
Health Bar overlapping Scorebar-bg

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I was making a skin and when I made the Scorebar-bg I realized my health bar was overlapping my score bar. It makes sense since it says "bg" but I was wondering if there was a way to change that? My score bar is off because I made the leftmost of it a circle where I can put my profile pic but its cutting in front of my picture. If you can find a way to change the overlapping that would be great. Thanks! :P
Huhm pretty hard to imagine, can you post a screenshot?
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Here is the screenshot...

If you don't mind the scorbar beeing abit strange in behavior, this should be quite easy to fix

-You add an invis block to the right side of your scorebar (will result in the scorbar beeing completly emty eventho your not dead yea(i think))

-You change the scorebar to look the same as the background when they overlap (will result in ripping apart you icon when close to death)

there might be another way to fix it, but I'm not familiar with it...i'm not the best at skinning(i'm pretty bad)
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Adrelandro wrote:

If you don't mind the scorbar beeing abit strange in behavior, this should be quite easy to fix

-You add an invis block to the right side of your scorebar (will result in the scorbar beeing completly emty eventho your not dead yea(i think))

-You change the scorebar to look the same as the background when they overlap (will result in ripping apart you icon when close to death)

there might be another way to fix it, but I'm not familiar with it...i'm not the best at skinning(i'm pretty bad)
Yea I'm really bad a skinning too... What do you mean by invis block? And how would I change the scorebar to look like my background? Isn't the background the level storyboard or video?
can you link me the two pics i'd do it for you(at least try too. But to explain it....i mean to add a amout of invisible area before starting with the scorbar itself it. Btw if your still looking for a good programm i'd recommend Krita
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I only have one pic because I wanted the bar itself to be the standard osu! health bar. Here is the link:

Just click free user download.

And I already have Photoshop CC
this should be fixing it, but when your close to death it might annoy you, since the scoremeter will be emty, but you aren't dead have no odea how to prevent it tho
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It worked! Thanks and I really appreciate it! I don't really care if it says i'm dead when i'm not...
nope problem, glad it worked out :D
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