
League of Legends

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Yeah, darius has heavily backloaded damage and no innate survivability, if he builds dps, hell die really fast, if he builds tanky, hell just be killstealing from thier ADC. He doesnt have much of an early game as he has low sustain and has to try to play safely. Basically, darius can exploit bad players' faults, but against anything else, and he can be locked out rather easily.
I have Fiddlesticks as my Main. Long time ago, Zilean was mine, but since I stopped playing him somehow, Fiddle became to my favourite.
I think my main would have to be ether Lux or Ahri (Yeah, AP mainly) Since I enjoy using both in pvp or ARAM (if I get lucky)

ner1n wrote:

I used to play LoL, and I was pretty good at it too, but I got tired of having game breaking champs every two weeks, and even when you decide to buy them, Riot DESTROYS them a week or two after its release.

I quit when Darius came out. It was just too much for me.
Darius is my most hated champion in this game cause he snowballs off tiny mistakes and his kit is stupid imo. When I'm against one i usually camp the living hell out of him and he becomes nothing more than a tiny nuke late game.

Hmm Warwick is definitely my main since i have over 900 games with him because at the time i wasn't motivated to learn anything else or even cared to actually get better at the game till this past year.
I play Darius at top some times too, when you know play him, its easier to counter
Darius mid dominates so hard, and if you can turn that advantage into some ganks to help snowball other lanes it's a free win because by mid game NOBODY can 1v1 you, and if u just grab someone that's a teamfight won. Yorick mid dominates in the same way but it's harder to snowball because he has less damage than darius by a mile, especially at level 6, and he doesn't have dat grab... but still if that enemy brand is 0/5 after 15 minutes i guess it isn't too bad

tyrael6192 wrote:

Darius mid dominates so hard, and if you can turn that advantage into some ganks to help snowball other lanes it's a free win because by mid game NOBODY can 1v1 you, and if u just grab someone that's a teamfight won. Yorick mid dominates in the same way but it's harder to snowball because he has less damage than darius by a mile, especially at level 6, and he doesn't have dat grab... but still if that enemy brand is 0/5 after 15 minutes i guess it isn't too bad
Yeah I've played Darius on mid a couple times, but the enemy mid just swaps with top xD
Just did a jungle test on amumu in a custom game. I did not remember him clearing so hard, and his bandage toss just shortcuts through the jungle. All i needed was cloth armor to stay in the jungle for long enough to go back for the first time with enough gold for HoG and boots of speed : because I ran out of mana.

So item path suggestions for jungle amumu? Im thinking cloth armour and health pots, then HoG and boots, then building a frozen heart, building the HoG into a randiuns. After that probably abyssal or FoN for some magic resist.
Yorick > Darius on 1vs1 on mid , just saying, if the AP knows to play, he just wait to gank and farm, most of them can farm, others like kassa and fizz would have it harder but, with yorick you cant even let that ap's farm, E , W, E , W dont even need red pots, just blue because E is so OP even nerfed
better level 6 burst/damage and roam = darius

i'm so good)))
Dang sweet
my friend lent me his account that is like 500elo...

There's no elo hell.
500 is ELO heaven, hell is at 1k-1.3k
if you truly belong in a elo higher than your (current one+200) u can always 1vs5 with hypercarry/snowball champs if not u belong to your elo
is that because the only people actually bad enough for 500 ELO are just high levels on an 'ELO hell' account, so everyone actually knows how to play, but are just messing around?
or just duo queue with someone who doesn't have downs
Anyone up for some aram on NA? Add me, ign is Waryas

Cyrith wrote:

Just did a jungle test on amumu in a custom game. I did not remember him clearing so hard, and his bandage toss just shortcuts through the jungle. All i needed was cloth armor to stay in the jungle for long enough to go back for the first time with enough gold for HoG and boots of speed : because I ran out of mana.

So item path suggestions for jungle amumu? Im thinking cloth armour and health pots, then HoG and boots, then building a frozen heart, building the HoG into a randiuns. After that probably abyssal or FoN for some magic resist.
Cloth 5 is over doing it on mummy since he already has damage reduction from his E. You can either start boots 3 (if you want to lvl 2 gank) or regrowth pendant for an early philostone rush cause you will be giving blue to your mid and mummy needs some mana regen. After that you'll want a HoG then mercs/ Aegis. The rest depends on how the game goes you can either finish your randuins or grab a FH if their AD is really fed (i prefer FH cause CDR is really strong on mummy). As for MR options Abyssal works really well with his passive/kit and banshees gives him a lot of good tank stats. FoN is fine but i really don't like that item, besides it's getting removed next patch anyways. Mummy is one of those support junglers that benefit a lot from gp/10 items.

I actually think 800> elo is the true elo heaven. I've watched saints stream when his elo got reset to 0 awhile back and the people down there are no where near as obnoxious as 1300 players who think they are entitled to things and bitch about everything constantly. I'd rather play with people who are really bad at the game than with people who whine all the time.
eloboost eloboost

Glass wrote:

500 is ELO heaven, hell is at 1k-1.3k
Agree xD but lets say 1.5
Hmm, the cloth 5 really seemed to work with farming the jungle without needing to back. i think farming to 6/nearly 6 then getting boots and hog/philo then quicking getting level 6 if you got to nearly 6 to gank with your ult may be more successful. Then after the ult gank you can give the blue which should be about respawned to your mid, then maybe do some more ganks, or wait for ult again? Also surely getting a FH or at least an early glacial will give a massive impact to your top lane and bot lane ganks, especially with the early CDR, which you said is very beneficial to amumu. But I do agree with the philo and the aegis, I considered them, but thought FH and banshees rushing would give a bigger impact. Especially when your ult combined with randiuns active aferwards completely locks down thier AD carry, with frozen heart active just to rub it in. Its probably more effective armour vs ad that the aegis gives, and you should be aiming to lock down the ap nuke as fast as possible since you are passively locking out the adc.

feel free to agree/disagree, I by no means think I am right :p, its why im making the post xD
If you want a safe route then a regrowth start will keep you close to 100% through the entire jungle. Mercs, Philo, Hog and Aegis are core on support junglers (Amumu, Maokai, Malphite, Alistar any tank really) anything after that should be built around the damage source that is the highest/most fed on the enemy team. Rushing a glacial is fine if your getting your lane kills early but getting items like that before gold items is going to gimp your late game too much unless your fed. Also you generally do not want to jungle till 6 top and bottom snowball way too hard off early ganks. Even presence right after blue is sometimes enough to get your top/bot ahead though risky. You should be ganking lanes as mummy around lvl 4 at the latest. I should also mention mummy is one of the easiest to counter jungle which is another reason why gold items are core on him.
I didnt mean not jungling till 6, i meant starting the ganks at 6. since his ult is rediculous for ganking, and getting to level 6 really fast and then ganking bot with an ult when they have none could potentially get you a double kill. Though i can see the argument for early ganks with amumus awesome bandage toss. And if im philo rushing then ill take regrowth start.
So regrowth -> boots 1 + philo stone -> hog -> merc treads -> aegis -> randiuns -> banshees -> FH -> shurelias ?
Sorry but, starting ganks at 6 its useless, at 2 you have to gank, with most of champs unless 2 or 3 that have to at 3...but those low lvls are the one whom mark the DIFFERENCE ON GAME
Id have thought a lane could sustain itself until level 4/5 which is when you reach level 6. Surely overwhelming force can have a large impact on a lane, i can understand ganking if a lane is behind and/or struggling, but surely ganking early just pushes the lane forwards and puts your bottom lane too far ahead and exposed to a gank from thier jungler, which seems counter productive to me. Im likely totally wrong, but I rarely see an early gank get a kill, or even be little more than a nuisance. I had a amumu gank me, combined with thier leona bot. Knocked everyone up (alistar lol), walked out, and they lost more total hp than we did, even though they had the advantage of surprise and 3 consectutive stuns. If that happened at level 6, when we had reached at least some element of complacency, that gank would have resulted in me dying, more than likely, due to the sheer volume of stuns.

il'l just leave that here.
I'll do the same.

Quick question: How many won ranked games are needed for Elo?
10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required

KingFloyd wrote:

10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required
I think you need 5 games and after 10 games elo is visible to others. I might be wrong.

KingFloyd wrote:

10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required
Kanye West
You don't have to quote a statement of fact like that.
I'm sure it only becomes visible to others if it's above 1200-ish?
Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

I'm sure it only becomes visible to others if it's above 1200-ish?
This is correct. Your Elo is always visible to you but only visible to others if it's above 1200.

Also, you don't get a solo queue Elo until you play 10 matches. During these 10 matches, regardless of what your Elo would be, it displays as "Unranked".

Aoriki wrote:

I'll do the same.

Why'd u get a tear>archangels on Lux o.o
Good to know. 6 Games to go. :o
Kanye West

FluKerr wrote:

Aoriki wrote:

I'll do the same.

Why'd u get a tear>archangels on Lux o.o
Meh, it's not the worst thing you can get I suppose
Meeh, why am I always loosing on 5 vs 5?
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