
FantasticPlanets - Jekyll & Hyde

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 8 septembre 2024 at 01:17:23

Artist: FantasticPlanets
Title: Jekyll & Hyde
Tags: jikiru and fantastic planets ファンプラ fanpura fanpla ボーカロイド ボカロ vocaloid 初音ミク hatsune miku IA イア エル Eru L RUCCA しがらき Shigaraki シエル* Ciel* HI kain rock j-rock jrock novelty japanese arugakente kenterz
BPM: 188
Filesize: 40033kb
Play Time: 05:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Yuri (5,59 stars, 1301 notes)
Download: FantasticPlanets - Jekyll & Hyde
Download: FantasticPlanets - Jekyll & Hyde (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#4 ranked
Map from 2015

6WC24 QF TB somehow
(played it in match and did real bad lmao)
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