
Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~

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Pretty nice relaxing map, star! :P
nice map! :)
Cyril Scarlet
nice map 8-)
Too much kiai, but map is cool <3

S i R i R u wrote:

y u c a
star- :D
Tomoka Rin
nice map ;)
Nice map Star 8-)
Hi~ :)

You should make an easy diff (or smth with 3 stars or less).
Add some tags.

00:33:109 (4) - spacing, a little up
from 00:56:759 - too much kiai in my opinion, I suggest to make it from 00:56:759~01:03:547 and 01:10:773~01:17:343
01:10:773 (8) - new combo

00:33:766 (10)(1) - spacing
the same with kia like in normal diff
hmm diff is more like insane (jumps) but I like it

Good map, it works x]
nice map
very comfort map :)
hope soon be ranked
CSY the corrupt
>w< nice~
:) This is a good map
Star ;o
nice map <3
:!: !!!Message!!! :!:
Мапа сделана хорошо, но блин, задолбали аниме осты...
Мочи еще, желательно в другом жанре :Р
00:16:248 (2) - new combo?
00:53:255 (1,2,3) - = как-то фигово что на том же месте что и позапрошлое комбо
01:03:547 (1) - remove new combo
01:04:204 (2) - add new combo
01:10:773 (8) - ^
01:11:649 (1) - remove new combo
01:27:854 (1,1) - кнопки слишком рано после спиннера для нормала

00:52:160 (2) - stack
01:18:219 (3) - snap to grid
01:22:598 (6,7) - предлагаю поменять их местами
00:28:511 - слишком большая громкость хитсаундов в этой тайминг секции

nice map :)
Star~ ;)

star first~
По просьбе~

  1. 00:01:138 (2) - Убери НК
  2. 00:02:014 (2) - Убери НК
  3. 00:03:328 (7) - НК
  4. 00:04:204 (11) - НК
  5. 00:06:503 (1) - Убери НК
  6. 00:10:555 (1) - Убери НК
  7. 00:11:211 (3) - НК
  8. 00:12:963 (1) - Убери НК
  9. 00:13:182 (2) - НК
  10. 00:19:752 (1) - Убери НК
  11. 00:20:190 (2) - НК
  12. 00:28:511 (1) - Убери НК
  13. 00:32:890 (8) - НК
  14. 00:33:109 (1) - Убери НК
  15. 00:35:299 (1,1) - Убери НК
  16. 00:51:722 (1) - Убери НК
  17. 00:54:350 (1,1) - Убери НК
  18. 01:10:335 (1,1) - Убери НК
  19. 01:14:058 (1,1) - Убери НК
  20. 01:27:854 (1,1) - Убери НК
Немного по спейингу:
  1. 00:05:299 (14) - Поставь лучше на внешнюю сторону слайдера. Примерно так.
  2. 00:15:810 (1) - Поставь нормально, по принципу прошлой пары.
  3. 00:53:583 (4) - Для удобства разверни его на 90 градусов, а то его не видно.
  4. 01:27:854 (1,1) - Я конечно понимаю что тыкать ноты в глаза Кагами это весело, но поставь их всё же в центр.
Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [Famfrit].osu

Whiss wrote:

По просьбе~

  1. 00:01:138 (2) - Убери НК сделал
  2. 00:02:014 (2) - Убери НК сделал
  3. 00:03:328 (7) - НК сделал
  4. 00:04:204 (11) - НК сделал
  5. 00:06:503 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  6. 00:10:555 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  7. 00:11:211 (3) - НК сделал
  8. 00:12:963 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  9. 00:13:182 (2) - НК сделал
  10. 00:19:752 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  11. 00:20:190 (2) - НК сделал
  12. 00:28:511 (1) - Убери НК немогу, тут спейсинг другой
  13. 00:32:890 (8) - НК сделал
  14. 00:33:109 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  15. 00:35:299 (1,1) - Убери НК немогу
  16. 00:51:722 (1) - Убери НК сделал
  17. 00:54:350 (1,1) - Убери НК сделал
  18. 01:10:335 (1,1) - Убери НК сделал
  19. 01:14:058 (1,1) - Убери НК сделал
  20. 01:27:854 (1,1) - Убери НК сделал
Немного по спейингу:
  1. 00:05:299 (14) - Поставь лучше на внешнюю сторону слайдера. Примерно так. сделал
  2. 00:15:810 (1) - Поставь нормально, по принципу прошлой пары. сделал
  3. 00:53:583 (4) - Для удобства разверни его на 90 градусов, а то его не видно. сделал
  4. 01:27:854 (1,1) - Я конечно понимаю что тыкать ноты в глаза Кагами это весело, но поставь их всё же в центр. >:D ок

Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [Famfrit].osu

Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [Famfrit].osu
Here :)

Add Famfrit and klubek to tags.

Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [klubek's Easy].osu
-Before modding-
The downloaded .osz pack contains totally different diff name from the scoring pages. Please full submit your map.

Difficulties Available:

Famfrit (5 stars, 320 notes)
Hard (4,92 stars, 230 notes)
Normal (4,36 stars, 156 notes)
This is different from the scoring page:

E klubek's Easy H Normal I Hard I Famfrit's Insane

0:09:679 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) should be symmetrical?
0:19:314 (5) up 1 grid
0:22:708 (6) down 1 grid
0:45:700 (5) down 1 grid

0:37:051 (7) right 1 grid
1:10:116 (1) up 1 grid

good map, star~
answer for yourself, so you could see that corrected, and what is not

wmfchris wrote:

0:09:679 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) should be symmetrical? thanks
0:19:314 (5) up 1 grid no, this is DS
0:22:708 (6) down 1 grid ok
0:45:700 (5) down 1 grid no
Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [Famfrit].osu
Hitomi May
звезда х)
Have your star
nice map~
very good ~~
star :P
Your mp3 is 320kbps which is unrankable. Downrate it to 192 kbps. (I can do that for you but it'll take time. I'll give the new offset as well.)
There is no preview time. 00:56:102 - seems to fit. (go at that time, timing (next to "Web"), Set Current Position as Preview Point, save, open another diff and repeat)
Crop the background to make it have 4:3 ratio ? (I can do that for you as well, just ask)
You need to add Framfrit and klubek to the tags of all difficulties.

This is way too hard for a normal. The 1/2 streams and kick sliders (like 00:18:438 (1) - ) make it harder than it should be.
Reduce all the difficulty settings by at least 1 and use the biggest circles.
00:03:547 (7,8) - Unstack ?
00:21:065 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is too hard: you start the combo with a stack which are hard to play for new players (because they don't really know when to hit the notes), then use another stack with a different rhythm.
00:34:642 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - The kick slider is too hard to play, then the stream itself is too hard to play as well, overlaps itself, and his hidden by the hitburst of the slider. Delete this part and re-do it :/
01:27:854 (1,1) - Delete these two notes and make the spinner end where the second was.

Offset should be 701. Delete the two first timing sections.
Lots of added notes that make no sense according to the music...
00:14:058 (3,4,1) - Spacing issue. Nothing calls for a jump here, space (1) properly.
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Inconsistent spacing: all the beats aren't spaced the same way. Turn Grid snap off to fix it. It's playable, but it looks bad.
00:39:240 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:42:963 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:46:467 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:51:722 (1,2) - Stack them in a better way (use 0,00x distance snapping and hold alt to turn grid snap off)
01:06:613 (1) - Delete this note and make the spinner end here. This note is hardly playable: it's too soon after the spinner.
01:09:897 (7,1) - Nothing calls for a jump here, space them properly.
01:12:087 (8,9) - Nothing calls for a jump here again, and it doesn't play right. Reverse the slider, or modify its shape.
01:20:846 (10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nothing in the song calls for these jumps.
01:27:854 (1,1) - Same as for Normal.

klubek's Easy
This is too hard for an Easy... Recude the HP drain rate by at least two ticks, the approach rate by one, and the overall difficulty by two. Sliders are too fast, too, reduce the speed ?
00:01:576 (2,4) - Move them both two grids left so that they stack with (1) and (3). Right now it's a spacing error.
00:06:832 (2) - Unstack ?
00:18:438 (1) - First of all, this one's too close to the previous note. Move it to the left. Second of all, this is extremely hard to play for new players: they can't expect the number of repeats to be so high and would confuse them. I suggest you place a spinner that starts at 00:18:219 - and finishes at 00:19:752 - with a Finish hitsound
00:21:722 (1,2) - Why did you suddenly halve the spacing ? It'd be fine for higher difficulties, but it's very confusing for new players.
00:33:109 (2,3) - Spacing error: they're spaced the same way as (1,2) and the time gap is different... Drag (3) closer to (2).
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4) - This is too hard for new players. Unstack them ?
00:38:365 (4,1,2) - Spacing error: they're spaced evenly and the time gap is different.
00:54:788 (4) - Too hard for new players (see above). Make a spinner ? (from 00:54:569 - to 00:56:102 - )
01:00:263 (1,2,3,4) - Don't change the spacing so suddenly in the easiest diff of the mapset...
01:14:277 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:18:219 (1) - Same as above.
01:19:752 (2,3,4,5) - These are too close to each other... Space them out a bit.
01:21:065 (5,1) - why is (1) so far away from (5) ?
Don't use slider speed changes in an Easy diff. It makes the spacing extremely confusing. The spacing in this diff was rather inconsistent too, switching from 0,4x to 0,8x seemingly randomly. :/

Famfrit's Insane
Offset should be 701. Delete the two first timing sections.
I'm sorry, but I fail to mod this... :/ The diff is clearly overmapped. The jumps hardly make sense, nor do the streams... And I'm not talking about self overlapping patterns or patterns that overlap under others, or silenced notes for the sake of adding notes to the diff.
I also question the rankability of this 00:49:970 (2,1,2) -
Well, if you want to keep this:
- don't silence beats like 00:26:978 (2,4,6,1) - and 00:33:985 (2,4,6) -
00:20:190 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this looks terrible ingame, unstack them ?
sliders in the middle of streams are hardly readable and don't play well
EDIT: lower stack leniency makes the diff look better
How did I not see this earlier ? Be glad I had to time this.

00:28:511 - Hard and Insane have a ton of timing sections here, including one RED timing section that makes the timing afterwards wrong. Delete them all but one green and resnap the notes after.

Here are the new mp3 and background. New offset is 748. Remember to resnap all the notes, and to full submit the map.

Odaril wrote:

Famfrit's Insane
Offset should be 701. Delete the two first timing sections.
I'm sorry, but I fail to mod this... :/ The diff is clearly overmapped. The jumps hardly make sense, nor do the streams... And I'm not talking about self overlapping patterns or patterns that overlap under others, or silenced notes for the sake of adding notes to the diff.
I also question the rankability of this 00:49:970 (2,1,2) -
Well, if you want to keep this:
- don't silence beats like 00:26:978 (2,4,6,1) - and 00:33:985 (2,4,6) -
00:20:190 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this looks terrible ingame, unstack them ?
sliders in the middle of streams are hardly readable and don't play well
EDIT: lower stack leniency makes the diff look better
Done, thanks

Download: Fukuhara Kaori - Miracle Guy ~TV size~ (Zorlok_) [Famfrit's Insane].osu
star~ :)
change title with "Miracle Guy (TV size)" and make sure all tags the same.
title change steps
offset @ 730ms is fine to me. Make sure all your difficulties have the same offset and remember to resnap all notes.
your background size must be 1024x768 or smaller, resize yours please.

So sorry I don't like the mapset, could I skip it?
well I should not said that in such position, but I just can't accept meaningless steamsssssssssssssssssssss and the hitsound.
sorry again.

you should try to reduce the sample volume, it is toooooo loud(with your hitsound too) to cover the song. :
about the hitsound, well ,you have your reason I think. :
but I strongly suggest that lower the volume when you use finish, it really suck. :
and if you want to use green lines to change the sample set or volume, DO NOT put them right on the notes, move them 1/4 forward.

00:14:324 (4,1) - I missed here every time I played it..
00:38:850 (11) - remove this to follow the song?

see the hitsound suggestion at hard.
try to reduce the approach rate(and/or overall difficulty) to make it reach 4 stars or less.

try to reduce the HP drain rate?

well not a bad try, but it could be mapped better with this song...
Topic Starter
Resurrected my map, please т.т
only thing that jumped out at me was 00:47:781 (7) on Insane mode. I don't see how people are supposed to notice that slider when it looks exactly like part of an all-circle stream

Also I don't know if the green cursor is a good idea when the background and every other combo are also green
Topic Starter

LuigiHann wrote:

only thing that jumped out at me was 00:47:781 (7) on Insane mode. I don't see how people are supposed to notice that slider when it looks exactly like part of an all-circle stream

Also I don't know if the green cursor is a good idea when the background and every other combo are also green
Максимально допустимый размер для бэкграунда - 1024 х 768,нужно исправить.

Ещё,у тебя в папке есть hitcircle.png и hitcircleoverlay.png,но ещё нужен approachcircle,добавь его,даже если он будет таким же,как стандартный.

Почему в изи и нормале каунтдауна нет,а в харде и инсейне есть? В любом случае он не появится,так что убери его везде.

Ещё в инсейне только 2 комбо цвета,почему? Сделай как на остальных.

Тэги на всех сложностях абсолютно разные,должны быть одинаковыми,и да,обязательно должны быть ники авторов гостевых сложностей,как на харде.

OD is a bit high,reduce at least? It's much higher then in Normal,btw.

00:10:336 (3) - Doesn't really affect on gameplay,bad looks bad,could you allign better?
00:50:628 ~ Rhytm is kinda out from this place,consider adding a note to 00:51:503.
01:10:773 (1) - Finish.
01:14:277 (1) - ^

Сделай Kiai как в изи,я не вижу смысла прерывать его,тем более на 01:00:263 оно не в тему начинается.
00:14:496 (1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам,сейчас за это ругают,убирай.
00:18:438 (1) - Многовато финишов,замени некоторые на хлопки.
Да,финишов многовато,а так хитсаунды хороши,да и сама сложность.

Тоже самое с Kiai.
00:14:543 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам.
00:21:331 (1) - Убери ноту,без неё лучше и звучит и играется.
00:56:806 (4) - Финиш.
00:57:025 - А отсюда убери финиш.
01:05:784 (1) - Спиннер на грани ранкинга,но всё равно очень короткий.Я бы заменил его.
01:10:820 (4) - Финиш.
01:24:397 (10,1) - Я нигде не видел джампов до этого момента.Очень неожиданно,очень.
01:26:368 (1) - Вообще,оно на самом деле не звучит,как ты хочешь.Я бы сюда всё же добавил сиркл,а спиннер начал с 01:26:587.
01:28:120 (1) - Ну тут уж точно придется убрать новое комбо.
Опять же,финишы иногда не в тему звучали.В основном,единственное уместное для них место - длинные белые тики.

И ещё,я не отметил 2 момента,где 4 слайдера подряд выделены новым комбо.Наверное,из-за того,что выделено финишами,и как-то вроде даже и в тему,но учти,что могут попросить убрать.

00:14:496 (1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам.
00:21:503 (1) - 1 клетку влево?
00:56:759 (4) - Финиш.
01:00:262 (4) - ^
01:03:000 (1) - Мне кажется слайдер должен с 01:02:890 начинаться.
01:03:547 - Финиш?
01:17:562 (1) - ^
01:21:065 (1) - ^

Песня и мапа понравились.
Хорошая работа.
As per your request:

Please set a preview point for all difficulties.
Please find a BG that is 4:3 and at max, 1024x768.
The spinner background image looks weird against all the other skinned elements for the spinner. Maybe try a color that will compliment the green a bit better?

[klubek's Easy]
Lower OD by at least 1.
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4) - I've been looking past a lot of your stack usage, but I think these are pushing it for an easy difficulty. Please try a different configuration.
01:18:219 (1) - May be a bit confusing as to when this is going to end. Might be better as a slider from 01:18:219 - to 01:18:657 - then a normal hit at 01:19:314 -

00:14:934 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:34:642 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Might be a little difficult for a normal diff
00:56:759 (1) - Maybe have this start closer to the center of the screen to help with spinner recovery. Might be a bit difficult for a normal otherwise.

This difficulty has a different offset than the other difficulties. Please line them all up.
00:14:981 (1,1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:34:251 (1,1,1) - ^
00:38:631 (10) - Move this to the blue tick at 00:38:740 -
I kind of didn't like how this map turned into nearly just a giant 1/4 stream rhythmically at the kiai.
01:27:901 (1) - Delete this, extend 01:26:368 (1) - to here.

[Famfrit's Insane]
Add Famfrit and kubek to tags
00:14:934 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:35:299 (1,1) - ^
00:33:328 (5) - Plays better as normal notes instead of a slider
01:08:802 (5,6,7,8) - I didn't feel much of a need for this small stream
01:27:854 (1,2) - Delete these, extend the spinner to here
That skin makes some of the streams really annoying to read with the transparency and the extra circle inside. >_>
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

As per your request:

Please set a preview point for all difficulties.
Please find a BG that is 4:3 and at max, 1024x768.
The spinner background image looks weird against all the other skinned elements for the spinner. Maybe try a color that will compliment the green a bit better?

[klubek's Easy]
Lower OD by at least 1.
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4) - I've been looking past a lot of your stack usage, but I think these are pushing it for an easy difficulty. Please try a different configuration.
01:18:219 (1) - May be a bit confusing as to when this is going to end. Might be better as a slider from 01:18:219 - to 01:18:657 - then a normal hit at 01:19:314 -

00:14:934 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:34:642 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Might be a little difficult for a normal diff
00:56:759 (1) - Maybe have this start closer to the center of the screen to help with spinner recovery. Might be a bit difficult for a normal otherwise.

This difficulty has a different offset than the other difficulties. Please line them all up.
00:14:981 (1,1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:34:251 (1,1,1) - ^
00:38:631 (10) - Move this to the blue tick at 00:38:740 -
I kind of didn't like how this map turned into nearly just a giant 1/4 stream rhythmically at the kiai.
01:27:901 (1) - Delete this, extend 01:26:368 (1) - to here.

[Famfrit's Insane]
Add Famfrit and kubek to tags
00:14:934 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo
00:35:299 (1,1) - ^
00:33:328 (5) - Plays better as normal notes instead of a slider
01:08:802 (5,6,7,8) - I didn't feel much of a need for this small stream
01:27:854 (1,2) - Delete these, extend the spinner to here
That skin makes some of the streams really annoying to read with the transparency and the extra circle inside. >_>

IceBeam wrote:

Максимально допустимый размер для бэкграунда - 1024 х 768,нужно исправить.

Ещё,у тебя в папке есть hitcircle.png и hitcircleoverlay.png,но ещё нужен approachcircle,добавь его,даже если он будет таким же,как стандартный.

Почему в изи и нормале каунтдауна нет,а в харде и инсейне есть? В любом случае он не появится,так что убери его везде.

Ещё в инсейне только 2 комбо цвета,почему? Сделай как на остальных.

Тэги на всех сложностях абсолютно разные,должны быть одинаковыми,и да,обязательно должны быть ники авторов гостевых сложностей,как на харде.

OD is a bit high,reduce at least? It's much higher then in Normal,btw.

00:10:336 (3) - Doesn't really affect on gameplay,bad looks bad,could you allign better?
00:50:628 ~ Rhytm is kinda out from this place,consider adding a note to 00:51:503.
01:10:773 (1) - Finish.
01:14:277 (1) - ^

Сделай Kiai как в изи,я не вижу смысла прерывать его,тем более на 01:00:263 оно не в тему начинается.
00:14:496 (1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам,сейчас за это ругают,убирай.
00:18:438 (1) - Многовато финишов,замени некоторые на хлопки.
Да,финишов многовато,а так хитсаунды хороши,да и сама сложность.

Тоже самое с Kiai.
00:14:543 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам.
00:21:331 (1) - Убери ноту,без неё лучше и звучит и играется.
00:56:806 (4) - Финиш.
00:57:025 - А отсюда убери финиш.
01:05:784 (1) - Спиннер на грани ранкинга,но всё равно очень короткий.Я бы заменил его.
01:10:820 (4) - Финиш.
01:24:397 (10,1) - Я нигде не видел джампов до этого момента.Очень неожиданно,очень.
01:26:368 (1) - Вообще,оно на самом деле не звучит,как ты хочешь.Я бы сюда всё же добавил сиркл,а спиннер начал с 01:26:587.
01:28:120 (1) - Ну тут уж точно придется убрать новое комбо.
Опять же,финишы иногда не в тему звучали.В основном,единственное уместное для них место - длинные белые тики.

И ещё,я не отметил 2 момента,где 4 слайдера подряд выделены новым комбо.Наверное,из-за того,что выделено финишами,и как-то вроде даже и в тему,но учти,что могут попросить убрать.

00:14:496 (1,1,1,1) - Комбо спам.
00:21:503 (1) - 1 клетку влево?
00:56:759 (4) - Финиш.
01:00:262 (4) - ^
01:03:000 (1) - Мне кажется слайдер должен с 01:02:890 начинаться.
01:03:547 - Финиш?
01:17:562 (1) - ^
01:21:065 (1) - ^

Песня и мапа понравились.
Хорошая работа.
Thanks a lot~
Please, check up :3
IRC mod. ;) Star
There is no preview time. 00:56:102 - seems to fit.

This is way too hard for a normal. The 1/2 streams and kick sliders (like 00:18:438 (1) - ) make it harder than it should be.
Use the biggest circles and cut these 1/2 streams.
00:18:438 (1) - Usually these kick sliders are too hard to play for a Normal diff, but since the circle following this one is far enough, it can be okay.
00:21:065 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is too hard: you start the combo with a stack which are hard to play for new players (because they don't really know when to hit the notes), then use another stack with a different rhythm.
00:34:642 (6,7,1,2) - Unstack. You used different rhythms in the same stack, which might be too hard for this diff.
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Such long 1/2 streams are hard to play. You can delete (5) for example.
00:39:460 (1) - This kick slider is too confusing. Because it has an unexpected number of repeats and is followed 1/2 after by a circle. Most new players will just wait for it to repeat, then go for the circle, and miss both the slider and the circle without understanding why.
00:46:029 (1) - Same comment.
00:58:511 (5,6,7) - I find this a bit hard to play, I'd suggest you unstack (5) and (6).
01:02:452 (7) - Same comment as 00:39:460 -
01:09:898 (7) - ^

This diff's offset is not the same as the other's. Set it to 701.
There are a lot of circles/sliders that don't really make sense...
00:24:178 (2,3,4) - This overlap looks weird ingame. Unstack (3) ?

klubek's Easy
00:18:438 (1) - This kind of kick slider is too hard to play for an Easy diff. A new player can't really expect such a number of repeats, and won't have the reflex to hold until they are sure the slider is finished.
00:54:788 (5) - Same comment.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

There is no preview time. 00:56:102 - seems to fit.

This is way too hard for a normal. The 1/2 streams and kick sliders (like 00:18:438 (1) - ) make it harder than it should be.
Use the biggest circles and cut these 1/2 streams.
00:18:438 (1) - Usually these kick sliders are too hard to play for a Normal diff, but since the circle following this one is far enough, it can be okay.
00:21:065 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is too hard: you start the combo with a stack which are hard to play for new players (because they don't really know when to hit the notes), then use another stack with a different rhythm.
00:34:642 (6,7,1,2) - Unstack. You used different rhythms in the same stack, which might be too hard for this diff.
00:35:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Such long 1/2 streams are hard to play. You can delete (5) for example.
00:39:460 (1) - This kick slider is too confusing. Because it has an unexpected number of repeats and is followed 1/2 after by a circle. Most new players will just wait for it to repeat, then go for the circle, and miss both the slider and the circle without understanding why.
00:46:029 (1) - Same comment.
00:58:511 (5,6,7) - I find this a bit hard to play, I'd suggest you unstack (5) and (6).
01:02:452 (7) - Same comment as 00:39:460 -
01:09:898 (7) - ^

This diff's offset is not the same as the other's. Set it to 701.
There are a lot of circles/sliders that don't really make sense...
00:24:178 (2,3,4) - This overlap looks weird ingame. Unstack (3) ?

klubek's Easy
00:18:438 (1) - This kind of kick slider is too hard to play for an Easy diff. A new player can't really expect such a number of repeats, and won't have the reflex to hold until they are sure the slider is finished.
00:54:788 (5) - Same comment.
Done~ Thxs a lot ~(°▼°)-↑ Nya~♪ n~ ♫
you need to set a preview point on your maps ;)

00:25:226 (1,2,3) - even this pattern out so it looks a bit better, like this
00:46:248 (4) - new combo to follow your pattern
01:18:219 (1,2,3,4,5) - timing of this part feels really bad, i advise a note placement like this

00:16:248 (5,6,7,8) - the timing here dont seem to fully suit the song, i advise to use a placement something like this

01:03:547 (1,2) - put the new combo on the (2) insted, this way it give more power to the vocal, which here is what you are following
01:10:773 (9) - new combo here
01:11:649 (1) - remove new combo
01:26:102 (7) - this note is too close, it needs moving more away from (6)

i dont see anymore major probs in this diff ;)

fix those timing probs and i can star this ;)

edit: fixed so starred
Sooo, you wanted timing:
BPM: 137
Offset: 720
Remove "Lucky Star" in the tags, it's already in the source ><

00:37:511 (4) - Add clap ?

01:26:120 (7) - New combo

00:19:970 (1) - Begin this spinner 1/4 earlier
00:32:670 (6) - New combo
00:45:590 (10) - Move it 1/2 earlier

Topic Starter

KuraiPettan wrote:

Remove "Lucky Star" in the tags, it's already in the source >< Ok

00:37:511 (4) - Add clap ? No

01:26:120 (7) - New combo Ok

00:19:970 (1) - Begin this spinner 1/4 earlier No
00:32:670 (6) - New combo No
00:45:590 (10) - Move it 1/2 earlier No

Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Add some credits for Utena in the description (since you're using some parts of her Lucky Star skin)
    You may add a preview point for the map.
- klubek's Easy:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:46:270 (1) - make it symmetric with 00:44:518 (2)?
    00:53:496 (4) - new combo
    00:56:781 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - move them all one square to the right? That makes a nice "centred" pattern.
    01:10:795 (1,2,3,4) - ^ same but 2 squares to the left
    01:14:299 (1,2,3,4) - same thing, but 1 up and 2 right (so much nazi spacing modding lol)
  2. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    73 unsnapped objects
- Normal:
  1. .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    This is a Hard with really low Difficulty settings. The difficulty looks and plays nice with HPdrain 5; Circle Size Normal; Approach Rate 6; Overall Difficulty 6. It reminds me of those late 2008/early 2009 Hard maps (nostalgia inside :( )
    That said, if you do this there are some patterns that may use some cleaning up because of that kind of spacing. For example: 00:39:478 (1,2,3) - moving (3) one square to the left would make this kind of pattern way nicer.
    In other words, the difficulty works, but it needs a lot of rebalancement in difficulty settings are cleaning up for patterns.
    In the case you want to re-banace this as a Normal, then you'll have to decide about removing some elements.
- Hard:
  1. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    Use offset 720 here too. All difficulties should use the same offset.
Sadly, i think Normal needs re-work, because of the unbalanced things i mentioned. The problem with making it a Hard is that you already have a quite good Hard, so you'll probably need to tune it down a bit to make a better difficulty spread.
(I don't really mind difficulty spread per se, but that Normal is really unbalanced by itself)
Ask me for a recheck when you're done.
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Add some credits for Utena in the description (since you're using some parts of her Lucky Star skin)
    You may add a preview point for the map.

- klubek's Easy:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:46:270 (1) - make it symmetric with 00:44:518 (2)? Ok
    00:53:496 (4) - new combo Ok
    00:56:781 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - move them all one square to the right? That makes a nice "centred" pattern. Ok
    01:10:795 (1,2,3,4) - ^ same but 2 squares to the left Ok
    01:14:299 (1,2,3,4) - same thing, but 1 up and 2 right (so much nazi spacing modding lol) Ok
  2. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    73 unsnapped objects

- Normal:
  1. .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    This is a Hard with really low Difficulty settings. The difficulty looks and plays nice with HPdrain 5; Circle Size Normal; Approach Rate 6; Overall Difficulty 6. It reminds me of those late 2008/early 2009 Hard maps (nostalgia inside :( )
    That said, if you do this there are some patterns that may use some cleaning up because of that kind of spacing. For example: 00:39:478 (1,2,3) - moving (3) one square to the left would make this kind of pattern way nicer.
    In other words, the difficulty works, but it needs a lot of rebalancement in difficulty settings are cleaning up for patterns.
    In the case you want to re-banace this as a Normal, then you'll have to decide about removing some elements.
Ok. All done

- Hard:
  1. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    Use offset 720 here too. All difficulties should use the same offset.
Ok, + resnap and rework

Sadly, i think Normal needs re-work, because of the unbalanced things i mentioned. Ok The problem with making it a Hard is that you already have a quite good Hard, so you'll probably need to tune it down a bit to make a better difficulty spread.
(I don't really mind difficulty spread per se, but that Normal is really unbalanced by itself)
Ask me for a recheck when you're done.
Thx a lot~ ^(°▼°)^
Another mod :


00:24:369 (4) - New combo here and delete : 00:25:245 (1) -


00:21:521 (3) - This hitsound don't fit.
00:58:967 (6,7) - On 6 an Clap and 7 delete the clap?

00:04:223 (1,2) - both sliders overlap.
00:10:574 (5,1) - Spacing looks ugly.
00:39:041 - Make a Circle here with new combo and delete the new combo after it.

again a mod but I starred it already ;-)
Here's your recheck~

Insane deleted then? Hrm
No difficulty has the same preview time. Line them up, and add one in Hard.

[klubek's Easy]
Fine minus the stacks on sliders, but I mentioned them earlier, hehe.

I'd suggestion lowering HP Drain, OD/AR by 1, and definitely make the circle size larger. These settings are really hard for a normal...
00:35:756 (1) - It'd be nice if you could apply rhythm gaps like this during some of the longer streams like at 00:42:762 (1) -
00:56:777 (1) - Kind of soon after a spinner for a normal. Maybe end the spinner at 00:56:121 - ?

The map seems fine minus some minor nitpicks on slider shapes, but the song doesn't really fit those difficulty settings. I found -1 to HP drain, AR and OD felt a lot better.

Work on making Normal a bit more toned down, and I think it would benefit this map set greatly.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Here's your recheck~

Insane deleted then? Hrm
No difficulty has the same preview time. Line them up, and add one in Hard.

[klubek's Easy]
Fine minus the stacks on sliders, but I mentioned them earlier, hehe. Ok

I'd suggestion lowering HP Drain, OD/AR by 1, and definitely make the circle size larger. These settings are really hard for a normal... Ok
00:35:756 (1) - It'd be nice if you could apply rhythm gaps like this during some of the longer streams like at 00:42:762 (1) - Ok
00:56:777 (1) - Kind of soon after a spinner for a normal. Maybe end the spinner at 00:56:121 - ? Ok

The map seems fine minus some minor nitpicks on slider shapes, but the song doesn't really fit those difficulty settings. Done I found -1 to HP drain, AR and OD felt a lot better. Ok

Work on making Normal a bit more toned down, and I think it would benefit this map set greatly. Thx a lot °▼°~
Card N'FoRcE
I guess there was some misunderstanding with my previous modding for the Normal, so i'll try to say it in another way.

Your Normal is definitely not a Normal at the moment.
You just went and applied all the things i said without even try to understand what i meant.

So, let me try to explain again:
  1. At the current status, your Normal is a Hard that would work nice with the Difficulty settings i suggested.
  2. The problem is that you already have a Hard, so you should edit that Normal by having it look more like a Normal and for having a nice difficulty spread.
  3. Or you can just rename it to Normal+, that could be ok too.
So, You have to choose one of these three options:
  1. Make Normal a Hard with the settings i mentioned before, and make Hard something like an Insane;
  2. Make Normal more "Normal" by removing and reworking some beats;
  3. Rename Normal to Normal+, that's the easiest solution at the moment.
Choose one of these, fix accordingly and call me back.
Or you can just rename it to Normal+
No please :<

I'd rather he map it to look like a Normal :/
add a cursortrail.png coz you use a custom cursor.png

klubek's Easy
preview time is different. also the source
are you willing to redo the hitsound? hits: do not put claps in the long white ticks, and do not use more that 1 hitsound in one object.

hitsound suggestion like easy.

Just me don't like AR9 I guess.
hitsound too... OK I think I have a different feeling about it...
00:26:778 (1,2,3,4) - I think you'd better redo the timing section here coz the current destroy your hithound.
00:33:785 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:35:756 (1) - ^
00:39:041 (x) - how about add a note here?
01:13:639 (12) - add new combo
01:14:077 (1) - remove new combo
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

add a cursortrail.png coz you use a custom cursor.png Done/

klubek's Easy
preview time is different. also the source
are you willing to redo the hitsound? hits: do not put claps in the long white ticks, and do not use more that 1 hitsound in one object. Ok. Done

hitsound suggestion like easy. Done

Just me don't like AR9 I guess.Ok.Reduced.
hitsound too... OK I think I have a different feeling about it...
00:26:778 (1,2,3,4) - I think you'd better redo the timing section here coz the current destroy your hithound. Ok
00:33:785 (1,2,3,4) - ^Ok
00:35:756 (1) - ^Ok
00:39:041 (x) - how about add a note here? No
01:13:639 (12) - add new combo Ok
01:14:077 (1) - remove new comboOk
Thx a lot~ °▼° Pls, recheck~
awesome. star.
For Jarby: I modded it via irc several times =)
Different preview time. Line it up.

00:45:390 (8) - Rearrange so it's not as covered-up by the slider
01:06:412 (7,8,9) - This rhythm feels soooo off. Might be better to delete and do a slider from 01:06:413 - to 01:06:741 - with one repeat

These difficulty settings are way too high for this type of song as a hard difficulty. Lower HP drain by 1 or 2, along with AR/OD by at least 1.
Sorry this took like a week to get to :(

I'd reccomend making the combo colours a little more pale - The skin doesn't really suit very bold colours.

Normal +
Pluses on diff names are annoying, just call this a normal. I don't think it's outrageous to do so, it's only a little too hard.
You might want to tone down the longer runs of beats though since you have a fairly easy easy.

The main problem with this diff is that the objects don't really match up to the music as well as they could. Try and follow prominent parts of the music with your beats and sliders, such as the vocals.
also, spacing is set very low in comparison to slider speed, which actually makes it harder and lessintuitive for new players. I'd reccomend setting distance snap to around 0.7 at least.

Otherwise, the set's pretty good. Call me back when this is done :P
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Different preview time. Line it up. Done

00:45:390 (8) - Rearrange so it's not as covered-up by the slider Done
01:06:412 (7,8,9) - This rhythm feels soooo off. Might be better to delete and do a slider from 01:06:413 - to 01:06:741 - with one repeat Ok

These difficulty settings are way too high for this type of song as a hard difficulty. Lower HP drain by 1 or 2, along with AR/OD by at least 1. Done
Thx a lot, pls recheck this~

RandomJibberish wrote:

Sorry this took like a week to get to :(

I'd reccomend making the combo colours a little more pale - The skin doesn't really suit very bold colours. Done

Normal +
Pluses on diff names are annoying, just call this a normal. I don't think it's outrageous to do so, it's only a little too hard.
You might want to tone down the longer runs of beats though since you have a fairly easy easy. Ok

The main problem with this diff is that the objects don't really match up to the music as well as they could. Try and follow prominent parts of the music with your beats and sliders, such as the vocals.
also, spacing is set very low in comparison to slider speed, which actually makes it harder and lessintuitive for new players. I'd reccomend setting distance snap to around 0.7 at least. Done D:

Otherwise, the set's pretty good. Call me back when this is done :P
Thank you~ Recheck it, please~

good map nice skin:3
star 8-)
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