Hmm, there are a few ways to cheat with hidd+fl even without hacking... so it's not just hackers but people who spoil the fun by - cheating, that's the word for it.
Anyway, the idea itself is good but truth be told I don't think that fl is coming back. After all, the moment it returns, there already will be those 'hackers' waiting for it. Hm, it's not easy, not easy at all. You see, hidden is as simple to cheat with as flashlight, and maybe even simpler. Double time - not as easy but possible too. Hard rock is a bit of a problem... so let's leave this mod alone.
The question is: why disable only flashlight, when both: hidden and flashlight are equally easy to cheat with?
Well, I still think that extermination of those faggots who cannot play fair and square takes first place. So... not easy but also not necessarily wrong decision. I'm for it.