
Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年2月20日 at 3:04:17

Artist: Green Day
Title: Wake Me Up When September Ends
Tags: American Idiot
BPM: 105
Filesize: 6053kb
Play Time: 04:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.28 stars, 468 notes)
  2. Normal (2.63 stars, 232 notes)
Download: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first map.

11/27 changed BG.If you download before 11/27,please redownload.

thank you for your mod.
11/12 IceBeam's mod.
11/15 As modder's advice,remapping Hard now.
11/27 narakucrimson's mod.
11/28 remap done.
12/11 kino77's mod.
12/11 Tonoko's mod.
12/11 ZLOdeuka's mod.
12/16 xlFXTZ's mod.
12/16 kingcobra52's mod.
12/24 Fight69's mod.
12/24 thekillerhjkhjk's mod.
12/31 gdeath's mod.
01/26/11 DiamondCrash's mod.
Royal Flare
Saten ruiko
ΘwΘ 手机上网中~~
节奏不错的图啊 领导加油
before further modding try to resnap with grid level 3 ;3

free to ask rechecks, star
Hi~很喜欢这首歌呢~ XD

00:09:469 (1) ~ 00:25:469 (2) - 音量60%?
00:27:755 (1) ~ 01:21:755 (6) - 音量70%?
01:20:327 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 重叠起来会比较normal也比较好看~
01:26:898 - 音量50%?
01:36:041 - 用normal音效,还是50%音量?
01:40:898 (5) - New combo?
01:47:755 (7) - ^
01:59:184 (7) - ^
02:06:041 (7) - ^
02:15:184 (6) - ^
02:24:327 (6) - ^
02:40:041 - 音量60%,去掉KIAI?
02:42:612 (6) - New combo?
02:47:184 (6) - ^
02:49:469 - 音量50%?
03:00:898 (6) - New combo?
03:07:755 (3) - ^
03:12:327 (9) - ^
03:23:469 - 音量70%?
03:32:612 - 音量60%?
03:35:184 (6) - New combo?
03:39:755 (6) - ^
03:43:184 (3,4) - 往左1格?
03:50:898 - 音量60%?
03:51:184 - 从这里开始KIAI?
03:53:469 (6) - New combo?
03:58:041 (6) - ^
04:02:612 (7) - ^
04:07:184 (7) - ^
04:16:327 - 结束KIAI?
HP drain rate降1格,因为note不密集,会很容易死掉
音量和KIAI time参照着normal设,hitsound的话连音处都用whistle会很吵,还不如什么都不加的好.
01:27:184 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 可以做成小跳
02:25:184 (5,6,7) - 间距?
Normal差不多了,Hard还需要再多多努力,大致提了些建议,改完后再PM我来看吧~ :3
Your BG is similar to Green Day - American Idiot map.
Go find another.

MP3's bitrate must be between 128~192 kbps,re-encode.

"Green Day Rock"

Green Day is already in Title,and Rock is genre,so remove everything,better add album's title.

There're lots of spacing mistakes,I won't point out those which don't cause any troubles with gameplay,but fix those which are listed.
01:58:041 (5,6) - Stack under repeat.
02:15:184 (6) - Too far from previous object.
02:17:469 (1) - ^
02:19:755 (2) - Too close :|
02:20:612 (5) - Allign better.
02:24:326 (6) - Reduce distance,it's some kind of jump.
02:26:612 (1) - ^
02:28:898 (2) - Increase distance a little.
02:49:469 - Add a note with finish.
03:03:184 (1) - Reduce distance.
03:14:612 - Note with finish.
03:37:469 (1) - Reduce distance.
03:42:041 (1) - ^
03:44:326 (5) - Increase distance.
03:46:612 (1) - ^
03:48:898 (5) - ^
04:04:898 (1) - Too far,reduce.
04:09:469 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - No,no jumps in the easiest difficulty.

I haven't found anything serious in Hard,so I won't be nazi,just "Fine".

Good luck~
圍觀觸手 :)
哎哟 这个传了啊ww
加油 ;)
Topic Starter

IceBeam wrote:

Your BG is similar to Green Day - American Idiot map.
Go find another.

MP3's bitrate must be between 128~192 kbps,re-encode.

"Green Day Rock"

Green Day is already in Title,and Rock is genre,so remove everything,better add album's title.

There're lots of spacing mistakes,I won't point out those which don't cause any troubles with gameplay,but fix those which are listed.
01:58:041 (5,6) - Stack under repeat.
02:15:184 (6) - Too far from previous object.
02:17:469 (1) - ^
02:19:755 (2) - Too close :|
02:20:612 (5) - Allign better.
02:24:326 (6) - Reduce distance,it's some kind of jump.
02:26:612 (1) - ^
02:28:898 (2) - Increase distance a little.
02:49:469 - Add a note with finish.
03:03:184 (1) - Reduce distance.
03:14:612 - Note with finish.
03:37:469 (1) - Reduce distance.
03:42:041 (1) - ^
03:44:326 (5) - Increase distance.
03:46:612 (1) - ^
03:48:898 (5) - ^
04:04:898 (1) - Too far,reduce.
04:09:469 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - No,no jumps in the easiest difficulty.

I haven't found anything serious in Hard,so I won't be nazi,just "Fine".

Good luck~
fixed.And the length of nomal has been reduced to 03:14.
0:35:755 (4,5,6) uneven spacing
0:48:612 (4,5,6,7) down 1 grid
1:46:612 (3,6) down 1 grid
1:51:184 (3) right 1 grid
2:49:469 (12) right 1 grid

[Normal] - break the combo. It can't be 4 bars for a combo in normal orz
no big problems on spacing.

good trial : D
Lovely Crab
01:38:041(2,4,2,4) - delete clap
01:50:041(1) - 这个Spin缩短到01:51:755 然后在01:52:326加一个停到01:54:041的Spin
02:08:326(1) - 类似上面的修改
相同的节奏出现次数最好不要太多,如01:54:612开始连续4次,就感觉很无聊.即使全是2分拍的旋律也可以拍成其他的Slide Circle的组合
00:36:326(6) - 1grid left
00:58:326(6,7) - 1grid down
02:02:898(7) - add a finish 类似这样的地方有很多可以根据自己的感觉来加,全曲很少用到finish
02:35:755(1,2,3,4) - 排列问题
03:11:184(3-10) - 相比前面这里的whistle就用的不好..感觉很吵.
03:50:326(7) - 为什么间距突然变大了..
03:56:898(6) - ^
04:14:041(1-8) - 既然做的是Hard就不要有这么多连续的大跳...


my star
Hi! Found this on pending, and sice it's a great song, I decided to mod it:


18:612 (1) - Spacing from 8?
22:612 (5) - Add a whistle at the end of that slider (at the time I said)
23:755 (1) - I'd like to hear a whistle on the 3rd and 6th repetition. You can select them individually on the timeline.

Remember to follow a patter with the hitsounds, and not just use them randomly.

25:469 (2) - Same as before, whistle on 3rd and 6th repetition.
32:326 (5) - Spacing? Maybe, try flipping vertically all the things from 5 to 8.
40:898 (5) - Whistle at the end of the slider.
41:469 (1) - Whistle on 3rd and 6th repetition.
43:755 (2) - Whistle on 3rd and 7th repetition.
47:755 (1) - Whistle at the end of the slider.

You know, re-check all the map adding more hitsounds, following more or less that pattern I've been telling you.


Same as in Normal, recheck all the hitsounds. The distances are quiet good, but you could try using more complex patterns than just vertical/horizontal combos.

If you want, I can make a guest difficult. Just ask me via pm n.n
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Hi! Found this on pending, and sice it's a great song, I decided to mod it:


18:612 (1) - Spacing from 8?
22:612 (5) - Add a whistle at the end of that slider (at the time I said)
23:755 (1) - I'd like to hear a whistle on the 3rd and 6th repetition. You can select them individually on the timeline.

Remember to follow a patter with the hitsounds, and not just use them randomly.

25:469 (2) - Same as before, whistle on 3rd and 6th repetition.
32:326 (5) - Spacing? Maybe, try flipping vertically all the things from 5 to 8.
40:898 (5) - Whistle at the end of the slider.
41:469 (1) - Whistle on 3rd and 6th repetition.
43:755 (2) - Whistle on 3rd and 7th repetition.
47:755 (1) - Whistle at the end of the slider.

You know, re-check all the map adding more hitsounds, following more or less that pattern I've been telling you.


Same as in Normal, recheck all the hitsounds. The distances are quiet good, but you could try using more complex patterns than just vertical/horizontal combos.

If you want, I can make a guest difficult. Just ask me via pm n.n

Hihi~I'm back~

01:13:469 (1,2,3,4) - 这里太空了
03:07:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 要跳大家一起跳~
03:11:184 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
04:12:898 (3) - 往右8格?
04:13:469 (4) - 往左8格?
04:15:184 (5,6,7,8) -

加油哦~ :3
hi~来迟了 最近很多考试的说 :oops:

02:03:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 这样的摆放会被认为对于beginner过于困难。
02:26:041 (4) - 左移一格。 这些部分有些重叠 不过应该还行
02:47:755 (3) - 左移一格
03:00:898 (1) - 右一格 可能连带后面的也要动

适当将一些来repeat 2次以上的slider换成note 于slider组合比较好。

一些对称排列细节 自己查看吧 例如那2串长连尾部没有弧度的



[ General ]



[ Normal ]

這種複雜性在我看來,一些種無聊 ...順便說一下,在某個時候以某種方式將是完美的閃光淡化這個令人沮喪的圖片

Slider Tick Rate 需要2

Kiai Mod ~ 從這裡開始 02:40:326到底有

01:45:469 01:45:755〜在此期間,我將令Kiai mod

[ Hard ]

從這裡開始 03:51:184同一個地方完成

Velosity 更好地增加,至少在1.60

Topic Starter

ZLOdeuka wrote:



[ General ]



[ Normal ]

這種複雜性在我看來,一些種無聊 ...順便說一下,在某個時候以某種方式將是完美的閃光淡化這個令人沮喪的圖片

Slider Tick Rate 需要2

Kiai Mod ~ 從這裡開始 02:40:326到底有

01:45:469 01:45:755〜在此期間,我將令Kiai mod

[ Hard ]

從這裡開始 03:51:184同一個地方完成

Velosity 更好地增加,至少在1.60

It's really hard to read chinese made by web translator....
But anyway,thanks.
Royal Flare
I can't read chinese, so my apologies if some issues are repeated.

Timing seems fine, but I'm not an expert on it.


00:25:469 (2) - Add the whistle on the second repeat like with the slider before it.
02:28:898 (2) - Place farther from 1, or make it a new combo.


01:13:469 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing.

Great song choice and I like the simple mapping style. Starred.
Topic Starter
thank you.all done.
And Normal has been changed a little.
Hello there o/


Your mp3 is not rankable (320kbps :/)
So, here a new one for you !

The new offset for this mp3 is : 393

Also, you forgot to add a preview in your diffs :P

The kiai time is not the same in every diff, fix that too


01:15:755 (5) - New combo (there is a higher spacing, that's why you should add a combo here)
01:20:327 (6) - New combo ?


01:45:535 - Kiai time should start here
02:12:898 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too hard to read for a Normal
02:15:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:20:898 (3,1) - Jumps on a normal is not a good idea for me :/
02:56:392 (1) - Spacing error or another jump ?
02:56:678 - The clap here sounds weird, delete it
02:56:964 (2) - Add a clap here

Topic Starter

Fight69 wrote:

Hello there o/


Your mp3 is not rankable (320kbps :/)
So, here a new one for you !

The new offset for this mp3 is : 393

Also, you forgot to add a preview in your diffs :P

The kiai time is not the same in every diff, fix that too


01:15:755 (5) - New combo (there is a higher spacing, that's why you should add a combo here)
01:20:327 (6) - New combo ?


01:45:535 - Kiai time should start here
02:12:898 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too hard to read for a Normal
02:15:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:20:898 (3,1) - Jumps on a normal is not a good idea for me :/
02:56:392 (1) - Spacing error or another jump ?
02:56:678 - The clap here sounds weird, delete it
02:56:964 (2) - Add a clap here

thank you.
But i have made mp3 to 170kbps.It cant be 320kbps now......
02:14:898 (5,1) - im not sure about this jump, being on a normal difficulty and all...
02:20:898 (3,1) - ^


fine, although im not too sure about the jumps at the end...

Topic Starter

thekillerhjkhjk wrote:

02:14:898 (5,1) - im not sure about this jump, being on a normal difficulty and all...
02:20:898 (3,1) - ^


fine, although im not too sure about the jumps at the end...

Map totaly fits the song. very nice!
KIAI period should be consistent with all diffs.

04:15:184 (1) - I would new combo due to suddenly spacing changed.

Few suggestion and no kuds.

/me shoots star.

The spacing is a little erratic here...
00:18:041 (8,1,2,3) - Something about this spacing isn't right.
00:23:184 (1,2) - Spacing.
00:36:326 (8,1) - ^
01:47:469 - This kiai should be at 01:47:755.
02:20:898 (3,1) - Spacing.
02:26:612 (1,1) - ^
02:32:326 (3) - Clap.
02:49:326 - This kiai should be at 02:49:469.
02:56:041 (6,1) - Spacing.
Consider mapping to the end?


Same slider speed as Normal :/
Tick rate = 2
01:32:898 (3,4) - This kind of makes no sense. Get rid of that jump?
01:35:184 (7,8) - ^
01:39:755 (6,7) - ^
01:44:327 (6,7) - ^ etc.
01:45:326 - This kiai should be at 01:45:469.
02:40:041 - This kiai should be at 02:40:326.
03:09:469 (7,1) - Spacing.
03:50:898 - This kiai should be at 03:51:184.
04:16:326 - Suggestion; Just have a hitcircle here instead of the spinner?
Topic Starter

DiamondCrash wrote:


The spacing is a little erratic here...
00:18:041 (8,1,2,3) - Something about this spacing isn't right.
00:23:184 (1,2) - Spacing.
00:36:326 (8,1) - ^
01:47:469 - This kiai should be at 01:47:755.
02:20:898 (3,1) - Spacing.
02:26:612 (1,1) - ^
02:32:326 (3) - Clap.
02:49:326 - This kiai should be at 02:49:469.
02:56:041 (6,1) - Spacing.all fixed.
Consider mapping to the end? i think it's too long for a normal diff


Same slider speed as Normal :/slider speed must be faster than a easier diff? i think it's ok in my hard diff.
Tick rate = 2
01:32:898 (3,4) - This kind of makes no sense. Get rid of that jump?
01:35:184 (7,8) - ^
01:39:755 (6,7) - ^
01:44:327 (6,7) - ^ etc.
01:45:326 - This kiai should be at 01:45:469.
02:40:041 - This kiai should be at 02:40:326.
03:09:469 (7,1) - Spacing.
03:50:898 - This kiai should be at 03:51:184.all fixed.
04:16:326 - Suggestion; Just have a hitcircle here instead of the spinner?i dont want to make my beatmap without a spinner.
thank you for your mod.
The 08 team_Bourdon

้here my suggestions~

keep the same pattern of kiai timing in all difficulties
don't forget to delete .OSB file( storyboard file- you don't need it) and then full-submitting
[normal] and [hard] share the same slider velocity (1.4) Owo? not a good idea at all...
not only go for setup in its difficuly scale you need adjusting for proper slider velocity (considering its AR,OD and playing feel )
do place finish hitsound on a really heavy beat ... I saw that you over-used hitsound ---some of them fill with three of hitsounds (clap, whistle and finish) at the same time... yes it's bad D:

Drain rate -1 (the same score) It's rare to see drain rate > AR and OD
seem fine?~
but please mapped through its end ... for more fair to play... ( you map only two diffs and then shorten one.. huh~ )
you still need a work~

could you turned long-repeated slider like this -> 00:11:755 , 00:16:326 : 00:23:184 : 00:25:469 : 00:41:469 : 00:43:755 etc. into something it will make your harder diff more interesting to play
03:04:612(6) - 03:05:184 -(9) - remove finish hitsound ,add whistle to keep continue your pattern of hitsound (at this rate you broke your own rhythm D:)
03:13:469(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - spam the finish hitsound D: wth
let me repeat twice do add finish hitsound hitsound on really heavily beat
03:58:898 - add note here (follow to feeling... i don't feel like to stop here)
04:11:755~till its end - only part of this map impressed me ( you came up with idea right? ) it's not mean that i like you make all of thing into jumping notes like this
but almost of them was restrictly follow distance snap tell the truth it a pretty bit boring -3-
04:16:326 - as long as you mute this you can expand it a bit longer

Yes, most issue of this map is fine~
But it's not mean this one is really interesting
I saw a tons of good map in pending/WIP beatmap which packs with good mapset,cool trick, epic slider. hitsound SB or HD video etc.
If you want you map get more attentions, you still need a work.
This song is nice... I love it...

good luck with this... :)
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