
Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus [2015] [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016 at 23:21:13

Artist: Igorrr
Title: Pavor Nocturnus [2015]
Tags: breakcore french onesixth baroquecore nostril red snakes corpo mente arsalein
BPM: 100
Filesize: 8897kb
Play Time: 05:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dread (6,22 stars, 2315 notes)
Download: Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus [2015]
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
red snakes

  • Let's maybe give the intro a pattern so it doesn't seem all that random.
  1. 00:05:954 (19,20,21,22) - k d k k to match the one before (similar to the first part being k k d d d d twice)
  2. 00:08:054 (28,29) - Swap for the same reasons as the next one is k d k d d d.
  3. 00:12:554 (45,51) - can be k, so k k d d d d doesn't should up 3 times in this intro.
  4. 00:24:454 (100) - Delete this note? Since the following parts don't have a similar one, or drag on in general.
  5. 00:41:154 (203) - d? Makes the rhythm of this part way easier to listen to, with a d d d d d d d d. Making the triplets into kdk works similarly.
  6. 00:46:054 (235) - Same as 00:24:454.
  7. 01:00:154 (323,324,325,326) - Seems more like two doubles instead of what you mapped.
  8. 01:02:054 (336) - No finisher?
  9. 01:05:654 (354,355,356,357) - why finisher?!/!@>!?>
  10. 01:10:454 (378,379) - swap? More musical ; )
  11. 01:23:954 (450) - k? Keeps the rhythm of a katu every now and then.
  12. 01:43:302 (49,50,51,52) - Nerf into ddk? This starts of really cray cray after a simple part, and doesn't get much harder for a while, so maybe leave the first one and let them die as they go.
  13. 01:44:682 (65,66,67,68,69,70,71) - ddk ddk ddk? It's kinda weird to map to the mellow guitar after that.
  14. 02:42:440 (27) - k? Add some flair!
  15. 02:58:647 (175,176,177,178,179,180) - (dddk) ddd? The (dddd) you have doens't match up with much.
  16. 03:02:613 (208,209,210,211,212) - (kkkd)dkkd? This part has some sdfadfas in it.
  17. 03:09:078 - Add a d?
  18. 04:08:820 (131,132,133,134) - Also could use some cheeky 1/6.
  19. 05:15:716 (241,242,243,244) - I'd say (dddk)k since it goes a bit crazy.

    ...You didn't think I'd ignore the 1/6 did you...

    ...Welcome to my judgement...

  20. With the exception of the first, middle, and last ones, the rest of the red snakes should be mapped a 1/2 later.
    The following are the spots they should begin at:
  21. 03:13:647 - This one is pretty clear.
  22. 04:20:027 - Here, there's a tiny sound of build up before, but the real sounds of death show up here.
  23. 04:28:302 - What comes before this one sounds more like 1/4, then it turns into 1/6 here.
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most everything fixed except the finishers at the beginning for the glory of satan and also they fit...
So I remember.
Hello it is 2016 and I am no longer picky :)

  1. 01:14:654 (400,401,402,403) - Include doubles instead of seeming to suddenly switch to 1/1?
  2. 01:18:554 (418) - k? Since the consecutive dons seems out of place. Could also use doubles a bit like above.
  3. 03:09:337 (277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287) - It's due to the song mainly, but the drop in notes here is awkward to play with the SV increase having come after some tricky shit.
  4. 03:13:647 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - I spent 10 minutes wondering why I can't hit this when I realized it's fucking even numbered. CRUEL.
  5. 04:10:371 - Starting here, your 1/6 patterns go from being varied to all being kkkd. Weird thing to point out, but if you notice you can change stuff then ye.
  6. 05:00:027 (34) - Big note please :)
  7. 05:09:337 to 05:14:509 - This section seems off because the song sounds like it could be mapped to more intensely but instead we get what kind of starts out challenging and then ends up as... kkkkk, an easy pattern and some triplets. Maybe upping the density a bit would do it nicer.
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

Hello it is 2016 and I am no longer picky :)

  1. 01:14:654 (400,401,402,403) - Include doubles instead of seeming to suddenly switch to 1/1? yea added some
  2. 01:18:554 (418) - k? Since the consecutive dons seems out of place. Could also use doubles a bit like above. ye
  3. 03:09:337 (277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287) - It's due to the song mainly, but the drop in notes here is awkward to play with the SV increase having come after some tricky shit. cant do much about it :(
  4. 03:13:647 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - I spent 10 minutes wondering why I can't hit this when I realized it's fucking even numbered. CRUEL. >: )
  5. 04:10:371 - Starting here, your 1/6 patterns go from being varied to all being kkkd. Weird thing to point out, but if you notice you can change stuff then ye. changed some but mostly staying kkkd because of the flow :(
  6. 05:00:027 (34) - Big note please :)
  7. 05:09:337 to 05:14:509 - This section seems off because the song sounds like it could be mapped to more intensely but instead we get what kind of starts out challenging and then ends up as... kkkkk, an easy pattern and some triplets. Maybe upping the density a bit would do it nicer. tried something
:) : )
kd'd because map changed quite a bit after his last mod :)
04:12:958 (172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180) - fk u make this kkkd d kkkd so it's easy >:(......... :)

Bubble #1!
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so u can get easy pp fam? ;)
cool but isnt that first song like not even Pavor Nocturnus 2015, don't you have to name it accordingly?

or is it called red snakes or smth

basically can you explain this rule it seems weird
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it's an intro called Arsalein from the group "Corpo-mente" so I cannot add it as a side title
Interesting, I think it does work though, it's similar theming and all. Thank you for clearing that up, I find it interesting that they allow something like that.
I'm not late

[Edgey Map 2015]
  1. 01:11:154 - What is this following? It's the only note in this section that doesn't sound like it's following anything relatively distinct.
  2. Personal preference mainly, but 02:23:820 - could be a pretty cool D, cuz of the loud cymbal there.
  3. 04:03:130 - Same here too.
Topic Starter

Ayyri wrote:

I'm not late

[Edgey Map 2015]
  1. 01:11:154 - What is this following? It's the only note in this section that doesn't sound like it's following anything relatively distinct. Flow purposes. And in that matter, I think this improvised rhythm is actually pretty cool and fitting.
  2. Personal preference mainly, but 02:23:820 - could be a pretty cool D, cuz of the loud cymbal there. If I put that as a finisher I should also put others like 02:56:923 (142) - since they are exactly the same. And as you can imagine, it is not allowed.
  3. 04:03:130 - Same here too. Same answer.
Did some changes at 02:42:440 - and forward regarding little 1/6 pattern changes.
sick kicks fam #2
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red snakes
22:30 *Ntiger is editing [ Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus [2015] [Dread]]
22:31 Ntiger: everything sucks pls delete diff thanks
22:31 Raiden: ok
22:34 Ntiger: are you busy or can we IRC
22:35 Raiden: we can
22:40 Ntiger: 00:33:154 - missing a note?
22:41 Raiden: 1 sec
22:45 Raiden: 1/3?
22:45 Raiden: o right
22:45 Raiden: LOL
22:45 Raiden: too vague
22:45 Ntiger: yes
22:45 Raiden: i think
22:45 Ntiger: it's the same sound as all other 1/3 in that spot pls
22:45 Raiden: i mean
22:45 Raiden: silent
22:45 Raiden: 00:33:754 (159) -
22:45 Raiden: u gonna compare that
22:45 Ntiger: if that's too slient
22:45 Raiden: pls
22:45 Ntiger: 00:35:254 (169) - then what about this
22:45 Ntiger: which is basically inaudible
22:46 Raiden: can remove it
22:46 Raiden: yes
22:46 Raiden: removef
22:46 Raiden: d
22:46 Raiden: fuck overmapping
22:46 *Raiden applies nc on all notes
22:47 Ntiger: still don't understand why 00:33:154 - this is considered silent, it's the same note just that the crash/cymbal/whatever from 00:31:154 - is playing
22:47 Ntiger: but ye
22:48 Raiden: soo
22:48 Raiden: you want me t map it all?
22:48 Ntiger: 00:53:254 (282) - for the love of god make this kat pls thanks
22:48 Ntiger: 00:54:154 (287,288,289,290,291) - and make this not dkkkd
22:49 Raiden: dkdkd?
22:49 Ntiger: do you have dkdkd anywhere else?
22:49 Raiden: nope
22:49 Ntiger: then no!
22:49 Raiden: then what
22:49 Ntiger: dkkdd?
22:49 Raiden: donee
22:49 Ntiger: basically swapping the two 5-plets
22:50 Raiden: yea got it
22:50 Ntiger: 00:58:354 - if you did change the other one, thingy
22:50 Raiden: add?
22:50 Raiden: there is no note currently
22:50 Ntiger: yes add
22:50 Ntiger: 01:00:454 (326) - idk about this one
22:51 Raiden: but
22:51 Raiden: the previous one has no note
22:51 Ntiger: that's why IF YOU changed!"
22:51 Raiden: o ok
22:51 Raiden: then no change
22:51 Raiden: my style4
22:51 Ntiger: 01:02:054 (336) - THIS IS NOT EMPHASIZED IN THE SONG
22:51 Ntiger: make small pls
22:52 Ntiger: 01:03:254 (340) - and make this big
22:52 Raiden: done
22:52 Ntiger: 01:05:654 (354,355,356,357) - only time you have these as big notes
22:52 Ntiger: would not do that
22:52 Raiden: made small
22:52 Ntiger: ty
22:53 Ntiger: maybe add some 1/3 in there
22:53 Ntiger: like in the other bars
22:53 Raiden: added
22:53 Ntiger: 01:08:754 - there is a note here and 01:08:854 - plays shit so please add a kat and change 01:08:854 (368) - to a kat
22:54 Raiden: done
22:54 Ntiger: good
22:54 Ntiger: now let me play part 2
22:54 Raiden: LOL
22:54 Raiden: gl
22:54 Ntiger: 01:42:613 - I hate you
22:55 Ntiger: I hope Tasha downvotes this
22:55 Raiden: and Hanjamon
22:55 Raiden: :3
22:55 Ntiger: is hanja ddkk
22:55 Ntiger: ???
22:55 Raiden: yes
22:56 Ntiger: the SV changes are so ugly
22:56 Raiden: pls
22:57 Raiden: they are readable
22:57 Raiden: what i aimed
22:57 Ntiger: they are readable
22:57 Ntiger: and they look ugly
22:57 Ntiger: first things first
22:57 Raiden: i am ugly
22:57 Ntiger: 01:42:613 (2,3) - any chance you can make these kats
22:57 Ntiger: LZD prob approves
22:57 Raiden: ehh
22:57 Raiden: they would not exactly fit
22:58 Raiden: like these two 04:23:992 (48,49) -
22:58 Ntiger: blah
22:58 Ntiger: they play nicer tho <3
22:58 Raiden: ik
22:58 Ntiger: 01:47:440 (57,58,59) - why is this 1/6
22:58 Raiden: but it's not as edgy
22:59 Ntiger: IT'S STILL EDGY
22:59 Ntiger: look at the 1/6
22:59 Ntiger: rofl
22:59 Raiden: i have no idea
22:59 Ntiger: kill dons, make this whole thing kk dk
23:00 Ntiger: :D
23:00 Raiden: kkddk better
23:00 Raiden: :(
23:00 Ntiger: SONG IS DOUBLETS
23:00 Ntiger: >:(
23:00 Ntiger: oh wait it's not
23:00 Ntiger: nvm
23:00 Raiden: nooooooooooooooooo
23:00 Raiden: XD
23:00 Ntiger: yeah do kkddk
23:01 Raiden: yey
23:01 Raiden: :3
23:01 Ntiger: 01:56:837 - there's a note here
23:01 Ntiger: 01:57:009 (32) - and this is not cool
23:02 Raiden: kkddd first
23:02 Ntiger: no
23:02 Ntiger: >:(
23:02 Raiden: o
23:02 Raiden: nvm
23:02 Ntiger: kkd d
23:02 Raiden: kkd d
23:02 Raiden: fixed
23:02 Raiden: yes?
23:02 Raiden: i did kkd d?
23:02 Raiden: lol
23:02 Ntiger: ye
23:02 Raiden: :V
23:03 Ntiger: 02:12:871 - maybe add don for overmap consistency
23:03 Raiden: sure
23:03 Ntiger: 02:13:302 (29,30) - could be kats too
23:03 Ntiger: cause it sounds cooler
23:04 Raiden: ok
23:04 Ntiger: 02:23:130 (86) - I assume you don't want a kat here so the flow stays edgy
23:04 Raiden: yes
23:04 Raiden: dddkddk is <3
23:04 Raiden: specially on a heavy swapping map
23:05 Ntiger: 02:30:889 (48) - would change to don for bass drum and cause next kat is important
23:05 Ntiger: 02:35:630 - add note
23:05 Raiden: sure
23:05 Ntiger: 02:40:544 (2,3) - :^)
23:05 Raiden: :3
23:05 Ntiger: 02:54:509 (116,117) - could've been 1/6
23:06 Raiden: the kkkd only starts at red tick tho
23:06 Raiden: dddkkkd is...
23:06 Raiden: ugh...
23:06 Ntiger: lel
23:06 Raiden: i mean
23:06 Raiden: i agree there is 1/6
23:06 Raiden: but idk
23:07 Ntiger: there is nothing to agree about it's fact
23:07 Raiden: not ready to die v2 no pls
23:07 Ntiger: don't need to map it
23:07 Ntiger: 03:05:027 - 03:05:113 - soft SV? <3
23:07 Ntiger: 1.01 1.02
23:07 Raiden: <3
23:07 Raiden: you mean
23:07 Raiden: o
23:07 Raiden: transition
23:07 Raiden: ok
23:07 Ntiger: 03:07:096 - 03:07:182 - same
23:07 Raiden: 03:07:268 - same?
23:08 Raiden: lel
23:08 Ntiger: 03:11:291 - same?
23:08 Raiden: ye
23:08 Raiden: 03:11:406 -
23:08 Ntiger: 03:43:475 (22) - not a kat
23:08 Ntiger: Make it kat
23:09 Ntiger: 03:44:509 (26,27) - on what snap are they ending
23:09 Ntiger: rofl
23:10 Raiden: 1/16
23:10 Raiden: slider tick missing
23:10 Raiden: ?
23:10 Raiden: common bug
23:10 Ntiger: k
23:10 Raiden: and made that a kat
23:10 Raiden: lol
23:10 Raiden: too
23:10 Ntiger: 03:58:992 (68) - wouldn't this be badass finisher
23:11 Raiden: o
23:11 Raiden: yes
23:11 Ntiger: 04:03:820 (90,91,92,93) - why is this kddd do you hate humans
23:11 Raiden: variety ?_?
23:11 Raiden: ozzy mentioned
23:11 Raiden: kddd is easy to hit
23:11 Raiden: pls
23:11 Raiden: dkkk is not tho...
23:12 Ntiger: 04:12:096 (165,166,167,168) - kddd too then?
23:12 Raiden: too different
23:12 Raiden: kddd would throw off here
23:12 Raiden: 04:12:096 (165,166,167,168) - can make this tho?
23:12 Raiden: if you wish
23:12 Raiden: wait what
23:12 Raiden: the fuck
23:12 Raiden: why did it highlight other notes
23:12 Ntiger: idk
23:13 Raiden: done
23:13 Ntiger: 04:13:216 (176,177,178,179,180) - why is this bubbled
23:13 Raiden: kddd
23:13 Raiden: easy to kit
23:13 Raiden: hit*
23:13 Raiden: even I can hit it
23:13 Raiden: and fits
23:13 Raiden: B)
23:13 Raiden: notice the slight difference between the 3rd note of each 1/6 quad
23:13 Ntiger: no
23:14 Raiden: mean
23:14 Ntiger: the first quad is one sound and the other is audible 1/8
23:14 Ntiger: :P
23:14 Raiden: my style argument then?
23:14 Ntiger: hit it third try
23:14 Raiden: try full alt
23:14 Ntiger: try no
23:14 Raiden: 1/6 becomes easier to hit
23:14 Ntiger: aragami is ranked too
23:15 Raiden: <3<3
23:15 Raiden: are you
23:15 Raiden: even comparing aragami to this
23:15 Raiden: lol
23:15 Ntiger: 04:15:371 (199) - kat? <3
23:15 Raiden: ok
23:15 Ntiger: 04:19:854 (2,3) - :^)
23:16 Raiden: weff
23:16 Ntiger: 04:27:096 (87,88,89,90,91,92) - what
23:16 Raiden: B)
23:16 Raiden: hand swapping
23:16 Raiden: full alt material
23:17 Ntiger: 04:32:268 (144,145,146,147,148) - I hate this map
23:17 Raiden: there are some more like htis but instead of dddkkk
23:17 Raiden: kddkddk
23:17 Raiden: oh
23:17 Raiden: you just have to follow through the kat motion and then finish the pattern with the opposite hand
23:17 Raiden: easy task... if you're full alt
23:17 Ntiger: 04:39:078 (219) - why is this a kat
23:17 Raiden: :3
23:18 Raiden: swapping
23:18 Ntiger: oh go away with that argument
23:18 Ntiger: that note has no justification
23:18 Ntiger: bass drum is loud as hell
23:18 Raiden: k
23:18 Raiden: don then
23:18 Ntiger: thanks
23:19 Raiden: you just want free pp
23:19 Raiden: B(
23:19 Ntiger: this map is not free p
23:19 Ntiger: look at the long don 1/6 rofl
23:20 Raiden: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
23:20 Ntiger: ok I'm done destroying the map
23:20 Raiden: await the red votes
23:20 Raiden: B)
23:20 Ntiger: yeah my NFDT is ready
23:20 Ntiger: :^)

pls burn
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you owe me a kd

> : (
<3tap map
So fast :3 (Gratzz! :3)
I'm waiting for those 10 red snakes.
For what specific reason(s) is this OD7?
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it is 6,5


edit: I just happened to pass through ranked section... coincidence?
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