
Needs assistance! (Combo-burst and cursor)

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Whenever I try to get the combo-burst file to work it doesn't, the file just uses the default osu combo-burst. I've tried so many things to get this combo-burst picture to work, but I'm at a standstill with it (ex. renaming the file to combo-burst-0, combo-burst-1, adding a .png to the end of it, also I made sure that the file was a png file but I did try jpg to see if that would work, I tried just doing combo-burst as well). I'm was very frustrated so I asked a friend and he said it was possibly a glitch of some sort and said I should go here.

Also the cursor is a problem but I was more concerned about the combo burst and haven't tried very much to fix it, except trying to see if I had missed some files. I'll update this later if I fixed this problem.

Thank you for reading and please help!

EDIT: I fixed the problem with the cursor!
The file name is "comboburst.png" without the first "-".
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Oh okay, thank you! :)
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