
The most embarrassing thing that happened to you

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Choco x Mint
I am currently in deep shame :? :?

So I occasionally like to do some singing on that yokee app and it happens that I got hooked up with a few songs and I thought yeah I should do some karaoke before I sleep and I did. I put my earphones on and stuff and did not notice how loud I'm singing. The awfulness though, I hear (especially those high pitched parts just argh). Very cringe worthy trust me. Suddenly my mom came up to me and told me the neighbour knocked on the door and told her to tell me to keep it down. I'm like, omg are you for real?? And she was all yeah the neighbour told me they knocked on your wall but u didn't answer so they came up to our doorstep. I think this is probably the most embarrassing moment of my life up until now. Can you imagine? My mom said they said tell your daughter to stop shouting. Now as much as that may be an offence, it is true. I should've never tried to copy yuikonnu's voice. Last time I'm going on yokee ever I swear.

I don't know how to face them when I see them now lol. :lol:
The most embarrasing thing is when it is recorded by someone else.

I know that pain.
The most embarrassing thing that happened to me was in 2nd grade.

We went on a class trip to a science observatory to learn about some
cool things. (i forgot :P ) But after that we went to have a picnic at lunchtime.
I accidentally sat on some dog poop... And everyone thought i had an accident :cry:
I used to work in a food processing plant and the most embarrassing thing that happened to me was when my apron got stuck in the conveyor line and broke the machine. I'm surprised I didn't get fired that day.
i wet my skirt when i was grade 4
Me and my friends were playing left 4 dead (I was a witch) And i did the crying thing. Everyone thought i was crying. Then when the teacher asked me whats wrong i Got up and spazzed out (Like any left 4 dead witch would do)
I cri ;-;
Shohei Ohtani
i once thought that life was worth living.

how embarrassing
i played osu no. i told people i like to play video games.
We were talking about rockets and stuff with my friend, then suddenly
Me -> "oh, yeah. Please let me ride your rocket sometime." (I didn't say it in a dirty way)
Friend -> "what."
Me -> "what."
About a year ago, when i had a devaintart account. I drew vore for people
Said to my class mates that i love anime..
Yesterday in school we had to meet our new lifeskills teacher and were given questions to answer individually so that she could learn our names

I got "Who is your favorite cartoon character" and instead of stuttering over it I said it was Twilight Sparkle in front of the whole class

Probably the worst part of this is that I don't actually feel embarrassed at all about it
being born
I broke my foot in a public place

HuggableSeviper wrote:

About a year ago, when i had a devaintart account. I drew vore for people
You should have drawn macro vore FalcoxFox art for that rich South Korean doctor togepi1125. I bet they pay good

Friendan wrote:

HuggableSeviper wrote:

About a year ago, when i had a devaintart account. I drew vore for people
You should have drawn macro vore FalcoxFox art for that rich South Korean doctor togepi1125. I bet they pay good
I did not descend that far in to hell
Jordan Nexhip
The more I read these, the more I feel better about myself.

When I was like 10 I entered someone elses car and closed the door before I finally realized I was in the wrong car like 10 seconds later. It was in front of like all the students and it was also the car of the girl I had a crush on. FeelsBadMan
Toxic Behaviour_old
Playing OSU
watching anime
While impressing a girl, broke a guitar strink :'(
She was impressed and i played well but... It was so akward.
We had a musical on the last few days of primary school (everyone in the Netherlands does it)
I had a solo
I had a cold

You can understand what happened, right?

Baraatje123 wrote:

We had a musical on the last few days of primary school (everyone in the Netherlands does it)
I had a solo
I had a cold

You can understand what happened, right?
I feel bad for you man :'(
I masturbated and got caught by my mom
lol jk I don't have a mom

Endie- wrote:

I masturbated and got caught by my mom
lol jk I don't have a mom
omg batman pls :'(
In elementary school I got caught eating lunch in the bathroom cuz I was too afraid to chill with my peers lel

chaee wrote:

In elementary school I got caught eating lunch in the bathroom cuz I was too afraid to chill with my peers lel
I feel the pain.
Yours are nothing compared to my moment.My best friend came over to my house and looked through my browser history(I still don't know why) and found a couple of hentai I watched earlier out of curiosity(I was 14 back then).Couple of days later while my best friend and I were chilling with our friends(5 people in total)he told everyone that I watch hentai instead of regular porn.I tried so hard to convince them that he was lying.
i went to school drunk (i was 18, drinking is/was legal) and proposed to my teacher.
Searching up Pokemon Porn.

Don't ask.
ok i was drunk at 15yoparty ofmy cousin. i ruined everything then i go home next i started to click circles

HuggableSeviper wrote:

About a year ago, when i had a devaintart account. I drew vore for people
this happened to me back in 2nd grade. i had a stomachache all morning but i didn't tell my mom and went to school anyways. so i got there, everything was going fine for like the first hour of the day. then it suddenly gets worse and i knew i was going to puke. instead of telling the teacher, i opened up my desk and puked in it. the teacher noticed, and i was sent home. we had to replace all my stuff because everything was covered in my puke. i was not a smart child.
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