
Team Fortress 2

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So after you guys left I went scout against hitter
It was semi-decent (read: getting killed but less quickly) until he went scout too


I feel like I should stop, even though I know I wont.
Topic Starter

I sure hope you're idling.
Honestly I'd probably be playing all the time if no one else used the internet connection in this house.
Any chance someone could get an East Coast server running?
Yay 2012 saxxy awards :D
Who's ready for Meet The Pyro OFFICIALLY FROM VALVE?

Shootinglight wrote:

Who's ready for Meet The Pyro OFFICIALLY FROM VALVE?
Alright, anyone up to playing tonight (i.e., ~6-8 hours from now)?

If we get enough players we could nab the elusive "With Friends Like These" achievement ^____^ (and maybe Banner of Brothers while we're at it)
Sooo anyone?

Also, some blatant view farming:

Fists + Steak Heavy is a blast.
Unless you suck at melee.
Topic Starter
You evil person!
You let your medic die!
Monsters like you deserve no place in TF2 >:(

In other news, no sentry nest in a 2fort map???
It was a pretty nice server, we agreed that since it was a small game (~6v6) we would ease up on the engineers to keep things interesting.

And the medic thought the whole thing was hilarious, so he understood :P

The game really is so much more fun when you don't take it seriously.
Or when you play in Saxton Hale servers
Lilac is hot.
Saxton Hale mode is terrible.

Also, this is adam.

Fear him.
I'm more of a prophunt guy, shits awesome when you find an awesome hiding spot or you end up as a frog and hopped all over the hunters.

Once, I was a regular prop and another guy was a cargo container. In a cargo ship map. I hid inside of him and profit
Soooo anyone up for an osu! party this weekend?

OzzyOzrock wrote:


0_o wrote:

Soooo anyone up for an osu! party this weekend?
Sure, hit me up at Xfire or Steam (Galkan92) when you're gonna set this thing :D
Name: dryb0nez
Alright if I were to say we get together at 9 PM EST (9 hours from now), who'd be up for it?

I'm just throwing a time out there, I'm free all day so personally I'm flexible.
Nice no-fun-allowed pro UI you have there.

0_o wrote:

Alright if I were to say we get together at 9 PM EST (9 3.25 hours from now), who'd be up for it?

I'm just throwing a time out there, I'm free all day so personally I'm flexible.
If I'm not busy watching giant robot animus, sure.
Got nothing to do, so sure. Why not.
I will be sleeping at that time, sorry, faceman.

Edit: Yeah, I know I should've posted that earlier.
Edit2: On the other hand, I'm free all Sunday. At least I should be...
> Read facey's post about a game in nine hours, nine hours later

I was LITERALLY just about to get online. Just finished watching an episode of Fringe.

I'll try and find some random server with no one playing, then dick around and see if anyone joins.

EDIT: Alright I'm in one now, join me if you want. In case you don't have me on steam:
adam, Remco, Backfire and I got a few rounds in. Fun, but it WOULD be nice to actually get a decent sized game going at some point. Advanced planning may be required.

Also, isn't Backfire looking FABULOUS.
As fabulous as a guy with a bat in his chest
Fabo :3
Faaaaaaaaaaaa i forgot about it, and I wanted to join too ;w;

Remco32 wrote:

Nice no-fun-allowed pro UI you have there.
It's just a simple minimized UI. The standard one sucks big.

And why don't you just ask me on Steam faceman?

Nharox wrote:

Remco32 wrote:

Nice no-fun-allowed pro UI you have there.
It's just a simple minimized UI. The standard one sucks big.

And why don't you just ask me on Steam faceman?
I was going to, but you were playing something so I figured I wouldn't bother you.. though in retrospect it wouldn't have hurt to ask. Next time :P
God. TF2 frustrates me so much. I can't play that game. I try but then I just die allll the damn time. I'd get like 2 kills and have like 15 deaths XD.

hizachan wrote:

God. TF2 frustrates me so much. I can't play that game. I try but then I just die allll the damn time. I'd get like 2 kills and have like 15 deaths XD.
Keep on playing and eventually you'll learn how to play effectively, asking some experienced friends for few advices would also come in handy. Remember that TF2 is a game based on teamplay, so concentrate on your class' job more than on only frags (even if you play as offensive class, help your teammates!). Check out the wiki, too.

A week ago I got Stout Shako for 1.66 refined, was it good trade? :-P

Advertisement: I'm Moovin' Nis! Play, rate and mod it, please! =D
Just got accused of aimbotting for the first time today by two or three people in an alltalk server.

I was a Sniper, my least played class.

Feels good, man.

Also, I'm still itching for an osu! TF2 party with more than 4 people... who here would be down for something in the near future?
Been forever since i've posted on the forums.
I was part of a Highlander group during this season & played as a pyro, got knocked out on the 2nd playoff match
Got casted though, didn't really expect to be casted until Ruskeydoo (our heavy) said we're going to get casted.
I was like... fuck
My group wasn't really good with comms... at all, would have been better if we had a diff medic.
@06:30 is where they start to join in the server during pre-game
Match starts @ 18:25
Oh cool, didn't know we had any comp TF2 players here :)
Topic Starter
I don't like the atmosphere with competitive/PUG games.

Sure it's more challenging in the sense that you have to really work as a team, but at the same time, you're more pressured not to screw up when you're playing.

That's why I mainly stick to PUB games.

NoHitter wrote:

I don't like the atmosphere with competitive/PUG games.

Sure it's more challenging in the sense that you have to really work as a team, but at the same time, you're more pressured not to screw up when you're playing.

That's why I mainly stick to PUB games.
Yeah same, on one hand I am interested in higher level team-oriented play, but on the other hand, in addition to the pressure involved I'm not sure I could handle the level of commitment required for the competitive play.

NoHitter wrote:

I don't like the atmosphere with competitive/PUG games.

Sure it's more challenging in the sense that you have to really work as a team, but at the same time, you're more pressured not to screw up when you're playing.

That's why I mainly stick to PUB games.
You forget to add the tons of restrictions.
- Rikkukun -
TF2 is...

Heavy+Medic > ALL

- Rikkukun - wrote:

TF2 is...

Heavy+Medic > ALL
As quite experienced Medic, I prefer to stick with Soldier or Demoman (extreme version: Scout). Especially if I'm with Kritzkrieg.
I should be online for a decent amount of time in upcoming days, faceman, so feel free to invite me for some game.

Remco32 wrote:

NoHitter wrote:

I don't like the atmosphere with competitive/PUG games.

Sure it's more challenging in the sense that you have to really work as a team, but at the same time, you're more pressured not to screw up when you're playing.

That's why I mainly stick to PUB games.
You forget to add the tons of restrictions.
UGC has the most least restrictions I think compared to all the other competitive tf2 leagues
My Strange Knife just reached Server Clearing today (2500 kills)


I told myself before that I would never main a class, but I've been playing a TON of spy lately. Definitely a satisfying class to be decent at, but it sucks server hopping looking for teams that don't already have 2 spies :(

On that note, post your mains/favourite classes.

For me it's Spy and Soldier at the moment.
I rarely play now, but I try to be Scout.

Except whichever team I join will almost never have a Medic and I end up going Medic.

If they do have a Medic but lack firepower or I'm just derping around, then Ullapool Demo.
Topic Starter
I main Sniper usually. Love it when I continuously get in the zone and manage to pull of multiple shots.
If I'm not in the mood or can't get in that zone, then I usually play Pyro. Puff and sting + reflecting projectiles is satisfying as well.
My main class is Medic, but if I get shitty teammates or Med is already taken I'll go rageplay with Scout or Pyro. Airblast + Reserve Shooter ftw. I love Soldiers and Demomen who gain triple-qudra-penta+ kills with my Kritzkrieg :lol:

Does anyone have Team Captain? I'd like to borrow it.
You should all add me, right now.
Mr Gaddy
9 dominations, me gusta
no me gusta
Oh hey, it's me on this screen ^ above if you didn't know. I love being Medic.

OFFER OFFER OFFER OFFER OFFER -------> I'm selling whole page 3 of my backpack.

Weapon - scrap each
GOLD Carouser's Capotain - 3 ref/key/your offer.

Add me on steam (galkan92) for that.
So they buffed the Rocket Jumper.

Good times.
I noticed that TF2 is now free, which is great and all but I kinda wish that people who had bought it got something extra seeing as how they went out of their way to get the game.

Also: My favorite class is either the Sniper or Spy, Depending on the map!

Arashi wrote:

I noticed that TF2 is now free, which is great and all but I kinda wish that people who had bought it got something extra seeing as how they went out of their way to get the game.

Also: My favorite class is either the Sniper or Spy, Depending on the map!

And don't play coward classes, please.

Edit: Selling golden Stout Shako!
Topic Starter
I don't see what's so wrong about playing Sniper or Spy.
A good Sniper can take out important targets without getting shot at.
Once I killed the entire opposing team (6 people) on Arena as the last guy. My team didn't complain.
Same thing with Spy.
Campers suck, in every game. Unless you're running out with Huntsman, then you're clean and I swear, I can't wait until I'll get Strange Scattergun and apply "Snipers killed" to it (once it's released). And what's with that Arena game, have you been playing with a bunch of F2Ps or what?


LOL ^^
Topic Starter
Good TF2 snipers don't stay and camp in one area only.
They move with the team. They stay at the rear end though.

Besides, what do you have against Snipers? It's not like you can counter them.
(Although I know someone who can headshot near pointblank.)

And no, when I did that run in arena, TF2 wasn't F2P yet.
You could say I got lucky when I did that run :)
Nothing wrong with snipers and spies.. so long as they don't make up more than 30% of your team and there are less than 3 of each.

It always makes me sad when I switch to Spy after seeing we have none, then check the scoreboard 2 minutes later and see we have four of them :(

Also, why must you all live on the other half of the world :U Can't join your games with less than 53254 ping :(
Well, if anyone wants to arrange a match or something and he's in EU (and maybe US East), I'm up for it.

NoHitter wrote:

I don't see what's so wrong about playing Sniper or Spy.
A good Sniper can take out important targets without getting shot at.
Once I killed the entire opposing team (6 people) on Arena as the last guy. My team didn't complain.
Same thing with Spy.
I main sniper and dominate all the time. People just bash it because they can't play it :c
Today I saw this in my school tf2 group

Best deathcam or best deathcam


teiohv wrote:

NoHitter wrote:

I don't see what's so wrong about playing Sniper or Spy.
A good Sniper can take out important targets without getting shot at.
Once I killed the entire opposing team (6 people) on Arena as the last guy. My team didn't complain.
Same thing with Spy.
I main sniper and dominate all the time. People just bash it because they can't play it :c
I never bash snipers and spies.
Because I'm mostly busy capping points and winning the game.

JInxyjem wrote:

Today I saw this in my school tf2 group

Best deathcam or best deathcam

Your school has a TF2 group?
Yeah, it's just a FB group, but the active guys join weekly highlander pugs and stuff.
Mr Gaddy
Banana Peels, Banana Peels everywhere
Meet the Pyro incoming!
Or Mann Vs. Machine.


Please no new update for TF2. Otherwise I'll have to start playing again. :?
Mr Gaddy
Update page is live!

Day 1 gives us a new game mode. Sounds cool. cheers for the namedrop, Valve
I haven't been this excited in quite a while now.
Introducing a new gamemode to TF2 sounds like a good idea, but I can't get a straight idea about what this new mode exactly is about :/

But I guess I'll hardly have time to play the new map because I'm starting with a new team in the competetive scene :>
It sounds a bit like scavenge from L4D2

All I can say, is... I was expecting something in the old, fanmade MTP style, not this... this is just... weak... lame... come on, I don't even have words to comment that movie.
Bestelle Oh boy!

Movie is okay, but I already knew Pyro was a maniac.
I thought it was great. If you expected it to have an unmasking or some big reveal, you are silly. The pyro's entire character is made of mystery, the curiosity of what might reside within the suit - unmasking him/her/it would ruin that feeling and never live up to the fun of not knowing.

The movie was funny and gave us an insight into what makes the pyro who it is, which is all that a meet the team video sets out to do, right.
It was bizarre, disturbing, horrifying, and hilarious.

Yep, that's pretty much everything I could ask for from Meet the Pyro.
I'd like the weapons to release soon. Maybe it's in TWO MINUTES
Q: What is the Pyro about?

A: Burning stuff.

As a Pyro, I think the short was spot on.
The short did everything Valve wanted to do. This involved ignoring the community who only wants direct answers.
Holy CRAP this update is awesome. All of the new unlocks are actually unique and interesting, TONS of overdue balance tweaks, and a pretty fun new game mode to boot. Definitely my favourite update so far.

The only thing I could say is a little disappointing is the lack of (unique) Pyro unlocks. I was really hoping the Scorch Shot would be a solid Flare jumper, but its jumps are weaker than the Detonator, which wasn't that great to begin with. Hopefully it'll get a buff. EDIT: Also the Scout pistol looks kinda OP (140 HP Scattergun Scouts? *shudder*), but we'll see

I can't wait to try out the Baby Face's Blaster though, it looks like a blast.

More items!
...I wonder when will Valve fix stab system instead :x

Galkan wrote:

More items!
...I wonder when will Valve fix stab system instead :x
Fix stab system? What do you mean?

Most "facestabs" are just a product of lag; in most cases they appear fine from the point of view of the spy. Geniune facestabs I've found are pretty rare.
Baron Nefarious

0_o wrote:

Galkan wrote:

More items!
...I wonder when will Valve fix stab system instead :x
Fix stab system? What do you mean?

Most "facestabs" are just a product of lag; in most cases they appear fine from the point of view of the spy. Geniune facestabs I've found are pretty rare.
Bring back backpedal facestabs plx.
So I realize I'm being a broken record on this thread, but HEY GUYS. LETS PLAY TF2 SOMETIME.

Particularly people on this side of the globe, but hey, I'll settle for some 250 ping madness. I'll probably be on tomorrow night, so if anyone is interested in doing something, post (and/or add me)!

Also, the new guillotine and sapper look awesome.
I mean the range of backstab, which is currently 180°, making even sidestabs absolutely legal. When I turn to Spy, he still sees me rotating and on HIS screen everything is legit. The second case (which also happens every often) is when you run backwards and facing the Spy, game will register the hit as a backstab, despite both players are facing themselves. As a Medic player, I suffer the most from it and it irks me to the point I have almost completely dropped the game. What's funnier, those things happen on ping 30 and less.

Picture related

Taken from my Xfire (I was explaining game mechanincs to newbie friend). Seriously... how is that a backstab?

Edit: Maybe new items look cool, but they are either almost useless (sapper) or overpowered a bit (minigun).
I'll admit I may be biased, as Spy is one my of favourite classes, but really, reducing the backstab angle would be a huge nerf. Spies have it hard enough as it is with the massive number of anti-spy unlocks; getting rid of sidestabs (and thus, several trickstabs) would drive the spy into the ground.

He's already one of the hardest classes to be effective with against good players, I don't think his job needs to be made any more difficult.

Regarding the sapper, I could see it being a great harassment tool. If you sap before killing the engie, the engie will have a real dilemma over whether to remove the sapper (and risk getting stabbed/killed in the process), or gunning you down first (and reducing his sentry to level 1/2).

All it takes is for the engie to be a few seconds away from the building when you sap it, and whether or not he destroys the sapper your effort will actually be worth something.
Baron Nefarious

0_o wrote:

So I realize I'm being a broken record on this thread, but HEY GUYS. LETS PLAY TF2 SOMETIME.

Particularly people on this side of the globe, but hey, I'll settle for some 250 ping madness. I'll probably be on tomorrow night, so if anyone is interested in doing something, post (and/or add me)!

Also, the new guillotine and sapper look awesome.
I added you, but I don't play seriously and I don't play most maps. If you're playing dustbowl, goldrush, badwater or turbine then I'll join you. I assume you don't play 2fort, but I totally do all the time.

I pretty much only play with melee. Scout 90%, and heavy or medic for the other 10%.

Baron Nefarious wrote:

0_o wrote:

So I realize I'm being a broken record on this thread, but HEY GUYS. LETS PLAY TF2 SOMETIME.

Particularly people on this side of the globe, but hey, I'll settle for some 250 ping madness. I'll probably be on tomorrow night, so if anyone is interested in doing something, post (and/or add me)!

Also, the new guillotine and sapper look awesome.
I added you, but I don't play seriously and I don't play most maps. If you're playing dustbowl, goldrush, badwater or turbine then I'll join you. I assume you don't play 2fort, but I totally do all the time.

I pretty much only play with melee. Scout 90%, and heavy or medic for the other 10%.
I goof off in 2fort/turbine every now and then as shotgun/steak heavy (occasionally RJ/Mantreads/MG soldier on turbine), and badwater is one of my favourite maps. So I will see you around!
Looks like I just discovered my new home.

'sup guys
Are they just putting Killing Floor in this game?

Galkan wrote:

Are they just putting Killing Floor in this game?

Nharox wrote:

Galkan wrote:

Are they just putting Killing Floor in this game?
it actually sounds a lot like it.

Just a litttttttle bit longer @_@
So my TF2 just finished updating.

but it's too late to play...
To get the "incredible loot" you have to do missions apparently

And to do missions you need a ticket for $0.99
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