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Katze wrote:

I carried myself from Silver 4 to Silver 1 with mainly Janna/Karma and ended up on a 20 game win-streak. And when I came back from my vacation I won two games and since then I'm on a losing streak again and dropped to Silver 2 (I managed to carry my duo-q partner to gold as support).. I thought I could reach Gold in time since it all went so good. Any tips? If the blaming in my team starts, I mute them all but they all start writing and don't focus on the game anymore. I'm a Support/Mid main and my most played Champions are Leona (but I dropped her), Janna, Morgana and for mid Ahri and Cassio (if Ahri is banned). I'm not mad or on tilt or anything, I just want to win again! Help and tips are appreciated, thank you guys!
play to improve and not to gain elo. elo comes from improvement and not the other way around. that way you stress yourself out way less and you can become better than you would be by just caring about your rank (which is still just a number)
Streaks happen. A few days ago I dropped from being in my promos to plat 2 to being demoted to plat 5 with 75 lp because I lost 9 games in a row and then a few more, now I am on a winning streak again (won like 12 of my 14 last ranked games). Keep playing, keep getting better and the elo will come by itself. :D Just don't worry about "short time bad periods".

18 game win streak after duoing with emaal for 2 days
literally not a single loss in 18 games haha
bye ranked see ya next season

Btw guys how do you build Lucian?
1. Cooldown reduction with Lucidity boots + Ghostblade?
2. BT or BotrK?
3. Triforce still viable?

Right now my build order is IE -> Beserker's -> Shiv -> BT -> LW -> Defensive item
That RAF change is kinda OP. You only need 5 referrals to get medieval Twitch. :)
3 for Grey Warwick but i already have that skin.
why do i choose later in the season to climb gg
regarding lucian, i'm using the new meta combined with my old lucian build, it's pretty weird but it getts me pentakills; it's IE into Stattik, beserks, into last whisper into tri THEN youmuus (???) then either BT or GA or BV etc. pretty bad but hey just shows you can build lucian however lmao
tbh I build lucian rly normally, but that was before his e had mana cost
IE/BORK(so situational tbh) -> boots (also situational btw cd/atk spd) -> PD -> BT -> LW -> GA/BV/BORK
really depends on how far the game progresses and how far ahead you go, but whenever I played lucian before that whole cost thing, it was p normal for me to go IE > BER > PD > BT > LW > BORK

that's always been my build for him though, some people just pop youmuus for that damn ult of his but i never use it in fights for some reason so i just do whatever
Meanwhile you guys are climbing and I'm still losing all my ranked games haha

BRBP wrote:

Found my lv. 3 EUNE account. Gonna try to win a ranked game with this OP build. mid lane
AP xin should be fking illegal
he was so annoying in urf just ban pls

Katze wrote:

Meanwhile you guys are climbing and I'm still losing all my ranked games haha
awww darling, it's okay, i'm stuck like in between super grinding which means not going to work and school, or just losing and winning a game everyday, and then when you think about it, i've been stuck in the same place for like a week wtf
tfw you drop from gold so hard and keep falling it's neverending dropping

OzzyOzrock wrote:

regarding lucian, i'm using the new meta combined with my old lucian build, it's pretty weird but it getts me pentakills; it's IE into Stattik, beserks, into last whisper into tri THEN youmuus (???) then either BT or GA or BV etc. pretty bad but hey just shows you can build lucian however lmao
mmm maybe i missed some important changes but shiv or PD doesn't fit lucian, you just spam your skills for your passive so no need atk speed. So youmu is supposed to be better (well i have not read last updates so idk). I used to do IE/youmu first, then botrk or BT, LW and then GA/banshee etc (+ lucidity or berserk boots as soon as you can).
I just like Statikk's passive way too much and I feel like you can't miss out on it during mid game
even if Lucian is supposed to be more of a caster ADC I think it's the best way to go idk depends on your playstyle I guess
everyone except top lane left samsung hue
seriously what's happening in the korean scene lol

R - Infinite Duress
BUGFIX Fixed a bug where rapidly spamming a basic ability at the very end of Infinite Duress's channel sometimes caused that ability to go on cooldown without casting or appearing to be on cooldown in the HUD

It only took them 6 months to fix this bug. Might start playing again.
I wonder if they fixed that Vi E bug as well (not mentioned in the patch notes but one can dream)

Also Kalista hype! Her passive sounds pretty hilarious if you have 2.5 attack speed, let's see if she hits PBE tonight.

EDIT: They did fix that Vi bug! <3
Kalista hype is off the charts, I'm really gonna like Kalista + Leona/Braum/Thresh

that is just gonna be great
so my friend got lucky
and this is even my first time mystery gifting someone
best i've gotten was forecast janna, which is cool haha
decayed back to d3 ggwp
i fed back to silver 3, rip dreams
stuck in 30-70lp in silver 2 rip indeed
Eren Yaeger
I've been on a losing streak in ranked, I'm playing vs plats/high-golds in normals and winning pretty easily, but as soon as I play ranked in silver I feel hopeless cause 9/10 times I will win lane and try to push my advantage to other lanes but everyone is so far behind I can't do much :( plus no one really wanna groups and I feel like ranked is just making me hella irritated with the game
tbh i feel like the flaw with a lot of ppl are that they're so full of themselves when they're fed, they just forget the entire dictionary definition of group and cooperation and it turns to shit
exactly. i was against a team with 2 afks and a troll. our team lost when the afks came back because they thought it was such an easy win. from 20 - 0 to losing
10 out of last 12games I have either intentionally feeded or went afk.

Guys dont go to dia league, this is what the place makes you.

And the 2games that didnt happen i won because people from enemy team rq

Sea_Food wrote:

10 out of last 12games I have either intentionally feeded or went afk.

Guys dont go to dia league, this is what the place makes you.

And the 2games that didnt happen i won because people from enemy team rq
the god
Kami Kun
Where did you ended this season :P ? I did it on Plat V

League is a cycle of losing streaks and winning streaks
It's so hard to make your team understand that you usually need to farm for the first 7 minutes of the game in order to pull off successful ganks ;_;
longest game I ever had
really thought we were gonna lose
glad I have exhaust and charm for Yi and Trynda although I still had a lot of deaths, I need to learn more about building mr or armor

Rewd Dudes

Kami Kun wrote:

Where did you ended this season :P ? I did it on Plat V
Diamond V! ^w^
Just tried Team Building for the first time today...
1: New map looks really nice but I find the camera can't zoom out as much. This possibly permanent?
2: Does Team Builder always take so long to get in a game? lol. Sat for a long time with people going in and out of my team too.
Finding a jungler/supp is hell in TB for some reason. Weren't quite as rare before the new map release.
Apart from that, the new SR looks really awesome. The only thing that's been bothering me a bit is the minions' health bar which is less visible (less contrast) with the ground color (red on green on the old map, red on "ground" color on new map).

Lanes and jungle paths look larger too which feels good.

PyaKura wrote:

Finding a jungler/supp is hell in TB for some reason. Weren't quite as rare before the new map release.
Those were the two we were waiting on. I went top, my friend went mid. We found an ADC right away and took forever to get a jungler and support.
Starting to like Rumble in ARAM, won 2 in a row when I got him for both games


Justykanna wrote:

Just tried Team Building for the first time today...
1: New map looks really nice but I find the camera can't zoom out as much. This possibly permanent?
2: Does Team Builder always take so long to get in a game? lol. Sat for a long time with people going in and out of my team too.
It takes ages to find a Top/Jungle when I'm in Team Builder, and true, it didn't take so long when you played on Team Builder for the old Rift.
ADC's are rare also, and I rather play on the normal Rift as long as it's available + it doesn't take long to find a game.

Katze wrote:

It takes ages to find a Top/Jungle when I'm in Team Builder, and true, it didn't take so long when you played on Team Builder for the old Rift.
ADC's are rare also, and I rather play on the normal Rift as long as it's available + it doesn't take long to find a game.
So we're in agreement that mid is the easiest to find? xD

Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of people are dashing to the new rift. Looks really nice, I like it. Just not the awkward camera zooming.
Top/jungle's always been my role so I guess that's good for me since I play nothing but non-assassin melee (unless I'm obviously forced into bottom lane).

Jazz wrote:

longest game I ever had
really thought we were gonna lose
glad I have exhaust and charm for Yi and Trynda although I still had a lot of deaths, I need to learn more about building mr or armor

Illuminati confirmed.

Jazz wrote:

longest game I ever had
really thought we were gonna lose
glad I have exhaust and charm for Yi and Trynda although I still had a lot of deaths, I need to learn more about building mr or armor

nashor's tooth =w=
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