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-SayaKai wrote:

rip AP Yi
Sad, but true :(
I'm starting to believe bard ult is best used as an initiation tool (just pop it behind them while you rush at them with shurelia/righteous glory/whatever) . Trying to save it for clutch moments is utterly pointless most of the time. Unless there is a Zed. Then sure, it's easy as fuck to use it against Zed. Against anything else I really don't see the point of bothering to try.
Witch Mercy
That SSW talon skin amg <3
I've always felt like Bard was a mediocre champ when used in yoloq without any comm at all. In organized comps he works well though.

On a side note, Cass top completely shits over a good chunk of the tank top picks... It's so fun mowing down a Nasus's life bar when he goes in to last hit.

PyaKura wrote:

I've always felt like Bard was a mediocre champ when used in yoloq without any comm at all. In organized comps he works well though.

On a side note, Cass top completely shits over a good chunk of the tank top picks... It's so fun mowing down a Nasus's life bar when he goes in to last hit.
Constantly oom when I play against tanks because it takes like 30 twin fangs to do any damage. Thinking of building both tear and RoA.
How can you run oom as Cass ? Her kit gives her both life and mana sustain through her E o.O
And RoA/Tear are mandatory anyway.

The goal is to deny the opponent top as much farm as possible early on and punish them if they try to last hit. Of course you aren't going to deal much when they start buying tank items (early sorcs shoes help a lot here), but until then you should be ahead anyway.

The most potent counters to Cass top are high mobility champs who usually sports high damage as well (so basically Riven, and most assassins), as well as long range champs (Jayce comes to mind, and a lot of mages but there aren't many top so yeah).
I still remember the days when things like Nami top weren't competitive and were considered trolling or fun. Nowadays, it's standard... it doesn't feel fun picking unconventional champs anymore, as it's expected of you.

I used to main Ali mid, haven't lost a single game with him there, out of a bit over hundred. I loved how people back then thought I was trolling, but I ended up carrying the match, and found some seriously good friends from exactly those "troll picks".
Nowadays, shit like Blitz mid or Annie support are as frequent as other picks, which pretty much ruined it for me.

I guess that's just the natural progress of every game.
Nami top and Blitz mid are common ? o.O

If what you say is true you might just say that more people learnt to troll and among those picks some were actually viable.
Yup, it's definitely common, and we have the professional players to thank. People love to copy from streams and tournaments.

I still remember my first Blitz and Mao mid games... fun times.
Thing with those two was that even if you somehow lost mid, you still had tonnes of utility for your team, so you were always useful. Oh, and DFG Mao was insanely OP..... the original DFG, not the nerfed shit. :p
I just played a game against an AP Leona mid and we lost. This is what trues shame feels like

Also, fuck Xin. I even stole a baron that game, with Alistar lol.
That Kat is pathetic. lol
Considering the enemy team I'd say she did okayish.
I just noticed that most people (and staff) here play on NA. R.I.P. EUNE and EUW.
using ekko ult to do dmg is actually not as easy as i'd thought..

Aurani wrote:

I just noticed that most people (and staff) here play on NA. R.I.P. EUNE and EUW.
BR masterrace

(added you already btw Snepif, i'm VelKozIsMyWaifu)
I love this lux skin so much
it is moest
i just spam B all the time lol
Last update was like, what, a year ago?
But yeah, maybe you're searching for diamonds only. :p
So this new report card thing is out on NA for banned players.
They're banning people who have never been chat restricted before, and you can get a 2 week ban for acting up in just one game. It makes this a little interesting.

PyaKura wrote:

How can you run oom as Cass ? Her kit gives her both life and mana sustain through her E o.O
And RoA/Tear are mandatory anyway.

The goal is to deny the opponent top as much farm as possible early on and punish them if they try to last hit. Of course you aren't going to deal much when they start buying tank items (early sorcs shoes help a lot here), but until then you should be ahead anyway.

The most potent counters to Cass top are high mobility champs who usually sports high damage as well (so basically Riven, and most assassins), as well as long range champs (Jayce comes to mind, and a lot of mages but there aren't many top so yeah).
I meant when I all in. I don't really play Cass top though so normally I wouldn't build that much mana. I don't usually go RoA if I go tear and instead because of having no burst (having 8000 mana is nice though) and I get blue sometimes too
is Irelia a jungler now?

-SayaKai wrote:

is Irelia a jungler now?

I feel she is still good top. with the true damage

Conor wrote:

Not at all. I want some active people on my friends list that I can play with so I'm not queuing up by myself all the time. We're all too familiar with how that experience goes down on EUW, of all places.
I usually only play ARAM nowadays, exactly because of that reason. When I was still on EUNE, my friends list was chock full (literally) and I have no idea why I moved onto EUW, but with 20 friends in total, I'm not going to play anything 'cept ARAM, so yes, I know how you feel all too well.
I did try playing team builder last night though, and it was fun utterly raping their team with Annie, after over a year of not playing on the Rift. I love her kit - abuses people so hard. :p
ARAM? That game mode steadily makes you worse at the game.
Unlike 95% of the LoL players, I don't aim to be Challenger by the end of the season, and I gave up on trying to be "good" long ago. I'm playing to have fun, and I cannot, for the life of me, understand people who actually get annoyed over the game.

The last match I played yesterday, I was top as Vlad against Cho, raped him to 3-0, had over a 100 more farm than him, roamed to bot (tp) and helped them out a few times, and what does our mid do in the meantime? He feeds their jungler, Rengar, 18 kills. The guy had bloody 407 AD before the 25 minute mark. I absolutely ate the top lane, supported bot as much as I could, but not even the gods could win that game. It was simply lost, as it took 3 of my teammates to kill him, let alone win a 5v5. I ended up with the most damage done and the most farm in the match, but who cares, I had fun.
Just like I had a game where Annie was mid against our Katarina and she had 29 kills by the end (I was like, apart from Warwick with his ultimate, the only one who could do anything 'cause I was playing as Sion and she had hella burst 'cause she was fed), and Kha'zix had 20 kills, and what did our Ashe get? 7/21/8. And she flamed me and Warwick constantly, even going as far as to say she knew everything about the game, from start to finish. EUNE has the best community. /s

Dainesl wrote:

And she flamed me and Warwick constantly, even going as far as to say she knew everything about the game, from start to finish.
I call those kind of people mentally retarded.
Oh right, that's why I transferred to EUW. Back in s2, people claimed EUW was much, much better community-wise than EUNE, so I gave it a shot.

Turns out both are cancerous as fuck, but at least EUNE had friendlier and less cocky people. I miss the people I've left behind there. =(
Toxic people exist in all parts of the globe. Just get friends to play with and the toxicity you experience will be so much less.
Even then, when you're under stress, some people will end up tryharding to the extreme (like me), League changes people regardless of whether they're buddies or not :(
Stop tryharding, I never tryhard; tryharding just slows you down when it comes to climbing the ranks. Just play chill; that's how you get to Diamond/Challenger.
A fed Ahri is a happy Ahri


EneT wrote:

Toxic people exist in all parts of the globe. Just get friends to play with and the toxicity you experience will be so much less.
Considering I've played for 5 seasons now, excluding a rather long break, I think I have the "toxicity problem" under control even without any friends. Yes, playing with friends is going to yield a much better result and a greatly increased factor of enjoyment, but you can deal with a toxic community even without them - granted, you need nerves of steel for the utter stupidity of most people you encounter.

Also, you've stated that ARAM gradually destroys your skills. I beg to differ - it doesn't completely erase them, it just makes it awkward for you to start at level 1, instead of level 3, and skews your perception of when you should go all-in and when not. Apart from that, it teaches you to pay attention to what your team does at EVERY given moment, how to sustain yourself better (as you don't get to recall in ARAM), and most importantly, it teaches you to not take the game too seriously.
The last one is the reason I play it instead of normals nowadays. I have unimaginably good nerves and I'm a couple of thousand leagues away in terms of optimism than most people, but even that is not enough, as people who take the game like they're going to Auschwitz after each death gradually chop down even the largest oak of optimism and mellowness.
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