
Dual mousing

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Not sure if this has ever been brought up before but has anyone ever tried dual mousing?

Specifically I'm curious to know if the two mice would affect movement to unplayable levels (assuming you only move one at a time) or any other problems that might arise.

It'd be interesting to see if it is playable XD
Unless osu! has some sort of support for more than one cursor, I doubt the game will be able to read it efficiently.

It'll probably be as if you're touching two parts of a one-point touch screen at once -- it'll record the average between the two, or something.
When I tried using my tablet, the cursor always stays at the first place I pressed down upon, regardless of how many fingers I set down onto the screen, so I am pretty sure multiple cursors is not supported.

If you have dual mouses, I think what happens is that both mice control the single cursor, probably harder than just having one mouse.
Card N'FoRcE

blissfulyoshi wrote:

If you have dual mouses, I think what happens is that both mice control the single cursor, probably harder than just having one mouse.
I had once two mice plugged in my computer and they both controlled the same cursor.
Also, i think that this "dual mousing" would be really hard (maybe you'll need different cursors to know which is which)
Windows doesn't support two cursors as is, you could write your own driver to communicate with the port the mouse is in?
Two years ago I managed to play two mouse based flash games simultaneously by using two mice in Windows XP, using a Glovepie script (I don't have this script now). There were two mouse cursors on the screen and I could control them independently from one another with a mouse in each hand. However, in Windows XP, it is only possible to select one active window at a time, so I was only able to click the mouse buttons on one of the flash games at a time, depending on which window was currently active. The movements worked fine though, since the flash game window didn't need to be active in order for the game character to move about on the screen.

This would be a cool idea for osu! though, if peppy could create a built in mouse driver for osu! that would allow users to plug in two mice into their PC, and then play beatmaps with two hit circles and sliders on the screen at once. The hit circles, sliders and mouse cursors could be colour coded so that you would know which mouse cursor goes on which hit circle and slider. :)

adamskii_uk wrote:

This would be a cool idea for osu! though, if peppy could create a built in mouse driver for osu! that would allow users to plug in two mice into their PC, and then play beatmaps with two hit circles and sliders on the screen at once. The hit circles, sliders and mouse cursors could be colour coded so that you would know which mouse cursor goes on which hit circle and slider. :)
>will never happen
So much work, so few people would use it.
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Hmm, I should clarify that I was talking about 2 mice, one cursor- though now that I think about it, 2 cursors (if it could ever happen) would be a great way to melt a brain and have fun O.o

I was thinking if you only moved one hand at a time the cursor would move normally and you could alternate hands depending on which side of the screen you were currently at in the song.

Possibly you could program the 2 mice to have different sensitivities (the mouse itself, if it has that function) so you can have one set to your normal movement speed and the other set higher for jumps maybe?

I know I sometimes find myself wishing I had a slightly higher sensitivity for particular parts of songs but not for the rest.

I think I'll try it anyway and see what happens.
If you want different sensitivities for each part of the song, what you could do is pause before a section, go to the control panel, go to mouse, go to pointer options, change the cursor speed, play that section, pause again, change the cursor speed again, play more, puase again at any other section till you finish the song.

Also, if you have a gaming mouse, changing the DPS on the fly is usually an available option.
I think it's time to write a program to destroy your mind with sensitivity variations based on the bitrate of music.
osu! multiplayer in one computer would be fabulous. I'd use it lots.
Dual mousing for Z(Z)X(X)

>< if you dont want 2 hands more,try it ~~~

p.s:lovely ava :)
I played using this style for some time.

Well, what can I say, alternating right mouse/left mouse was easier then alternating leftclick/keyboard button and surely less tiring then using one hand for streams. Cursor movement only becomes affected if you move your second mouse and if you click streams with alternate hands, keeping smooth movement during streams would be pretty impossible, it will more look like you're jumping from beat to beat.

This could become more interesting if I'd spend some time to learn to move mouse with left hand as accurate as with right one, but that'd take too much time.
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