
New Osu! layout

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General question.
Will the old layout always be available? No offense but I am not a fan of the new layout, it hurts my eyes and is way too sleek and made to look beautiful. I am still a fan of the old Osu! website layout and I want to make sure you won't delete it off the system so people will get forced to use the new layout.

Nightblade wrote:

General question.
Will the old layout always be available? No offense but I am not a fan of the new layout, it hurts my eyes and is way too sleek and made to look beautiful. I am still a fan of the old Osu! website layout and I want to make sure you won't delete it off the system so people will get forced to use the new layout.
I agree, could be good that point of use the old layout.
If you don't like the new design you should make sure to share your thoughts on what could be improved to ensure high usability.
I like the old design too but the new one gets better every week and you just have to get used to it in the end.
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Well, you are new here, so you don't get bored of the current website but for old people (at least for me) I'm bored of this old design and I'd like to see something new. You know :)
I am a fossil here and prefer the old design. This has nothing to do with getting bored of it. I just like that everything is smaller on the old layout, posts look more compact and easier to read. I prefer the font and less aggressive colours used on the old website. This is personal preference and it will be impossible to make everyone happy with the new design. You can still be pretty sure that someday the old design will be replaced with the new one.
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As mentioned, the new design is still in development.
If you want something changed and can provide good reasons why it should be changed it's not unlikely to happen so move your butts to do something constructive instead of complaining.
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It's laggy and choppy now, but I believe that's going to change.
I doubt it, though. I don't think you'll get a choice to choose the old layout.
If you do decide to not sit there and complain, come join us on Slack to take part in live discussions about everything osu!, including the new design.
also it's osu! not Osu!
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With that attitude there's only one sentence left to say:
Haters gonna hate.

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