
PP IG Scale?

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A lot of people that I know use tillerino, the bot that gives beatmaps around your level and shows how much PP you get. The bot also shows how much PP is on a map you want to try. I think that osu! should implement it into the game where before you play the beatmap, somewhere on the top left in the beatmap info, they should show the scale of PP depending on what % you get like tillerino. This way, you don't have to check your profile every time you play a beatmap to see how much PP you get.
This subforum is meant to actually develop things yourself not to request things.
There exist similar feature requests to yours in 4 so use search there.

I also agree with Sonnyc on the matter.
We should consider about it's side effects beforehand.

Due to Tillerino or even the Best Performance section provided at one's profile, it's hard to deny that a large amount of users are playing beatmaps for pp purpose instead of enjoying the beatmap itself. To satisfy those user's needs, there are already a lot of mappers who are making beatmaps for pp purpose instead of the actual quality of the map. Even mappers are making stuff for pp now; officially providing pp information in-game would encourage mappers to make pp maps even more. pp shouldn't be the purpose of the mapping, but rather a result of the difficulty of a single beatmap.

I do believe providing such information benefits a lot of users, but I doubt if it would be healthy in terms of osu! mapping in the long run.
Tbh, I stopped playing for real after the system changed like it is right now. The main reason is basically how you earn pp, which sometimes is really dumb.
That aside, as Sonnyc said, already few mappers (talking about those famous ones, but I wonder how many not-so-famous ones) map with that purpose only in mind. People started to play just for that purpose and is really sad, but above all is sad how those who really make the game (the mappers) focus more on that instead of the real meaning of the game: rhythm.
No, widescreen jumps can barely be considered rhythm.

So, imo, the least Tillerino is known, the better (for osu's sake)
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