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Vulf wrote:

There is a reason he has been globally banned in the last 3 tournies.
Well, I was pointing towards soloQ.

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him
Not OP imo. Good initiation team can break through a poke comp. With Mundo you just have to burst him down / use % dmg like BorK, Elise, Kogmaw etc
He is still a very common ban in higher elo's.

Also most people in bronze/silver/gold aren't going to know how to do a triple Q at level 2.
They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.

Blaziken wrote:

They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.
What the-Volibear and Annie build?
Apparently AD Annine and I have no idea what the fuck Volibear was doing.

Justykanna wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.
What the-Volibear and Annie build?
Because one boot and AP Annie is too mainstream.
But most champions in this game have 2 feet, so wouldn't two boots be needed?
Probably sold everything at the end for lulz because the loss for them was kind of inevitable.

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

lol, u must be Challenger.

imo, there are to many strong champs that deserve a ban :(

(Did u never see a fed Riven? -.-)

shyvana, annie, nasus, kassa ....
If we're talking about this, I usually ban Vi, Evelynn and Kha'Zix. Pretty much the junglers I hate with a passion and people tend to lose against overall.

Don't really understand why people ban Shyvanna so much. The amount of base damage she does isn't that high and to actually carry a game with her one would have to go damage early. Anyone can buld sunfire-spiritvisage and become surprisingly tanky. Her kiting potential is annoying, that's the only ban worthy part of her kit I see. But I guess people are generally like "much tank, can't kill".

PsychoSkill wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

lol, u must be Challenger.

imo, there are to many strong champs that deserve a ban :(

(Did u never see a fed Riven? -.-)

shyvana, annie, nasus, kassa ....
Every single one of those champions is (was) counterable (Riven to a lesser extent). Problem is their counters got nerfed to the point it doesn't matter anymore.

I used to love watching the Nasus and Darius match ups on streams because nasus would auto lose that lane. Then darius got nerfed then nasus got buffed and here we are.
Beaten 3 Rivens with Amumu top not too long ago.

Me = chinese electric batman, platinum top laners = bad.

Well, jokes and such, most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival with not that much of a field to display skill. And I pick something corresponding most of the time. Though I highly prefer Zac to other picks.

TKiller wrote:

Don't really understand why people ban Shyvanna so much.
Me neither. Her, Dr. Mundo and Nasus keep getting banned in my games because... well... they don't die. But they don't really carry games either. =s

TKiller wrote:

most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival
Which sucks because my favourite top laner is Gangplank so killing them becomes...not fun. D=
People still die to redpot gankplank level 1 by the way.

You'd think after this much time they'd learn, but nope!

Really, I have only 7 gankplank games in my whole ranked history, but in each one of them I went redpot and in each one of them I got a kill level 1.

TKiller wrote:

Beaten 3 Rivens with Amumu top not too long ago.

Me = chinese electric batman, platinum top laners = bad.

Well, jokes and such, most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival with not that much of a field to display skill. And I pick something corresponding most of the time. Though I highly prefer Zac to other picks.
Well, i've won toplane with Sona on that level. Amazing when your mundo goes support without telling before you pick.
Riven is easily counterable and if she loses laning phase she's gonna be 100% useless. People whine at everything that does damage.

PsychoSkill wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

lol, u must be Challenger.

imo, there are to many strong champs that deserve a ban :(

(Did u never see a fed Riven? -.-)

shyvana, annie, nasus, kassa ....
My Akali has beaten every fed Riven so far and Kassadin never gets picked because the enemy team ends up banning him anyways. And in case they don't, I still have my Talon and fuck him up so hard that he won't be able to transfer into midgame at all.

Btw, teamfighting with Akali in lower elo is actually quite simple, just get a Q mark on one of their carries, then jump in into a 1v5 and oneshot him because he doesn't expect it. Instantly go into shroud while waiting for your cooldowns, let your team follow up, oneshot their next carry and it's already won. Problem is that I don't always find ways to engage into the fight because carries tend to not get in range of my Q. :/
But I'd say Akali is the perfect noobstomper, in Season 4 I will hopefully have the chance to play against higher elo people with her too.
f e a r
Riven gets smacked in top, so people play her mid, and I think people are more annoyed about the shield that has an insanely low cd and an ad scaling.

Even if she does lose lane, it's still possible to comeback just by going to some lane and splitpush/farm (which is the same case with about most champs, but you get the point).

I think Shyvana is probably getting banned due to being so good at trading and splitpushing, it's never fun to deal with someone that has 300cs and is splitpushing, more so in lower elos when people end up running around like headless chickens due to it.
Not saying I'm 100% right, just my two cents. (:
Saying Riven needs to do well in lane to be useful....




E nerf on PBE is probably all she needs imo. Q nerf was so minimal I wouldn''t even call that a nerf.

Vulf wrote:

Saying Riven needs to do well in lane to be useful....




E nerf on PBE is probably all she needs imo. Q nerf was so minimal I wouldn''t even call that a nerf.
Tell me how she can be useful when her dmg is not enough to even finish off the ADC and she dies instantly in teamfights? Inb4 a fed riven wrecked your team once and from now on you joined the opwhine train
First of all where did I say she was OP in that post? There is a difference between feeding in lane, going even, and winning matchups. Riven does not need to snowball to be useful which is pretty much what you said, and she has the tools to be able to comeback if she does end up losing her lane.

Edit: If you have actually been paying attention to my post you'd know I am against a lot of nerfs Riot has been giving out lately. The only reason I agree with her E nerf is that it makes it more consistent with the whole doing damage while being tanky/free stats riot seems to hate so much.

BrokenArrow wrote:

My Akali has beaten every fed Riven so far and Kassadin never gets picked because the enemy team ends up banning him anyways. And in case they don't, I still have my Talon and fuck him up so hard that he won't be able to transfer into midgame at all.

Btw, teamfighting with Akali in lower elo is actually quite simple, just get a Q mark on one of their carries, then jump in into a 1v5 and oneshot him because he doesn't expect it. Instantly go into shroud while waiting for your cooldowns, let your team follow up, oneshot their next carry and it's already won. Problem is that I don't always find ways to engage into the fight because carries tend to not get in range of my Q. :/
But I'd say Akali is the perfect noobstomper, in Season 4 I will hopefully have the chance to play against higher elo people with her too.

We don't talk about individuall skill when u speak about Strong/Op- Champs
This thread is getting funny lately. I dont want to offend anyone, but few people is actually saying things with logic.

Actually Riven can do shit in lane and still carry the game, you just need to rely a bit on your teammates.

PsychoSkill wrote:

We don't talk about individuall skill when u speak about Strong/Op- Champs
And I totally agree with you, there are some champs that at least, you need to have a bit of mechanics to pull of big plays, like... zed for example, I think it's very easy to shut down a bad zed, and a good zed can really fuck up your plans. With most OP champs I meant champs like... oh, Im getting focused, Im about to die, np I use Q+E+R on me and I do triple.

Champs with insane burst with low ap, with easy spells to land. Or just ridiculous CD's, that mostly Riven problem imo

Vulf wrote:

First of all where did I say she was OP in that post? There is a difference between feeding in lane, going even, and winning matchups. Riven does not need to snowball to be useful which is pretty much what you said, and she has the tools to be able to comeback if she does end up losing her lane.

Edit: If you have actually been paying attention to my post you'd know I am against a lot of nerfs Riot has been giving out lately. The only reason I agree with her E nerf is that it makes it more consistent with the whole doing damage while being tanky/free stats riot seems to hate so much.
Hmm yes I agree with the E duration nerf. Being able to pull off a permashield at max cdr is really annoying for the enemy. Besides that, I don't think she's OP too
I'm apparently 12-3 with Vlad, one of the most useless champions of this game in my opinion, yet 45-41 with Akali, who I know and play well, usually win my lane and roam the map like a fucking jet.

I don't understand something about carrying games.

Best game of my life

even though I didn't play THAT well this game, all of my yes.

Snepif wrote:

even though I didn't play THAT well this game, all of my yes.
I've been wondering about this for quite some time now.. isn't it actually almost completely wasted effort playing ranked during preseason so close before the softreset? Why not wait for the next season to start? I at least would hate to get promoted only to end up 3 divisions below in th next season anyways.
Edit: Confusing information. Sorry :(

Vulf wrote:

you won't get placed into anything higher than gold 1 even if you win 10/10.
really o_o ? link pls
If it's a soft elo reset, it's untrue that it's useless. Soft elo reset means your past season elo is still taken into account. Anyway I take it as a learning and improve experience above all, I want to become as good as humanly possible...
if I am not mistaken what soft reset means it's. (Actual ELO+MMR+1200)/3 and there is your soft reset, correct me if I am mistaken

Lets see how season four will start, I have high expectations for it, I have been training vs most of the best spanish teams, so I think my level improved a bit, obviously still far from them, but we stand chances
Yeah you are right I think, I knew it was something like elo+1200 but I didn't know exactly what.

Edit: I believe it's (MMR+1200)/2
There is a formula to calculate it, but there hasn't been an official Riot post claiming what is true or not. Season 3 was similar to the above one (MMR + 1200)/2. So if you are 2400 MMR the reset should put you at about 1800 which is Gold 1/Plat V. Where you are placed off that depends on how well you do in your placements. There was a post on reddit stating there is a cap, but not entirely sure if that's true or not.

I'll edit my other post so I don't cause a panic attack for people. LOL
Either way I'm happy. But I gotta learn more! Wonder when will S4 start.
Kinda concerned by the item nerfs coming up by the way.

10% CDR off Spirit Visage and level scaling damage on Sunfire are gonna hit my Zac in the nuts.

Might stick to cdr glyphs on him now but Sunfire is a large hit.
As a Silver V scrub I can successfully say I'm a scrub at this game.
It was for the greater good, I guess. In reality they should just raise the price a lil' bit or just nerf the champs that abuse it but mmmhm...
Spirit visage was being abused by manaless tops too hard and sunfire was being used as a snowball item. Those nerfs were totally justified. lol
Spirit Visage was op, hands down. It just sucks that it's the only CDR item it makes sense to build on laning Zac.

But the sunfire is kinda eeeeeh. Making it break even at level 15, I don't really know. It's still kinda ok to enable pushing on certain champions and less Lee/Vi players rushing sunfire after 1 damage item is kinda good. But on Zac, where the whole champion mechanic requires you to prolong fights, that early damage is crucial. Dealing, say, 6 less damage per second is like dealing 150 less damage through the whole fight where you try to secure the kill. Add the general laning to that and eeeeeeh.

Dunno, maybe I'm overreacting. Needs testing.
Well then the problem is Zac, not the item. What you mean is that Zac needs a buff.
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