
[duplicate] Misplaced Spinner's Circle

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Issue: spinner-circle, spinner-metre and spinner-rpm are misplaced compared to the middle of the screen.
Skin: Rafis - PrawiloscNew (2.2)
Resolution: 1280x1024 (native) [4:3] fullscreen

How it should look:
from two weeks ago -
b20151016.8 - Stable (Fallback) -

What it looks like:
b20151016.7 - Stable -
b20151016.3beta - Beta -
b20151017cuttingedge - Cutting Edge -
This has been already reported in the Cutting Edge thread. There were some changes to the alignment of some spinner elements and seems like it's not correctly aligned yet. I guess it will be fixed in the near future in Cutting Edge (and later in Beta and Stable).
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I don't get it. Do you prefer to have one big topic where everyone writes about their problems creating a mess (or two of those topics, even worse) OR many threads where each on of them touches a different issue? I read neither the cutting edge nor beta topic, because I don't use it.
Peppy pushed the bugged build into stable branch with an irritating visual issue. This is why I made this thread believing I can provide some valuable feedback. I also don't get the idea of creating 4 different release channels (fallback, stable, beta and cutting edge), but it's not my choice, so do whatever you want. It only complicates life and makes us (players) less happy.
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And you moved it into "Resolved Issues". I'm pissed off right now...

This is how I see your response:
"Someone somewhere already told us about it. We fucked up some parts of the game and didn't care to fix it or roll back to the old version. Maybe we will fix it some day."
No thank you or anything. Basically a "we don't care" response.

I'm done.
Calm down.

The point is simply that it's a known issue that has already been reported before, meaning that this thread is a duplicate.
Duplicate, Invalid, Resolved, and Archived issues get moved to the Resolved Issues sub-forum automatically.

Yes, the current way of handling bug reports isn't ideal when having 4 different release streams, and I don't think having a single huge thread for a release stream is ideal either, but it's something we'll have to live with for now at the very least.

It will get fixed eventually, and will get roll down from one release stream to the other just like any other fix. That's simply the way updates (including fixed) are managed. And that is also something we'll have to live with.

That should explain the reasoning for everything said above.

And it's not like we don't care for people reporting issues either. In fact, we would encourage you to.
"Thanks" is a word that you don't think of using when something becomes routine, so there's that, but thanks for reporting.
Unfortunately this happened to be an issue that was already known, so it was being dealt with the same way as any other known issue would have been.
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