
[resolved] Black bars /w fullscreen!

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Hey guys!

So i just got a new computer today, and have a problem with osu!

I used to play 1152 x 864 fullscreen, which made osu! strech that resolution to fullscreen. (My screens native reso is 1680 x 1050)
So i reinstalled osu! to my new computer, and started to fiddle the options to my liking. So heres the problem:

When i go fullscreen with that resolution, osu! adds these weird black bars in the sides. Any idea how to get rid of them and make my osu!
act the way it did on my old computer? So no bars anywhere, just strech the chosen resolution to fullscreen.

No screenshots because of reasons.

osu! version: 20151228.2
is letterboxing enabled?
- Marco -
Make sure you have Letterbox disabled

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Yes, letteboxing is disabled
There is usually an option in your GPU drivers to choose if you want to stretch the resolution or not changing the aspect ratio. It changes depending on your GPU model (AMD, Nvidia, Intel). If you know the model of your GPU you can use google and find how to change it in your GPU model easily. If you can't find it, specify your GPU model please.
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Allright, got it! Thanks man.

Pawsu wrote:

is letterboxing enabled?
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