
The start of something?

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Why hello my fellow pekoponians today is your lucky day as you all get to witness MY FIRST POST amazing I know hehe. I know I started 4 months ago but in reality I only played about half a month and just gave up because i'm not the best when it comes to rhythm games. My skill level is roughly between medium and easy sadly but i'm starting to get better. Now my main problem is that i'm starting to feel a little lonely playing alone as I fear that i don't have enough skill to play with others, Whenever I look for games I just get this feeling that i'll fail whenever I look at multiplayer games I tried it once and it was pretty fun but it got too challenging for me, But enough of how I feel about multiplayer I just want to introduce myself so please I hope that I can meet some nice people maybe even some people on the same skill level as me, and with that I finish My introduction and thanks for taking the time to read this. :)
Welcome to forums!
Pekoponians? Lol
Anyways, welcome!
Welcome ! Continue to post ! This forum is cool :3
Play every day and you'll forget you were ever bad. That's how everyone gets good at the game, even pros such as Cookiezi, hvick225 and Rafis.
Oh welcome to forums... hope u will enjoy here and just enter multi and u will find a lot of friends XD
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