in DDReam Studio?Shoegazer wrote:
Get DDReam Studio - it's probably the best SM editor there is at the moment. The only downside is that you have to learn upscroll if you can't play upscroll.