
New to the forums.

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Hey everyone, I think it's funny that I haven't touched the forum section and I've been playing for a couple years now. Anyways hope everyone welcomes me and I make some new friends. Thanks. :)
Welcome to the forums, my friend! :)
Have fun
Better late than never, welcome here. :3
Welcome. owo/ Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome o/
Let me give you a tour!

8 - If you found your way here on your first try, then CONGRATZ! You have the IQ needed to browse these forums!

2 - Newbs don't usually go here until they are more familiar with how the game works, and the newbs that do go there, go for the wrong reason.

13 - Here you ask how to improve your skills or other game related stuff, but mostly about how to get better. People here generally like to post here mostly to raise their post count. The answer to any question relating to how to get better is always "play more", and you are not free to quickly shit post that before the thread is locked!

5 - Full of question that had been asked at least 5 times before by players to lazy too use the horrible search engine. Your question should be answered fairly quickly by either TheVileOne, Trosk-, Veilstar, or some other player who tries their best to help the community.

15 - Start browsing skins made by players here. So much to choose from!

4 - Full of features that will take years to be implemented! You can either suggest a ridiculous feature that will be marked as [invalid], a feature that has been requested at least 100 times, or bump threads for features you like!

60 - Have a map you want to get modded? Go here and wait several months to get rejected or accepted if you are lucky

7 - Post about random stuff that makes sense, like "post your..." threads, or other unrelated things.

52 - Think you are a genuine shitposter and have what it takes to deliver a bad joke? Go here and loose your ways!

68 - Forum games, upon forum games UPON FORUM GAMES!!! Not much else to say...

114 - Go here if you have nothing better to do. Trust me, I can think of a million of other better things you can do than visiting this dump

91 - Anything music related

75 - Anything anime related

17 - Anything videogame related

103 - Anything art related

Aaaaaaaand that's pretty much all you need to know as a newbie osu!forum browser. Have fun, beware of the mods and admins, and ... oh who am I kidding? You will end up circle jerking and shitposting like the most of us. I lost hope a long time ago. Go.. go ahead, wreck this place with your cringe worthy posts!
welcome ^^
Welcome to the forums.
Here on the forums we specialise in asking questions that we should have learnt the answer too 4 years ago, a good example of a person who does that is me.
Welcome to OSU and have a nice playing everyday and weeks :D
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