
Yukana - Koi Wa Mizu Iro

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I love 七咲(´・ω・`)
별이 다아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아

i like this song

10528 - 101.000
31914 - 102.000
34300 - 101.000
36676 - 101.33
43805 - 101.000
53300 - 101.000

Go fix. Don't forget to check sliders, snapped notes, location of green points, etc.
제키라덕분에 이 난이도에서 가장 많이 까이던 00:52:418 (9,10,11,1) 부분을 고치는데 성공

슬슬 랭크시키잣

Download: Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV size) ([Shalon]) [KRZY's Color].osu
기다려 주셔서 감사합니다 !

Download: Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV size) ([Shalon]) [Bima's Color].osu
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unfortunately, my computer's mainboard is burned today.

So, I can't update now :(

[Shalon] wrote:

unfortunately, my computer's mainboard is burned today.

So, I can't update now :(
sorry, how that's happen D: ?!
Topic Starter

- Peaceful Melody - wrote:

[Shalon] wrote:

unfortunately, my computer's mainboard is burned today.

So, I can't update now :(
sorry, how that's happen D: ?!
That mean I can't boot my computer.

but today, I buy new main board... my money :(
You still didn't fixed Audio Lead-In on Dk's Color. Please fix it >_<

Timing seems fine now, though.
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:

You still didn't fixed Audio Lead-In on Dk's Color. Please fix it >_<

Timing seems fine now, though.
oops, that's my mistake :(

thx to re-check, and sorry to bother you :(
That's fine, let me know when you update so I can check it.

I still see "Latest version but not approved" >_<

EDIT: Seems good now.

I would double check your timing points on all the difficulties. For example why does 'Bima's Color" have a timing section with 101.33 BPM at 00:03:703 when none of the other difficulties do

Also that is some really odd timing..
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

I would double check your timing points on all the difficulties. For example why does 'Bima's Color" have a timing section with 101.33 BPM at 00:03:703 when none of the other difficulties do

Also that is some really odd timing..
Fix bima's timing, and I'll ask about timing for other timing experts, thx a lot to check my map :D
Alrighty. For the timing, most looks alright, even though a few offsets are off, and those 101.33 BPM parts are too fast I think.

For the timing, I got:

BPM: 102.00 Offset: 1,040
BPM: 102.00 Offset: 31,924
BPM: 102.00 Offset: 34,299
BPM: 101.27 Offset: 36,686
BPM: 101.27 Offset: 43,823
BPM: 101.00 Offset: 53,324

Damn offset changing constantly :(
Oh wait. I missed something. When I posted my timing, I missed one of the points I made. Silly me.

Add this in too:
BPM: 102.00 Offset: 8,191

(Yeah, don't Kudosu this)
Was double checking everything and 00:46:169 (1,2,3,4,1) sounded really off on "My Color" (took me a while to see why).
BPM on that section (43,823) is 102.27 BPM on that difficulty but 101.27 on the rest. Make sure to fix that

Add that timing section doomsday gave to every difficulty then go through and make sure every offset and bpm matches up and call me back~
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

Was double checking everything and 00:46:169 (1,2,3,4,1) sounded really off on "My Color" (took me a while to see why).
BPM on that section (43,823) is 102.27 BPM on that difficulty but 101.27 on the rest. Make sure to fix that

Add that timing section doomsday gave to every difficulty then go through and make sure every offset and bpm matches up and call me back~
fixed ;)
I have talked to a few more people and the timing still doesn't seem 100% (hard to believe as it is)......only thing I can suggest now is to call Lybydose for a final check. For the most part the timing seems fine but there are still a few places it seems off

Will do my mod here anyway, mostly just suggestions~

-Capitalize the title so it is (TV Size) as that is how 99% of maps have it (Follow this thread if you need help submitting with title change)
-The current slider slide sounds out of place for this song...try and make a custom one and make it quieter?
-Lead-in time seems slightly long atm, no big deal but I would leave it at 1.5 seconds on every difficulty
-If possible remove the audio from the video to save filespace

My Color:
You don't need to have those spinners completely silenced for the entire time
00:08:098 (1) - snapped incorrectly - sounds odd placed on offset too.....(listen on 25%)
00:20:032 (1,2,3,4,5) - odd pattern but I guess its ok
00:23:003 (5,1,2) - would all look neater if not touching
00:29:537 (1,3) - separate slightly more?
00:31:924 (1,3) - ^
00:39:352 (3,4) - could look neater
00:50:537 (1,2) - incorrectly snapped and move further away from the previous combo
01:02:828 (6) - new combo and remove new combo on 01:02:828 (6,1) to follow pattern
01:07:581 (6) - new combo?

Bima's Color:
Keep HP higher than the easiest difficulty? Maybe OD + 1 too
00:02:804 (5,1,2,3,4) - keep spacing between all these equal
00:49:747 - break looks odd here while playing

KRZY's Color:
Slightly more overlaps with sliders than I like but it doesn't look too bad
00:20:032 (7) - don't have completely silent notes, players don't like them

Dk's Color:
Whistle usage here is nicely done
00:20:924 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - add hitsounds to all the notes around here?
00:34:593 (1,2,3,4,5) - snapped error..? Spacing is off anyway
00:48:661 (2) - meant to be on blue tick?
00:51:031 (3) - ^
00:51:623 (5,1) - spacing
00:58:769 (4) - meant to be on blue tick?
Some snapping I am not sure of on this difficulty, I guess wait for timing check and then look at them all

Sorry for all the work, just want to make sure everything checks out nicely before this gets ranked~
ok wow, the timing on this song is all over the place. I made a few small changes and I think it's a bit better; it sounds good to me anyway. If someone could double check though, that would be great.

Offset | BPM

1040 | 101.20
8191 | 102.00
10532 | 101.00
11740 | 101.00
14690 | 101.00
15284 | 101.00
31917 | 102.00
34299 | 101.00
36686 | 101.27
38445 | 101.27
41425 | 101.27
43809 | 101.27
46196 | 101.27
53318 | 101.10
66386 | 101.10
67571 | 101.15
79448 | 101.15

heh, I say a few small changes and there are like 3x as many timing sections as before. Well, a few of them are just there to reset the metronome though.

also, Dk's Color has some snapping issues in some spots (and is ridiculously overmapped imo, especially during the quiet part), and the other diffs might have some notes go off when you resnap, so watch out
[Dk's color]
00:07:510 (4) - Dissymmetrical with 2
00:58:967 (4) - I think it's a sudden jump , and too sudden x_x Also a slider begin in here to 00:58:967 is better than now

00:56:789 (8) - a litter off :<
01:26:591 (x) - add a note here

that's all
sorry for my late , have a star here
Topic Starter
Fixed all timing, and checked all mods on my own diff.

Waiting for other mapper's response.

and,,, If possible, I won't talk about the timing anymore.
This map really deserves a rank now, if only for all the effort the modders and the mappers put into it.

Download: Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV Size) ([Shalon]) [KRZY's Color].osu
This beatmap /var/backup/beatmaps/20674 Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV Size)-novid.osz has not been uploaded correctly!
Full submit again please.
star :D
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all diffs are updated, waiting for BAT or MAT 's response.

As you can see my signature, I don't have enough time to manage this map.

Semester is starts 3/2, and then, maybe I can't log Osu! regurarly.

I want to make this map perfectly, That can ranked itself without many processes.
nice song~
[My Color]
00:23:897 (1,2) - Swap new combo?

[Bima's Color]
01:19:137 (2,3,4) - Weird spacing as sight ;_; I know it's due to BPM but... orz

[KRZY's Color]

[Dk's Color]
00:49:010 (3) - [Nazi] how about move 1 grid right and down?

Nice set but...
I can't confirm for bubble yet ;_;
sorry orz

arien666 wrote:

[My Color]
00:23:897 (1,2) - Swap new combo?

[Bima's Color]
01:19:137 (2,3,4) - Weird spacing as sight ;_; I know it's due to BPM but... orz

[KRZY's Color]

[Dk's Color]
00:49:010 (3) - [Nazi] how about move 1 grid right and down?

Nice set but...
I can't confirm for bubble yet ;_;
sorry orz
Okay Fixed :D :D
Thank's Arien !

Download: Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV Size) ([Shalon]) [Bima's Color].osu
Topic Starter
Maybe I should talk with MAT or BAT one more time. I already talk with some of them..

but seems they forgot about this.

anyway, I really want to get ranked this map. this map have so many people's effort.

not only me and mappers,but all of modders, especially who checked this map's timing..

Edit: I tried to req some BAT or MAT, but I couldn't get mod. I'll try to talk with some other of them,

but.. I can't sure I can got mod.

I feel so sorry for guest-diff mappers to say like this, but I can't sure I can get ranked this.

this map seemed cursed. always lost chances.
Too fast to lose your hope :D

Volume should be 60% maximum imo.

~My Color~
00:35:338 (2) - sounds better with 1/4 snaps

~Bima's Color~
01:28:790 (6) - 1/6 snap

~KRZY's Color~
00:48:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - sounds better with 1/4 snaps

~Dk's Color~
00:34:744 (2,3,4,5) - not fit to the song D:

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fixed my map only, I'll try to fixed all diffs to talk with mappers. thx a lot, DJPopd :D
Fixed DJPop's mod, and what a fix that was. Thanks.

Download: Yukana - Koi wa Mizu-iro (TV Size) ([Shalon]) [KRZY's Color].osu
Topic Starter
all diffs are fixed. ;)
리버블되면 바로 저 찔러주세요 ㅇㅅㅇ...
Dk 대문자가 참 보기 안좋단 말이야....
OMG FINALLY been waiting for this song :D
congratz :)

kanpakyin wrote:

Topic Starter

Weezy wrote:

OMG FINALLY been waiting for this song :D
congratz :)

kanpakyin wrote:


KanaRin wrote:

kanpakyin wrote:

thx a lot ;) I'm so happy

EDIT : thx for all people who contribute my map.

and.. this is just kidding, haha.

Gj shalon!
Good job :3

/me runs
Congrats Shalon ;) !
I lke It 8-)

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