Hey there, MBomb, I have a mapset that I would like to NM mod (now, this is my first ctb mapset so forgive me if it's bad)!
https://osu.ppy.sh/b/859577it's 0:57 drain (though strangely Cup and Salad say 0:56 on the site, even though they all start and end at the same point with no breaks)
There are 4 difficulties in total, Cup/Salad/Platter/Rain (though rain has a special name)
It is in English, it's a mashup of 2 songs... and I'm not sure what I'd call either song... I think one of them is trap... the other is from Spongebob
Now, there is a loud... effect at the end that I am worried wouldn't be rankable. If it isn't then please contact me immediately, and I will contact the creator of the song (friends of mine) to make a version without.
Thanks in advance