
Quite fast yet new.

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OskaRRRitoS here,
I've been playing osu! for about 3 months now, Starting somewhere around early September 2015 (If I remember correctly.)
During these months I (somehow) managed to break the 90k barrier, and even pushing the 80k barrier too.
Still by using mouse (but will use tablet after Christmas! (should be around the 50k-60k mark by then))

So, What should you know about me?

I am 14 years old.
I play with keyboard and mouse (If you couldn't tell already).
My profile pic shows me and I use it for Skype as well (as if that mattered).
I have the world's most annoying touchscreen monitor that decides to put all input into one place and will tap randomly when that happens. I always mis because of that. (I do have a way to fix it tho, don't worry)
As of writing this I have 1196pp, with my highest scoring map being Knife Party - Give it up [Insane] (95.30%) at 81pp.
I am generally a nice guy everyone. Unless you're a d***, in which case I'll probably ignore you.
Probably much more... probably.

If you want visit my profile: and add me if you so wish.
I don't have good footage to show you, but let's just say I can get a B on low-end 5-star maps
Hello there :) Aah another UK player~
Wow, you improve very quickly :o I wish I could learn that fast ;-;

And you're about my age as well xD
I used to be a mouse player too, and to be quite honest playing with a tablet is much much easier =.= it doubles your pp
And well, I have the lowest spec notebook on this planet and that explains my 12ms input latency =3=
Nevertheless, welcome to the forums and have fun clicking circles~! Add me back if you wish
Welcome, my friend! When u start using the tablet, will see how is more easy (;
Have fun~

Annadine wrote:

you improve very quickly
True :O
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Thanks for the acknowledgement and I'm hoping I'll be improving even more with tablet and... Ugh, cookiezi, what did I tell you about eating near a computer? Sorry 'bout that, great now I forgot what I was going to say. Thanks a lot cookiezi!
You sure don't look 14.
Welcome to the forums.
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Aomi wrote:

You sure don't look 14.
Welcome to the forums.
You know those people who are taller and generally look older than they actually are?
I seem to be one of those people. I always get told I look 15 or 16.

OskaRRRitoS wrote:

Aomi wrote:

You sure don't look 14.
Welcome to the forums.
You know those people who are taller and generally look older than they actually are?
I seem to be one of those people. I always get told I look 15 or 16.
You might look older but i've been doing No Shave November (Movember) and i look homeless xD
anyway, welcome to the forums, im new to here as well :P

ObliivEden wrote:

OskaRRRitoS wrote:

You know those people who are taller and generally look older than they actually are?
I seem to be one of those people. I always get told I look 15 or 16.
You might look older but i've been doing No Shave November (Movember) and i look homeless xD
oh dear lord

I look like 12 >.> so we're the exact opposite
/me runs
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Annadine wrote:

ObliivEden wrote:

You might look older but i've been doing No Shave November (Movember) and i look homeless xD
oh dear lord

I look like 12 >.> so we're the exact opposite
/me runs
Try not to bump into cookiezi, he walks in whatever direction while he's eating. Be careful. :D
Welcome to the forums
Welcome! I wish I improved that fast, lol.
Just be aware that switching from mouse to tablet can take some time for some people, it took me forever, but you seem to be a fast learner.
Good luck and have fun!
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