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I'm still a bit new here, I've been playing for about a month and a half or so. (THIS GAME IS SO AMAZING)
I wanted to start getting involved in the forums to, so I feel this is a good start :P
I'm 19, and do a ton in computers, and like to draw. That's really all there is to know about me.
Anyways, hope to see everyone around, and hello :)
hi, cookie.

you could go ahead and visit the art forums since you like to draw. off topic is full of faggots. forum games is a place where everyone acts nice. emphasis on acts.

general discussion is for non osu related topics. (stuff like computers ;) )

please enjoy yourself. i'm glad you're liking the game.
Vuelo Eluko
Osu! is like a box of chocolates, only the ones that pay the most money for good equipment are good at the game
LOL what
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^^ no idea, It was just something random.
Vuelo Eluko
"good players are only good because they spent money and i could be just as good if i did too" is disrespectful, arrogant, and incorrect, here's sayo former #1 [now inactive rip] using some ghetto laptop and an ancient dusty tablet.

just saying you might want to remove it because everyone who sees it literally everyone on the forums is going to roll their eyes at it like they do at all the rank 100k players who say its because they use a mouse that they can't get higher.
Welcome cookie!
I laughed at the sig, but I agree with Riince (xxjesus1412fanx)
I use a Toaster and a bad driverless tablet, and I'm not that bad (not good though)
Anyways, enjoy the forums! ^_^
lol not all pro players have good equipments... just practice and u will be better... and enjoy in forums XD
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