
[invalid] i am going to play fortnite... goodbye os u...

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
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dum request
You can already set yourself to "afk" by typing /away <awaymessage of your choice>
People who write to you will see that message upon messaging you.
You can turn notifications off in your options.
You can log off easy and fast by clicking on your profile on the top left of the welcome screen and choosing "Sign Out". When logged off you will obviously appear as offline and can't write/receive messages and you can't submit scores to bancho. Pretty much everything you wanted. An offline-mode while logged in isn't good for anything and illogical in itself.
Regarding the website, check the new profile pages on - you have the option to change the top banner to one of the preset banners or a custom one if you're an osu! supporter.
There are also user-made mods of the new website made by players that you can find when searching for them.

Overall nothing of your request is needed.

Poddop wrote:

ello erryjuan,

I wanted to write about a change that I think would benefit this games social aspect a ton more. Some players recommended that I also discuss the website/profile privacy too.

1st - Player Status
Players really should have the simple ability to toggle status mode. Sometimes, you may not want to have message updates popping up, or just want to appear offline. You can do a workaround in the current version of the game, by disabling bancho, but that only do so much. Disabling bancho also disables the ability to actually have live score updates, you need to enable bancho to get the update. Bancho also disables the ability to check the chat, see people in the F9 list and so-on. If the ability to change you status to be either online, afk, do not disturb, invisible (fake offline), and so forth, it would help with privacy reasons a lot. I do not know if this would require more space on the server end of the game, but with all the beatmaps being added 24/7, I recon this game has a lot of spare space to work with ;).

I never understood the purpose of such things. Why would you be seen as offline when you are online? You might as well go offline if you don't want to bother with osu! at that very moment. You can set your status to "afk" by using an away message. Privacy is not really an issue either, you are playing a public game to get scores / ranks, why would you not allow people to see what you are playing (for example)?

2nd - Easily accessible way to simply go offline. This could have been covered in the 1st section of this, but going offline can also mean a few different things ;). Whenever you are ingame, if you want to practice some hard maps, but not accuracy shred (my acc is crap anyway, I don't try for good acc, 92% is good enough for me), it can be helpful to simply have an offline mode. Until this game adds a practice mod, which disables scores and online ratings, instead of having to logout, a simple offline feature could be helpful

Has been requested and denied in the past. Usually bad scores won't override better scores. If you don't try for good accuracy, why do you care about your total accuracy though?

This website could use a lot of customization options. Whenever you go onto any players profile, you immediately have the ability to see there activity log, top plays, mutes, etc etc. Some players may not want all this stuff shown for various reasons, so a simply option to disable certain tabs would be very helpful ;). Also, just as a little fun cosmetic option, maybe add the ability to change the colour of the background? It would be a simple change to make, and I am sure it would look quite cool instead of the same bland background currently being used.

There is no reason to hide activity log, to plays etc because all of these scores are submitted to an online database anyway. If you don't want people to see your scores, why would you play a competetive online game? Also there won't be an option to hide mutes, you shouldn't even get them in the first place if you don't want others to see them on your userpage.
The background feature is a simple and nice idea, but more customization is already planned for osu!next, so that might already be planned / included.

That about sums it up, it is a pretty short post, but I recon it would help the game a ton more. Out of respect for the other people that wanted to contribute to the reasons in this post, I will not be naming anyone, they have previously stated having problems with ddosing somehow. If there are any flaws in this that would make no sense to be put into the game, please address them so I can try to improve upon this idea that could help the game a ton more.

Kindest of Regards, Poddop ;)
Overall the requested features are unnecessary or contain things that will most likely come with osu! next sooner or later.
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